Donald has made such a high-profile speech on Lin Feng's friendship. What will Lin Feng think of it? Is this the beginning of their friendship?

Soon, Lin Feng also made a response.

"As president of the United States, Donald naturally wants to work for the welfare of the American people. This is his duty and obligation. Otherwise, why would he run for president of the United States! As for my friendship with him, I can accept any decision he makes if he conflicts with the interests of the United States one day. Here, I wish him to be the most outstanding president of the United States, as well as the former President Lincoln Lin Feng said on his microblog.

Lin Feng and Donald spoke one after another to make clear their position and let the matter gradually subside. After all, the law of the United States has never explicitly stipulated that the president can't have personal relations or establish personal feelings with people from other countries. Besides, if you really continue to pursue this matter, you will be insulting the judicial system of the United States. The judicial system of the United States has ensured that the president cannot do anything harmful to the United States. If it does, it is the failure of the American legal system.

Obviously, what Americans are most proud of is the judicial system of the United States, which is the leading judicial system in the world. If you want to talk about the failure of the American judicial system, you are not slapping Americans in the face!

"George, what do you think of the relationship between Lin Feng and Donald?" In an unknown Hotel, Bush and rice nestled together.

Bush is no longer president, and rice is no longer Secretary of state. They have stepped down from office and regained their civilian status. Therefore, they can now be "aboveboard" together. Even if the east window incident happens now, they are not afraid.

Besides, usually the president's family seldom get divorced. Although the president's infidelity rate is nearly 100%, in order to take care of the political status of the whole family, even if they are strangers, they will not choose divorce. Since ancient times, this president divorced Clinton and Hillary Clinton not long ago. And Hillary Clinton, if not for Donald, would not choose to divorce Clinton.

"It's hard to say! Under normal circumstances, after these remarks, the relationship between the two will be estranged. This time, under the direction of some big families, the media launched an attack on Donald and Lin Feng. The purpose is to make them estranged. Once there is estrangement between people, the Rift will become bigger and bigger. In the end, they will become strangers and even enemies. So even if Lin Feng helps Donald become president, he may not be the biggest winner. " Bush said lightly, "maybe those big families will get a big bargain instead. You know, Donald's rise has nothing to do with them. Donald is an independent candidate. He has no political power in the United States and is alone. This is the best target to be bribed. Those big families will buy Donald off easily. At that time, Lin Feng can only swallow his anger, break his teeth and swallow his blood in his stomach. "

"But Lin Feng won't be the one who won't say a word at such a big loss!" Rice analysis said, "after all, he has a big killing move, as long as he is willing to marry Ivanka, then everything is still on his side!"

"Yes, Ivanka is an important chip and a key figure. Whoever marries her will be the biggest winner in these eight years! " Bush affirmed, "so, the young talents of these big families are pursuing Ivanka recently!"

"Lin Feng is not in a hurry!" Rice was surprised.

"This is strange. He had already set foot on the special plane back to China, while Ivanka stayed to deal with trump. Now, every day there are many childe brothers in pursuit of Ivanka, who give her flowers, enough to blossom shop. But Lin Feng is not nervous at all! It's really strange. That's why I said it. It's hard to say! It's hard to tell the relationship between Lin Feng and Donald! The relationship between them is really weird. Perhaps, this speech is just a smoke bomb for both of them. The friendship between them will not be split because of this. " Bush pinched his chin. "In a word, Lin Feng is full of all kinds of mysteries. His rise is too fast, too fast. And behind it Chinese mainland government start empty handed. In today's society, it's really incredible that he started from scratch. "

Rice nodded. Indeed, for Lin Feng, the whole world is very confused. How did this man succeed. And it worked so fast. Many colleges and universities are studying the rise of Lin Feng, which is the "Goldbach conjecture" of the economic circle. But no one can state Lin Feng's success. Because his success seems so natural and natural.

"So let's see. During my term of office, the crackdown on "G23" had no effect, but when Donald came to power, it might be different! No country can be influenced by powerful consortia. The emergence of consortia is a provocation to the country and a factor of national insecurity. " Bush said coldly.

