Lin Feng soon received a report from Tang long.

"Jin Da Ya, ha ha, it's an interesting name. It's really like the name of a dog's head commander. Well, I'm very satisfied with your disposal. However, Tang long, you have to be careful. He is full of ghost ideas. Although you are resourceful, you are more used in the right way, but he is devious. Be careful! Especially if you humiliate him like this, be careful that he will stab you in the back in the future! " Lin Feng reminded.

"Don't worry, boss. I've dealt with a lot of such people. I'm not really their opponent in terms of heresy. But any conspiracy, in the face of absolute strength, is a local chicken. My fist is enough to make them submit. " The air of the Dragon King of Tang Dynasty is revealed.

Lin Feng turned his lips. It's no wonder that Tang Long is not popular in the army. It's no wonder that the officers in the army can bear his character. Even if it is their own, occasionally will be angry to. However, he would never care about these, and would not be angry with him. After all, as a superior, first of all, there must be tolerance. It's not at all. What are you talking about.

"Well, I believe you. Anyway, you can be more careful in everything. " Lin Feng told him, "you're going to have an accident. Even if I wash the whole American underworld, I can't get you back!"

Tang Long laughs. He was very comfortable with Lin Feng's words. In fact, with his present wealth, he can retire long ago to enjoy life. However, he likes Lin Feng very much and likes the boss very much. This sounds a little rebellious. But now it's the 21st century. It's a pluralistic society. If the superior chooses the inferior, the inferior also has the right to choose the superior. If Lin Feng wants to see him, he needs to see him.

Obviously, they have a crush on each other.

"I'll tell you the truth, boss, so that you won't be nagging all the time. You are a nagging person. I think you are the reason why there are so many women around you. They are all infected with this kind of gynecological disease! " Tang Long muttered.

Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry. This guy is really evil. He can say that. This really can tolerate him, this other people, really can not tolerate. Including Wang Meng, they can't stand it.

"Boss, actually, I've known what kind of person Jin Daya is since you introduced him. Seriously, I'm not sure about him. This guy is crafty, full of bad water, and can endure humiliation. Such people are villains, but they are terrible villains. That's why I named him jindaya on purpose, that is, I beat him up on purpose, knocked out his front teeth and installed him with jindaya. And then they put a bug in it. " Tang Long said with a smile, "with the wiretap, I can naturally know his every move. If he wants to change his mind, hum, I will eradicate him directly. "

Lin Feng gave a thumbs up. This Tang dragon is really evil. It can be done. Of course, Jin Daya will suffer more, but if he doesn't have a second heart, Lin Feng believes Tang long will never treat him badly. Tang Long is a soldier. No matter how evil he is, he is still a soldier. Soldiers, pay attention to the heart and soul, you have no two hearts, he will be determined to you.

"Well, no more. Take care of yourself. By the way, I heard the news. The FBI seems to have done a lot of investigation recently. Maybe they suspect there is a connection between us. So, be careful. Don't care too much about protecting the Chinese people's assets. As for how to do it, I won't teach you. You can teach me about this. In short, don't let the FBI doubt us. " Lin Feng said.

"I know that, boss. I had planned to expand the territory slowly in the near future and plunder the territory of Fuqing gang. Of course, I'm going to charge protection fees for your "second entertainment.". Well, then, boss, don't blame me. I'll give you a little report in advance! " Tang Long murmured, "don't blame me for your woman's pillow. I can't stand that! "

Lin Fengyan immediately hung up. This guy really dares to say anything.

Over there, Tang Long is also happy. He also intentionally said so, the purpose is one, let Lin Feng rest assured. The reason why he does not allow the army is that he is too evil, and the most important thing is that he has thought. He has too many ideas. Soldiers can't think. If you have ideas, you are in trouble. Therefore, after the army dismissed him and Wang Meng took him in, he couldn't stand it and threw him to Lin Feng.

And after Lin Feng discovered his talent, he let him be a gangster. This is his talent. However, he has brought down such a big gang himself. With Lin Feng's financial and material resources and the support of the force from the "wolf tooth", the Tang clan has become more and more powerful and has become one of the top ten gangs in the United States. Moreover, in less than a year, he can join the three major gangs in the United States to challenge the status of the 3K party, the Mafia and the flying car party.

