"China on the tip of the tongue" will be a platform for Lin Feng to really promote Chinese culture to the whole world.

The ancients said: clothing, food, housing and transportation. These are the four major events of human beings. At present, China does not have its own fashion elements or styles. They all come from Europe and America. Of course, there may be, such as badaxiang in Beijing, but Lin Feng is not sure about it.

Besides clothes, it's food. Lin Feng is particular about this. Before Lin Feng was born again, he did not eat well. But it's not because Lin Feng doesn't want to eat well, it's because Lin Feng doesn't have so much money to pay attention to eating. Now that Lin Feng has money, he naturally begins to pay attention to it. And this diet is the one that can travel all over the world.

Therefore, for Lin Feng, food culture is the easiest way to promote Chinese culture.

"Brother Lin!" When Li Zhiyou saw Lin Feng coming, he ran over in surprise.

"Look at your disheartened face, youyou. I asked you to manage the company, not to be a decorator!" Lin Feng wiped the dust off Li Zhiyou's face with a smile.

"Brother Lin, this is the biggest flagship store of" China on the tip of the tongue "in the United States. Naturally, I want to use more snacks!" Li Zhiyou sticks out his tongue, which is not only related to our company, but also related to China's food culture, so we can't be careless!

Lin Feng pinches Li Zhiyou's nose and smiles. Then, look around.

Good, really good! Ancient color and style, which is completely the decoration style of ancient China. There are four kinds of decoration styles in ancient China: solemn and serious Memorial style, graceful and gorgeous palace style, friendly and pleasant residential style, and free and euphemistic garden style.

Of course, according to the region, ethnic groups are divided into northern style, northwest style, Jiangnan style, Lingnan style, southwest style, Tibetan style, Mongolian style and Uygur style. According to the dynasty, it can be divided into Qin and Han style, Sui and Tang style, Ming and Qing style.

As for the flagship store in New York, which is located on Fifth Avenue, if you want to be kind and pleasant, or free and euphemistic, it's not suitable. It can't be sold at a high price. It's the center of the world's financial center, so you must use elegant and gorgeous court style. Only in this way can we sell at a high price. As for solemnity, it's obviously not suitable for a restaurant.

The choice of regional style is naturally the most beautiful Jiangnan style. And the dynasty is the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the so-called prosperous period of Han and Tang Dynasties, of which the Tang Dynasty is the most important. In particular, the Tang Dynasty, which was originally an enlightened era, was the most influential Dynasty in Chinese history.

At the moment, the style here is just like the palace of the Tang Dynasty. Of course, Lin Feng's choice of style here is not gold. Gold, of course, represents the noble luxury, but also has a vulgar negative effect. The main color is red, Chinese red. All the tables and chairs in the restaurant are made of top-grade mahogany. The cost of decoration here is more than ten million dollars. After all the decoration, including lamps, tableware and so on, the total cost will exceed 20 million US dollars!

It can be said that the decoration cost half of the house price.

But it's definitely worth it! Because the dishes here will be the most expensive. In this big shot, ge you said that those rich people don't want the best, but the most expensive. This is not only about the rich in China, but also the rich in the world. Because only in this way can they represent their identity and status. After all, there are too few low-key rich people.

This person, living in this world, how to find a sense of existence? This is a very philosophical question. How can you prove your existence? And if you have a sense of existence, how to prove your excellence. It's all money. Use money to prove everything.

"Not bad, not bad! But you you, remember that everything here should not only be of the highest standard, but also be spotless. Our Chinese restaurants always give people the impression of being dirty and messy. Therefore, our "China on the tip of the tongue" will never allow this situation. In particular, the smell of oil fumes is not allowed. The United States is a country that pays attention to environmental governance. All lampblack must be treated before it can be discharged into the air. And never allow a trace of fumes to come into the restaurant. The only thing you can have in a restaurant is the smell of the dishes, not the smell of cooking fumes. " Lin Feng said.

