The world is guessing which country this mysterious fleet belongs to. But the countries that have aircraft carriers all over the world have no information about this aircraft carrier formation, or even no information at all. No one knows where the mysterious aircraft carrier comes from and what it's doing here.

And guess to guess, no one guessed Lin Feng. After all, Lin Feng's Fengshen has been destroyed. It's too difficult to own another one. Even if a country dares to sell it, it will take time to build it. In a short time, how can Lin Feng have an aircraft carrier again. So no one could guess that it was Lin Feng.

Some people guess it's China! But if it's really a Chinese aircraft carrier, it's unlikely that it will directly use the art of war against Japan. As far as China's consistent foreign policy is concerned, if it has an aircraft carrier, it will naturally cruise and train, but it will never block Japan's door. This is too arrogant. It's not Chinese style.

So who is it? In the end, everyone guessed one country - North Korea.

Indeed, only North Korea dares to do so, and it is possible to have an aircraft carrier formation. After all, North Korea is by far the most mysterious country in the world. In today's globally unified country, North Korea is truly closed and isolated. And it doesn't own any resources, which makes the United States totally uninterested in it. You tried your best to beat it down. As a result, the country is so poor that it almost has no pants. Aren't you looking for trouble.

If you fight down, you should be responsible for its reconstruction and accept international ethical condemnation. Moreover, most people in this country have been brainwashed. You have to accept their revenge. You can't kill civilians. What's the point of this fight? Instead, it becomes a burden. Therefore, even if North Korea repeatedly challenges, the United States does nothing but warn or pull it into the global list of countries that support terrorism.

And the country is close to China. It's also a problem. Of course, it may also be an uncertain time bomb. After all, if this country becomes an immature white eyed wolf, the United States will laugh.

Therefore, if it is really North Korea, if it has an aircraft carrier formation, it is not surprising to block the door of Japan. After all, the country itself is a miracle. Moreover, in modern history, North Korea was founded because it resisted Japanese aggression. Now it's natural to take revenge. And if it's the North Korean fleet, that's the real problem. Now that this country has come, it is bound to set off a bloodbath.

This is the seventh Pacific fleet of the United States, although it is on its way to Tokyo Bay. But it may not work when you arrive. What if North Korea is desperate to go to war? Even if this fleet is destroyed, the news will be over.

"Could this be North Korea's fleet?"**** Ask.

In his mind, he would rather be the fleet of North Korea than that of Lin Feng. If this is Lin Feng's fleet, that's the trouble. It's a lot of trouble!

"I don't know. According to the information sent back by the United States, they can't confirm which country's Fleet it is. It has the shadow of Russia, but its appearance is totally different from that of Russia. Too gorgeous! This appearance, more Germany and other Western European countries style, meticulous and gorgeous. Russia has always been relatively rough. Moreover, on the Korean side, if they have a fleet, they should fight South Korea, not us! " Cabinet analysis said.

"Indeed, the hatred between South Korea and North Korea is greater. If North Korea has such a powerful force, it should deter South Korea instead of pestering us!" Cabinet members agreed.

"If it's not North Korea, who is it?"**** Ask.

Everyone was at a loss. It's hard to guess.

"If it's not North Korea, I'm afraid it's Lin Feng!" Taro Aso whispered.

Today, Taro Aso serves as the Deputy Prime Minister and finance minister of the cabinet. He and Lin Feng also have grudges. So he thought of Lin Feng. Of course, at the first time, he thought it was Lin Feng. But he didn't want to believe it. But in this analysis, there are only a few Japanese enemies, and there is only one who dares to blockade the Tokyo Bay.

"Lin Feng!" The crowd exclaimed.

"Is that possible? Isn't he "Fengshen" destroyed? " Members of the cabinet exclaimed.

The battle of Casablanca is still known to many people. At least they are senior officials at the national level. Lin Feng's Fengshen no longer exists. Could it be Lin Feng?

"It was destroyed. But what if he bought another one? " Taro Aso said.

The crowd shook their heads. How can it be? It's not buying Chinese cabbage. It's exaggerating to say that you can buy only one.

****I think so, too. If Lin Feng had another aircraft carrier, that would be the real headache. This guy has a deep hatred for Japan. He doesn't understand that the hatred between Japan and China is at the national level, and it is also a legacy of history. Now the national level is hoping for friendship between China and Japan, but Lin Feng is always provoking the dispute between the two countries. What on earth is he thinking? He is a businessman. Why do he care so much! In fact, as far as his current position is concerned, as long as he doesn't mess around and stand on the other side of the trend, no one can threaten Lin Feng. But he always wanted to jump out and look for trouble.