If we evaluate the Bush administration, he is very successful. Last year, she was also rated as the most influential person in American history. So, I will keep a distance from Lin Feng! " Donald had a look of approval. This, on the contrary, surprised Hillary. This, this, what happened to Donald? He has never been so talkative. Why is he so talkative today.

"What? What's the problem? " Asked Donald in surprise.

Hillary shook her head.

"Well, today is the first day of my presidency, and I will be officially in the white house tomorrow." Donald laughs, his eyes twinkling.

Finally, he officially entered the White House. He said that the trump administration is about to open a new era.

"Well, I have a rest. You should rest early, too Donald enters the bedroom.

Hillary looked at Donald's easy leaving figure, not knowing what to say. It seems that something is wrong, but I don't know where it is. Think about it and shake your head. He left immediately. She doesn't have any job yet, but donald will promote her to the new secretary of state when she officially enters the white house tomorrow. Hillary Clinton, she may not be able to become president of the United States in her lifetime, but becoming Secretary of state can also realize her ambition and ideal.

After entering the bedroom, Donald lay down on the bed and turned on his cell phone. This mobile phone is the Fuxi that Lin Feng gave him. Now, of course, he uses Apple's iPhone. After becoming president of the United States, many aspects should focus on security. Especially for technology products such as mobile phones, we should pay more attention to confidentiality. It is not appropriate to continue to use Lin Feng's Fuxi. So "apple" sent a special version of "iPhone", and Donald accepted it. As for Lin Feng's Fuxi, he put it in his bedroom and in his bedside table.

After opening, Donald enters the information.

"Ha ha, Lin, how about the plane! I feel great today. I've finally become the president of the United States! " Donald laughed wildly.

Donald is a madman, for the victory, has an unusual fanaticism, and every time there will be a grand celebration. But this time he became president, he didn't celebrate much and acted like a gentleman. It's not that he has changed his mind, but that he has become president. If he celebrates too much, it will make voters unhappy. After all, no voter wants his president to be a frivolous person. Berlusconi, for example, has always been criticized in Italy. Donald didn't want that, so he suppressed the ecstasy. Until now, vent to Lin Feng. Because, Lin Feng is his friend, this happy thing naturally wants to share with the friend.

"Donald, congratulations. In other words, today's speech was great. Our relationship can only be conducted in secret in the future. " Lin Feng also sent a message, "it makes me feel like an underground party!"

"Ha ha, I'm afraid those idiots outside can't imagine that we will contact each other through mobile phones!" Donald continued to laugh wildly. "By the way, tomorrow, I will come up with a series of plans to support heavy industry. At that time, you'll have to ask Jessica to help and take the lead! "

"Ha ha, don't worry. As I said, it will make you the most outstanding president in the history of the United States, the president who can match Lincoln and Washington! I'll help you with that. " Lin Feng nodded and said, "Chrysler will increase employees' wages and recruit more employees. Give you a good start

"Well, that would be great. However, Lin, those childe brothers are chasing my daughter all day. Although they say that she is not interested now, they may not be interested one day. You should pay attention to it yourself. Don't regret it later! " Donald's story has changed.

"Don't worry. Don't worry about this kind of thing. You'd better think about how to expand American industry. It is not a matter of a few words for the financial sector to take the lead and revitalize the industry. Moreover, security in the United States is not very good. You need to work harder on this. You can talk to Governor Schwarzenegger of California. As long as you can raise the wages of workers, improve the welfare of the police, and reduce the crime rate, you, as a president, can never be worse. And then, once our clean energy research and development is successful, it will benefit the world. Donald, you are bound to become the most outstanding president of the United States! " Lin fengxiao said.

Then, after exchanging their opinions and attitudes, they hung up.

"Well, the biggest problem is solved. Damn it! Spring Festival! Spring Festival! Hey, hey, I don't believe it can't be solved! There is nothing in the world that can't be solved, only people who can't be solved! " Lin Feng said coldly.