The difference between the smell of dishes and the smell of dishes in the lampblack is very obvious. After smelling the lampblack, people feel full. That's because the chemicals in the lampblack make your intestines lose appetite. The dish fragrance is the fragrance of the dish itself, which stimulates your intestines and makes you more hungry.

"Well, I see, brother Lin, we will never let Americans down on Chinese food!" Li Zhiyou nodded heavily.

Lin Feng laughs.

"China on the tip of the tongue", according to Lin Feng's blueprint, is divided into three levels: luxurious, exquisite and homely. Homely, it doesn't mean the taste of homely. It's better to eat at home. Why come to your restaurant. Although many people still have to eat home cooked food, that's because other restaurant dishes are not good. What Lin Feng does is a Kung Fu dish that he can't make at home. It just makes the price approachable. In China, most of the people are "homely".

As for delicacy, it belongs to the level of delicacy. Not only the dishes are more exquisite, but also the tableware and environment are more exquisite. The restaurants of this level are mainly in China, and there are few in foreign countries.

Luxury, however, is the most exquisite in terms of materials and environment. The absolute first-class ingredients and the best chefs are naturally the most luxurious in terms of price. Otherwise, it doesn't deserve luxury.

As for the price gap between the three levels, it is ten times. Exquisite is ten times the price of home style, that is to say, the price of the same dish is ten times more expensive. Of course, the taste is not ten times as big as the difference, people's taste buds can not distinguish such a big gap between the ingredients. However, it will definitely be better than home style. It can be eaten as soon as you eat it.

As for luxury, compared with elegance, it is not ten times, but a hundred times. Yes, that's 100 times. It's 100 times the price of exquisite level. Of course, the taste difference is not so big, but there is an incomparable gap between "exquisite" and "homely". Once the mouth, absolutely lips and teeth fragrance, people can not forget.

Well, it's like the simplest dish, Mapo Tofu. This "home style" is made from tender tofu, beef, garlic sprouts, Douchi, pepper, soy sauce, salt, oil and other ingredients.

And exquisite, although the same ingredients, but the selection of ingredients, it will be further improved. For example, beef will be fresher, tofu will be more delicate, smooth, white and tender, and so on. When it comes to luxury, there's no need for it. Tofu is made from the best soybeans, and beef is made from the best sirloin. And whether it is pepper, soy sauce, salt, etc. are the best ingredients, as well as the production of the fire, the chef is the best.

Naturally, the price gap is thousands of times. Of course, as we all know, goods that are related to the words "luxury" and "noble" are always the most profitable. Naturally, once the flagship store is opened, if there is a steady stream of customers, it will make a lot of money every day.

As for whether there are so many guests, Lin Feng believes that there are a lot of rich people in the world. They don't worry about the price. For people like them, the only thing they worry about is that they can't spend money. That's the most worrying thing.

Therefore, "luxury" restaurants will only appear in foreign countries, not in China. Moreover, not all foreign countries have them. At present, they are only planning to open five stores in New York, Los Angeles, Paris, London and Milan. At present, only one flagship store in New York has been opened. The remaining flagship stores will be gradually opened in the following days.

After all, every investment needs tens of millions of dollars. Although Lin Feng has money, he will not go public at one time. Isn't it a good old saying that rare things are precious! Flagship stores are everywhere, so it's no surprise. If you want to make money from foreigners, you can't do something about it.

"Well, I won't disturb you. Just remember, don't strain yourself. Besides, you are the president of the company. You are in charge of the whole situation. " Lin Feng said painfully.

"Well, I know, brother Lin. I'll pay attention to rest. You can do your work. You don't have to worry here. I can do it. I will be your best helper in the future Li Zhiyou pushes Lin Feng out.

This time, the acquisition of real estate, and ultimately get Lin Feng to come forward to solve. This has made Li Zhiyou feel very ashamed. Therefore, she will never let Lin Feng interfere in this decoration.

"All right, all right, I won't interfere!" Lin Feng walks out of "China on the tip of his tongue" with both hands raised. He turns around and looks at Li Zhiyou, who is busy again. Lin Feng smiles. It seems that Li Zhiyou has found his own sense of existence.