This influence is more and more powerful. Tang Long naturally worries about whether Lin Feng will be suspicious of him. Since ancient times, are there few things that monarchs and ministers are suspicious of? And if Lin Feng is suspicious of him, then he is finished. No matter how powerful he is, he has no resistance to Lin Feng. He came out of "wolf tooth" and deeply understood the horror of "wolf tooth". Especially the frightening Chiyou team. It's a modern assassination team made up of real martial arts masters. Even the president of the United States can be assassinated by Lin Feng. Not to mention him!

Therefore, he would like to make fun of Lin Feng, not to let Lin Feng relax his vigilance, but to tell Lin Feng that he has no two hearts. Of course, if he learns from Li Rui and others, no matter where he is, he just does his own thing well, and doesn't say or think about more, that's easy. It's a pity that he is such a thoughtful person. Therefore, he can only use his means to deal with the crisis he may face.

"Boss, don't you need to deal with it?" Feng Jun, as a bodyguard of Lin Feng, also heard the phone call from Tang long.

Lin Feng never avoids them. Lin Feng's only way to avoid them is to flirt with his own woman. Well, Feng Jun is absolutely not allowed to be around them. And others, Lin Feng will not go to avoid. It also helps them to protect themselves.

"No need. Tang Long is different from you. He has a complicated mind and thinks a lot. He has his way of doing things. Let him do it Lin Feng laughs.

What Tang long did, Lin Feng naturally knew its original intention. Otherwise, Lin Feng would not have been fooling around in society these years. Lin Feng doesn't care about this. Everyone has his own way. Li Rui and Tang long have their own way.

The great world, three thousand roads. You can't ask everyone to go the same way. Therefore, Lin Feng never asked them what to do. As long as they do what they ask of them, that's fine. What I need to do is to integrate three thousand avenues to achieve my own invincible ambition!

"Well, what are you going to do now? Is it going to Maldives? Or stay here? " Lin Feng looks at Li Yunxin and Zhao Wenyu.

Now, after this "Oolong" incident, the rest of the tests are unnecessary. Now it's time for them to give themselves answers.

"I still want to go to Maldives!" After a little hesitation, Li Yunxin insisted.

"And you?" Lin Feng looks at Zhao Wenyu. In fact, Lin Feng didn't need to ask, he knew how Zhao Wenyu would choose. Zhao Wenyu did not change his heart to Li Yunxin. He still loves Li Yunxin. Otherwise, these days, he will not find a woman. You know, this is America. It's normal to have sex with a woman. In America, making love and dating are totally different things. Whether a woman has sex with you or not, whether she decides to date you or not and become your girlfriend are two concepts, It's just a way for them to please their physiological needs.

And love, that's the soul. And the soul, will never easily open to a person. Of course, if a relationship is established, most American women will be loyal to their lovers. Although we can't rule out some behaviors of stepping on two boats, from the overall point of view, American women are more conservative than Chinese women in this respect.

As for Zhao Wenyu, he has not changed his mind about Li Yunxin, but his outlook on life, values and world outlook has changed. Before, maybe he was longing for love. But now, he looks forward to power more!

"I want to stay. You can't run like this. We can't run forever! " After thinking for half a day, Zhao Wenyu gives Lin Feng an answer that is not unexpected.

"Wenyu!" Li Yunxin cried out.

"Yunxin, listen to me. I'm doing it for our good. We can't escape! " Zhao Wenyu took Li Yunxin's hand and said excitedly, "we should face this face to face. Let me meet your father. We can convince him! Besides, Mr. Lin will help us, won't he? "

All the girls frown. Zhao Wenyu went to face Li Jianxi. They admired his courage and were willing to help them. But this directly brings Lin Feng into the water, and they don't like it very much. Why do you want to get involved in your family.

"Wenyu, brother Lin has no reason to get involved in our own private affairs. It's not impossible to see my father. But you know, if you can't convince my father, we may never meet. Have you thought it over? " Li Yunxin's face looked sad. "I've died once, and my father never let go. Do you think he will change? If you go, it will only make him more angry. Let's go, really, let's go, to Maldives! Get out of here forever

"No, Yunxin, I believe our love will persuade him. Sure it will Zhao Wenyu holds Li Yunxin's hand tightly.