The gunfire in Casablanca stopped. The prayer gradually stopped. The whole city, gradually restored calm. All the citizens of Casablanca burst out with a great cheer for the survival of this disaster. In particular, the 100000 residents who have been moved out of the central city are grateful to Lin Feng. If it were not for Lin Feng, they would have been reduced to ashes at the moment.

"Fengshen! Fengshen! Fengshen Two million people in Casablanca cheered. Huge sound waves pierce the sky and shake thousands of miles away.

Far away, Lin Feng heard it clearly.

"It looks like it's not bad this time." Lin fengxiao said.

"Boss, you've done your best." Feng Jun is also gratified.

For all Lin Feng's contribution to Africa, Feng Jun saw it in his eyes and understood it in his heart. At present, it is absolutely Lin Feng who gives more and receives less in return. If these people don't know how to repay their kindness, it's really hard to say. After all, Lin Feng seems to have lost nothing this time, but the forces he offended are gone.

"By the way, Li Rui, did they get in touch?" Asked Lin Feng.

"No, just after the big bang, I lost contact with them. But before the explosion, we contacted and confirmed that they had escaped from the explosion. I'm afraid that the explosion was too powerful, which led them to stay away. " Feng Jun replied.

Li Rui is leading 99 "wolf teeth" elite. They are really elite. Feng Jun is not worried about their safety. Unless there is a large-scale army encirclement and suppression, they will be safe and sound.

Lin Feng nodded.

"By the way, be careful. They'll make big moves later. What's more, are the staff ready? " Asked Lin Feng.

"Boss, I've found some Kung Fu experts. They can do anything. Although it's different from the Japanese ninja, it's OK to fool the layman. " Feng Jun nodded.

"Well, let's wait for G23 to take action. I hope they don't make too much noise. Otherwise, the citizens of Casablanca will suffer! " Lin Feng sighed.

Feng Jun nodded. However, there is no way to do this. First, it's for the sake of planning. Second, it's for the sake of finding out all the remnants of the "G23" forces in Casablanca. These people are super agents. It's not easy to find them in the vast crowd. After all, it's not like China, where there are ubiquitous aunts of neighborhood committees. It's too difficult to tell who is an agent. So, take this opportunity to find out all of them and get rid of them. That way, Lin Feng's Casablanca reconstruction plan can be perfectly implemented. Only in this way can the layout of forest and wind in Africa be completed.

Just then, the explosion started again. And not together, two, Lin Feng heard the explosion, there are six times, and see the smoke rolling, but there are more than ten. Obviously, this time the "G23" began to work hard. This is their last strength in Casablanca. In order to attract your attention and create opportunities for you Ning to take action, come on, let me see how powerful your agents are.

One after another, explosions broke the moment of tranquility that casablanca had just ushered in. And the citizens of Casablanca, who had just calmed down, screamed again. They thought the terrorist attack had been far away from them, but they did not expect another terrorist attack. This is a nightmare for Casablanca citizens who have just suffered the biggest shock in their lives. Immediately, thousands of people began to flee, and more people were also infected by this terrible emotion, with fear on their faces and people in complete panic.

"Citizens of Casablanca, please don't panic, please don't panic. This must be the remaining evil of those terrorists. Mr. Lin and his "wolf teeth" are cleaning up these terrorists. Please keep quiet, keep quiet! " Mayor Sajid raised his arm and called for calm.

If two million people panic, the whole city will be in chaos. And even if the city calms down and the crowd comes back, it will be difficult to restore the peaceful life of the past. If the people of a city cannot live and work in peace and contentment, the city will fall into chaos. What's more, the bad nature of human beings will burst out at this time. Since how frequent terrorist attacks, life is so fragile, I do not know where tomorrow is, then why not enjoy every day.

This kind of thinking will make the whole city lose its vitality. What's more terrible is that it will make a lot of people have negative emotions, such as being tired of the world, and it will make these people possible to join the gangs. And once there are gangs, the city will be ruined.

However, Sajid's voice did not make Casablanca citizens quiet down. In the face of this sudden terrorist attack, half of the city has been blown up, but as the mayor of the city, he can only hide here like everyone else, which in itself is a manifestation of incompetence. And how he can convince the people of Casablanca. At the moment, everyone's only hope is Lin Feng.

"Don't panic, these must be the remaining evils of those thugs. I just received the news that our" wolf teeth "fighters have captured 347 terrorists and are temporarily detaining them. Our boss is carrying out the final cleaning work. These are the fish that must have missed the net. So, don't panic! " The wolf tooth lobbyist went up and cried out.

No doubt, compared with Sajid, Lin Feng's prestige is higher now. The crowd gradually calmed down. After all, Lin Feng is highly credible.

"Fengshen, please drive away these thugs and give us a peaceful home!" They prayed in silence.

If it's normal, things will settle down. But this time it was the G23 agent, the super agent. They were ordered to bring as much damage as possible to the city and make the city completely turbulent. And for human nature, these agents are undoubtedly very understanding.

So, when there was a sudden explosion in the crowd, dozens of people were blown up and their limbs were splashed, the crowd completely collapsed. In particular, when the bombs in the crowded places exploded one after another, the crowd began to flee. No one dares to stand in the same place. Everyone is afraid that the people around them will explode suddenly and they will collapse.

Screams, cries, wails, all kinds of terrible sounds like the opening of the abyss of hell, sounded in Casablanca. Mayor Sajid covered his face with tears. At the moment, he doesn't even have the heart to denounce these terrorists. These guys are not human at all. They detonate bombs directly in the crowd. They are demons. And Casablanca, it's over!

