Warfare? Is it really going to start!

The heads of state were silent at this moment. No one wants war, especially for developed countries, the last thing they want is war. Once the war starts, it will be devastating at the present level of science and technology. No one wants a war to destroy the whole world.

But if the Japanese Prime Minister and the Russian president really want to make trouble, what can they do? In terms of the current military strength of the two countries, Russia is crushing Japan. If war is really going to start, Russia can carry out a devastating attack on Japan in a short period of time. But will the United States not go to war? Obviously, the first time, the United States will send troops to protect Japan. Then it will be a war between the United States and Russia.

Once the United States sends troops, the European Union will certainly send troops. This created a confrontation between Russia and the West. Russia is certainly not an opponent. Neither the air force nor the navy of Russia is an opponent of the western countries headed by the United States at all, and the war situation is certainly tragic. At that time, either Russia will accept the defeat of the naval battle, or it will use the army to regain its dignity. That way, it will be easy to expand the battlefield, and then the whole Europe will be restless.

As a result of all-round war, Russia is still not an opponent. Without using nuclear weapons, Russia will be swept by the western countries headed by the United States. At this time, will China take part in the war? If China continues to remain silent, Putin will surely use nuclear weapons. If Putin uses nuclear weapons, then the United States, France and other countries will use them. Then the world will be destroyed.

If Russia doesn't, then China will have to go to war and help Russia. In that case, there will be a world war with conventional weapons. Once the two sides kill each other, the scale of the war will expand, which will directly lead to the spread of the war zone to the whole world. And most seriously, it may lead to mutual firing of nuclear weapons. The world is still destroyed.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, Russia will not retaliate after being hurt. Give up. But this possibility, infinity is zero, or even zero. After all, President Putin's strong personality is well known. You have to make him admit defeat. No one thinks that will happen.

So, no one wants the two sides to really go to war!

"We have to show up!" Bush came out and connected directly to Putin.

"President Putin, I don't think the situation should get worse like this. This time, your country has won enough. Why don't you give Japan some face? " Bush didn't negotiate with Putin hard. In the face of strong characters, if you want to be strong, the two sides can only talk.

"It's not that I don't give Japan face, it's someone who doesn't give Japan face. He still insists that the Japanese Prime Minister go to China to apologize! " Although Putin is strong, he is not strong enough to be reckless. Lin Feng is the cause of this incident. He naturally wants to poke Lin Feng out. He took the blame for Lin Feng and recognized the deep-water bomb, but it doesn't mean that he wants to help Lin Feng recognize everything.

He even suspected that Lin Feng's deep-water bomb was aimed at provoking a war between Russia and Japan and eventually leading Russia to destroy Japan. Therefore, he wants to bring Lin Feng to the table, but he doesn't want Lin Feng to laugh behind his back.

"Lin Feng?" Bush frowned. It's all trouble when it comes to Lin Feng.

"Let's meet and have a good talk. I want to talk to you, too. " Bush asked.

Putin nodded.

"Yes, but it must be on my carrier!" Putin offered conditions.

"Yes Bush did not hesitate. His seventh fleet is right behind him, and he's not afraid to go to the Russian carrier.

Soon, the three parties met on the Russian aircraft carrier, of course, Lin Feng's new Fengshen.

Participants: US President George W. Bush, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Japanese Prime Minister, and Lin Feng. Lin Feng did not want to participate, but both Bush and Putin asked Lin Feng to participate. Lin Feng could not refuse the request of the two heads of state.

"This matter, I hope, will stop here and stop spreading." Bush said the premise of the meeting.

Putin nodded.

****Think about it and nod. Of course, he has conditions, but the conditions are waiting for talks, not now. Bush's statement of this premise only represents a keynote of this meeting. As for other compensation and so on, let's talk about it slowly.

"Wait!" Lin Feng objected.

"So far, so far for you, or for me?" Lin Feng said aloud.

