"President, does Donald want to canvass by holding a charity party at this time?" Secretary Rice was surprised at Donald Trump's charity party.

"Well, he has no advantage at all. As an independent candidate, he has very little hope of winning the presidential election. After all, compared with candidates from both parties, he has no inside information. Behind the candidates of both parties are the Republicans and Democrats, which can help them win a lot of votes. Donald, we can only use his financial resources to canvass for him. " As the president of the United States, Bush naturally knows the secret very well.

Donald's only chance to win is to spend money. Money is the only way to omnipotence. Although it may not be omnipotent in the end, it is almost omnipotent.

"What's Donald's chance of winning this time?" Secretary Rice asked.

"Normally, he will be eliminated in the end. It's hard for voters to vote for an independent candidate. After all, he does not have any qualifications, and there is no qualified team behind him, which makes it difficult for voters to believe that he can get a good America. So, it's OK for independent candidates to run for mayor. When they reach the level of governor or president, they are basically sure to lose. " Bush frowned slightly, "it's just this time, Lin Feng is also in the United States, so it's hard to say. Last time, Lin Feng was not in the United States. I'm afraid last time, Lin Feng didn't believe Donald would win. I'm afraid that his insistence on the election is nothing more than the sympathy of Lala. This time, it's Donald's last chance. Lin Feng will certainly do his best. So whether Donald can win or not depends on Lin Feng! "

Lin Feng! Secretary Rice was surprised. Does he have such influence? Is it worth Bush's attention?

"He has! Don't forget, there is also Bill Clinton behind Lin Feng, who is a former president of the United States. If he joined Donald's campaign, it would be hard to say! " Bush said in a deep voice.

Bill Clinton! Secretary of State Rice suddenly fell asleep. This will really be a big boost and make up for Donald's lack of information. Is that the only way to win?

"It depends on what magic Lin Feng has!" Bush's eyes were full of expectation. "Maybe this presidential election will be the most wonderful presidential election in the history of the United States."

"Is it appropriate for Lin Feng to intervene in the presidential election campaign?" Rice frowned. "Do we need to do anything?"

"As long as Lin Feng does not provide funds, then we will ignore them." Bush said with a smile, "let's just watch the play."

If Lin Feng only provided wisdom, Bush would not mind. But funding is absolutely not allowed. Although this seems to offer wisdom to help a little bit more, it's a money society. Once Lin Feng provides financial assistance, the two sides will become a community of interests. After Donald becomes President of the United States, he will be constrained by Lin Feng. On the contrary, he only provides wisdom help, without money disputes. After becoming president of the United States, Donald will naturally attach great importance to the interests of the United States. Before Lin Feng's help, he can help him in some other ways that do not affect the interests of the United States. Besides, it's nothing if Donald doesn't help. Even if Lin Feng threatened to expose it, it would not be lethal to Donald.

Only money is the most disgusting thing for the American people, and it is also not allowed by the government act.

"What about Hawaii? It seems that Adam Mellon of the Mellon consortium has been arrested? " Secretary Rice asked.

"I've sent in the Marines. However, the Marine Corps will not intervene in this matter. This is a "G23" internal strife, so let them. Let's just act. For many years, we have been looking forward to the internal strife of the "G23", but the "G23" has always maintained a strong cohesion, and now it is finally internal strife, which is really great. " Bush sighed, "if there is a fight between the two sides and some people die, it would be better to destroy several families, then it would be better."

The charity party was held at the trump building on Fifth Avenue in New York. As a real estate tycoon in New York, Donald's invitation should have been a grand gathering for the upper class in New York. However, because he is an independent candidate for the president of the United States, he will run for the president of the United States with Republican John McCain and democratic Barack Obama, which makes both Republicans and Democrats dissatisfied. As a result, all of their New York celebrities refused to go to dinner. The two major parties in the United States will never give trump a chance to become famous.

If Donald's charity party is not attended by celebrities, it will become a big joke in the end. Through the hand of the media, the American people will see the fact that New Yorkers don't believe in Donald. Can the American people trust Donald?

