"Xiaoqing, let's go!" After leaving the airport, Sumitomo Ning did not go to the gathering point provided by Lin Feng and left by Lin Feng's plane. Instead, he chose another road.

"Master, our escape boat has long been destroyed by G23. We can't leave this island! " Xiaoqing reminded.

"It's better not to leave than to be caught by Lin Feng. Xiaoqing, you don't know Lin Feng. He is extremely protective. This time I arrested the Chinese to threaten him. He must be very upset. Although I have the whereabouts and addresses of the other half of the dead light technology, I can't guarantee that he won't catch us and force us to ask. I will never put my life in the hands of others! Even if he is Lin Feng, a man of excellent reputation Sumitomo Ning said coldly.

"But when he came up just now, he didn't go to see the Chinese. Well, he'll deal with us for them? " Xiaoqing was surprised.

"Xiaoqing, these Chinese people have nothing to do with him, just Chinese people. He will come forward to save them, but that doesn't mean he will take them as his family. These are two concepts! All right, stop talking. Let's go. On an island 30 nautical miles away, I have prepared a lifeboat in advance. We'll get out of here in a lifeboat and call for family help. " Sumitomo said.

Immediately, Sumitomo Ning and his party chose an uninhabited beach and secretly swam away from the island.

"Boss, Sumitomo, they're gone." Feng Jun came to report.

Lin Feng frowned slightly and then laughed.

"It seems that she doesn't trust me. This woman is really smart. Well, let her go. Now she still has a place to make use of. If you can't catch her, it's OK. " Lin Feng waved his hand. Originally, Lin Feng was going to put Sumitomo Ning under house arrest and teach him a lesson. Of course, Lin Feng will not humiliate her, nor abuse her, but confine her. Isn't she a Chinese who blackmailed a plane? She was imprisoned for a week.

Lin Feng will also imprison Sumitomo Ning for a week. Of course, Lin Feng will provide food and drink. However, what kind of food and drink is provided on the plane, Lin Feng will provide what kind of food and drink. In a word, Lin Feng asked Sumitomo Ning to try again what crime the Chinese of this plane had suffered. Moreover, there will be no toilet in the room. As long as you eat and drink, you will pee and poo. In a closed space, the smell will be more terrible than that on the plane.

Lin Feng and the Chinese on the plane are not relatives. They are not related by blood or friends, so Lin Feng didn't go to see how they were. This has nothing to do with Lin Feng. Lin Feng has never been so fraternal and compassionate. But Su Youning abused the Chinese like this, so Lin Feng naturally had the obligation to get it back.

But Sumitomo Ning is very good and escaped. All right, run away. If you run away, I don't want to catch you. In any case, in 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi, Fengshui turns in turn. Sooner or later, you will pay the price!

"How are the agents doing now?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Boss, it's all dealt with. Everyone was burned and disposed of, but the Japanese, our brothers couldn't help burying them alive! There is a brother whose grandfather is one of the survivors of the Nanjing Massacre. He couldn't help it, so we dug a hole for him and buried all the Japanese agents alive! " Feng Jun report said, "so, also ask the boss to punish us for our own opinions!"

Lin Feng means to get rid of all these agents and eventually cremate them. They have been cremated on the pretext of being infected with Ebola virus, so that the outside world can't say anything more. Officially, at least, you can't blame yourself. It's going to be a bit of a hassle if it's buried alive. If it is found out in the future, it will be troublesome.

"No, I'll talk to the city of Hawaii about that. Do you remember that piece of land? Write it down and give me the map. I'll go to the city government of Hawaii and buy it. Then I'll build a martyr's cemetery on it to commemorate those ancestors who died in the Anti Japanese war. We use these Japanese devils to pay homage to them! " Lin Feng said.

Feng Jun's eyes brightened when he heard the speech. It's a wonderful idea. It's really wonderful. It's so comfortable!

But just then, Feng Jun received a signal.

"No, boss, the second fleet of the United States is here. I'm afraid they're just looking for trouble. What shall we do? " Feng Jun asked, "they should have been invited by G23. When they come, Fengshen will not be able to hold up. Then, what if they come up to search? "

After killing so many people, there must be some flaws left. Originally, Feng Jun's plan was to get samples of Ebola virus from Africa, and then leave samples of Ebola virus in several places. However, it will take time. Their people have already set out from Africa. It's about 12 hours away. But now the second fleet of the United States is coming, that's troublesome!

