The domineering spirit of Lin Feng is now fully revealed.

In front of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, Lin Feng is the only one who scolds them for being stupid. This is too aggressive! What's more, the people who still scold dare not say anything and have shame on their faces. This is the only one in all ages.

This is too aggressive!

At this moment, I don't know how many girls in China are looking at the high stage. Lin Feng's angry and overbearing look makes many people obsessed. Although Lin Feng is not handsome enough, not as handsome as Korean star, but he has a kind of momentum since ancient times, overbearing momentum, man's momentum, which is more charming.

"This boy, if it were in ancient times, it would definitely have the momentum of Zhang Yide's drinking off the changban bridge and scaring off hundreds of thousands of Cao troops!" The two gentlemen commented with a smile.

Of course, the two gentlemen smile here, but Mr. A on the other side can't. What's Lin Feng doing? He's fighting all over the country. But the current situation, Lin Feng side of the people do not dare to scold the head, this goes on, not ah.

"Seven sins! I really admire these network storytellers for listing seven crimes for me. It's not their painstaking choreography. I didn't know I was so vicious! " Lin Feng said sarcastically.

There's shame all over the country. Well, they really believe it, at least most people believe a few of them.

"The first sin, greed. I said that I won $550 billion in South Korea, and in the food crisis, I refused to reduce the price, but for my own benefit, leading to the death of people and starvation everywhere. Hehe, this crime is really big. It's a pity that these storytellers can arrange it. However, I never blame them, because they and I are opponents and antagonists. It is reasonable and normal for them to smear us like this. But I can't accept it. You -- "Lin Fenghuan pointed out to the crowd." I'm surprised, even surprised, that you easily believe the arrangement of these storytellers

They all bowed their heads and did not dare to look directly into Lin Feng's eyes.

"Greed is human nature. I don't think it's wrong for people to want more. The existence of its own doctrines is a means by which religion ruled mankind in the past. If people are not greedy enough and do not want to get more, then society will not progress. As religion says, there is no desire and no demand. I think we are still living a life of drinking blood. Of course, I don't think it's right to get it for the sake of my own desire. But in these two cases, the Korean gamble was voluntary. They looked down upon our female martial god, Liu Yifei, and they volunteered to gamble with me and finally lost the game. It's their own fault. They can't blame others. As for the food crisis, this is my investment behavior. As a businessman, I naturally want to make profits. As for the price reduction, you should make it clear that I am only an intermediate trader. If the upper source suppliers do not reduce the price, I can not reduce the price. Of course, I also admit that I have made enough money and huge profits from it, but I deserve it. As for the fact that a large number of people in Africa starved to death due to lack of food, the source is not from me, but from today's biofuels and a large number of abandoned fields and buildings. It's just like the price of pork has gone up. You can't blame the bottom sellers. You have to ask the pig farmers why. " So, I don't think I'm greedy. I just want to get more and live a better life! Although it's similar to greed, it's different in nature. "

Lin Feng took a breath.

"What is greed? Greed is insatiable, insatiable and inexhaustible. And I just want a better tomorrow. Between the two, seemingly similar, but there are essential differences. We all hope to live a better life tomorrow, but we are not willing to fall into endless desire! " Lin Feng said lightly, "so it's ridiculous to say I'm greedy!"

The crowd nodded. They also realize that there is a difference between greed and hope for more. When you think about it, Lin Feng really wants to get more, but he is not insatiable. After all, in the food crisis, Lin Feng didn't raise the price again after the price rose to a certain extent, and he also carried out a lot of rescue. Although compared with the money he made, it was only a little, but it was enough to prove that he was not insatiable. So naturally there is no greed.

"This second crime is about lust. Well, I admit that I am amorous, but I will never admit that I am a hungry ghost in lust. Maybe my words will cause some people's discomfort, and even some social critics' dissatisfaction, but I must say that, in terms of my identity and status, I could have been out drinking and beautiful. But my gossip is only limited to the women around me. I, Lin Feng, have never had an affair with any women over the years. I have numerous female stars, and I have no hidden rules for any female star. I am amorous but not amorous, romantic but not indecent, romantic but not dissolute. Lust, that's a seal, not me! I can only say that these storytellers themselves are full of unhealthy things! " Lin Feng said sarcastically.

People applaud for Lin Feng's words: amorous but not amorous, romantic but not indecent, romantic but not dissolute.

This sentence is too good and philosophical. Of course, it is more appropriate to use it on Lin Feng. Lin Feng is basically such a person. It's really inappropriate to use lust to describe it. Because for people with such wealth as Lin Feng, they are singing all night outside. I don't know how many female stars they have had affairs with. For example, the Hong Kong tycoons, how many women they have played with in their life, are countless to the paparazzi in Hong Kong. Lin Feng, however, only keeps a relationship with his wives. He never does anything outside, and there is no gossip. And if Lin Feng wants to, an idea can have countless women to rush on the body, moth to the fire. But Colin never did.

"The third crime is gluttony. These writers are aiming at my" China on the tip of the tongue. ". I find this even more ridiculous. People want to eat something good. What's wrong? I don't think it's a sin for us to pay attention to what we eat. It's natural for me to live and enjoy delicious food. Use this kind of boring wording to blackmail me, I can only say, the story teller, you are too vulgar, too incompetent! " Lin Feng shook his head.

