On the island of Hawaii, the wind is surging. This time, all the major forces gathered for "dead light technology.".

"There are so many forces here this time, and many countries have joined in. It must have been done by the Japanese families. " Old Rockefeller said coldly.

"Don't worry about them. They just want to fish in muddy water, but when the water is deep, their excrement stirring stick can't muddy the water. " The day after tomorrow, it's the ribbon cutting ceremony in Casablanca. Our deal with Sumitomo Ning is on this day. This time, I will do it myself. "

"You went there yourself?" Old DuPont and old Rockefeller exclaimed.

"Well, Sumitomo Ning is not a simple woman. Although she is young and a woman, her mind is much more delicate than that of men, and her wrist is more determined than that of many people. I'm afraid other people will pass by and can't cope with him. " Old Morgan said in a deep voice, "you two are going to take the headquarters, only me."

"Yes, I'm afraid it's just you. Ah, our descendants are all out of touch! A hundred years later, the family is worried! " Old Rockefeller and old DuPont both sigh.

This sigh made another giant dissatisfied.

"What do you mean? Do you think I'm invisible?" Adam Mellon snorted, "she's just a woman. She's just in charge of the family. She's not rich yet. She's just lucky enough to get half a page of" dead light technique ". You three are too cautious to deal with her. Of course, it's a good thing to say that you are cautious. I think you are just people. The older you live, the more afraid you are! "

"Adam, don't look down upon Sumitomo Ning. She can control Sumitomo's family for a period of time. In Japan, a country where men are superior to women, and this ancient family, she has amazing means to stand firm. If you look down on her, you will suffer a great loss. " Old Morgan frowned.

"Well, you're the only one who's so ambitious. I admit that the Japanese family is a little older than our family, but it represents a decadent past. Today, the center of the world is the United States, and the core of the United States is our families. I, being able to get a firm foothold and lead the Mellon consortium to sit here, is not only by virtue of my blood, my identity. Don't go this time, uncle Morgan. I'll go! " Adam Mellon said haughtily, "I'm bound to get that half of the dead light technology!"

"If you're going, you have to be careful. We should be careful not to act rashly. " Old Morgan said.

"Don't worry, I know it. Just a woman! " Adam Mellon disdains to say.

"Well, we'll leave it to you. You're in charge of all the people there. Your task is to bring back the half page of "dead light technology". As long as you can bring it back, you have made a great contribution. The Mellon consortium will be able to share more of its future interests! " Old Morgan said.

"Well, I'll go. You just wait for me to bring back half a page of "dead light technology." Adam Mellon turned and left. Now he's on his way to Hawaii. Of course, he won't arrive directly by plane. Now that the typhoon is raging there, he will take a plane and arrive near the sea area of Hawaii, then parachute and enter by submarine. And he will take the elite of the Mellon consortium to fight for "dead light technology.".

"Still too tender!" Old DuPont laughed.

"Well, he's still too young, just like his brother Arroyo, too impulsive. Young people just like to be impulsive. But I don't know. It's already a dragon's den. " Old Rockefeller said.

"If he wants to die, let him. If he's going to die there again, the Mellon consortium will have no successor. " There was a flash of light in old Morgan's eyes.

"Ha ha, if he is going to die, we will do our best to help him take care of his family." Old DuPont laughed.

"That's what our elders told his father." Old Rockefeller said with a smile.

Three old foxes, laughing again.

"But I think it's odd. Do you think that half page of paper is still in Lin Feng's hands? This Sumitomo Ning, I doubt that she has cooperated with Lin Feng at all. If they cooperate, Lin Feng will surely have the half page in his hand. " Said old Morgan in a deep voice.

"It's quite possible. But we don't have any hard evidence, so we have to test it. " Old Rockefeller said.

"I think we're ready. On the one hand, let's see if Adam can bring the half page. On the other hand, let's go to contact Lin Feng. Take him in! " Said old DuPont suddenly.

Take it in? Old Morgan and old Rockefeller were slightly surprised.

"Well, before, we wanted to develop him into the periphery of our organization. But he refused, and he proved that he had the strength to become a full member. Therefore, I think it's better to recruit him as a member or a full member. That way, there will be less disputes in the world. We don't have to fight with him Old DuPont said in a deep voice, "absorbing a forest style can not only make our organization more powerful, but also restrain the Japanese family!"

Old Morgan and old Rockefeller both nodded. Now the organization has a cause of disaster, and the Japanese family is the cause. The Japanese have always been unfamiliar white eyed wolves. In the past, I wanted to use Japan to clamp down on China, or to annex China, and bring China into the sphere of influence of the organization. After all, China has the largest population in the world. But Japan did enter China through the power of the organization. Unfortunately, all the resources were swallowed by the Japanese family. This also allowed the Japanese family to rise rapidly in a short period of time, and vaguely qualified to compete with the American family.

If Lin Feng can be absorbed, they will fight each other to death for the enmity between Lin Feng and the Japanese family. The American family, on the other hand, can take advantage of others. Of course, if we want to absorb Lin Feng, we have to bear Lin Feng's strange temper, which completely contradicts their various personalities.

"If Adam can't get back that half page of paper, then we will contact Lin Feng and take him as a regular member!" Old Morgan said. If you can get it back, with dead light technology, then all obstacles are no longer obstacles. Dead light, you can easily get rid of any enemy.

Although they and Lin Feng have many grudges. But they are businessmen. Businessmen talk about interests. In front of interests, there is no nationality, color or race. The difference is the number of interests!

We're done here. Lin Feng's conversation with Li Rui is over. For this fight, Lin Feng still said, safety first! Half page paper may not be needed, but people must come back safely.

