The result of Lin Feng's meeting with several other Hollywood film giants is similar to that of Li Fuzhen's meeting. No matter universal, paramount or Disney, they are willing to share 50% of their profits with Lin Feng. And Lin Feng did not refuse, they all agreed to their terms.

"Mr. Lin, is that all you want?" Asked Elizabeth Murdoch in surprise. She is very strange that Lin Feng's goal is only five to five. Although the share to profit ratio is very high, the profit is too small compared with Lin Feng's identity. It seems that Lin Feng doesn't need to persuade people to come to China to talk about signing a contract for such a profit.

"Elizabeth, thank you very much this time. As for between us, I can promise that all the 20th Century Fox films coming to China will enjoy. As for Lin Feng's purpose?

"I want to open up the domestic film market first!" Lin Feng said in a deep voice, "the domestic film market has been very sluggish, until these years, it slowly opened up. Of course, there are reasons for the increase in national income, but it is more because there are no good movies in China. In the past, "political films" forced people to go to the cinema. If they saw too many of them, they naturally did not want to go to the cinema again. After all, watching movies on TV is a waste of time. It's stupid to spend money to go to the cinema

Elizabeth Murdoch nodded. She also did some research on China's film market. In the 1980s, there were some red films in China, but in the 1990s, there were commercial films. At that time, it was the time when Hong Kong cinema was booming. However, due to the audit system, most Hong Kong films cannot be broadcast in the mainland. This led to the prevalence of VCD shops in the mainland. In recent years, with the opening of the system, many movies from other countries have appeared in cinemas, and Hollywood blockbusters have gradually entered the Chinese market.

"There are many reports in China that a movie in China is very expensive, much more expensive than in the United States. I have absolutely no objection to this. But I don't quite agree. In fact, the consumer market of any country in the world should not compare with that of the United States. Everything is cheap in America. For example, Mercedes Benz in Germany costs $30000, while in the United States it costs only $28000. Of course, in China, it costs 60000 US dollars or more. So don't compare anything with America. In my opinion, China's film market is very big. It is not a myth that the box office of a year's films will exceed 100 billion yuan. " Lin Feng said, "as long as we cultivate the habit of consumers going to the cinema, then the box office will naturally usher in a leap. Of course, the increase of national income is also necessary. After all, it doesn't make sense to pay too much for a movie. Therefore, we should first cultivate the habit of consumers, so that consumers are willing to go to the cinema to see blockbusters and feel the value of watching movies in the cinema. "

As soon as Elizabeth Murdoch's eyes brighten, she catches a glimmer of inspiration and understands Lin Feng's meaning.

"And then use this desire to stimulate Chinese people to work hard and make money?" Asked Elizabeth Murdoch.

"Oh, yes. In fact, my goal is not all Chinese, but young Chinese. Nowadays, there are many gnawing people in China. These people are gnawing at the old all day, while the vast majority of the audience at the movies are young people. So if they like watching movies, work hard and make more money. I hope China can return to its original industrious nation. It's not today's society, which is a bit of a ritual collapse! " Lin Feng sighed, "of course, it needs all kinds of stimulation, not just watching movies. But I believe that the changes in the world start from the local, and then slowly change. My wealth has long been as rich as mine. To some extent, I have lost my goal in life. Therefore, I hope to change China through my efforts. Change in every way! "

Of course, Lin Feng didn't say anything. That's what Elizabeth doesn't need to know.

Elizabeth Murdoch no longer knows how to comment on Lin Feng. There is a gap between what he thinks and what she can understand. This is a difference in realm. Although she is not sure that Lin Fengfeng can't do it, at least her courage is commendable. This kind of person is also more worthy of investment. It's better to be a friend than an enemy!

"Mr. Lin, our family is willing to do our best to help you achieve your goal. You will always be a friend of our family! So, I think, in the future, will our family media report more positive news about you? " Elizabeth Murdoch suggested.

Lin Feng waved his hand with a smile.

"No! You can do what you want. If you are totally partial to me, it will be seen by those who have a heart. Although, some day in the future, our relationship may be exposed, but I never hope it is now. " Lin Feng said with a smile, "my only hope now is that you can make more blockbusters so that the Chinese film audience can have a good eye!"

Elizabeth Murdoch nodded.

After saying goodbye to Elizabeth Murdoch, Lin Feng returns to the villa.

All the women came at once.

"Eh, didn't you play mahjong today?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

The women shook their heads.

"Brother Lin, can you help Miss Li? She is so pitiful!" Li Zhiyou's eyes are swollen with tears.

Lin Feng looked at the eyes of this pair of weeping peaches, and his face was filled with heartache.

"Miss Li? Do you mean Li Yinxin? Do you know each other? " Lin Feng asked painfully.

"Well, brother Lin, you forget that two years ago when you accompanied us to Korea for variety shows, we went out for dinner. One day I went out to meet a friend. At that time, I didn't call you my best friend, but you were still a little angry. The person we met at that time was Li Yinxin. We used to be primary school students, but at that time I did not know her identity, but we have always been in contact. Later, we followed you and gradually became famous. After different status, Li Yinxin just told us her identity. However, she told us her identity at this time because she was afraid that if she told us her identity before, we would have estrangement and pressure, and then we would not be friends. " Li Zhiyou stammered.

Lin Feng nodded. Naturally, Lin Feng understood Li Yinxin's concern. When you are a long-term friend, suddenly the status becomes very noble, it will directly destroy the friendship. It's hard to maintain a friend relationship with different identities for a long time.

"We've heard about her and Zhao Wenyu, and we've been encouraging her. Unexpectedly, she committed suicide. Brother Lin, you must help her! " Li Zhiyou said with red eyes.

Lin Feng sighed.

"You you, I think Li Yinxin is also worthy of sympathy. But she committed suicide. I can't go to God to save her. I am not death Lin Feng said softly.

"Well, brother Lin, I know. I mean, if she's not dead, can you help her? She paid too much for this relationship, too much. I wish she could be happy Li Zhiyou pleaded.

"Well, well, if she comes back this time. Don't worry. I'll help her. " Lin Feng nodded. Naturally, this is not for the so-called beautiful love, but for Li Zhiyou. Of course, the cooperation with Samsung may also be an entry point.

Lin Feng thought in his mind. Samsung will be a good ally against G23.