Go China!

Whether you admit it or not, whether you love the party or not, China is strong and you will be proud of it. Just like in the Olympic Games, when you see Chinese athletes beating foreign athletes, you will feel blood boiling. Whether you admit it or not, everyone wants the motherland to be strong and the Chinese nation to rise.

Go China! The simple four words are enough to make all Chinese blood boil. Because our country has suffered too much, too much havoc. The splendid Chinese civilization, in modern times, is a hundred years of humiliation. The Chinese people want to rise too much.

Lin Feng is a hope that the people see. Although many, many people did not go abroad, but they read a lot from the Internet, newspapers about the biggest feeling after going abroad, that is - before going abroad, foreigners see Chinese people, like to ask whether it is Korean, or Japanese. But since the strong rise of Lin Feng, when foreigners see Oriental people, they like to ask: are you Chinese?

This is the first sentence. This sentence, now let a lot of Japanese, Korean people very uncomfortable. After all, they used to ask whether they were Japanese or Korean, which made them very proud, because they represented Asia. It's a very proud thing. This is enough to illustrate the global position of South Korea and Japan. It's a matter of face. It's like when you are in China and you go out of the province to play in other provinces, when people ask you if you are from a certain province or a certain city, you will always be very proud. On the contrary, I always ask you if you are from other provinces and cities, which is not so good. At least, the recognition is not so strong. Especially if there is competition and comparison between certain provinces and cities, it will be even worse.

One of the most obvious is the competition between the two cities, Jiang suwu Xi and Jiang Yin, which are not pleasing to each other. If you want to ask them where they are from, if you say that there is no problem in other provinces, if you say that one of them is wrong, it will be troublesome. That will be urgent with you. If you meet a person with a bad temper, you can do it directly.

The relationship between Japan, South Korea and China is even more extreme. Before that, they were very proud. Now, when the foreigner meets them, they all ask: are you Chinese? This makes the Japanese and Koreans very uncomfortable. But, this can't be done.

This is the first question that Chinese people are asked abroad. The second question is do you know Lin Feng? If you say yes, the third question is have you met Lin Feng

In a word, the foreigner met the Chinese and basically all the questions he asked were related to Lin Feng. This upsurge is much more fanatical than that of Bruce Lee. After all, although Bruce Lee is a Kung Fu superstar with great influence, he still has a long way to go compared with Lin Feng. After all, he can only influence the film industry, but Lin Feng can influence the whole world.

Therefore, at this moment, under the leadership of Lin Feng, this sentence "come on China" expresses the aspirations of all the people.

"Torch!" Among the cheers of all the people, Lin Feng called for the torch.

At this time, the torchbearer finally took out the torch and lit the torch in Lin Feng's hand.

Boom! This time, the people cheered again. All the people at the scene fell into a very proud and fanatical national mood. They finally witnessed the Centennial Olympic Games and the Centennial flame.

Emotions can be contagious. At this moment, no matter how calm you are, no matter how indifferent you are, even if you are a hundred year old monk, in the frenzy of the people, you will feel your blood boiling, you will feel your blood burning, and you will want to howl.

Go China!

Lin Feng held the torch high and ran against the wind.

"Come on, China!"

Every step Lin Feng took, the people would shout.

"Come on, Fengshen!"

Every time Lin Feng breathed, he would hear the cheers from the people.

Go China! Come on, Fengshen! With their most enthusiastic cheers and heartfelt screams, the people of Chu city witnessed the transmission of the Olympic flame in Chu city.

In Chu City, each section of the torch relay is 200 meters. After all, this is a grand event. There are so many torch runners, so under the arrangement, each segment is 200 meters. Of course, as the first stroke, Lin Feng ran a little farther, 400 meters.

But 400 meters, for Lin Feng, although jogging, but also up to 3 minutes. In the twinkling of an eye, Lin Feng is about to hand over the baton. The next successor is also a celebrity in Chu City, a beautiful star.

Originally, there were many celebrities in Chu City, and more people wanted to pick up Lin Fengbang. Many people try their best to pick up the baton and become Lin Feng's second baton. But Chu city is now very clean and honest, this kind of careful thinking is useless, how to row on how row, on seniority, see who can. But the Chu municipal government obviously underestimated the energy of these people, they are racking their brains to become the second best. Anyway, to be the second best.

