Iron and steel enterprises are also big customers of real estate. Every year, so many buildings need hundreds of millions of tons of steel. China needs 600 million tons of crude steel in the past year, and most of it has entered the real estate market.

If the real estate does not sell for three years, it means that no real estate can be built within three years. In this case, what about the steel industry in the past three years? Where are these hundreds of millions of tons sold? Do you want them to shut down? If the steel works also shut down, more people will be affected.

Iron and steel plants are also labor-intensive enterprises. There are nine large-scale iron and steel plants in China, all of which have a production capacity of over 10 million tons. They are Baosteel Group Co., Ltd., AnBen iron and Steel Group, Tangshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan Iron and steel (Group) Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Shagang Group Co., Ltd., Masteel (Group) Holding Co., Ltd., Shougang Corporation, Jinan Iron and Steel Group Corporation, And Laiwu Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd.

Each of these nine companies has more than 10000 employees, 20000 or 30000 less and 40000 or 50000 more. How many unemployed people does that add up to? If real estate doesn't start for three years, almost all of these steel plants will collapse. Although it is said that construction will start in three years, it will be three years later. How do you spend these three years? In particular, today's iron and steel plants are in the era of meager profits. What should we do with these steel plants?

"Even if he launched" micro home decoration ", it can solve the employment problem of a large number of decoration workers and home workers, but how can he solve the steel problem? He can't solve it at all Many real estate managers gritted their teeth.

If the steel industry is solved again, they are finished. That's hopeless. However, the hundreds of millions of tons of steel market can not be consumed by the Chinese people. Chinese people can't consume such huge steel production capacity.

If Lin Feng can't eat it, he will lead to the bankruptcy crisis of the steel plant. At that time, Lin Feng was in real trouble.

However, without waiting for them to celebrate, Lin Feng's unique skill.

African Ministers of Commerce from Libya, South Africa, Ethiopia, Morocco and Somalia have joined together to sign a steel supply contract with China. The demand is about 500 million tons. Four countries divide them up according to their own needs. And this order is signed in three years.

In other words, if the real estate does not start in three years, the steel produced by these steel plants will also have sufficient sales and will not worry about sales. This time, but let those real estate business Mister stunned speechless.

They never thought that Lin Feng could pull such a large overseas order. This is definitely a big good news for many steel plants. But for them, it's very bad news.

Now the steel market at the source has a market, and the home decoration market at the back has a job, which is the most crucial link for them. Now there is no job. What are they doing? What to eat and drink? This is not to their lives! How are they going to live!? This is forcing them to go bankrupt!

"I'm not afraid. Even if there are none of these, there are still those construction workers! If they don't work, they will make trouble! " Many real estate developers gnash their teeth.

Lin Feng, you are powerful. In the era of Internet big data, we will launch "micro home decoration", and then use your energy in Africa to find the four major African countries to accept China's surplus steel production capacity. But can you solve the tens of millions of construction army? Can you solve the salary of so many construction workers? If you have the ability, you can pay them for free!

Many real estate business owners have been ruthless. They don't believe it. Lin Feng will pay them for free. For the tens of millions of construction workers, the average monthly salary of a worker is about 8000, which is nearly one trillion in this year. You Lin Feng is rich, but can you have so much money to pay? It's three years. It's worth three trillion yuan. You are rich, but are you willing? It's almost half your property. Can you give up?

They never believed that Lin Feng would give up so much money to pay these workers in vain. What's more, even if Lin Feng is really willing. They will also concoct a big virtual number, which will make the number of construction workers in the whole country expand to such an extent that Lin Feng can't bear it. You can afford the wages of tens of millions of workers. How about hundreds of millions! They don't believe Lin Feng can bear it! What's more, they can ask these workers for a raise. Eat up Lin Feng!

Lin Feng, you are awesome. If you have the ability, please come here!

"Boss, those construction workers are making trouble and asking for work. They have to eat and support their families. The boss said that you have great powers, launched "micro home decoration", brought in four African countries and bought a lot of steel from China. Then there must be a way to help them solve their work! " Melissa reported.

It's the real estate developers who are doing it badly again. They want to make use of the huge construction workers they have in their hands to carry it to the end with Lin Feng. So this time, how should Lin Feng solve this problem?

"Ha ha, they are so stupid. These days, I have been watching, I really think I am drinking tea. I've thought about that for a long time! " Lin Feng laughs.

Immediately after that, Lin Feng flew to the capital and met with the ministers of Commerce of the four countries. In the presence of the Chinese Minister of Commerce, within five minutes, he negotiated a contract for five million construction workers to build infrastructure in the four African countries. This is equivalent to solving half of the construction workers' work in one stroke.

The news, so many real estate developers are wry. Why didn't they expect that since the four countries bought so much steel, they naturally had to carry out large-scale infrastructure construction, which naturally required workers. Although they also have a lot of labor in their own countries, the professional standard of labor in these countries is obviously lower than that of Chinese construction workers. Especially in terms of proficiency, it's totally different.

They hire a large number of Chinese workers, and then they hire some local workers. That's no problem at all. This can not only ensure the smooth completion of the construction period, but also solve the employment problem of the country. It can be said that there are many at one stroke.

Just what about them? What should they do?

"Four ministers, thank you for your help. And we Chinese are the most grateful. So I'll be responsible for all the transportation of steel and all the transportation costs for the workers to return home. " Lin fengxiao said.

