"Tu Tu ~ ~"

"Team a flanks, team B suppresses from high altitude, team C attacks from the front. Pay attention to protect ourselves. The boss asks us not to hurt one person and annihilate the opponent!" Feng Jun led "Langya" to launch a comprehensive and overwhelming attack on the elite agents of "G23".

"Fuck, what the hell is going on!"‘ G23 'is a mess. Obviously, all the owners of G23 are absolutely dissatisfied with the current situation. Their elite troops were completely suppressed by Lin Feng's "wolf teeth" and couldn't lift their heads.

Today is the 21st century, the world of the Internet, thanks to the Internet, they can watch the battle in real time at home, and what they see absolutely makes them angry, even furious.

In the picture, there is smoke everywhere in Casablanca, where the walls are broken, buildings collapse, houses are damaged, bricks and tiles are scattered everywhere, bullets hit the walls, and the ground is full of holes. Of course, these are not the reasons that make them angry. The reason that makes them angry, angry and even hysterical is that their elite troops are suppressed behind all kinds of covers and have no fighting power at all.

What's more, through the live broadcast of the pictures, they can clearly see their elite troops being killed one by one by Wolf teeth, and they can also hear the roar of "kill another" coming from the opposite side.

I will never forgive you! This is unforgivable! Their families have been handed down for hundreds of years. Lin Feng has only started from scratch for a few years, and his "second consortia" has just been established. However, they have so many forces, which are regarded as the most powerful alliance organization in the world today, but they are overwhelmed by Lin Feng alone, and they may be wiped out by Lin Feng. How can they be embarrassed.

What happened here today is bound to be impossible to cover up. Such a huge mushroom cloud, the ancient city of Casablanca, which has been handed down for thousands of years, and such a big hole in the central urban area, can't be covered up at all. Of course, they have long been prepared to blame all this on terrorist organizations. They are the best candidates to take the blame. However, all countries in the world know that there is a powerful force here - "G23".

But if, in the end, all their men and horses were destroyed by Lin Feng, and this spread out, they would have to face no! The source of all this is Junxi Mitsui, whose bomb failed. It didn't blow up for a long time. As a result, when people were just paralyzed, it blew up. Are you blowing up the forest, or are you blowing them up?

What's more, the bomb's power is obviously more than expected.

"Junxi Mitsui, did you really bury 100000 kilograms of explosives! This power is more than 100000 kg! " Old DuPont was furious.

DuPont consortium, which is the largest military enterprise in the United States, 70% of military enterprises belong to DuPont consortium. Naturally, he knew the power of explosives very well. And in the first time, he received an assessment of the power of the mushroom cloud over the city of Casablanca, and the result was that its power was about 120000-130000 kg. This is far more than the 100000 kg that Mitsui Junxi said!

In the face of the public's doubts, Shunxi Mitsui has no way to argue. He didn't know the power would be so great. You know, his own men and horses suffered a lot. It made it impossible for him to explain. You can't reprimand your own lack of ability in front of everyone! That's not what a qualified homeowner should do.

"I think it's probably because of the geological structure of the city of Casablanca. Of course, I also admit that our assessment of the power of this explosive is insufficient. After all, I'm afraid none of us has detonated 100000 kg explosives directly. Its power is beyond imagination. That's not surprising! " Junxi Mitsui hums.

Many homeowners turned their lips and did not pursue them. After all, what Mitsui Junxi said is also in reason, 100000 kg of explosives detonated directly, which really no one has done. This is crazy, and such a violent explosion will attract the attention of the international community. They always keep a low profile and never want to disturb anyone if they don't have to. After all, their purpose is to control the world, but they don't want the world to know them.

Many homeowners are ready to let go of Junichiro Mitsui, but Sumitomo would rather not.

"Master Mitsui, I don't think you did it on purpose." Sumitomo Ning said coldly.

"Sumitomo, what do you mean?" It's not a good feeling for him to be beaten in public by the woman he is pursuing.

"What do I mean? We should all know what situation our people are facing. They are about to be annihilated by "wolf teeth". Although all these people are dead, it's not a big deal for our families, but it will hurt our face. " Sumitomo said coldly.

"Sumitomo, what do you want to say, just say it!" Old Morgan felt that Sumitomo Ning had something to say.

