"Boss, you seem to have been taken in by someone like that!" Melissa reminded.

"Ha ha, being a gunner?" Lin fengpai said, "this is a good thing. Now these officials and institutions are eating and drinking too much. It's time to clean up. I can make a little contribution of my own, and I'm happy to do so! "

"But boss, you'll offend a lot of people." Melissa frowned. "Just like these bosses, they may hate you very much. What they represent is not only their individual, but also their group of influential groups. You will let them hate you. "

But Lin Feng waved his hand with a smile.

"Nothing! Well, I've long been hated by them. It doesn't matter whether I hate them or not! " Lin Feng chuckled, "nothing more than hate a little more, less just. But on the contrary, in the hearts of ordinary people, my status is rising. And it also sold two gentlemen a favor, which is worth it. "

Melissa turned her lips. Whether it's worth it or not, only Lin Feng knows for himself.

"When they wake up, show them the news, and then bring them to me!" Lin fengphen asked, and then went to rest.

A sleepless night.

Of course, Lin Feng sleeps soundly here. It's really noisy outside. Lin Feng's microblog and these photos reflect a very realistic problem - three public consumption.

Such extravagance is unacceptable to any civilian. This drink is 88 bottles of Feitian Maotai, tens of thousands of yuan for a meal, too luxurious. How can these people get so much money to eat and drink? Is their money a legitimate income? Is their money legal?

These questions point to officials from all walks of life, as well as public institutions. People have doubts about their ordinary consumption. Is this also a big consumption?

At first, officials at all levels and institutions did not respond. After all, Lin Feng didn't reveal his name in his microblog, and didn't say who was treating him, did he! Maybe it's Lin Feng's treat. If it's Lin Feng's treat, no matter how much you drink. Because he's rich, he's willful, he can drink as much as he wants.

But when someone tweeted that Maotai sold 10000 tons of liquors a year last year.

Ten thousand tons. What's that number? A bottle is 0.5 kg if it is 1 kg, and a ton of 1000 kg is 2000 bottles. This 10000 tons is 20 million bottles.

There are 1.3 billion people in China who drink 20 million bottles of Maotai 365 days a year, which seems not a big number. Indeed, in terms of China's total population, this figure is not large. But don't forget that Maotai is the most luxurious wine in China. Who can afford to drink Maotai for ordinary families? Drink is not all ordinary wine, such as Erguotou, Baiyunbian, Fenjiu these. These wines are not expensive.

Now, Maotai sells 20 million bottles a year. Who drank the wine? 20 million bottles. What a terrible number. Ordinary people can't afford to drink it. I'm afraid only those officials and public institutions can drink it. According to the cheap Feitian Maotai, a bottle of Maotai costs about 1400. How much is the 20 million bottle?

28 billion! In other words, according to the cheap Feitian Maotai, we will drink 28 billion yuan a year! This is too extravagant! Moreover, this is only Maotai. In fact, in China, in addition to Maotai, Wuliangye, the same high-end brand, sold a lot that year!

How many? Soon, there will be good people, posted on the network.

Wuliangye's annual production capacity is about 12000 tons, a little more than that of Maotai. And, basically, it's also sold out. On the market, it's all about rush buying. Compared with the high-end of Maotai, Wuliangye is still a little popular, and there are three or five hundred. Of course, the mainstream is still thousands. After that, I'm afraid it will cost more than 20 billion sales a year.

The cost of these two national liquors is close to 50 billion a year. That's not to mention the other drinks and the table full of food and wine. How much does it cost?

How to say, when there is Internet, the world becomes small. Soon, netizens from all over the country showed some pictures of the banquet. Most of the photos are not very clear, but they are full of good food and wine. Liquor, of course, is Maotai or Wuliangye grade one, not to mention this. Forget about the dishes.

What lobster, crabs, and some dishes that look very exquisite make people move their fingers. These dishes are not cheap in any way. What's more, the background in this photo is all high-end restaurants with extremely luxurious configuration. In this case, you have to say cheap, how cheap down!