Even so, Li Zhiyou will be busy, but as long as she has a good time. After all, it's impossible to play like this all the time. That kind of life, very decadent, very depraved, very boring.

"Brother Lin!" At this time, Huang Meixi went to Lin Feng, with a little resentment in his tone.

"Meixi, I know what you're thinking. Now, Li Zhiyou has found his own sense of existence, but you haven't. Now Lin Youxi, also went to school, everyone is busy, you are the most boring. Well, Ivanka's just about to leave. Why don't you go to second estate and take over her? " Asked Lin Feng.

"Ah, I'll take over the second estate?" Huang Meixi exclaimed, "brother Lin, I can't do it. I can't do anything. I will make mistakes. I just want to do something simple to avoid becoming a burden. I don't want big companies or rights. I just don't want to be a burden! "

With that, Huang Meixi began to cry.

"Ah, you little fool, why are you crying! I didn't say you were a burden! " Lin Feng is distressed and hugs Huang Meixi in his arms. "I said that no matter what you do, you are my favorite woman. I will never dislike you!"

"But I'm afraid I'll become a burden! But if you give it to my big company, I can't do it well. I don't know real estate at all, and I'm not as smart as Ivanka! " Huang Meixi still sobbed and said, and with sobbing, his body was shaking slightly.

"Meixi, what are you talking about! Did someone tell you something? " Lin Feng frowned.

"No. But Yunxin is saying that Zhiyou have their sense of existence value, only I don't. If I go on like this and you are so excellent, sooner or later you will not be able to keep up with me. When there is a gap between two people, then there will be cracks. In this way, once cracks are created, we can only separate in the end. I will be abandoned Huangmeixi rain hit pear said.

Li Yunxin! Lin Feng frowned.

"Well, Meixi, that's it. Since you don't want to take over the "second real estate", I have set up a school. You should be responsible for the "noble school". Of course, I'm not asking you to be the headmaster. I know you can't be the headmaster either. However, I intend to set up an education group, which will aim at the blood transfusion of the second consortium. You can be a boss. Anyway, it's only in the preparatory stage now. You can take over now. No, just take your time. What do you think? " Lin Feng thought and said.

Education group! Huang Meixi thought about it and nodded. Well, she feels like she can do it. After all, I have educated Lin Youxi for several years, and I have some experience in this field. Moreover, they have been following Li Zhiyou for some time. They know something about the operation of the enterprise. In this way, she can give it a try.

"Ha ha, look, I'll cry and laugh, just like a little cat. Come on, dry your tears and smile! Well, this is my favorite Meixi! You, if you see this, Youxi will make fun of you. That little girl, she's a little kid Lin Feng mentioned Lin Youxi and sighed.

Poof! Huang Meixi finally let go of her heart and began to laugh.

Mother, thinking of her children, is always happy.

After saying goodbye to Huang Meixi, Lin Feng finds Li Yunxin.

"Yunxin, I know you are kind-hearted, but I don't want you to interfere in anything between them. After all, not everyone has the ability and expertise. If you say that, it will aggravate their psychological burden. I hope my wife, Lin Feng, is happy every day Lin Feng is very direct. He is very angry that Li Yunxin interferes in the relationship between himself and Huang Meixi.

Li Yunxin seems not surprised by Lin Feng's arrival.

"Brother Lin, I know you will come, but I still want to say so. Do you know why? " Li Yunxin asked.

Lin Feng doubts.

"Because after I went through the affair with Zhao Wenyu, I understand one thing. It's a match!" Li Yunxin sighed, "love in this world is really beautiful. But that is under the assumption that all external material conditions do not exist. However, we are living in the real world. It is very important to be right. Otherwise, marriage is hard to be happy and love is hard to last long. There is a big gap between you and Huang Meixi. In particular, Huang Meixi was pregnant with you Xi because of a mistake, and then you were together. " Li Yunxin said faintly, "brother Lin, do you really love her like aizhiyou and Avril?"