"Morgan, what do we do now?" Old DuPont was full of anger. "It must be Lin Feng who manipulated it. In doing so, he betrayed the organization. I suggest that they be killed immediately. We quickly helped the Mellon consortium stabilize the situation, then helped the Japanese family to put an end to the rebellion, and then united with the European family to give Lin Feng a thunderbolt! "

"DuPont, you can't do that. But Lin Feng is not so easy to deal with. In terms of business, Lin Feng's main industry is it. In this respect, there are no competitors. We can only use the government's power to sue Lin Feng. But that, I'm afraid, will cause all the game industry's resistance. The governments of all countries should also consider the business opportunities brought to them by the forest wind game, as well as social stability. After all, most people are venting their energy into the virtual network world, which is good for social stability. " Old Morgan analysis said, "and his current industrial factories are all in China. We can't intervene in this. Therefore, we can only use force against it. And he is more careful than the president of the United States, the security force is more strict than the president of the United States, we can't move him at all! Unless, at all costs, we launch an assassination. That will surely succeed in the end, but we will lose too much! "

If Lin Feng had gone into industry, there would have been a way to deal with him. After all, industry involves many aspects. Kelin wind does not go industrial, but it, and does not involve monopoly, so that they have the feeling of fighting cotton ball.

"Don't worry, old DuPont. At present, as long as he is willing to join the organization, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for us. It doesn't matter whether he has two minds. As long as he joins in and realizes the strength of the organization, sooner or later he will submit to it. After all, he is still young, young man. He always thinks he is invincible. So, let's not care too much about what he's doing now. Besides, if he is really just playing with us, there will be a way to deal with him in the future. He has now become the bridgehead of China's economy. The more the Chinese government attaches importance to him, the more he will be allowed to enter various fields. Now he has entered the catering industry. Hehe, in the future, the more industries he will be involved in, the more flaws he will have. It's much easier to deal with him than it is now! " Old Rockefeller said with a smile, "so don't worry, DuPont. If he dares to fool us, he will be doomed in the future! And what he earns now, sooner or later, is ours

Old DuPont nodded. He can become the leader of DuPont financial group, and deal with Morgan, Rockefeller, naturally not ordinary people. Once calm down, naturally understand the flaws of Lin Feng. Now he is only involved in IT industry and mobile phone industry, both of which are dominated by him. With his financial resources, it is really difficult for others to attack him. However, once he is involved in too many fields, he is bound to be in big trouble.

He just waited, waiting to see what Lin Feng would do in the end!

"But what about Monsanto?" Old DuPont frowned. This is a $500 billion compensation. It's painful for anyone to take it out. Of course, he can choose to let Monsanto go bankrupt, but then all the previous calculations will fail. It's all over again.

"It's not urgent. We wait for Lin Feng. He can't drag on like this all the time. He's always going to give us an account. " Old Morgan, old God.

Old DuPont nodded. Let's wait and see what Lin Fengfeng can do.

They didn't know that they were waiting for Lin Feng. What Lin Feng needs now is time. Now they are willing to wait, so Lin Feng can't be more cost-effective.

Time travel!

"Boss, it's all gone. Now one meter above is where you put your gold bricks. As long as we get through, the bricks will fall. However, in order to transport them all away, we need to lay a transport belt to facilitate the removal of these gold bricks! " Tang Long said excitedly.

"Well, how can the BRICs be exported to the Hudson River? As soon as you do, there will be a response from the Fed. " Lin Feng asked.

"We've already thought about that. The BRICs must be transported out. They will definitely find the tunnel. Of course, once all the bricks are removed, we will blow up all the passageways immediately. However, they can still guess that we dug a tunnel from the ground, so we will contact a cargo ship, and it happened that we were stealing. However, this freighter is not the key point. It is just a cover up to distract the attention of the outside world. We will arrange a large number of small yachts to transport the BRICs in batches. " Tang Long explained.

"Well, I'm afraid it's quite a move. I'm worried about being detected by the FBI. In this way, when you act, I will cooperate with you and distract the FBI's attention! " Lin Feng said.

"That would be great. Otherwise, we are really worried that the FBI will come here as soon as we start. After all, this is America! " Tang Long laughed, "also, boss, I will let my people riot everywhere. In short, this time, we must empty the Federal Reserve Treasury! Then, boss, you can claim for compensation again. Ha ha

Lin Feng smiles. Claim, that's good! That's interesting!

Three days later, December 1, the beginning of the month, when December officially entered, that is, Christmas month. Westerners are getting ready for Christmas. At this time, all kinds of business activities will begin gradually. On the other hand, banks are also busy, and their daily capital operation will gradually increase. And this is the time for them to act!

Of course, this is also the day when the dust settles in the presidential election. It was originally in November, but in November, the bank robbery in New York and Donald's sudden trip to Paris caused the delay of the official polling day of the presidential election. In the end, all parties discussed and decided that this year's presidential voting deadline is December 1. It's a perfect day to rob the Fed.

"Donald, what's the matter with you?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Haha, Lin, now I feel better and better. I'll have a TV public debate with Obama and John. Then the referendum will start! I believe that this time I really hope to become the president of the United States! " Donald is ecstatic.

"Well, Donald, if you become the president of the United States, I will give you a big celebration banquet!" Lin fengxiao said.

