Asshole! He's too bold! Old DuPont was furious.

Everybody, how dare he kill everybody! He's taking their faces when the floor's on. Unforgivable, unforgivable!

"We have to deal with him, we have to deal with him!" Many of the owners were angry. Among these people killed by Lin Feng, there are elites of each family. They could have served the family and become the future ministers of the family. As a result, he was killed by Lin Feng as a chicken and duck.

This is unforgivable!

"Hiss!" Sumitomo Ning chuckled.

"Sumitomo, what do you mean?" Old Morgan's eyes are full of murders. Lin Feng actually directly hung up the phone, and then slaughtered those people clean, this is naked hit his face.

"I'm just laughing at you guys. Most of them just talk, not do." Sumitomo Ning sneered, "Lin Feng has been killed, what's the use of the hype you're talking about here! Or, leave him in Africa and let him not go back to China. Or don't talk big here and make people laugh! "

There was no light on the faces of many householders. Ever since Sumitomo Ning joined the organization and attended the organizing meeting, everyone felt ashamed. This Sumitomo Ning, too sharp, sharp people cold. However, what she said was on the point, which made it impossible to refute. It's just embarrassing to be taught that way by a woman.

"Morocco is close to Europe, where the power of our Japanese family is beyond our reach. And my family, just suffered losses, great losses, no longer send people to participate in the encirclement and suppression of Lin Feng. How to do it depends on you! But anyway, I have to share! Because you owe it to our family! " Sumitomo Ning said coldly.

Many householders snorted.

"In that case, let's think about how to keep Lin Feng in Africa. This is not only a return for what he has done, but also for "dead light technology." Old Morgan affirmed Sumitomo Ning's attitude. Only he knows that this "dead light technology" is in the hands of Sumitomo Ning, so it's up to Lin Feng to separate the attention of other owners, so that they can cooperate with each other at ease. What's more, Lin Feng is not easy to deal with. He just uses these European families to deal with him.

"Here in Europe, our American family will not interfere. The Bourbon family, the welf family, the Stuart family, the Marx family, Lin Feng will be yours! " "Of course, if other families are willing to do it, we welcome it," Morgan said. In a word, who can get "dead light technology" back from Lin Feng will get 20% of the Profit Dividend. "

Many families nodded. It's reasonable to offer a bonus, which makes them more satisfied. In particular, the withdrawal of the American family has made them very relieved. Otherwise, with the intervention of American families, it's hard to say what the final result will be. After all, the strength of Americans is obvious to all. On this planet, no one dares not to give Americans face. Of course, there are also some that are not given. But if you don't give, the end is usually miserable.

As for how to keep Lin Feng in Africa, we should rely on our own abilities.

Old Morgan nodded to himself. In this way, they can rest easy and start to negotiate with Sumitomo Ning to discuss the cooperation between the two sides.

"Sumitomo, how do we trade?" Old Morgan called privately to ask.

The simplest way is to let Sumitomo Ning pass on the contents of the other half of the paper. But obviously Sumitomo would not be stupid enough to do so. If so, Sumitomo would never get anything. Therefore, Sumitomo Ning will definitely ask for face-to-face trading. So, what is she going to do? That's what old Morgan wants to know. He is a businessman, a real businessman, a businessman who is smart enough to scare the industry. If Sumitomo Ning is not wise enough, or does not know enough about "dead light technology", then he does not mind cheating his half page paper. The less people have, the better.

"We meet and trade. In order to avoid being harassed and show the sincerity of our two sides, I propose to trade in Hawaii! " Sumitomo Ning said.

Hawaii! Morgan frowned slightly.

Hawaii, the only archipelago state in the United States, consists of 132 islands in the central Pacific Ocean. The capital is Honolulu on Oahu Island. The earliest inhabitants were Polynesians. After 1778, European and Asian immigrants moved in one after another. The kingdom of Hawaii was founded in 1795. It was annexed by the United States in 1898. It belonged to the United States in 1900. In 1959, it became the 50th state in the United States. In addition to Hawaii is a tourist destination, one of the islands is also very famous, that is - Pearl Harbor!

Of course, the reason why Pearl Harbor is famous is that during World War II, an unprecedented naval battle broke out here. It was this naval battle that led the United States to directly join the World War II, join the allies, and fight to the death with the axis powers for three years. Finally, it defeated the axis powers and restored world peace. It was in Pearl harbor that almost all American warships were destroyed.