This all over the country netizens have revealed, also let things begin to sublimate. The excessive consumption of the three public sectors is obviously a phenomenon, a fact, rather than a local phenomenon.

In particular, when Lin Feng was about to go to bed, he posted another microblog, claiming that so many bottles of wine and this table were wasted. Fortunately, I didn't pay!

This time, the query of netizens all over the country has reached a boiling point.

Look, Lin Feng says that it's luxurious and expensive. Is it suitable for you, a government department or an institution, to eat such expensive food and drink such high-end wine? This is not suitable! Lin Feng thinks it's expensive!

When I don't know who it is, I can see on the Internet that after the slogan of "three public funds" was announced, the slogan spread among many netizens. Moreover, the louder the slogan was, the wider it spread. Many officials and institutions are frightened by the slogan.

Although it's just a saying on the Internet, don't you know it? Obviously not! Because they all know that Lin Feng gave them a "Fuxi" for each of them, and "Fuxi" was pre installed with "microblog" and QQ software. As long as these gentlemen click on it, they can see the latest and hottest topics. It will be clear then.

Will this gentleman hold a meeting or make a speech on this issue? If that happens, someone will have bad luck. So, who's the bad guy? Who's going to be the unlucky guy above to calm down the anger of the people?

Everyone, get up early in the morning, arrived at the office, are heart trembling, this night, did not sleep well. And the culprit is Lin Feng. If he didn't post this micro blog and this photo, would they not sleep well?

This guy, you say, you eat, you eat, what photos. If you send photos, why do you talk so much! And - fortunately, you didn't pay!

My God, you have so much money. How much can this meal cost? 100000 yuan. It's almost up to the sky. For you, Lin Feng, it's not a drop in the bucket. You are too expensive! Stop teasing! What's more, your "China on the tip of the tongue" is more expensive! It's said that a meal costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Isn't that luxury! It's funny that you said that the meal of 100000 yuan per table would be extravagant and can't afford it!

However, although people are angry and complain, they still have to wait for the decision. For this "Maotai gate" incident, which suddenly appeared overnight, everyone was waiting for the decision and how to deal with it.

At the moment, the 10 managers have come to their senses. After all, they are not shallow drinkers, although drunk yesterday, but not to the state of drunk. As soon as I woke up, I found that my mobile phone was almost shut down. Quickly dial the past to listen, is the direct face scared pale, the soul all flew half.

"Well, there's a meeting up there. When the meeting is over, there will be results. You wait for punishment! " The superior hung up.

Ten managers, all stupid. No one thought it would be like this. How did they wake up and things changed completely? How did they become criminals all over the country.

"Lin Feng, you have done us harm!" All the managers gnash their teeth, "go, find him to settle accounts!"

With a pale face and full of hatred, the managers go to find Lin Feng to settle the accounts.

"Your boss, let him come out to see us soon!" When the managers saw Melissa, they immediately drank.

"Sorry, our boss is still resting and hasn't got up yet. Please wait a moment Melissa stopped the crowd.

Wait? How can people wait? In this case, how can they wait! No wait! Boss, we need to break in. But it was stopped by Li Rui and others.

"The boss is resting. No one is allowed to enter without permission. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" Li Rui said coldly. He doesn't like these CEOs either. Say they have talent? I can't even look at my education background, but I don't want to talk about the company I manage. Although many of them are making money, it's hard not to make money because of their monopoly position. But often there will be some deficit, this is what people do! I'm afraid you can make money by changing people.

Naturally, Li Rui didn't have a good face.

Many CEOs of central enterprises want to rush in and question Lin Feng, but look at the muscles of Li Rui and others, and then look at their fat belly. It's humiliating to rush up. They're not so impulsive.

Then wait. But it's just an hour. In this hour, they also watched mobile phones, visited forums and microblogs. It's their fear. They feel like they're done waiting. This is a good drink. I drank all their positions directly. The more I think about it, the more I hate Lin Feng. Tell me, we've made you angry. You have to deal with us like this! As for you!

Just then, the voice of Lin Feng came from inside.

"Let them in!"