As soon as the second fleet arrives, it will definitely go to the island. Without Ebola, they couldn't have explained how many people were burned. Although no one can see it, the trace is still there and can be detected. By then, we'll be in trouble.

Lin Feng frowned. The second fleet of the United States was also brought by the "G23", which is really troublesome.

"In this way, you get the monument quickly! Give me that place and set up a plaque immediately. It doesn't need to be gorgeous, just look like it. I'll take care of the rest! " Lin Feng said.

Now, on the other side.

"Well, the second fleet will be here in an hour. At that time, Yasuda will lead a group of agents to the island. I'll see what Lin Feng can do in these hours! " Said old DuPont coldly.

Many homeowners nodded. They want to see what Lin Feng can do in the last few hours.

"Tchaikovsky, can you help me hold the second fleet?" Lin Feng sends a signal.

Although the screen is covered here, signals from special channels can still be sent. Of course, you need to know about this channel. Otherwise, it can't be sent.

"Lin Feng, you give me a difficult problem. It's not easy enough that I can hold the fourth fleet. You still let me hold the second fleet. You are a vegetarian when you are an American soldier Tchaikovsky grinned bitterly.

"Tchaikovsky, you have to do something for me. In this way, if you don't delay one more minute, I'll reward you with a bottle of my own brewed wine. It's absolutely high-quality wine. There's absolutely no wine on the market. " Lin Feng promised.

If you use money to bribe, Tchaikovsky will directly throw the money back in your face. If you want to bribe him, there's no use but wine, and it must be the kind of rare wine that can't be bought in the market. Only wine can move this polar bear.

"Zhenniang! Can't buy one bottle per minute? " Tchaikovsky's eyes brightened.

"If you don't, forget it. I'll drink it myself. You know, I can drink 17 or 18 bottles a day. " Lin Feng said faintly, "after all, this wine is really wonderful!"

"Lin, don't say it. OK, I promise you. Grandma, I'll fight for the wine! " Tchaikovsky said with red eyes.

Lin Feng smiles. Although I don't know how long I can fight for this, it's just a little bit more. However, time has been won, and the most important point is the Ebola virus. This is too slow. However, Lin Feng believes that there must be something in Margaret Chan's hands.

Then Lin Feng found Margaret Chan. At the moment, the Department of health is relatively idle. At first, they were very nervous, but with the examination, there was no sign of Ebola virus, and the bodies disappeared without a trace. Margaret Chan knew the whole story. Therefore, these staff members are no longer so nervous. If it wasn't for the fact that these citizens didn't believe there was no Ebola virus, they would not have been able to cope with the inspection here for a long time.

"Mr. Lin, I need you to explain this to me. Ebola virus is not something to joke about! " Said Margaret Chan in a cold voice in the makeshift tent.

"Ms. Chen Feng, I hope you can understand that it's not me who make fun of Ebola virus, but those big families." Lin Feng sincerely explained, "I'm just scheming. Of course, here, I sincerely apologize to you! "

Margaret Chan shook her head gently. She was also angry for a moment, but she also understood that Lin Feng was in a dilemma in this matter. Although she is in the Department of health, she also understands the world mainstream society's rejection of Lin Feng. In fact, if you look at the friends Lin Feng has made, you will understand how difficult Lin Feng's situation is. The friends he made, Ellison, needless to say, are super lunatics. They are not allowed in the mainstream society of the United States. Berlusconi, the famous big mouth politicians in Europe, and they are not people in the mainstream society. They are all rich and noble sons, and they are all rebellious generation. Putin, needless to say, is known as the czar of Russia, Most of them are people with all kinds of eccentric personalities. These people are not representatives of mainstream Western society. This shows the western mainstream society's rejection of Lin Feng.

Otherwise, Lin Feng's assets today should have been the most popular people in the western mainstream society, young, rich and unmarried. However, with so many banquets in the upper class of the west, has Lin Feng ever been invited? No, not once. Except for some charity parties, none of them were invited. This shows Lin Feng's situation.

"Mr. Lin, let it go. But I don't want another time. After all, although our time is not as precious as yours, we can save a lot of people! " She said.

Lin Feng nodded with a smile.

"But there's one more thing, Ms. Chen Feng. I hope you can help me. That is, Ebola virus, can you get me some! " Lin fengxiao said.

Margaret Chan's face froze. Get some Ebola. Do you think it's mud? You still think it's candy!