In the end, 538 voters voted for Obama, with 270 to 268, which is the closest term in the US presidential election. In fact, many voters admire Donald's words. So a lot of people changed their tune and voted for him. However, Obama has Democratic support behind him, so he still won in the end.

"Ha ha, Lin Feng, I won!" President Bush laughs. At this moment, he is as excited as a child. Thinking that Lin Feng would hold a billboard to the door of the White House, he said, "President Bush, I'm convinced.". That makes Bush feel happy and want to laugh.

Lin Feng sighed. In fact, as far as Lin Feng is concerned, it's no wonder Donald. The US presidential election is still beyond Lin Feng's imagination. It's too hard for an independent candidate to become president of the United States. Donald's words, say not, can not change the final outcome. After all, Obama has the entire Democratic Party behind him. On the other hand, it is difficult for the Republican Party to take sides with Donald.

Therefore, the present result, though regrettable, is not so disappointing. This time, Donald has tried his best, and he is not to blame for the failure. As for the last words, if we don't say them, the effect may be even worse.

"President Bush, in that case, I'll admit defeat!" Lin Feng said with a light smile.

"Ha ha, Lin Feng, then I'll wait for you in the White House!" Bush said ecstatically.

All dust settled, it seems that everything is over. However, surprisingly, the American people are extremely dissatisfied with this matter. Boos everywhere! The American people, that one, are filled with indignation and think that Obama does not deserve to be president of the United States. Because of his unfaithfulness to his family, the American people don't need such a president. When he was elected to the Senate, he engaged in private affairs with his subordinates. After becoming the president of the United States, it will be even worse.

The whole United States, at this moment, is in a state of agitation. The people are frantic. For most people, they can't accept the fact. Such a betrayer of his family became the president of the United States, and they couldn't accept it.

Of course, the Democratic Party will naturally clarify everything for Obama and defend him. After all, Obama has become the president of the United States, which is about to take office. There should be no accident at this time.

"It's all in the past. I believe in my husband. I forgive his past and accept his betrayal of his family. Now, he takes care of the family in every way. No one attaches more importance to the family than him. I hope that the American people can choose to forgive him and accept him instead of seizing his betrayal. I think it's not fair to Obama. He needs understanding! " Obama's wife Michelle said.

Under Michelle's personal protection, Obama's image has been restored to a certain extent, and the criticism from the outside world has also been curbed to a certain extent. But Obama is bound to be the most controversial president in American history.

At this point, it seems that things will pass in the voice of American people's dissatisfaction, and everything will pass. Next year, after President Bush leaves office, the United States will usher in its 44th president, a black president.

"Ha ha, rice, when can I let Lin Feng come to the White House? Is it Christmas Eve, the best Christmas gift for me, or when I leave office next year, let Lin Feng come to surrender Bush is in a good mood at the moment. He has boarded air force one and is ready to return to Washington.

Rice is naturally in a good mood at the moment. They are all happy to see Lin Feng's death. Especially this time, Lin Feng is behind the scenes to control the U.S. presidential election. If he wants to win, he will win. Now that Lin Feng has lost, it's really exciting.

"President, whenever you want him to come, he has to come! I think it's on Christmas Eve. It's the best Christmas present for you Rice said with a smile.

"Well, let him come before Christmas. He said, let me go to his restaurant for Christmas, hehe, I'll let him come over and apologize to me for Christmas. Hum, that's right! " Bush said with a smile.

But when everyone was happy, Lin Feng finally opened the last fig leaf. Or, finally, Pandora's box.

Bella appeared in front of people again. This time, she directly appealed to the Supreme Court of Washington, D.C., with a piece of paper, accusing Obama of being ungrateful and not giving his son alimony. After he became pregnant, Obama drove it away for fear of exposure. But she gave birth to her illegitimate son. Now she wants to get justice for her son and win everything for him.

Hum! Now, the whole world is shaking. You said, extramarital affairs, then forget it. It was years ago anyway. But now there is another illegitimate child. That's not the same. Extramarital affairs and illegitimate children are shocking. Moreover, Obama has never given a dime of alimony, which is even more disrespectful.

In the United States, it's normal to have illegitimate children. Of course, this is definitely a scandal. For example, NBA stars and entertainment stars will have an illegitimate child from time to time, which seems very common. But these NBA stars, or entertainment stars who have illegitimate children, will be condemned by the public, not to mention Obama, the new president of the United States! It's so funny. This completely makes the US presidential election a farce.

This is a real shame for the United States. All Americans are not happy. They are extremely dissatisfied with Obama and think that it makes the US government a global laughing stock. If such a person can still become the president of the United States, it would be a big joke.

"No, it's impossible! It's impossible! That boy, it can't be my son! " Obama denied it.

"Not your son! How can it not be your son if he looks like that Michelle was furious.

She didn't know about Obama's affair. When she was about to become the first lady of the United States, we can imagine how shocked she was to hear the news. But for the sake of Obama's presidency, she forbeared. But there is a premise, that is, there can be no illegitimate children. On this point, Michelle repeatedly asked, Obama is denied, vowed that he did full security measures, there will never be illegitimate children.

What happened? Now she has an illegitimate child, which almost drives Michelle crazy. She can't stand it any more!

"You liar! You lied to me again and again. Obama, I want to divorce you! " Michelle yells like a mad lion.

It's just an extramarital affair. A few years ago, Michelle can tolerate it. But if there are more illegitimate children, we can't bear it. It's hard to bear. It's no use for her to become the first lady of the United States. That would make life more difficult. Now it's time to swallow up for the sake of the president's face. In the future, will it not be even worse. How long do you have to endure, four years or eight years!

No, she can't stand it. She's going to divorce now!

"No, Michelle, you can't divorce me now! Never! Or I won't be president! " Obama exclaimed.

The reason why he has survived the criticism of the American people is Michelle's support for him. This at least gives the outside world an excuse and reason for his family to be harmonious. If Michelle chooses to divorce him, he is a broken family. How can such a person become the president of the United States! In particular, you make mistakes that should not be tolerated by your most intimate wife. Why should the American people tolerate them! Are you the only one in America who can be president!

"Obama, you let me down! Son of a bitch Michelle couldn't help it. After a rude remark, she left the door.

"No," Obama screamed.

"I really don't have an illegitimate child. It's not my illegitimate child!" Obama looked around the campaign team anxiously defended.

But the people were indifferent. Originally, they have succeeded in helping Obama become president of the United States. They have made great contributions and are ready to reap the fruits of victory. In the end, there was such a scandal. You said, extramarital affairs, forget it, they can also help you. But now we have another illegitimate child. How can we do that. I keep saying that it's not your illegitimate child, it's not your illegitimate child, can it be like you! It's not your illegitimate child. Can you be the same as you! That's bullshit!

"No, you must believe me, you must believe me! I can do a paternity test. I can do a paternity test. That's definitely not my illegitimate child, absolutely not! " Obama yelled.

But this time, no one believed him. With Michelle's formal appeal for divorce, Obama's political career has come to an end. When the anger of all Americans reached its peak, they called for them to go away. This guy, get out of here. He must not be made president of the United States.

At the same time, some people said that Donald had defended Obama. At that moment, Donald got the strong support of the American people. The American people have taken to the streets, calling for Donald to become president of the United States and Obama to step down!

The streets of the United States are filled with the roar of the people.

Obama is finished!

“FUCK! How could that be! How could that be Bush's face was full of anger. He heard the news just after the plane took off, which made him in a bad mood. Before he thought he had won, he would receive Lin Feng's apology. This time he won, but in a flash, he lost. He can't stand it!

He can't stand it! He can't stand it!