Off the shelf!

When the Motion Picture Association of America, with the joint efforts of paramount, Disney, Warner Bros. and other film giants, took the movie "swordsman 3: the Miao crisis" released in the cinema line under their control off the shelves, it was a hornet's nest.

Originally, the comments on this Chinese film had a good reputation. Although there are many sharp criticisms in the real media that the plot of "Legend of the swordsman 3: Miao crisis" is a little too tardy, the love view is a little too pale, and the national righteousness described by it is too narrow, and the last warm picture just makes them live more painful. Even, it will affect the future of the baby. Apart from the good picture, the film is almost useless—— This is a comment on the front page of many mainstream media in the United States.

Originally, it was very difficult for a film to get the front page opportunity when it came into the market. After all, the United States is a pluralistic country. There are too many things happening every day, such as finance, politics, knowledge and so on. You can hear too much information every day in the United States. It's not easy to make headlines.

In particular, the front page headlines of almost all mainstream media in the United States are almost the same about "Legend of swordsman 3: Miao crisis", which is the first time in the world. Almost all of these are negative comments. Except for USA Today and the New York Times, which are two mainstream newspapers in the United States (secretly acquired by Lin Feng), they are relatively pertinent comments. The rest are similar vicious comments.

But sometimes it's just so strange. How can I go to see such a bad movie? After all, the ticket price is not expensive. Even if it's poison, I have to go to see it. Besides, it's said that the picture is good. There's no fake. At this time, the sensory impression of most people is not that the film is really good, but it's absolutely not bad. It's absolutely worthy of the ticket price. And because of the unique Chinese mythological background, they should also go to the cinema.

But when the audience made an appointment with a good friend to watch together, they suddenly got off the shelves, which was a bolt from the blue. Of course, it's off the shelves. You can watch other movies or go to other cinemas. But at this time, Wikileaks spread a message and released some chat data. These chat data fully explain why "Legend of swordsman 3: Miao crisis" was taken off the shelves.

The reason is very simple, because the American Film Association can't see Lin Feng's films sell well. When they see Lin Feng's films sell well, they envy them. What's more, they are worried about what will happen to next year's Oscars if "swordsman 3: the Miao crisis" sells well? If a film, sweeping all the box office that year, and can not appear in the Oscar, it is undoubtedly a shame on the Oscar.

However, it is well known that "Legend of swordsmen 3: Miao crisis" will inevitably appear in Lin Feng's "Fengshen International Film Festival", rather than in the "Oscar" held on the same day and at the same time. So, in order to avoid this embarrassment, and also to avoid Lin Feng making a lot of money and slapping them in the mouth, several American film giants under the American Film Association United to control the film screen and take "swordsman 3: Miao crisis" off the shelves. If the forest studio didn't have half of the screens in the United States, I'm afraid it would be banned in the whole country.

The announcement of WikiLeaks hit many American film companies on the head like a heavy hammer. As time goes by, Wikileaks has revealed more and more top secret information, which has gradually become a window for Internet users to understand the truth of the world. During this period, Wikileaks was blocked and sealed up several times, but with the help of hackers from all over the world, it provided new servers for WikiLeaks and helped it evade the digital tracking of the FBI.

It can be said that Wikileaks has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the process of exposing the truth of the world again and again. Now, the chat information it released has naturally been recognized by fans. In the United States, this kind of information blockade, this kind of violation of the public's right to know and other things, is the most hated.

Immediately, someone went to the gate of the American Film Association to protest and hold a demonstration. And the protest soon won the support of many fans. The number of this crowd soon grew from dozens to hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands of fans demonstrated.

"Give me back the fairy sword movie!"

"Christopher Dodd, go away!"


With a roar, the whole country exploded.

There has never been a demonstration for the sake of not seeing a movie. They may March for a superstar like Michael Jackson. But there are very few people demonstrating just for a movie. This time, a demonstration was held for a film from China. This is undoubtedly the first time in the world. This made Christopher Dodd roar to boiling point.