"Ha ha, thank you very much. But Lin, if I win this time, my daughter will come back to pick me up. To inherit my trump company. After all, when I become president of the United States, I can no longer run companies. So I hope you'll forgive me for that. " Donald said.

Lin Feng nodded. This is natural. Although it's a pity that Ivanka is such an excellent president, after all, in China, now Lin Feng earns tens of billions of RMB through real estate every year. And this is all brought by Ivanka. Lin Feng doesn't interfere in anything. Ivanka's excellent performance makes Lin Feng very relieved. She's leaving. That's a bit of a problem!

But there's nothing like Donald becoming president of the United States!

"President Bush, I'm Lin Feng!" Lin Feng called President Bush.

"I know you are Lin Feng. What can I do for you? You're OK. You'd better not call me! Besides, after I leave office immediately, I hate you very much. I don't want to see you or hear your voice! " Bush still looks unhappy. He was never happy with Lin Feng. The simple reason is "9.11.". His own white house was bombed and the statue of Liberty was overhauled, all because of Lin Feng. It's strange that he should be fond of Lin Feng.

"Ha ha, Mr President, don't be so mean! You're out of office. Maybe we'll be friends. You see, I became friends with Clinton. Maybe we can be friends in the future Lin fengxiao said.

Bush has a black face. Why don't you, Lin Feng, still want me to take a position in your company after Bush leaves office, listen to your orders and be under your control?

"Ha ha, President Bush, this presidential election is about to start. Who do you think is the final result?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"I guess it's Obama! The first black president in history, he has a good chance of being elected! " Bush said coldly.

Lin Feng is a smile.

"Why not Donald?" Lin Feng shrugged.

I still have a key piece of evidence in my hand. What about the female subordinates in Obama's office. This is going to be published. Hey, Obama wants to be president of the United States? Bullshit! You know, what the American people value most is the family. If the president's family is not harmonious, why should he become the president! That's why Clinton almost stepped down after the scandal. And that's why Hillary and Clinton have never divorced before.

"Well, Donald, an independent candidate, doesn't have any political resources! Lin Feng, I don't want to talk with you. I have something else to do. I won't talk about it! " President Bush said he was going to hang up.

"Oh, wait! President Bush, today, I come to you. I want to witness the miracle of the United States with you. You think that whether Obama becomes President of the United States or Donald becomes President of the United States, it will usher in a new moment in the history of American politics. Such a glorious moment naturally needs to be witnessed by people. " Lin Feng laughs, "so, let's witness it together!"

Witness together! Bush hums and instinctively wants to refuse. But on second thought, if Obama wins, Lin Feng will be disappointed. At that time, he will be able to witness Lin Feng's disappointed expression, this opportunity is rare. According to the current White House analysis, Obama is likely to become the president of the United States! After all, he is a Democrat behind him. Although he is not a party with Bush, this year, the Democratic Party has a strong momentum. Moreover, John McCain is really a little old and can't compete with the young and promising Obama.

Coupled with Obama's black identity and significance, Obama has a high probability of winning. John is just constrained by the Republican Party and has to continue to fight with Obama. You can't just surrender before you start. That would be a loss of Republican status.

"Well, I promise! Then you'll come to the White House! " Bush promised.

"No, no, I'm not going to the White House. It's not free there. Well, I have a luxury apartment in New York, and we're here to witness this presidential miracle. What do you think? " Lin fengxiao said.

Bush frowned.

"Your Excellency, I will never go to your place. If you are interested, I will invite you here. Of course, I'll also invite some other friends over. Eat something and welcome the birth of the new president of the United States Lin Feng said with a smile, "of course, you can bring your secretary of State Rice with you."

Come with Secretary Rice! There was a movement in Bush's mind. This is OK. He's not willing to take his family with him. Now he and his wife have no feelings, and there has been no contact between them for a long time. The two daughters are older and seldom meet each other. Bush is basically either working or staying with rice. Bush is very satisfied to be able to join rice. What's more, Lin Feng knows his relationship with rice, so he won't cover it up.

"Well, that's it. I'll bring rice here! " Bush nodded in agreement.

"Ha ha, then I'll be waiting for President Bush!" Lin Feng laughs.

Later, Lin Feng called Governor Schwarzenegger of California, mayor of New York, and others, and sent out an invitation. And for all of us, it's also a blessing to be able to witness the birth of the miracle of the president of the United States. Of course, they want Donald to win. That way, the future presidential election of the United States will no longer be just a game of the two parties, and more liberals will be able to join the game.

"Li Rui, I've made arrangements here. I believe that by then, the attention of the FBI will be attracted! But you have to be careful. After all, it's America, it's New York! " Lin Feng said.

"Boss, I will let some gangsters make trouble ahead of time, so the FBI will not dare to act rashly. After all, the president is here, and their first duty is to protect the president. Especially in this troubled time in New York, they naturally want to protect the president! " Tang Long laughed.

Lin Feng nodded. This is also why Lin Feng must let President Bush come.

"By the way, remember, if your people are caught, the reason for making trouble is that they don't have a job. They are eager to work Lin Feng exhorted.

"Ha ha, boss, I see! I will command them Tang Long laughed.

Now, everything is ready, waiting for the arrival of December 1! It will be an epoch-making time, a day to witness miracles! Lin Feng is waiting! The whole world is waiting! Of course, people are waiting for different things. However, many things will happen on this day!

(end of three today, continue tomorrow!)