"Mr. Lin, a benefactor of our country!" All four commerce ministers bowed their thanks.

It costs a lot of money to transport the steel from China to the four countries. There are also workers in the past, which naturally costs a lot of money. Now the money is borne by Lin Feng, which is naturally great kindness. That will solve a big problem for the four countries.

It's just that when the news comes out, those real estate developers are just twitching. They want to find Lin Feng and ask him why they should do this to them! How much money do you have to pay to go in? You can give all this money to foreigners. Why can't you give it to the Chinese people? You can't get along with them real estate developers. They have provoked you. They have no grievance against you, Lin Feng. As for you, do you want to kill them like this!

At the moment, Lin Feng is not in the mood to care about them.

"Li Rui, inform mengge to accept this batch of steel. We must speed up the infrastructure construction in Somalia. Moreover, most of these workers will enter Somalia to help Somalia complete its infrastructure projects in the shortest possible time. I want to make Somalia a modern country in the shortest possible time. I want Dubai miracle to be staged again in Somalia, even more Dubai than Dubai! " Lin Feng said.

This time, the tit for tat of the real estate developers also gave Lin Feng an opportunity to help Somalia complete its infrastructure. For Lin Feng, Somalia is his real card. Somalia, however, is not a country with a lot of iron and steel ores. Therefore, if Somalia wants to complete large-scale infrastructure construction, it really has to import a lot of steel from the world. This time, the surplus domestic production capacity will be consumed. What's more, the outside world is not aware that it is helping the infrastructure in Somalia.

After all, externally, a large number of workers are mainly transported to Libya, South Africa, or Ethiopia. Outsiders don't know that the real amount of labor and steel is transported to Somalia.

"Yes, boss! This time, I believe there should be very happy! " Li Rui said happily. Somalia has always complained about the lack of various livelihood facilities. Although the environment is very original, the air is fresh, there are vast grasslands and mountains, everything is so pleasant. But the infrastructure there is too backward. It's like China in the 19th century. This is totally a century away from China.

In this case, if we want to develop Somalia rapidly and make it a modern country, we have to carry out large-scale infrastructure construction. But it will inevitably need to import a lot of steel, and how can Somalia have so much money. They are poor and don't have so much money. If suddenly there is so much money to import steel, that is the real big problem. This will make the outside world suspect Lin Feng.

Therefore, this time, in the name of Libya, South Africa and Ethiopia, the steel was secretly transported to Somalia. This is the real reason why Lin Feng took out his money to pay for all the steel freighters. In the eyes of the outside world, Lin Feng is angry with China's real estate, but in fact, Lin Feng is secretly building Somalia.

Three years, enough time to turn Somalia into a modern country. China is fast enough to turn Somalia into a dragon in three years. Especially with the financial support of Lin Feng.

As for why Lin Feng still has to bear the transportation costs of these workers. Naturally, it's also for the purpose of quietly transporting large numbers of workers to Somalia. For these workers, they don't understand the Somali language or the local language. They can't communicate with the local people. Lin Feng would tell them it was Libya, or South Africa, or Ethiopia, but not Somalia. For these workers, they went home after three years. For external propaganda, you will only go to South Africa, Libya or Ethiopia, but you will not know that you are actually in Somalia.

As for the buildings they built, they will have the same buildings in Libya, South Africa and Ethiopia. After all, they're building infrastructure, not buildings like Dubai, landmarks. Therefore, they will not realize that they have been to Somalia and helped it to take off.

"Also, on the other side of Somalia, we should take this opportunity to build our own steel plants, ship factories, tank factories and so on. As for employment, it's half the same. So do the Somalis and so do the Chinese. It's just that they work for the company, not for the country! Somalia, in the future, is a company, not a country! " Lin Feng said.

If we define it as a country, then there will be a division of national territory and ideology. In this way, there will be national contradictions and class struggle. If we define it as a company and use the company's management mode, then all kinds of people in the company will only work for the company. They are all colleagues and their own people in the company. They will not be divided into foreigners and natives like the country!

"Well, I see, boss!" Li Rui replied.

Lin Feng waved his hand and let Li Rui go.

"Boss, here are two gentlemen. They want to see you!" At this time, Melissa came forward to report.

Two gentlemen are here? Lin Feng was surprised. What are you guys doing here? Lin Feng went out in a hurry.

"Xiaolin, this time, you are really impressive. You are really powerful in cutting off resources and reducing expenditure. Now, I'm afraid these real estate developers are really desperate! " When the two gentlemen saw Lin Feng, they were very happy.

This time, they are really worried that there will be a big trouble on Lin Feng's side. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng has come up with a way to reverse the world. First of all, he used his huge popularity to make people believe that Lin Feng can solve the problem of real estate. Then, we called on everyone not to buy a house for three years. When everyone is full of confidence, we should take drastic measures to solve all the problems of home decoration and livelihood, and finally cut off their hope so that the steel plant can have a meal. In the end, they let their workers have work to do.

These real estate developers have been beaten to death by this combination of fists. They are out of breath and out of breath. What they are looking at is great happiness. But for the two gentlemen, at this time, they have to come forward.

So many real estate developers collapsed, that is not a matter. In the future, after all, the real estate industry still needs someone to do it. It's too influential to beat more than half of them like this!

"You want me to let them go?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.