Lin Feng hung up. Then he told Abby Cohen about Leo vanta's conjecture.

"Japan? This is also possible! Lin, I will pay close attention to the trend of this fund. " Abby Cohen knows what's going on. If it's Japanese money behind it, it's a real problem. She is not worried about what will happen in the subprime mortgage crisis, nor is she worried about Lin Feng's failure to make money. She is worried that the subprime mortgage crisis is too destructive and will bring bad luck to the whole world.

Finance is a tool to help human beings become more prosperous. But at the same time, it can also lead to the extinction of mankind. Now is the era of credit currency, the world is relying on credit in the transaction, and the subprime crisis may completely break this trust. Once you don't trust each other, it's a real problem.

Lin Feng put down the phone, his heart is heavy. The subprime mortgage crisis, which is promoted by ourselves, should not really become a nightmare that makes human beings retrogress for decades. If so, I am a sinner all over the world.

You know, once the global economy collapses, people will have no money in their hands. If they don't have money, they will tighten their spending. If they can't, they will not buy what they can, or even try not to buy what they can. In this way, many real industries will be affected and a large number of unsalable products will appear. At that time, unsalable sales will bring a large number of factory bankruptcies and workers unemployment. If the worker is unemployed, he is even more afraid to spend money. This will lead to more serious fiscal tightening. Then, it will be a vicious circle.

Otherwise, why is it that the more the financial crisis, the more the government welcomes citizens to spend money. It's because you spend money to promote economic development. If you don't spend money, you can only rely on mountains and rivers as in the primitive society. Such productivity is too low to meet the needs of modern society. The direct consequence of this is the retrogression of human society. If you want to recover, you don't know how long it will take.

Similarly, why are there so many wars of aggression since ancient times? The plunder is not food, but gold and jewelry. Why can we promote the development of the domestic productive forces? It's very simple. You bring the plundered assets from the enemy country, and the money will be spent at home. Although all of a sudden, the money is too much. But it will stimulate the consumption of the whole market. And it will stimulate more people to produce more social resources to make money. In this way, as long as the plundered material is directly proportional to the productivity of the country, the more plundered you are, the more you can promote the development of the country and the progress of the society.

Lin Feng immediately told Soros the news.

"Japanese power?" Soros frowned. "Boss, it's not impossible. However, if this is really the case, we should pay more attention to it. To avoid really collapsing the world economy. If so, the harm it will bring will far outweigh the harm it will bring to China. After all, no matter how much the Chinese stock market falls, the stock is still there, and it will not be delisted. Overseas, that's the direct bankruptcy of the company! "

"Well, in this respect, you should contact abbido and pay close attention to it. There's nothing I can do about that. " Lin Feng said.

"Ha ha, don't worry. If there is such an old fox behind me, I must be the cleverest hunter. " Soros said with confidence.

Recently, he read a lot of Chinese books, especially thirty six strategies, which helped him a lot. If he had read the thirty six strategies during the Asian financial crisis, he would never have been defeated.

"By the way, boss, the current situation in China is not very good for you. With regard to the 30 billion yuan assistance for the elderly, I wonder if it will be delayed? " Soros worried and said, "I'm afraid the outside world will accuse you of being behind the scenes!"

"There must be some criticism. Gossip is inevitable. But I've been used to these for a long time. You know, it's mediocre not to be envied. So, I'm not afraid of that. Besides, this is China's annual Spring Festival, I can't let them have a bad Spring Festival! They are lonely old people. They have worked hard and suffered all their lives. Basically, they have experienced all kinds of hardships. In their later years, they have to suffer such a crime. Soros, I feel uncomfortable when I think about it. I'm not a saint, but I have the compassion of a normal person. I don't want to spend my life as hard as Guanyin, but I'm willing to do my best to help those in need. Chinese, it's really hard! " Lin Feng sighed.

Soros also sighed. If he wants to hear these words before he comes to China, or before he has lived in China for so many years, he will ignore them. But after he has lived in China for so many years and really understood this country, he really felt sympathy for the people of this country. China has suffered too much. The Chinese people have suffered countless hardships. China needs a character like Lin Feng!