Of course, now, Pearl Harbor has become a scenic spot, and there is an endless stream of tourists coming to watch various military museums. What does Sumitomo prefer to meet in Hawaii? Is it just because it is located in the center of the Pacific Ocean, which is safer, or is it because it has a different purpose? For a moment, old Morgan thought a lot in his mind. However, the final judgment is that you Ning chose to trade here because of the geographical environment of Hawaii. In that case, we can see at a glance whether the other side has sent heavy troops to ambush. If you want to withdraw, you can also choose to withdraw in the air or at sea, which has many options. In particular, when people escape to the sea, it is extremely difficult to find.

After all, the sea is too big. Even if today's technology how advanced, want to search a person in the vast sea, it is absolutely more difficult than looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Well, I'll see you in Hawaii in three days!" Old Morgan agreed.

Sumitomo Ning nodded and hung up.

"Xiaoqing, get ready and go to Hawaii with me. Also, tell Lin Feng that Hawaii is the trading place! " Sumitomo said.

Xiaoqing nods. But she was a little suspicious. Could Lin Feng go to Hawaii? How can Lin Feng go to Hawaii if the "G23" European family wants to keep it in Europe? Is that possible?

"It's his problem whether he can go or not. All we have to do is to be fully prepared! Take everyone with you. Remember, don't let anyone notice, let them land by submarine! " Sumitomo Ning said coldly.

The most important reason why Sumitomo Ning chose Hawaii is that it is located in the center of the Pacific Ocean and there are too many ways to sneak in secretly. This is very convenient for Sumitomo Ning, who is determined to seize the half dead light technology in their hands. Moreover, it used to be the base for the Japanese Navy to dominate the world within a year. Although it failed in the end, the Pearl harbor project is the proudest thing for the Japanese military community.

Therefore, Sumitomo Ning also hopes to become the starting point of her real career as a queen. As for Lin Feng, if he can get through this, it means that he is indeed the son of heaven and an opponent he may not be able to defeat, so he can only choose to cooperate with him. On the contrary, if Lin Feng can't get through this, then in this transaction, Lin Feng is bound to tell him the email user name and password of the half page. At that time, she will be able to win the whole "dead light technology".

Now, on the other side. On the sea, there are many dead bodies and abandoned ships.

"Let the tugs come and take all these ships back. To Somalia. Then let people study it slowly. " Lin Feng said.

This time, the Fengshen was crippled, which was a huge loss to Lin Feng. Of course, Lin Feng can bear such a big loss. However, it is difficult to find Americans to buy such an advanced aircraft carrier. I used to sell it to myself, which is Ellison's face, and the other party didn't know that he would make such a mess. Today, I'm afraid no American will sell it to himself. I'm afraid that no military factory in the world will undertake its own orders. In particular, with the intervention of G23, Lin Feng did not think that any military factory would come to take his orders.

Therefore, Russia is the only one you can count on. However, as far as Putin's virtue is concerned, Lin Feng can expect that if he wants to buy an aircraft carrier from him, he will certainly make a big contribution. Of course, knock it. After all, I need an aircraft carrier now. But it's not a good thing to rely on others all the time. So, all this has to come from one production. Now, I have the best steel-making technology, which comes from Sumitomo Group. As for minerals, I also acquired many minerals around the world in the early years. Brazil's, Australia's and Lin Feng's are all acquired. These high-quality veins are enough to meet the steel demand of Linfeng.

Now, the only thing that is lacking is the technology to produce aircraft carriers. At present, there are so many aircraft carriers for our own research, Lin Feng can not worry about the research of his own aircraft carrier. Maybe one or two years is not enough, but five or ten years? Under the heavy reward, Lin Feng believes that the potential of scientists will be fully stimulated.

"Boss, just received a news, Monsanto lost the lawsuit!" Li Rui has passed on a piece of good news.

Lost the lawsuit! Lin Feng pinched his chin and fell into deep thinking. For Monsanto's loss, Lin Feng was a bit surprised. In Lin Feng's opinion, Monsanto is doomed to fail in this lawsuit, but it can be delayed for three or five years. After all, this kind of lawsuit involves so much that it is impossible to make a judgment in a short time. But unexpectedly, there was a verdict so soon this time. This shows that there are people behind it. Who is helping themselves? For and help yourself? This is worth pondering!

Of course, this is not the time to think about it. It's time to rebuild Casablanca!

"Go, meet mayor Sajid!"