After all, as long as this half page of paper is in your own hands, the G23 side will not be able to create "dead light", and the world will not lose its balance. Therefore, I have nothing to be afraid of.

The night passed. The next day, during the day, Lin Zhiling arrived with Thai Princess problin. This time, Princess problin is less smart than before, but more friendly and dignified. She is more like a princess than before. Moreover, Princess problin's skin is white, which has the feeling of snow white. At first sight, people will have the idea of being close to her.

"Hello, Princess proletariat, thank you for coming to the ribbon cutting Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, it should be my honor to participate in such a grand ribbon cutting. This time, it's a global event. I'm honored to be here! " Said the princess.

Lin Feng smiles.

Then in the afternoon, Li Zhiyou and them came. They were accompanied by Li Yunxin, the daughter of SamSung group who had just attempted suicide and was rescued, and Li Fuzhen, their elder sister. Obviously, Li Yunxin is still in a trance and hasn't recovered from her suicide. But think about it, Li Yunxin was completely desperate for life, and then chose to commit suicide. Although attempted suicide, but does not mean that she is full of joy to life, I'm afraid that more is not dead. In this case, you have to look good before you have a ghost.

"Brother Lin, let's take Yunxin to relax! After she was discharged from the hospital, she stayed in her bedroom and didn't go anywhere. We were afraid that she would have an accident. So bring her around. " Li Zhiyou explained.

Lin Feng nodded. Come on, anyway, as long as it's not Japanese, Lin Feng doesn't have much opinion. As for Koreans, although they have a grudge against South Korea, it's because some things of Smecta in South Korea are too much, but this kind of excess is essentially different from the Japanese kind of madness. So, Lin Feng and South Korea are fighting, but if they sit together again, it's no problem.

"Let's go back to the hotel first." Lin Feng said.

The party went back to the hotel. This time, the public once again witnessed the popularity of Lin Feng in Casablanca. As long as Lin Feng appears, there are people chanting "long live the God of wind". The worship of Lin Feng in Casablanca is unprecedented. What's more, they found that in many hotels and restaurants, there are pictures of Lin Feng, which is like worshiping Allah.

Li Fuzhen frowned. Lin Feng is so popular. Will the Samsung consortium be Lin Feng's rival in the future? The goal of the Samsung consortium is to become the largest consortium in the world. It wants to drive the whole Korean nation to the top of the world with the help of the Samsung consortium. But now when we meet Lin Feng, what will happen in the future?

"Well, here we are. Let's have a good rest. Tomorrow morning at 9 am, cut the ribbon on time! " Lin Feng said.

The women dispersed. The hotel they stay in is also Lin Feng's Hilton Hotel, which is the only star hotel in Casablanca at present. This is also the preferential treatment given by Casablanca to Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin, this time in New York, I haven't been able to negotiate the acquisition. What should I do?" Li Zhiyou said with a guilty face.

"Well, I don't blame you for spending all your time with Li Yunxin. But after this incident, I hope you understand that everything should be prioritized. Of course, I'm not saying that I won't let you accompany her. It's just that you should deal with the matter at hand. I don't think you should be afraid of signing instead of having no time to negotiate. " Lin Feng said slowly.

"Elder brother Lin..." Li Zhiyou directly lowered her head. That's it. She was really afraid of signing a contract. She always felt that she couldn't do it well, which made her very afraid.

"Friend, everything has a first time. When I first went to negotiate with the bank, I was just as nervous. But I told myself that if I didn't go, I would not be able to develop my career, and I would only be in the small place of Chu city all my life. So I forced myself to meet the bank. After many times, I kept telling myself, let me step by step out. As long as you take the first step, you will find that things are not as difficult as you think. People, never scare yourself! Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is the fear of failure! " Lin Feng said seriously.

Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is the fear of failure! Li Zhiyou chewed this sentence carefully and nodded his head after a long time.

"Brother Lin, I know. When I go back this time, I will negotiate with the other party and take the store!" Li Zhiyou said.

"Well, remember, it's better to have a higher price than to buy it. Remember, don't rent, buy it!" Lin Feng exhorted.

Buy it? Will house prices rise in the future? Li Zhiyou's heart moved.

As soon as Lin Feng saw it, he knew that Li Zhiyou certainly thought that house prices would rise in the future. In fact, next year, house prices in the United States will fall sharply. Once the subprime mortgage crisis breaks out, house prices in the United States will plunge. But I have to buy it myself. That will give the outside world a false impression that they are not aware of the subprime crisis. Otherwise, only by making a big profit from the food crisis, but also by making a big profit from the subprime mortgage crisis, the outside world can not tolerate itself.

"Also, I've got a helper for you who will help you with staff training. You just grab the menu. " Lin fengxiao said.

Li Zhiyou giggled and came forward with a crack.

"Well, go and have a rest. You'll have to cut the ribbon tomorrow. You're a little tired. Hurry up and get jet lag!" Lin fengxiao said.

"Brother Lin, I have one more thing to say. I'll have a rest when I say it!" Li Zhiyou showed his two little tiger teeth. "It's about Yunxin. Elder brother Lin, she's like this now. We're very distressed. Can you help her?"

"This is not allowed by her family. What can I do as an outsider? I can't tie them away and let them get married. It's not impossible, but is such a marriage meaningful? You can't see people all your life. Do you think it's meaningful? " Asked Lin Feng.

"Then what? You can't watch Yunxin lose weight Li Zhiyou has a worried face.

"Well, take a rest first, and let me see. When the ribbon cutting is over tomorrow, we'll find a way. In this case, it's always man-made. " Lin fengxiao said.

Li Zhiyou nodded, then took another crack, and left with a look of joy.

The next day, everyone woke up early.