Jobs is in hospital!

This is a very unexpected news that Lin Feng received. Of course, before Lin Feng's rebirth, jobs was hospitalized several times. At that time, Lin Feng heard that jobs was unwell. As for why, Lin Feng didn't pay much attention at that time. After all, at that time, although Apple was still popular and jobs was still regarded as a God, Lin Feng didn't pay much attention to it. After all, Lin Feng was a poor loser at home.

IPhone, that's far away from Lin Feng. I don't care much about jobs. Today, the status is different, and the focus is naturally different.

"Go, accompany me to visit jobs!" Lin Feng said with a smile. Now the girls accompany Li Yunxin to relax, and Lin Feng is waiting for Li Rui to hear from them. Anyway, it's OK to visit jobs.

Soon, Lin Feng met jobs. Of course, this is what Lin Feng forced. Jobs told the doctor that he could see anyone, but not Lin Feng. This originally Lin Feng hears not to see oneself, that calculate. But this doctor behind a, who all don't see, only don't see oneself, that can let Lin Feng displeased. What do you mean? Are you so annoying? The less you want to see me, the more I want to see you! Lin Feng rushes in directly.

"This gentleman, this gentleman, you can't go in. This is a private hospital!" The doctor cried out anxiously, trying to stop Lin Feng. He can't stop Colin. All of a sudden, Lin Feng rushed in.

"Mr. jobs, he insisted on breaking in. I can't stop him!" The doctor was sweating.

"Well, go down. I knew I couldn't stop him. " Jobs waved to the doctor to go down.

Lin Feng carefully looked at jobs, the whole person is as proud as before, his eyes are still full of sharp eyes, but his face is a bit more tired, a bit more morbid pale. Of course, people are also thin.

"Steve, you are not authentic. I came to see you. You didn't see me. You called the roll. That's not very kind! " Lin Fengmu.

Jobs put down his book.

"Lin Feng, let's go out and have a chat!" Jobs went out first.

"You just wait here. It seems that jobs has something to say to me!" After Lin Feng signals Melissa and Natalie to stay, he goes out.

The private hospital is in Cupertino, where Apple's headquarters are located. Of course, Cupertino is just a small city, which is famous for apple. Medical technology is not well developed, but it can't hold jobs' wealth. He built a private hospital here to help him treat his illness, which helped him pay attention to everything in the company at any time.

"Lin Feng, do you know why I don't want to see you?" Jobs walked down the mall and suddenly asked.

Lin Feng shook his head blankly. This is really not clear. It doesn't make sense to say you hate yourself. If you really hate yourself, jobs will not choose to meet and chat with himself. He can ask the security guard to drive himself out. That way, I'm not so cheeky. I'll stay.

"Because I don't want you to see me like this." Jobs light to say a let Lin Feng stunned words.

"This, I said, that, ha ha, that, jobs, you know, ha ha, ha ha, I have eight wives, right! Ha ha Lin Feng touched his head, sweating, "that I don't like, that, man, ha ha!"

After listening to Lin Feng's words, jobs threw Lin Feng in the back of his head.

"What the hell are you talking about! I'm not a guy! " Jobs said angrily, then muttered, "cook is, I'm not!"

"Hoo ~ ~" Lin Fengchang breathed a sigh and said, "that's good, that's good!"

"I don't want you to see me like this because I don't want you to sympathize with my weak side. We've played twice, one win and one lose. It's a draw. I hope next time, I can really win. And if you're merciful because I'm sick, it's no fun for me to win! Of course, I believe you may not be merciful, but if you say a word of sympathy, I will drive you out directly! " Jobs said later in a slightly growling tone.

Lin Feng is tongue tied. This reason is really... Maybe, because jobs is a proud man. Therefore, he does not want to see his most powerful competitor and his weak side. After all, if you set up your own home, if you suddenly get sick, you never want to be seen by the strongest competitors.

"Jobs, or that disease?" Asked Lin Feng.

