Lin Feng's "compensation speech" received applause from the whole court. Of course, it also brought Sue Grant's venomous eyes.

"Your honor, as far as I'm concerned..." Lin Feng was about to speak, but he was interrupted by Monsanto's lawyer.

"Your honor, I think there is one of the biggest mistakes in this case, that is, there is something wrong with the object of the plaintiff's complaint." Lawyer Monsanto said in a loud voice, "as we all know, agent orange is produced by our company, but our company is commissioned by the U.S. military, while agent orange is sprayed by the U.S. Air Force National Guard. It can be said that our company is only responsible for the production, and I think in this matter, if the person behind the scenes is the military, if it is the perpetrator, It should have been the Air Force National Guard that sprayed agent orange at that time, and we were the producers of agent orange. Although we were also responsible, we should not be the only defendants. If the plaintiff wants to sue, it should sue the military and the pilots who sprayed agent orange at that time. "

There was an uproar in the court. In recent days' court trial, Monsanto has been fighting with Lin Feng's lawyer about the harm of agent orange. He has not mentioned the military at all. Now he is targeting the military. What is Monsanto doing? Do you want this to get bigger and bigger? If it's really big, how can this end!

Does Meng Shandu want to force Lin Feng to retreat?

"Your honor, although agent orange is commissioned by the military and sprayed by the air force national guard, it is impossible for these poor innocent Vietnamese children to sue the US military. What's more, no one knows what kind of compensation the U.S. military can make in the end. But Monsanto is a company. From a rational point of view, it's easier to claim for compensation from Monsanto. And that's in line with the best debt collector terms defined by law. Moreover, from a strict legal point of view, the U.S. military should bear moral condemnation. " Ron got up and retorted, "even if the U.S. military should make compensation, it doesn't affect my client's accountability to Monsanto!"

"Your honor, if we want to compensate these malformed Vietnamese children, it would be unfair to ask one of our companies to compensate. So, I think, if we want to compensate, then we must let the three parties to compensate, rather than let our company compensate! It's not fair. It's not in line with the spirit of fairness in American law! " Monsanto's lawyer raised his voice and said, "your honor, if this trial is to continue, then the three parties must be tried. Here is a list of the military that commissioned our company to produce "Agent Orange" during the Vietnam War, as well as the list of the pilots assigned to perform the mission at that time! They should all be called defendants! "

The judge frowned, took over the list, opened it, and frowned.

"Jury, we need to discuss the temporary increase of the defendant list proposed by Monsanto Company and suspend the trial temporarily!" The judge struck down his mallet and withdrew temporarily.

There was a lot of noise in the court, and they were all guessing what list Monsanto submitted, which would make the court so embarrassed and directly suspend the court. Who is this military general? People have speculated about the military generals who were famous in Vietnam.

General William Westmoreland, who was the highest commander of the United States in Vietnam during the Vietnam War at that time, was an airborne soldier, the head of the airborne regiment during the Korean War, and the youngest president of West Point. His character is cold-blooded, and he is good at dealing with guerrilla tactics with the cruelest and coldest means of slaughter. The reason why the Vietnam War later aroused the opposition of the American people and led to the withdrawal was that General William Westmoreland's cold-blooded massacre led to the out of control of the situation in Vietnam, resulting in scenes of atrocities in Vietnam, which aroused the concern of the American people and eventually led to the withdrawal.

It can be said that the military authorized person of agent orange is no one but General William Westmoreland. And General William Westmoreland died the year before last, in 2005. He can also be the best black pot candidate. But will the U.S. military allow General William Westmoreland to take the blame?

What does Monsanto want? It's not good for anyone to make such a fuss.

Now, inner court.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think should be done now?" The judge handed over the list submitted by Monsanto to many juries.

After everyone saw it, they all exclaimed.

"Is Monsanto trying to tear his face apart and turn the United States upside down?" Several members of the jury could not help exclaiming.

This list is too shocking. Monsanto is shameless.

"Do you have any suggestions for the current situation?" The judge stopped the exclamation and reprimand.

