"He has gone a little too far! It's a bit too much to take people around the Forbidden City directly! "

"I think he's a man of love! True man

"A man of character? Hum, in my opinion, he is bold and reckless! One felt uncomfortable, so he took people around the Forbidden City. After that? Is he going to lead his "wolf tooth" to attack our military region directly? "

"When it comes to" wolf teeth ", 631 people died this time, but there were a lot of bloodshed‘ Wolf teeth is too much, and they are too loyal! "

"I think Langya is right. They are on a mission. And soldiers to obey orders as their bounden duty, they are the real professional soldiers! To some extent, we should also promote the spirit of "wolf tooth" to the whole army! "

"Well! Then these 631 policemen died in vain? "

"Of course, they can't die in vain. I think they died on duty in order to perform official duties. And this matter is more or less related to Lin Feng, so let Lin Feng pay a sum of money to appease his family! I believe the money he gave is enough to satisfy those family members! "

"You are shielding him by saying so! Don't think that if he has a good relationship with your East China Sea fleet, he can openly cover him up! That's 631 lives! "

"Well, human life is very important. But it's not his fault. What's more, the "wolf tooth" is to save people, and is unarmed, while the other party is armed. It's all broken through by Wolf teeth. I'd like to ask when the police's combat effectiveness is so poor! "

"Yes, the combat effectiveness of the police is a little too bad! Moreover, it is still the strength to defend the capital. In the end, it was broken through by more than 100 soldiers with bare hands. This combat effectiveness is really hard to bear. In case of a terrorist attack, it would be a shame to leave it at Grandma's house! "

"Well, your navy and he are out of the same nostril!"

"All right, everybody, don't make any noise. Now the key is what to do? Lin Feng has surrounded the Forbidden City, and now he has made it clear that this matter will not give up. Well, I'd like to hear your opinions. What do you think of Lin Feng, whether to stay or not! " Mr. Gu asked.

Many of the military leaders were silent. Although there are some people here who don't like Lin Feng very much, especially the Wang family, their daughter has been lost by Lin Feng. Although they know that she is healthy, they call back every week, and they know from the phone that their daughter has grown up a lot, but the key is that she doesn't come back. This has a daughter, is not equal to no! And it destroyed the marriage.

All these Qi naturally spread on Lin Feng. But when it comes to dealing with Lin Feng, people are very cautious.

They are all soldiers. They highly appreciate what Lin Feng has done in recent years, especially when it comes to China's honor and disgrace. Even the people of the Wang family are extremely cautious and will not express their opinions easily.

The big men were silent. Their decision is directly related to the future trend and even the fortune of China. So they have to be careful.

"I think Lin Feng should stay. The reason for staying is the Fengshen fleet, his relationship with Russia, his relationship with the United States, and his own capabilities. He's much more useful than us old friends from all sides. So many of us can't support him alone! "

"I think so, too. In particular, in the last naval battle, he annihilated two Japanese aircraft carrier fleets, which greatly hit the arrogance of the Japanese Navy. Now Japan's activities in the sea area are greatly reduced! "

"It's true that Lin Feng has greatly increased the momentum of the Chinese people. To deal with him is to make enemies quick and relatives painful! "

Three big men in the Navy.

"Well, your navy naturally favors Lin Feng. However, I think that although Lin Feng has made great contributions, it can not be the capital for him to act recklessly. This time, he went too far. If he is wronged, he will direct people to protest or even surround the imperial capital. Who dares to restrain him in the future? Absolute power leads to absolute corruption. In this way, in the long run, he will bring disaster to the country. Do you want him to be the second Hitler? "

"It's true that Lin Feng has gone too far. His behavior has become more and more presumptuous, and he can't even be said by others. No amount of credit can be given to such a person. What he finally brings is not glory, but destruction! Today's glory is nothing but a false prosperity, a soap bubble like scene, which will be broken as soon as it is poked. "

Some big men in the military began to retort and proposed to deal with Lin Feng immediately. And these people, of course, are on Mr. health's side. Among those who are against it, the big man is the most. He strongly proposed to deal with Lin Feng. His proposal has also received some responses.