Republicans and Democrats want to take this opportunity to get Donald out early. To avoid his meddling in this, the two major parties do not hope that Donald's appearance will lead to an unknown situation. For now, both parties are confident that their candidates will win. John has been running for president three times in a row, and his impression is very good. As for Obama, as a black man, if he becomes the president of the United States, he will be the first black president of the United States, and black people in the United States will support Obama.

Both sides are confident and naturally don't want such a troublemaker as Donald.

"Boss, so far, we've sent out 102 invitation cards, all of which are celebrities in New York, but none of them showed up. All the reporters outside are watching. If no one comes, it's troublesome! " The assistant was sweating.

If they don't come, let alone run for president. The iron will bubble, the iron will blow.

Donald, too, has an iron face. For the charity dinner tonight, he called everyone who served the invitation. On the other end of the line, they promised to be present in the evening. So, he called all the reporters, laid a red carpet here, set up bright lights, and prepared delicious food. If no one came, it would be a slap in the face. How could he step down!

"Someone's coming!" All of a sudden, the noise of the reporters rang out.

Donald was surprised, but disappointed. The person who came was the one he expected, Lin Feng. The arrival of Lin Feng was expected. Not a surprise! However, Lin Feng's presence killed many reporters. After all, Lin Feng brought so many beauties in full dress to attend. Especially, many of them are famous figures in the United States. Naturally, we need to take more photos.

Lin Feng walks through the red carpet with a smile on his face. Seeing Donald's dignified look, he knows that something has happened.

"Zhiling, you go first. I'll talk to Donald!" Lin Feng signals Lin Zhiling to lead the girls in.

As the women went in, the camera in the reporter's hand was also put down. The scene was deserted again.

"What's the matter? What's wrong? " Asked Lin Feng.

"Lin, I sent out 102 invitation cards, but no one came. It must be a bipartisan arrangement. They want to take this opportunity to make me lose face and prove that I am not trustworthy. " Donald's face was gloomy. "If so, the final result will be very bad. I'm afraid I don't have to run for president. I just go fishing!"

None of them came! Lin Feng was surprised.

"Donald, that's a good thing, too!" Lin Feng suddenly said with a smile.

"Good thing!" Donald stares at Lin Feng. What's a good thing? Is it a good thing to go fishing by yourself?

"Ha ha, it shows that they are afraid of you! It shows that you are really likely to become the president of the United States this time! Otherwise, if you are a troublemaker, they will not attach so much importance to you, and they will put you together like this! " Lin Feng said with a smile.

Donald seems to have the same idea. When I think about it, I laugh and feel much better. But there was not much meeting, and it was gloomy again.

"But if you don't come, I'll lose face. The next day, I'm afraid the media will say that I'm not trustworthy!" Donald said gloomily.

"Ha ha, this is simple. I'm Lin Feng. I don't have many other friends! Well, it's just the platform. I'll call someone for you! " Lin Feng laughs, picks up the phone, makes a crackle, and then puts it down.

"Er, Lin, you're this, this, calling people?" Donald was shocked. He didn't see Lin Feng on the phone. What was that doing?

"Ha ha, I just sent a microblog. I @ them in the microblog. If they see it, they will write back soon. " When Lin Feng spoke, the phone rang.

"See, it's a voice reminder that someone's answering." Lin Feng smiles.

Then, the phone rings constantly.

"Donald, watch. In a minute, everyone will be here." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Really? I'll see! " Donald was full of doubts and expectations.

Lin Feng is a very magical person, perhaps this time really can create a miracle. Although this time is very short, but perhaps really can also perhaps!

Lin Feng smiles. I still have a little bit of ability, platform, that's no problem. However, although the microblog is easy to use, the group sending function seems not to work, @ well, it's very troublesome. Maybe we should get a group or something, just like QQ. But foreigners don't support QQ very much. Nowadays, most of the people who use QQ abroad are "second world" players, and others don't use it very much. It seems that it's time to open up something similar based on mobile phones. Lin Feng pondered.

In Lin Feng's thinking, Lin Feng's friends began to arrive one after another!