"Your honor, we think that the best way now is to call in both sides for consultation. If we continue to fight like this, we will not know what situation will bring to the whole United States. " After a lot of deliberation, the jury gave their answers.

The judge nodded, and then ordered people to call in Lin Feng, Hugh Grant and their lawyers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, according to the current situation, I propose that you both settle out of court, and I will negotiate to help you deal with this matter. Monsanto took out a sum of compensation to compensate these abnormal Vietnamese children, so that this matter will end. " Said the judge, looking at Ron.

Ron looked at Lin Feng solemnly, and then said, "your honor, I wonder if you can show me Monsanto's defendant list."

The judge nodded and handed Ron the bill. Ron looked more dignified and handed it to Lin Feng.

When Lin Feng saw the result, he was also surprised.

In this court, the name of General William Westmoreland, which was supposed to be on the list, was not the most prominent, but there were several more prominent names on it. For example, Robert McNamara, then US Secretary of defense, was the longest serving, most controversial and probably the most influential defense secretary in modern American history.

The Berlin Wall crisis, the bay of pigs incident, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the escalation of the Vietnam war all took place at the peak of the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1961-1968, and left a deep mark of McNamara. Because of its leading role in the Vietnam War, the unpopular war with far-reaching influence on American society was even called "McNamara's war".

Of course, 30 years after the Vietnam War, McNamara, who once led the war, confessed that he was wrong. We were wrong. We were terrible wrong.

On top of the Robert McNamara list are two more. One was Lyndon Johnson, the president who launched the Vietnam War. This is the 36th president of the United States who resigned because of the Vietnam War. In the history of the United States, the president of the United States ranks high. His achievements mainly include the adoption of the geriatric health care system, the Medicaid system, the civil rights law and the electoral rights law. But his biggest stain is the Vietnam War. It was he who started and expanded the Vietnam War and launched the infamous operation rolling thunder.

Rolling mine operation is a bombing operation carried out by the 2nd Aviation Division of the US Air Force (later the 7th aviation army of the US), the US Navy and the air force of the Republic of Vietnam against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam from March 2, 1965 to November 1, 1968. It is an indiscriminate target bombing, just like rolling over the ground mine array, which is an extremely brutal and bloody plan. Of course, due to the presence of Soviet and Chinese personnel on the ground in Vietnam at that time, the final rolling mine plan failed. Otherwise, it will become the ugliest military plan in human history.

Of course, like the late General William Westmoreland, the 36th president of the United States died on January 22, 1973. When a man is dead, tea is cold.

As for the first person on this list, Lin Feng is the most familiar person - the current president of the United States, Bush. As for why Bush was on the list, it is also very clear, because Bush was one of the pilots who sprayed "Agent Orange", that is, "defoliant".

The so-called defoliant is an industrial synthetic venom. Its function is to kill plants or make their leaves fall out overnight.

In Vietnam, almost 13% of the country's land is covered by tropical evergreen forest and subtropical deciduous forest. From 1967 to 1971, in order to prevent guerrilla attacks in Vietnam, the U.S. military used chemical defoliants in coastal areas of Vietnam to protect ships and personnel. The "orange agent" produced by Monsanto is one of the most effective defoliants with the greatest damage and sequelae.

As a pilot, President Bush sprayed "Agent Orange" at that time, which was a very safe and important job and a very bright aspect of his military career. It was also an arrangement made by the Bush family at that time to increase his personal career. But no one expected that agent orange would do so much harm to the Vietnamese, and the bad influence of the Vietnam War later made Bush's resume, which should have added luster, become a blot on his life.

Therefore, later Bush quietly left the army, and this experience was also artificially hidden. Later, when Bush was running for president of the United States, he was repeatedly ridiculed by the outside world that his military record in Vietnam War was forged. In fact, Bush actually became a soldier and went to Vietnam. It's just that it's a disgraceful result.

Monsanto wants to pull these four people into the water, which is a bit of trouble!

"Mr. Lin, I don't think any of us want this matter to get bigger and bigger, so it's better for both of you to negotiate." The judge said sincerely.

It's about the current president of the United States, the late president, a living defense secretary, and a dead general. This makes a big noise, but the US government has no face.