"What When Lin Feng heard the news from the rear, he was very angry.

Damn it‘ G23 'these guys are all butchers. They are heartless! What a perverted person can do to detonate a bomb directly in a crowded place. This kind of person, even a thousand cuts, is not enough to relieve hatred. That's disgusting. This kind of person is really disgusting.

They don't deserve to be human!

"Boss, what should we do now? These super agents are very deep hidden. They are hidden in the crowd. We have no way to tell which people are agents and which are not. But they are constantly making human bombs, and thousands of people have been killed. The whole city has collapsed! " Feng Jun is also sad.

Although he is not a Casablanca citizen, he feels the same way. The reason why soldiers are different from terrorists is that the military does not harm civilians. The terrorists, however, have no scruples.

"First of all, try to stabilize their emotions. The explosives on these agents must be limited, and they can't cause unlimited damage. Stabilize the crowd first. Distinguish between local people and tourists. Focus on the tourists! " Lin Feng said.

Casablanca is an Arab country, and its residents are all of Arab descent, which is obviously different from foreigners. The "G23" are all Western organizations. Although they also have Arab members, it is obvious that there are many western residents. And these super agents, the vast majority of them should be disguised as tourists to hide. As long as these tourists are controlled, there will be no problem.

At this time, Li Rui and they rushed back.

"Boss, it's not good!" Li Rui was out of breath, and he was also disheartened.

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng was surprised.

"These bombs seem to be manipulated, deliberately driving the crowd towards us. I'm afraid they're going to use the crowd to break up our formation. If so, it will be trouble! " Li Rui said anxiously.

After the big explosion just now, Li Rui and they were almost buried alive. It took a lot of hard work to get out. When he escaped, he happened to encounter the big bang created by the "G23" super agent. He was going to take people to stop it, but these super agents are too cunning. They can't catch Li Rui by hiding from the rioting crowd. And Li Rui found that these super agents were using bombs to detonate the panic of the crowd and lead them to Lin Feng.

It's 2 million residents. If they all return to Linfeng, the "wolf teeth" will be completely scattered. Not only that, I'm afraid Lin Feng will also fall into the crowd. At that time, it was really troublesome.

"What Feng Jun was also surprised.

"Boss, the crowd is only one kilometer away!" At this moment, the soldier in charge of high altitude guard exclaimed.

Far away, I saw a torrent, driven by the smoke and the sound of bombs from time to time behind, running towards the forest wind. And whenever the crowd is about to deviate from the direction, a stream of smoke will rise on one side, forcing the crowd to run to the right road in more panic.

2 million people, not to mention all of them rush here, as long as half of them rush here, "wolf tooth" will be engulfed by the sea of people. And those super agents can take this opportunity to kill.

Lin Feng, danger!

"Boss, get out of here!" Li Rui said hastily. The safety of Lin Feng is the most important.

Lin Feng nodded. Indeed, in any case, one's own safety is the most important. But just as Lin Feng was about to retreat, the G23 agents, who were guarding the Russian men in the cap, suddenly burst into trouble. Fortunately, the wolf tooth was ready to shoot them at once. But the trouble is, one person detonated the bomb he was carrying.

The bomb did not hurt anyone, but the smoke rising from the air, a stream of red smoke, no doubt exposed their position. Obviously, this is using life to inform other agents that Lin Feng is here!

"Well, I know where Lin Feng is! Helicopter out, attack Lin Feng, give him a blow! Remember, for the honor of the family, at all costs! " Said old Morgan.

For Apache of Lin Feng's team, the "G23" side will not be completely indifferent. They also secretly sent in a small team of Apache helicopters. This is their last strength, which is to give Lin Feng a fatal blow. Of course, in the face of Lin Feng's air force, old Morgan believed that these Apache planes could not do much harm to Lin Feng. But as long as we can delay Lin Feng.

Most of all, the cap Russian man. Catch him and you'll win more than half of the game.

"Sumitomo, please prepare your men for a surprise attack." Old Morgan said coldly, "I hope you don't let us down!"

Sumitomo Ning feels a little tight. She knows that old Morgan still doesn't believe in herself. In other words, old Morgan does not believe in himself or Junxi Mitsui. I'm afraid that in addition to the 12 Apache, old Morgan may have a backhand. No one knows how many backhand they have.

"Don't worry, my people will succeed. But remember your promise. They are the trumps of our family. It takes 20 years to make up for each loss. You must make it up to me! " Sumitomo Ning said coldly.

When Lin Feng was about to board Apache and leave, there was a buzz in the distance.

"The enemy's Apache helicopter! 12 Li Rui immediately used his telescope to find out the enemy's military situation.

"Hurry up, helicopter take off, attack them!" Li Rui gave an urgent order.

It was unexpected that the other side also had armed helicopters. And the Apache on Lin Feng's side can stay on the ground. After all, it's dangerous to fly in the air all the time. If you encounter any rocket launcher, you may be killed. What's more, pilots need to rest and planes need to be maintained. But the enemy, but wait for work, the critical moment to send out their unexpected armed helicopter.

"Attack Old Morgan gave orders to attack.

"Boom!" In the distance, two unmanned Apache helicopters were destroyed by the Hellfire missile launched by the other Apache. The fire was all over the sky and the smoke was billowing.

"Boss, you can't get on the helicopter, or you will become a target! This way Li Rui makes a quick decision to protect Lin Feng and go to the opposite side of the crowd. As for the other soldiers, they have already used various weapons to fight back against the enemy Apache helicopters flying in the distance to buy time for themselves.

At this time, Fengshen also received the order to be attacked by Apache, and Su-33 began to move out.