"What do you think, Lin Feng? So far, are you not satisfied? Half of Tokyo's population has paid the price. Nearly 8 million people were killed or injured. I think even ten times compensation is enough! " Bush said in a deep voice.

****There was a trace of anger in his eyes. It's Lin Feng who makes things like this. He swore that he would never let Lin Feng go. Never!

"It's one size at a time! How many people died in Tokyo has nothing to do with my dime. It's because they attacked first and the Russian fleet fought back later. However, the Japanese invasion of China is an ironclad fact. If we really want to compare the number of people, during the whole world War II, China lost 50 million soldiers and civilians, while only Japan invaded China at that time. If we want to make a comparison, I will not care about Japan's 50 million casualties! " Lin Feng drank coldly, "otherwise, * * * * must go to China to apologize. It's clear in black and white. "

"Lin Feng, don't you think you've gone too far?" Bush is not happy. This guy doesn't know where to go. As a matter of fact, Bush said that this is the end of the matter, which means that he will no longer pursue the tsunami. As for the subsequent negotiations, it is only to get all parties off the stage. He asked Lin Feng to join the meeting in order to avoid making trouble in the future. But now Lin Feng's attitude makes him very dissatisfied.

"President Bush, I still have that attitude, one yard to one yard!" Lin Feng is calm but uncompromising.

"Lin Feng, don't deceive people too much. Without the support of Russia, you are nothing**** At this moment, I was angry, patted the table and roared.

Bush frowned, but said nothing more. Lin Feng has gone too far in this matter. It's too much to submerge half of Tokyo. What else do you want?

But Lin Feng laughed.

"Then you are not backed by an America. Without America, your little Japan would have been destroyed long ago! " Lin Feng light smile, "I Lin Feng this person is very simple, I don't steal a person a cent, but who owes me, less a son can't. When you lost, you had to go to China to apologize. Don't forget, I gambled with you with my trillions of dollars. If you can afford to gamble, you can afford to lose! "

Baga**** It's a moment of silence. At the beginning, he thought it was taking advantage, but who expected that in the end, he was completely passive.

"You two, we are going to talk about solutions. I'm not here to argue and talk. Lin Feng, you have won this bet, and you have lost it. But this time you have made such a big deal, we all have a lot of tolerance, no further study. But don't think you can really do whatever you want. If you are going to pursue this matter, I can guarantee that your company will be subject to an unprecedented overhaul. I can make your company inseparable from China. Even the Chinese government may not be able to protect you. It's not a threat! You should know that the president of the United States can do it! " Bush has shown the strength of the US president at the moment.

Sometimes, the president of the United States is subject to many restrictions, but sometimes, the power is also great. Otherwise, they won't be called the most powerful people on the planet. In this incident, half of Tokyo's population was killed, which is the biggest excuse of the US government. As long as Russia does not stop it, Lin Feng will never escape. Putin's helping Lin Feng is nothing more than interests. Bush believes that the United States can give Russia more benefits than Lin Feng can.

Before that, the United States was not willing to give. But if Lin Feng wants to go on fighting, the United States can sacrifice certain interests to get Russia out of the way. At that time, where could Lin Feng go? All the enemies in the world need the strength of all the enemies in the world. Lin Feng, at present, has no such strength. Not only Lin Feng, not even G23, but they also learned to keep a low profile and control the world behind them.

Lin Feng's face changed. Bush's sudden strength made Lin Feng passive. Now it's up to Putin.

After a moment of silence, Putin spoke slowly.

"Let's call it a day. Lin Feng, it's not good for anyone to go on fighting on both sides. I'm not afraid of war, but I don't want unnecessary war. Step back, we are still friends Putin looks at Lin Feng.

Obviously, Putin also gave his bottom line. He doesn't want war on both sides. If Lin Feng broke out a war with Japan and fought with the United States, Putin would not like to. Putin is strong, but not stupid. No matter how fierce he is, no matter how strong he is in the international community, there is room for the United States to fight against it. But this time, Lin Feng broke the bottom line. He can't accept it.