"What I mean is very simple, that is, the explosion is not coming late or early, but our people have relaxed their vigilance. The explosion is coming, and its power is so great that it is beyond all our imagination. You should be aware that our people were surprised at the moment of the explosion, and what happened after the explosion, but Lin Feng's "wolf teeth" were hardly damaged. You know, we are still prepared in advance, but Lin Feng is not prepared, but he has nothing to do, on the contrary, we have something to do. What does that mean? It shows that Lin Feng should know about the bomb in advance, and he should know that the bomb is more powerful, otherwise he could not escape the explosion without injury. This shows that there are internal ghosts among us! " Sumitomo Ning said coldly.

"Sumitomo Ning, what do you mean! You are responsible for what you say! " Junichiro Mitsui clenches his fist tightly, his eyes are burning with anger. He knows what Sumitomo would rather say, but it's a slander, a naked slander to him.

"My meaning is very simple. You, Junichiro Mitsui, may have colluded with Lin Feng to calculate us, and then eat the half page of paper alone." Sumitomo Ning said in a cold voice, "otherwise, why is this the case now?"

All the heads of the family suddenly turned cold, but they didn't say a word. This kind of situation, can be big or small, they naturally have to carefully weigh the pros and cons, will not easily give judgment, will not arbitrarily judge everything.

"Sumitomo Ning, you know, my people have suffered the most this time. Moreover, Lin Feng and I have long had a blood feud. How can we cooperate! Do you think I will cooperate with Lin Feng? " Instead of yelling at Sumitomo Ning, Mitsui said calmly, "although there is something wrong with this explosion, I am not the only one who knows that there is an explosion. All of us here know that. Therefore, we may collude with Lin Feng. With so many of us here, it's not me who is most likely to collude with Lin Feng, but you, Sumitomo Ning! "

Mitsui Junxi's calm counterattack is beyond Sumitomo Ning's expectation. Originally, she thought that Junxi Mitsui would scold herself violently, so that she could display everything in the past and pour the ink on Junxi Mitsui completely. Unfortunately, this way, they can clear their doubts about themselves, implement her and Lin Feng's next plan, and she can take the opportunity to swallow the Mitsui family.

Just did not expect, Shunxi Mitsui so calm abnormal, this is beyond her imagination.

All the owners of the house were silent at the moment, watching the situation. They were also surprised that this scene happened today. They all doubted whether there was a ghost inside. And the object of their suspicion is Junxi Mitsui and Ning Sumitomo. The reason for suspecting them is very simple, because only the two of them are the new owners of the family, and they are in the upper position after overthrowing the rule of the old owners. At that time, when the two families had family changes, Lin Fenggang was a good guest in Japan.

If the appearance of Lin Feng is just a coincidence, it is also a coincidence. In connection with Lin Feng's past deeds, they have absolute reason to believe that the family changes of the Mitsui family and Sumitomo family are absolutely related to Lin Feng. So, among them, who is the insider? Of course, it's also possible that neither of them is, but it doesn't matter. The important thing is that they need to find an excuse for this failure.

You know, although they are the owners of the family and have the right to mobilize all the resources of the family, they are absolutely not the same within the family. Perhaps the establishment of a family, in the beginning, is a matter of words. However, with the reproduction and development of the family, the family leader no longer has a single word, and gradually rose as an elder. In more cases, the family leader also needs the support of the elder. So many people died this time. If they didn't get anything, they must give an explanation to the family.

Obviously, both Mitsui Junxi and Sumitomo Ning are the best explanations.

"Sumitomo Ning, I don't want to say more about how you came to be the head of your family. I just want to say one thing, that is, you compare me with Lin Feng everywhere, and Lin Feng always has a special magic power on women, and a woman will often compare others with a man, which will only be a situation, she appreciates this man, and even falls in love with this man. I always feel that other men are not as good as this man. Sumitomo Ning, maybe it's because you leaked my plan that we failed today. Even, the reason why my explosives delayed to explode was that Lin Feng knew in advance of the leakage of explosives and obtained the control of explosives in advance. After all, we are not in Casablanca, but Lin Feng is. " Mitsui Junxi stares at Sumitomo Ning, coldly speculates that it is the truth. His conjecture is almost entirely true.

All the owners frowned slightly. This explanation is very reasonable.

How will Sumitomo explain?