"Are Americans stupid! They actually went to the demonstration for a Chinese film, in order not to see a Chinese film! Are they crazy! " Christopher Dodd roared.

"President Dodd, I think Lin Feng must have instigated this behind his back. He's behind it Warner Bros. President Alan horn said in a cold voice.

"Yes, otherwise how could so many people have gathered to protest against not seeing the film!" Paramount President John lehr also agrees.

"Well, no matter whether it's Lin Feng who incites or not, how to solve the current situation?" Said Christopher Dodd angrily.

If it goes on, it's bad for the reputation of the American Film Association. He doesn't want to be the first president of the American Film Association to be ousted by fans. That would put him on the disgrace list of the American Film Association, and it would never be cleaned up.

"I think the best way at the moment is to launch a brand new movie. I think you should all have movies on "Asked John leher, President of paramount.

"I have" biochemical crisis 3: extinction "which has been prepared for a long time. I believe it will be able to resist for a while Samsung Columbia president Li Jianxi nodded.

"I have Will Smith starring in" I am legend ", which will be released soon! I believe it can distract the audience Alan horn, President of Warner Bros., said with pride.

"I have" American Gangster "coming out on my side Universal president Doug Neil said.

"I have Beowulf on my side!" John leher, President of paramount, said with a smile, "I believe that under our full encirclement and suppression, Lin Feng's" Legend of swordsmen 3: Miao crisis "has no way to survive at all!"

The crowd nodded. It's natural. The reason why they didn't launch it before is that it's not on schedule. Now that the summer vacation is over, Christmas is the biggest festival in the world. They were going to launch their own blockbusters around Christmas. In this way, you can give the film an excellent box office guarantee. After all, it's hard to guarantee the box office of the movie without festivals.

Who would have thought that Lin Feng's "Legend of swordsmen 3: the crisis of the Miao people" was out in the air. This really caught them off guard. Therefore, in order to resist Lin Feng's films, they can only advance the film. It's just that one after another, the box office will be greatly affected.

"Loss is sure to come. Has the final say that Lin has the final say, or will Lin Feng have the final say? Don't forget that Lin Feng owns not only his own film festival, but also half of the movie screens in the United States. If Lin Feng's films are allowed to make a fool of themselves in the United States, then in the future, the film standards of the United States will be made by Lin Feng. What's more, don't you forget that you are the only big companies in Hollywood now, and the rest have moved to Windy City. " Christopher Dodd, President of the American Film Association, saw the hesitation of several giant companies, and his face was dignified.

Hiss! Many giants take a breath. Indeed, their situation is not optimistic. They must rush out Lin Feng, otherwise the American market has the final say. You know, what's the most important thing about this movie, the script and the actors. Nowadays, many of these mass actors have become Lin Feng's signing art. Although Lin Feng has not stopped these signing actors from cooperating with them, he is always strange and awkward in his heart. If Lin Feng is allowed to continue to ravage the film market and sign off all these famous actors, they will be completely ruined.

Nowadays, excellent scripts are hard to find. Many films rely on excellent actors to improve the quality of films. And if the actors are gone, what movies are they going to make! And let Linfeng no matter, is to let those famous actors go to Linfeng. After all, what Lin Feng offered was something they couldn't offer. Lin Feng's conditions are not very good, but only indicate that once he signs the contract, he will make a movie for everyone, and the investment will not be less than $100 million.

They can also come up with this condition. But not so grand. At most, they will offer such conditions for some of the most popular movie stars, but Lin Feng offers such conditions for all the stars who are famous in Hollywood but not so popular. At present, they are using each other's influence to suppress these stars, and have not gone to Lin Feng on a large scale. But if Lin Feng invests in films, they will sell well in the United States. The effect is different. Who doesn't want to be a star!

So, fight! Let's play together and drive Lin Feng away!