Hum**** Cold eyes, he is very happy to see Lin Feng in trouble. He was so happy. Lin Feng was so invincible before, but now, ha ha, he doesn't want to bow his head! Can Lin Feng still hop up!

No! Without Putin's support, Lin Feng could not cope with the strong United States. Among other things, as long as the United States finds out that this deep-sea bomb exploded off the coast of Tokyo port, it is murder. You can't run on your own. At that time, as long as Putin refuses to admit the crime, Lin Feng will bear it. After all, the fleet belongs to Lin Feng. Whether it's rented or bought, it belongs to Lin Feng. If Putin does not take the initiative to take all the charges, Lin Feng should bear them. And Lin Feng can't afford it. It's a capital crime!

Take a deep breath. Lin Feng calms down.

At the moment, although the heart like fire, but Lin Feng did not get angry, but let himself completely calm down. Sure enough, relying on mountains and trees, the world can finally rely on itself. They have to deal with the heads of state, but in the end they will be thrown away. Again, there are no absolute friends in this world, only absolute interests. I have a good relationship with Putin because of my interests. Similarly, the United States can have close relations with Russia as long as it has sufficient interests.

"Well, I agree that this is the end of the matter!" As he spoke, Lin Feng suddenly hit him in the face and knocked him to the ground.

"Well, it won't be mentioned again!" Lin Feng said calmly.

Putin laughed. Good. Lin Feng is a friend worth making. At the critical moment, we can give up and have great wisdom. Otherwise, if Lin Feng continues to be strong, he will not be a friend of Russia. Russia is already the enemy of the whole world. Naturally, its friends can not be the enemy of the whole world. We can have the momentum of all enemies in the world, but we can't have the blindness of all enemies in the world.

Bush frowned, but said nothing. It's not too much for Lin Feng to bear this evil breath and get this blow. After all, his political career was saved. Besides, he was not beaten by Lin Feng on the first day, and he was used to it.

****There was no shouting. Although the heart is angry, but I know I can't ask for justice at the moment. The heads of state of the two countries only hope that this matter will be over and they will make trouble again, that is, they are not. Bearing the swelling on his face, he began to negotiate with Putin.

After all, it's an account for the Japanese people to make such a fuss. Finally, the three parties reached an agreement through negotiation. Putin apologized to the citizens of Tokyo and punished several officers and soldiers for the wrong shooting of the fleet. Japan, on the other hand, accepted Putin's apology and terminated the constitutional amendment proposal. At the same time, it made a formal apology for the attack on the Russian fleet. As for the disaster, the United States will conduct a comprehensive inspection, and ultimately determine that the war between the two sides is offshore, leading to an undersea earthquake ahead of time, which eventually led to the Tokyo tsunami. In addition, the United States will organize rescue forces, as well as global fund-raising, to rescue Tokyo.

It can be said that this is a happy ending for all. All parties stepped back and gained face. As for Lin Feng, people are very tacit understanding, did not let Lin Feng appear in this matter again, to avoid unpredictable changes. Of course, during this period, he proposed that Lin Feng could no longer own the fleet, but he was rejected by Putin. Putin said it was Russia's fleet leased to him to protect Lin Feng. If Lin Feng pays, Russia will have to fulfill the contract.

Putin's promise also made Lin Feng feel a little better.

In the end, things settled down. It's very fierce, but in the end it's nothing. That's politics! It is also a basic principle of communication between countries. Unless both sides become deadly enemies, no matter what happens, they can negotiate, and they can turn the major into the minor and the minor into the minor!

And the whole world is happy with the result.

Of course, Lin Feng is not happy enough. However, although the matter is over, the tone will not stop. Now there is no strength, the future has strength, and then slowly calculate! Lin fengleng left Tokyo Bay.

Strong, Lin Feng needs to be stronger! Don't rely on anyone's strength!