China needs Lin Feng, Lin Feng brings dawn and a bright future!

"Boss, I will always support you!" Soros said it from the bottom of his heart.

For most of his life, he was a financial executioner and a financial vampire. For the rest of his life, he decided to be a philanthropist. Of course, a philanthropist does not mean that he is a good man, but that he is willing to return more of his wealth to the people. Take it from the people and use it for the people. He earned so much wealth, not to bring it to the coffin, but to enjoy the process of earning wealth, as well as the various advantages brought by success. In the end, the money will be returned to the people.

Lin Feng nodded. Lin Feng was also deeply moved by Soros's sincerity. Before, Soros and Lin Feng were just a boss employee relationship. At most, they were ordinary friends. Now, though they are friends, they are more like-minded. This is also a kind of community of interests. This kind of relationship is stronger.

Soon, Lin Feng announced that he would set up a "New Year's fund" with the 30 billion yuan he had earned from the stock market this time to help the orphaned and widowed old people who had been badly hit in the stock market to have a good year.

Once the news came out, it was indeed attacked by some domestic gangsters as Soros had expected. They openly accused Lin Feng of being the culprit behind the stock market crash, and that he had earned everyone's hard-earned money. And those who don't know the truth and have lost all their money in this stock market disaster also vent their resentment to Lin Feng. Many people even took to the streets to ask Lin Feng to repay their hard-earned money.

This scene makes those who really make money this time feel interesting and happy. You know, before them, they were really superior. They had a superior family and their own conditions. Their words and actions could even affect the future of China and the direction of society. But their brilliance, since Lin Feng appeared, has been covered by Lin Feng. Everyone, who comments on the contemporary Chinese figures, must use the word "tillingfeng". Naturally, these people are extremely dissatisfied.

And this time, Lin Feng even wants to stop them from making money, which is even more intolerable. Fortunately, Lin Feng was unable to stop the trend. This time, they are a group of people who work together to promote it, and no one can stop it.

Now that Lin Feng has made money, he has come out to show off and set up a new year's Fund! You deserve it! You deserve it!

Lin Feng didn't say a word in the face of the scolding in the market. Anyway, Lin Feng is not in China and is not afraid of anything. Of course, Lin Feng won't be scolded by others. He just wrote a sentence on his microblog - I said, believe me, stand.

This sentence directly blocked everyone's mouth. Those who abuse are speechless. What can they say? Lin Feng repeatedly said to advance the position, but as a result, they are greedy and unwilling to take the position. Now that the stock market has collapsed, can you blame Lin Feng? Obviously, it's not appropriate to blame Lin Feng. Of course, there are some people who make trouble out of no reason. No reason. In short, Lin Feng is the most suitable person to find someone to vent his unhappiness.

The shameless are still abusing, but most people who are still a little rational are no longer abusing. Because, they lose money, not blame Lin Feng, to blame, only blame their greed.

"Ah, this time, Xiao Lin has a heart!" Two gentlemen sigh.

This time, after the stock market crash, many people must have had a bad year. At this time, Lin Feng is willing to take out the money he earns to help. He really has a heart. Moreover, Lin Feng is not afraid of gossip. At this time, he really has a heart.

"He is a hero and should not be treated like this!" The two gentlemen spoke. Immediately, the rumors were contained. Very simply, those who continue to abuse are either dispersed or detained. And no media is allowed to report negative news related to Lin Feng. In this case, those people are not stupid, naturally understand that it's time to shut up.

Soon, the world was clear. Lin Feng's "New Year's fund" also began to make statistics on the orphans and widows affected this time. Of course, since it is the "New Year's fund", those who are not affected by the disaster, but who are also very difficult to live, are also in relief. This is a big project. Fortunately, there is still some time to go before Chinese New Year. As far as Lin Feng's efficiency is concerned, there is no problem to let all the lonely old people have a good new year before the Chinese New Year.

Of course, the Chinese New Year is coming, and Lin Feng's promise to solve the Spring Festival transportation problem is also mentioned in everyone's daily topic. Can Lin Feng really solve the problem of Spring Festival transportation this year?

But before that, "China on the tip of the tongue" opened!