In the end, the Chu municipal government could not bear it. Because these people sent out all kinds of people, they were relatives and friends, seven aunts, eight aunts, all on the horse, they were ambush on all sides, surrounded by all sides. Finally, Chu municipal government made a decision to assign the second best candidate to a super beauty who went out of Chu city.

Of course, there are many beauties going out in Chu city. But eventually chose Zeng Li, a very charming, intellectual, stubborn beauty. This naturally makes those entrepreneurs, deputies to the National People's Congress and so on dissatisfied. But Secretary Liu has his own wording - Lin Feng likes beautiful women. It's natural for the second stick to be picked up by beautiful women.

Now, everyone has nothing to say. Because everyone knows that Lin Feng likes beautiful women. No one can deny that. Even Lin Feng has admitted in public that he likes beautiful women many times. This can be proved by the fact that nine ladies, the secretaries around them and the top ones are all super beauties.

So, Zeng Li became the second.

"Ha, I know you!" When Lin Feng saw the second beautiful torchbearer, he laughed.

"Lin, Mr. Lin, do you know me?" Although Zeng Li is a beautiful woman and a star, his status and status are far from the totem of Chu City, the symbol of China and the miracle of the world. Lin Feng was surprised to know that she was not such a famous beauty.

"Ha ha, of course, you know, I've seen you play" the talented woman ". I used to be the goddess in my heart." Lin Feng laughs.

Although Zeng Li was happy with Lin Feng's remarks, he didn't pay much attention to them. After all, maybe it's just a compliment. There's a good saying: if someone compliments you, you can secretly congratulate yourself, but don't take it to heart, because the other person may just say it casually. And if someone criticizes you, you can be sad, but please pay attention. Because it may be true.

Who is Lin Feng? Needless to say, did he meet few beautiful women? Although Zeng Li claims to be a beautiful woman, he doesn't think that he must be more beautiful and charming than the women around Lin Feng. Goddess, although it has been used rotten now. Any woman who is a little more beautiful is called a goddess. This has long made the word "goddess" inferior.

But the word "goddess" depends on who says it. Can the goddess in lintui be compared with that in ordinary people! In particular, Lin Feng himself is called Fengshen, which is not controversial. He said he was a goddess, which was just a casual remark. At least Zeng Li thinks so. But for Lin Feng actually saw his starring "Lang Cai Nu Mao", which made Zeng Li a little excited.

"Lin, Mr. Lin, what do you think of my performance?" Zeng Li is a pure fan of his idol has been concerned about the mood.

"Ha ha, it's true. Although she is a villain, she performs very well, and shows the self-protection and self pursuit of modern urban women in a cruel society. Although the means may not be too clever, not very positive, but very realistic Lin Feng said with approval.

Of course, what Lin Feng said was that he saw "the talented woman" at that time, not after his rebirth. After this rebirth, Lin Feng does not have time to watch "talented men and women". However, to Zeng Li, Lin Feng's words were quite different. Although she knew that Lin Feng would come to Chu City as a torchbearer, she did not expect that she would become the second and pick up Lin Feng's stick. This book made her very happy, but what she didn't expect was that Lin Feng had even seen her leading role in "talented women", which was the biggest surprise.

At this moment, she became a super fan of Lin Feng directly from the torchbearer.

"Lin, Mr. Lin, can I have a picture with you?" Zeng Li asked carefully.

"Ha ha, let's pass the torch later. So, I'll wait for you on the side! " Lin Feng laughs.

Zeng Li nodded, lit the torch and started running. But she ran, but trouble, because ushered in a burst of hiss, crazy hiss. This makes her a little confused. She didn't know what was wrong with her. How could she be booed by people? Being booed by tens of thousands of onlookers is not something ordinary people can bear.

Lin Feng also looks puzzled? What's going on? Zeng Li is a beautiful woman. She is not the kind of woman who works by hand to hand, but an intellectual beauty with acting skills. Of course, she is also very beautiful. How can you be booed?

At this time, the crowd cheered.

"Fengshen! Fengshen! We want Fengshen The crowd yelled.

Now, Lin Feng understood. It turned out that the onlookers in the distance were very happy to see Lin Feng. Kelin wind to this hand over stick, you say, this does not want human life! They want to see Fengshen. This beautiful woman can't be seen one day. Can Fengshen be seen? So, they don't care whether Zeng Li is a beauty or not!