"I suggest that Machimura be allowed to board the ship. Now this fleet is very mysterious. Only by sending people on board can we know its origin! " Taro Aso said.

Board! Everyone frowned. I'm afraid it's dangerous to board the ship. After all, it is not clear where the power of this fleet comes from. What if it's dangerous to board the ship rashly?

"Nobutaka Machimura is the Minister of foreign affairs of Japan, representing the dignity of Japan. No country can deal with him casually. And he just knew Lin Feng, and he was able to deal with this situation. " Taro Aso said.

If you send an ordinary official up there, even if you know Lin Feng, it will be difficult to have any effect, because Lin Feng is so crafty that ordinary people can't cope with it. And the identity is not enough, in case of being eradicated directly by Lin Feng, or killed by the mysterious forces, it will be really white death. Who let you board the ship rashly! Machimura's identity is enough! He went up and didn't dare to do anything!

And America's Pacific seventh fleet is coming.

****After careful consideration for a while, he finally decided to send Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura to board the ship. Only in this way can we find out who and what this mysterious force is. Otherwise, it would be a headache to blockade Tokyo Bay all the time. Tokyo Bay is Japan's largest port, while Japan is an island country, lacking in all kinds of materials. Without these freighters to transport materials, Japan would not last many days. If you don't care about it all the time, it's a real trouble.

what! Let me board! Machimura Nobutaka received the news from the Japanese cabinet and his face changed. In the blink of an eye, I thought who had come up with this bad idea. Damn Taro Aso!

Machimura hates injustice. He and Taro Aso are at odds, and they have had fierce conflicts over the four northern islands. At that time, he advocated peace talks with Russia. If the four northern islands were wanted by Russia, it would be given to them. After all, it was of little significance. If Japan wants to compete with Russia all the time, it will suffer a great loss. After all, Japan's current military strength is not as good as Russia's, but Russia is a master who is not afraid of anything. It is not cost-effective for Japan to compete with Russia. In particular, Japan is also competing with China for Diaoyu Islands and North Korea for independent islands. It's hard to deal with Russia.

Taro Aso, however, was firmly opposed at that time. They had a big fight in Congress and even started to fight. However, in the end, Machimura Nobutaka, who was then foreign minister, won and signed the four northern islands agreement with Russia, which turned the two wars into friendship. But it also made a difference. Later, when ASO taro became prime minister, Machimura Nobutaka went directly to the press and did not give ASO a bird at all, which was regarded as humiliation by ASO taro. Later, as prime minister again, Mr. Machimura was invited to be Minister of foreign affairs, and Taro Aso was invited to be Minister of finance.

It can be said that the two began to fight openly and secretly. At the moment, Machimura Nobutaka has absolute reason to believe that this is absolutely from Taro Aso, the son of a bitch. It's impossible for him to board such a dangerous warship. This is clearly to take one's own life.

But now the cabinet has decided, can it not go? It's not as simple as hanging the seal, but it's directly related to his face and the honor of his family. So, whether it's a tiger's den or not, he has to go.

Taro Aso, I wrote down today's hatred! Machimura Xinxiao cursed hard, and ordered people to go to the front of the aircraft carrier, ready to board.

In the distance, the Japanese side has also raised an early warning plane to pay close attention to this scene.

Hum! Fight me! go to hell! Taro Aso grins grimly. He is 80% sure that this mysterious fleet is most likely affiliated to Lin Feng. After all, no one dares to do this except Lin Feng. Although it's not clear how Lin Feng got another aircraft carrier formation, it's well known that Lin Feng doesn't like the Japanese. Taro Aso also knows. So, let Machimura Nobutaka board the ship, there is absolutely no life or death. Lin Feng has too many reasons to kill him directly. Even if Lin Feng doesn't kill Machimura, he will be humiliated. In this way, Taro Aso is very comfortable.

Under the global attention, Machimura Shinzo step by step closer to the mysterious fleet.

"I'm Nobutaka Machimura, Minister of foreign affairs of Japan. Now I'm asking to board the ship. Please allow me to board!" Machimura, under the aircraft carrier, yells.

There is no way. If he wants to live, he must put away his crazy state, or he will die somehow.