A group of Michael began to call on American fans to boycott the films of the big five.

"We don't have the right to choose now. They ignore our protest, so all we can do is protest with our feet. Before they give us a reasonable explanation, we are determined not to go to their movies! Otherwise, this time we are just forced to choose the movie they want to show us, then next time, maybe their thoughts will be forced into our minds. Such a thing is absolutely unacceptable. I call on all of you to watch "Legend of swordsman 3: Miao crisis!" Michael Jackson said.

"I'm a basketball player, of course, and now I'm retired and a businessman. As a new businessman, although I have worked with Lin Feng for several years, I don't know much about Chinese culture. I think this is an opportunity to learn about ancient Chinese culture. As we all know, China's history has a long history. 5000 years of history has brought many splendid civilizations. This is a window for us to understand Chinese culture! " Michael Jordan said.

"I'm a director, and I've been working for these film giants. I never thought that their faces were so ugly! This is an open market, a global market. We should compete fairly and use our works to attract and please the audience, instead of forcing the audience to choose their films through monopoly. It's a shame on the film. " Michael Bay was furious.

"I don't understand the scoring criteria of movies. I know that movies that can let the audience go to the cinema are good movies. And "Legend of the swordsman 3: Miao crisis" is a good movie that can attract audiences to the cinema Michael Tyson said with a low roar.

At the call of a group of Michael, tens of thousands of people came directly to the cinema under the control of Lin Feng and Ellison to buy tickets. In order to deal with the crisis of "Legend of the sword 3: Miao crisis" which was taken off half of the screens in the United States, the "forest studio" decided to temporarily increase the number of shows, open a midnight show, and broadcast "Legend of the sword 3: Miao crisis" 24 hours a day.

It's on 24 hours. This has never happened in the history of American film. Although there are also midnight shows, the movie usually ends around 2 a.m. As for the round the clock broadcast, it has never been. It can be said that "swordsman 3: Miao crisis" has created a precedent in the history of American film broadcasting. So, will anyone come to see the movie this late night?

beyond all expectations! Although it's late at night, there are still a lot of spectators to watch because the ticket price is 50% off. For the United States, night is almost non-existent. Looking at the earth from the international space station, Asia is basically dark at night, except for a few countries. It's mostly the same in Europe. In the United States, almost half of the country is lit up all night.

Of course, even if it's not night city, it won't spend all the time watching movies. After all, the United States is a pluralistic country, and its citizens have so many recreational activities that they don't waste their time watching movies. But this time, under the call of many Michael, many fans have chosen the midnight movie.

As a direct result, half of the screens in the United States under the control of the forest projection room are basically in a 24-hour state. There was an endless stream of people coming to watch the film. And basically after reading, the evaluation of it is not unanimous praise, but also basically in the situation of public praise.

As for many film giants in the United States, their films are not bad. In Lin Feng's "history", they are basically blockbusters, especially "I am legend", which was a blockbuster of that year. However, due to the mistakes of many film giants, scheduling problems, and the boycott of American fans, the box office is extremely bleak. The box office of the first day is basically less than 10 million. Although its box office is not bad, compared with ordinary movies, its box office is good. But in the eyes of many film giants, the box office is too bleak. Their total box office is less than 50 million, while Lin Feng's "Legend of the swordsman 3: Miao crisis" box office is more than 100 million. Even if they have chosen to take off their movies, they still can't compare with "Legend of the sword 3: Miao crisis", which has been released for many days. It's a shame.

"Fuck, if we go on like this, we'll be a joke!" Li Jianxi frowned, "we must come up with a countermeasure. Since Lin Feng invited a group of Michael, we also invited a group of stars to promote our film. "

Many film giants agree. Originally, they didn't think they needed to invite stars to the platform, but now Lin Feng invited a group of Michaels to turn the whole situation around. Naturally, they can't fall behind. But they did not expect that when they invited many stars to the platform, they were refused. No star in America wants to go to the platform. Including Will Smith, the star of "I am a legend", who also refused to go to the platform to promote "I am a legend" on the ground that his son was about to be born.

This naturally annoys the film giants. But for many stars, they will never go to the platform at this time. Now the direction of public opinion is to stand on the side of the fans, who are all criticizing the monopoly of the major film giants, followed by the call of Michael Jackson and Michael Bay, which makes them even less likely to go to the platform. Otherwise, it will not only offend the American fans, but also make conflicts with the major stars. So they had to go to the rejection platform.

The refusal of many stars undoubtedly makes the five film giants extremely embarrassed. They did not expect that many stars would refuse them. They never expected that. While they are thinking hard about how to solve the current situation, "Legend of the sword 3: Miao crisis". Make another success. On the fourth day, the box office rose instead of falling, reaching 130 million US dollars. This is an unprecedented peak.

Not only that, the North American market in Canada, also reaped gratifying box office results. In four days, the total box office is 120 million dollars. Although it can't be compared with the United States, Canada is the second largest country in the world, with a population of only 35 million. It's great to have $120 million at the box office.

When many movie giants didn't come up with countermeasures, Lin Feng launched a preferential scheme. Those who buy two pieces of "swordsman 3: Miao crisis" at one time, or those who buy movie tickets for the second time, will get 1000 yuan (market value: 10 yuan).

This promotion plan is undoubtedly very popular. Although not every fan is a "second world" fan, the coexistence rate between the two sides is enormous. Basically, more than half of the fans are second world gamers! This 1000 game currency is quite attractive to everyone.

After all, movies can be watched on DVD at home, but games don't have DVD. 1000 game currency, already very attractive. Under this impact, the box office of "Legend of swordsman 3: Miao crisis" is rising one after another.

The box office in the United States is increasing sharply every day. Starting from 300 million, 500 million, 600 million and 700 million are rising day by day. People are shocked to see it. Judging from the box office figures, it seems that there is no money for movies. American citizens go to the cinema every day.

And around the world, Europe is off the shelves. The total box office was barely $35 million because its theme was totally unsupported. It's quite a failure. On the Asian side, it is barely over $70 million. Among them, Dubai contributed more than half of the box office. As for Africa, it also contributed $10 million at the box office. Although it looks rare, it's already very good in Africa.

South America, on the other side of the globe, still has a bad box office. The total contribution does not exceed US $20 million. As for Australia, Australia and New Zealand, although the total box office is already very high compared with the local level, the global proportion is only US $50 million.

That adds up to 185 million dollars. For ordinary movies, the box office is pretty good. But for the total investment of 300 million US dollars in "Legend of swordsman 3: Miao crisis", it is a complete failure. Fortunately, there are also box offices in North America and China. Half a month later, China's box office has reached an unprecedented height.

RMB 7.8 billion! At first, I heard about this number, and almost no one dared to believe it. The box office is too much. How can a country have such a high box office. This can be compared with the North American market, or even more. But that's the truth. China has more than 300 million "second world" members, and these members basically went to the cinema to watch "Legend of the sword 3: the Miao crisis", which brought in 7.8 billion yuan of income. The 7.8 billion yuan, calculated at today's exchange rate, is about US $1.01 billion. $1.01 billion! In other words, not counting the North American market and other markets, the Chinese market alone is enough for Lin Feng to recover the cost and make a lot of money.

Not counting the North American market, it's already $1.195 billion! It's only 700 million dollars away from breaking the box office of Lord of the rings. 700 million dollars, for the vast majority of films, is an insurmountable gap. But think about the North American market. In the past few days, the box office has exceeded 500 million US dollars. It's basically a matter of time to surpass the Lord of the rings.

Half a month later, the North American box office shocked four people again.