But now, the two sides are basically tied. It seems that Lin Feng doesn't have an advantage. He even thinks that Yang Guowei has just kept a draw after Lin Feng has done so many things. It seems that Lin Feng is not worth it. But actually, it's amazing. This made Mr. Gu feel astonished. He did not expect that this time the military would directly form two factions and two sides of support. This is what he didn't expect.

In his opinion, this meeting, I'm afraid, should eventually be empty big brother, their side has the advantage, at most the Navy side to save Lin Feng's life. But unexpectedly, the result was a draw. You know, Lin Feng has no influence in the military. It's all because of what he has done in recent years that he has been supported and recognized by the military. This also enabled him to get nearly half of the support at this meeting.

How can Mr. Gu not be surprised at this. He doesn't operate in the military and has so much support. If it works in the military in the future, it's OK! Of course, it's not his turn to worry about this headache. He will soon retire and enjoy his happiness. The one who has a headache is the one who supports Lin Feng most.

"Everybody, now people are around. I think we should give some advice." Mr. Gu asked.

You look at me, I look at you, all of them are silent. Now the two sides have different opinions, and the votes of each other are equal, which is a bit difficult to make a decision.

"Let's see, let's see what's going on. If Lin Feng is out of control, then I think such people can't stay. After all, people who are too impulsive and have too much power will bring harm to the whole country and the whole world. " He said in a voice.

I want to see others? This decision was agreed by all the big men. Then let's see what Lin Feng will do!

At the moment, there Lin Feng has been silent for a long time.

"Boss, there's no news yet!" Li Rui reported in a low voice.

Lin Feng nodded. He asked people to surround the Forbidden City just to see the attitude of both sides. For now, one joy and one worry. The good news is that there is no adverse news from the military. It shows that the military mostly approves of its impulsive behavior. At least, there is no firm opposition. This is a trial.

The worry is that Mr. health is very smart and does not act foolishly by sending people to disperse the masses. There are tens of millions of people here. They want to disperse, which will only cause public anger and riots. Once there was a riot, Lin Feng would follow the example of Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, and direct the "army" to rush in. Although there are guards inside, many guards. And there can be a division nearby at any time.

But tens of millions of people are enough to block all the main roads. It takes time for them to get in. And "wolf teeth" will be able to take advantage of the trouble. Unfortunately, Mr. health didn't fall into the trap. The other side is calm!

It seems that this time, it is not so easy for me to achieve my wish. However, since Lin Feng has come, naturally he will not let the other party calm down all the time. What do you do best? It's to provoke each other and make them make mistakes!

"Mr. health!" Lin Feng roared.

Hiss! No one in the neighborhood thought that Lin Feng would call out the name directly. Well, is he here to apologize to this gentleman? All the followers were surprised and then angry. Is this gentleman looking for trouble with Lin Feng? Did he send someone to get Lin Feng from Fudan University to the capital?

"Mr. health!"

"Mr. health!"

"Mr. health!"


Then the crowd roared, and their voices were higher than before, all shouting the name of Mr. health. All over the capital, everyone heard the sound. It's amazing! These people who stay at home are all those who are old, the youngest, middle-aged. They went to bed early. They were woken up by the shouting outside, but they didn't know what happened. Because, they this group of people, is not the Internet, buy the mobile phone, is also the most practical. Although Lin Feng's "Fuxi" is free of down payment, the price of mobile phones here is still very expensive for many middle-aged people. Therefore, they will not buy Fuxi with zero down payment.

So they don't know what happened. Why, there are so many people out here. At the moment, they are shocked to hear so many people calling "Mr. health".

How can so many people call his name! God, what is this?

"Damn it! He is too bold! How dare he call Mr. health by his name! How bold Many gentlemen were shocked and angry. "We must punish him. He is too presumptuous!"

"Calm down! Don't fall for it Mr. health is an old God. He is calm and even makes a cup of tea himself and drinks it leisurely.

But the next moment, he can't calm down any more. All because of that word from all directions!

"Get out of here!"

"Get out of here!"

"Get out of here!"