Originally, people did not agree with this. Therefore, Lin Feng's explanation is more accepted by the public. Originally, these storytellers are just trying to make up for the "seven sins" because they are just making up something here.

"The fourth sin is jealousy! I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, if they don't list this crime in these jokes, and don't affect other people, I have no opinion. But I can't stand such a black start-up partner Liu Yingying. Here, I would like to state one thing, that is, I will never let you go of those who fabricate these false facts. Don't think it's the Internet, you can talk. I will also find you and sue you. Of course, before I sue you, I will teach you a lesson in a man's way! " Lin Feng said coldly, "it doesn't matter if you blackmail me. As a public figure, I have the obligation to be blackmailed. This is what every public figure has to bear. But Liu didn't. She is just a president of our company. In order to work conscientiously, she creates the myth of China's electricity business. It is also because of her that China's electricity business enters thousands of households. It's changing people's lives and making the world just a window for everyone. Open the window of "Dingdang net" and you can see the world! She has changed us, but some people drag her in for the sake of blackmailing me, which I can't stand! "

Lin Feng's face was full of anger.

"I don't need to clarify that. Because that Zhang Han, is just a failure in the pursuit of failure, whining, dirty thinking to maliciously slander others. This kind of person is not worthy of true love. As for my relationship with Liu Yingying, let me just say that we are very good friends now. As for why Liu Yingying didn't refute it, I think she simply disdained to pay attention to such groundless remarks. It's ridiculous to say I'm jealous and break them up. " When Lin Feng said this, he stopped talking.

But this is enough to make people understand the truth. Because Lin Feng said before, he is amorous but not amorous, romantic but not indecent, romantic but not dissolute. That's enough to explain it. At the moment, Lin Feng specifically said this, which is obviously an anger and a warning to the slander of Liu Yingying. Lin Feng is going to fight these jokes.

"Fifth sin, laziness. This is even more ridiculous, that I eat at home to open mouth, clothing to hand, never do housework. Although I am not so male chauvinist, I think there is division of labor in the family. If women can make more money outside and men can't, then men can stay at home and take care of the family. On the contrary, when men can make more money, women stay at home to take care of the family, which is complementary. Besides, I just hire more nannies at home. This is also used by those jokes to spray me. I can only say that they can't find any words to attack me. " Lin Feng sneered, "they just don't know what to say!"

The crowd applauded again. Lin Feng is a super rich man in the world. What's wrong with being lazy. Let alone people like Lin Feng. Even ordinary people, when they have a little money, will hire nannies at home. Generally, rich families will hire chefs and a series of full-time staff to serve a large family. It's not too much for Lin Feng. At the beginning, this crime was just like "gluttony". It was a bit ridiculous. It was just to make up for the seven crimes. We don't really believe that.

"Sixth sin, pride. To say that I deify myself and set myself up like a God's residence overlooking all living beings, I just want to say that you have found a very good breakthrough. Because I am indeed called the God of wind. I am indeed above the world. I look down on all living beings like a God's residence. I also have thousands of deities. These are really a good breakthrough to attack me! I congratulate you for finally finding an excuse to slander and attack me Lin Feng applauded.

Everyone looked at each other. What does Lin Feng want to say? What is he going to do?

"So, do you think I'm arrogant?" Asked Lin Feng.

arrogant? Everyone, look at me and I'll look at you. After careful thinking, Lin Feng can't talk about arrogance. At least, he is the most easily seen big man in the street. Compared with other rich people, they can only see from a distance, or even can't see from a distance. Lin Feng is quite common. For example, there are restaurants in Shanghai, Guangzhou morning tea shop, and Wangfujing in Beijing. Many people have met Lin Feng in many places. It can be said that Lin Feng is the most common big man.

In this encounter, Lin Feng leaves in a hurry except for something. Although Lin Feng never signs his name, he usually shakes hands with a part of the public for a photo. In this case, it seems biased to say that Lin Feng is arrogant. Even strictly speaking, Lin Feng is not only not arrogant, but also easygoing and friendly.

"It seems that we should have a good idea. So who gave me the title of Fengshen? " Lin Feng asked again.

Everyone was silent. This is the title of "Fengshen", but what they give to Lin Feng is their worship and admiration for Lin Feng. In addition to some hot Internet speculation, they give Lin Fengguan the title of "Fengshen". Then, as time settled down, people became accustomed to the title of "Fengshen" Lin Feng, and felt that it was very appropriate. Because Lin Feng is a man like a God.

"I can tell you the truth. I really enjoy the title" Fengshen ", which satisfies my vanity. As an honest man, I have to admit this. China's philosophy and culture has always been about modesty, to be modest. But I am still young after all, and I still have a little vanity. So, I enjoy being called that. But as I said before, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility‘ The title of Fengshen doesn't make me addicted, but makes me more alert and reminds me to do more for this country and this nation, so that all of us can be happier! Fengshen, for me, is an honor, but also an incentive! If you want to say it's a sin, let me be unforgivable! Buddha said: I do not go to hell, who goes to hell! Then let me bear all these crimes Lin Feng said haughtily.

"Fengshen! Fengshen! Fengshen There were millions of people around, and they couldn't help cheering.

If this is the most important thing, it makes me unforgivable—— This is too domineering, domineering let everyone excited, can't help shouting.