Jobs' disease is pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer is a kind of digestive tract malignant tumor with high degree of malignancy and difficult diagnosis and treatment. About 90% of pancreatic cancer is ductal adenocarcinoma originated from glandular epithelium. The incidence rate and mortality rate have increased significantly in recent years. 5-year survival rate

As for the etiology of pancreatic cancer, so far, the medical side has not given a very clear statement. The current mainstream view is that it is related to smoking, drinking, high-fat and high protein diet, excessive coffee consumption, environmental pollution and genetic factors; In recent years, the incidence rate of pancreatic cancer in diabetic population is significantly higher than that in the general population. It was also noted that there was a certain relationship between the incidence of pancreatic cancer and patients with chronic pancreatitis; In addition, there are many factors related to the occurrence of the disease, such as occupation, environment, geography and so on.

As for why jobs got pancreatic cancer, it may have something to do with his work. He is a super workaholic. Once he works, he works day and night. And eat the simplest junk food to fill your stomach. In this case, in the long run, the risk of pancreatic cancer is really high.

"What's the chance of a cure?" Asked Lin Feng.

"I don't know!" Jobs shook his head. The cure rate of this disease is very low, so it's hard to say whether it can be cured.

"Lin Feng, this is my second time in hospital. My body, I know, if it can't be cured, I'm afraid my body won't last for a few years. In the future, I'm afraid my health will be worse. So I'll fight you to the death next year! " "Next year, I will launch a new product on April 1, which will be the biggest innovation and the most important product in Apple's history," Jobs said firmly

"Jobs, I will fight you in April next year. I will never be soft handed!" Lin Feng put away his heart of sympathy and said impolitely.

What jobs needs at the moment is a fight with all his strength, not sympathy. The strong never need the sympathy of others. What is needed is the respect of the strong.

"Well, I hope the first World War next year will not disappoint me!" Jobs expected to say.

His health is not bad at present. The cancer cells are basically under control. But this disease, it is often repeated. In fact, as far as the doctor is concerned, he needs to have a rest and can no longer worry about the company. Otherwise, the disease may worsen in a very short time, or even directly to the worst results. However, "apple" is made by him, and he belongs to the "Er Jin Gong". How can he tolerate "apple" falling in front of his eyes.

But no one is afraid of death. In other words, no one does not want to live. He is not a person who can't be loved in his life. He also has many things that he wants to cherish. Like family, like apple, like

So jobs wanted to give himself a chance to fight against Lin Feng. The two sides fight again, no matter win or lose, he can safely go to treatment.

"But Lin Feng, if I lose again this time, I will be disheartened. Can you accept apples?" Jobs said suddenly.

Lin Feng was shocked.

Jobs has always been a very strong person. Lin Feng was really surprised when he suddenly said such weak words. Is this still jobs?

"Don't think I'm joking. You say I'm the only one I can look up to. If Apple has to find a successor, I hope it's you. " Jobs seriously said, "no one else can take over. You are the only one who can be creative, and what I like most is creativity‘ Apple's life lies in creation. Without creation, it's no different from a salted fish

Lin Feng was surprised. Jobs even knew the word salted fish.

"Ha ha, China is a big market. Especially in recent years, the Chinese market has repeatedly created sales miracles. I naturally have some research on Chinese culture. " Jobs saw Lin Feng's face shocked, ha ha a smile, "China is really a very magical country, and you are even more magical!"

Jobs studied the history, literature and Humanities of China and found that China is totally different from other countries in the world. China really has its own characteristics. And it's incredible that Lin Feng can succeed in such a country.

"Well, that's all. If I fail, I will treat my illness with peace of mind, and Apple will be handed over to you. If I win, I'll go to the doctor, too. But Apple will not be given to you. If you lose to me, you will lose your qualification. " "You win, you win all," Jobs said. Lose, lose all! Lin Feng, I hope you can do your best to fight

Lin Feng nodded.

"Jobs, I promise you! Next year, I will fight with all my strength! " Lin Feng's face was full of longing for the war.

Jobs showed a satisfied smile. He's really out of shape. Maybe this will be his last fight.

"Well, you go. About Samsung, I agree with your plan. But you have to be careful, Samsung is not so easy to use‘ Don't make wedding clothes for others Jobs finally cautioned.