Lin Feng is in Fengcheng!

For the arrival of Lin Feng, all reporters are very welcome. Such an important thing, Lin Feng has never appeared, which is like the most grand festival party, no host in general. No matter how good it is, it will still give people a feeling that it is not enough, even that it is a bad event. Because it's missing a backbone.

Now that Lin Feng is here, they believe that this grand meeting will be more lively.

When Lin Feng appeared at Fengcheng International Airport, many reporters had already surrounded him with all kinds of guns and guns.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what I want to say about this lawsuit is that I believe that the law of the United States will certainly vindicate these poor 500000 deformed Vietnamese children. They are so innocent that they have suffered all kinds of hardships since they were born. They have never enjoyed the beauty of their lives. The law should give them justice. Although they are Vietnamese and not Americans, the legal spirit of the United States is regardless of national boundaries and race. The law of the United States only distinguishes whether you have committed a crime or not. That's what I always think of American law! " When Lin Feng got off the plane, before waiting for many reporters to ask questions, he expressed his opinions first.

This, many reporters immediately excited. In Lin Feng's tone, I'll go to the court later. That's enough. Today is the last day of the trial. Lin Feng is going. It must be Mars hitting the earth.

"Well, friends from the press, the trial will begin in a few minutes. How about we wait until the trial is over and do the interview again?" Lin Feng said.

Boxing, this is Chinese etiquette. Originally, there were not many Westerners in the world who knew this etiquette. After all, it was only popular among a small number of people in China. Many Chinese people don't know much about the boxing etiquette. They just know the situation, but they don't know how to do it. But now, with the promotion of Lin Feng, or Lin Feng's "leading by example", every person will hold his fist, which makes westerners from astonishment to habit, from never understanding to understanding its meaning.

It can be said that Lin Feng has become the best promoter of Chinese boxing ceremony. For example, at the moment, many reporters are also bowing to Lin Feng. Both sides are like the farewell of ancient Chinese. This picture is very beautiful. In the United States, a foreign country, there is such a group of foreigners who are rarely seen in China. This picture is really beautiful.

I'm afraid the Chinese ancestors who invented the boxing ceremony didn't expect that the boxing ceremony they invented would not be popular in China thousands of years later. However, in the west, the United States, the other side of the earth, the land that the ancestors never thought of, boxing ceremony was popular, and so many foreigners' postures were so correct. It's really a pity.

The so-called Baoquan ceremony, also known as "Gong" and "Yili", is a kind of meeting ceremony in the traditional etiquette of the Han nationality. It originated before the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of more than 3000 years. It is a unique traditional etiquette of the Han nationality. Baoquan is a kind of traditional etiquette that embraces the right hand with the left hand and embraces it naturally. The tightness is moderate and the arched hand naturally shakes slightly in front of the chest. It should not be too strong or too high. Holding the right hand with the left hand is called "auspicious worship", on the contrary, it is disrespectful of the other party's "fierce worship". In addition, the boxing ceremony in the martial arts circle is refined, standardized and unified by the "Zuoyi ceremony" and the boxing ceremony (four finger ceremony) of Shaolin boxing, and is endowed with a new meaning. This is a representative ritual that has been adopted at home and abroad. The main point is to make a fist in one hand, hold it in the other hand, close it in front of the chest, with the right hand inside and the left hand outside.

At the same time, the ancestors also stipulated that men should be left, that is, men should hold their right hand with their left hand, which is called "auspicious worship". On the contrary, they do not respect each other's "fierce worship". They are mostly used for mourning. When they meet, they should not make mistakes in direction. That is quite impolite. And this kind of impoliteness usually results in a dry fight. In other words, if you come to smash the court, you don't have to say anything arrogant. The Chinese ancestors thought that the words were too mean, which is convincing. Even if you come to smash the court, you don't have to say something mean to humiliate each other.

It's enough to tell the other person your attitude. The right hand embraces the fist, the left hand contains the fist, then both sides open the stem directly. This is a very elegant provocation. According to China's famous essayist, scholar, literary critic and translator, Lin Feng and his party soon arrived at the court. And in this world, there is a word called "chance encounter". Although it is inevitable that it is a bit of coincidence, all the things in the world are caused by various coincidences.

On July 28, 1990, Italy's King Umberto I went to monca, a few miles away from Milan, to prepare for the next day's award. On that night, when the king went to a small restaurant for dinner, he found that the owner's appearance and figure were very similar to his own. After talking, he found that they were born in the same place on the same year, month, day, and got married on April 22, 1868. Their wives were both Margarita and had a son named Vittorio. When the hotel opened, it was the day when the king ascended the throne, Both were awarded the medal of bravery in 1866. The next day, the shopkeeper was accidentally shot and killed in the shooting, and the king was killed with a gun by the assassin on the same day.

Lincoln became president in 1860, while Kennedy became president in 1960, 100 years later; Both were killed on Friday, accompanied by their wives; Both of them are very concerned about black rights; Both had a son dead in the White House; Both died of a bullet in the back of the head; Lincoln was assassinated in the Ford Theater, Kennedy was assassinated in the Lincoln car made by the Ford Motor Company; The vice presidents who inherited them were all named Jason, and they all served as the Democratic chairman of the Senate, with a birth year difference of 100 years; Lincoln's secretary has the same surname as Kennedy. Kennedy's secretary is also called Lincoln; Lincoln's assassin was born 100 years earlier than Kennedy's; Both killers were murdered before trial; Lincoln's assassin fled from the theater to a barn, Kennedy's assassin fled from the warehouse to a theater.


There are many kinds of coincidences. Of course, Lin Feng's coincidences are not as magical as those in history. This is just a very common coincidence. Hugh Grant's appearance outside the courtroom was not surprising. Just happened to meet Lin Feng.

"Hi, President grant, I haven't seen you for a few days. You are more and more energetic!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"What the hell are you talking about, Lin Feng?" Hugh Grant snorted.

"Why, don't you understand? I'm just saying it in Chinese. The language invented by our Chinese people is the greatest and most profound language on the planet. There is no one of them. If you don't understand, I think you should learn Chinese. " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Hum, boasting, Lin Feng, when did you become so boastful?" Said Hugh Grant sarcastically.

"Well, President grant, this is not my boast, but a fact. If you don't believe it, you ask the friends of media reporters around here, most of them are Westerners, that is, foreigners who speak Chinese. You ask them whether they understand what I just said and whether they think our Chinese language is the most profound language in the world! " Lin Feng smiles.

Hugh Grant didn't have to ask. He just looked at the faces of these reporters and knew that they must have understood Lin Fenggang's Chinese sentence. Otherwise, how could these reporters smile? Of course, it's not a friendly smile, but a teasing look at jokes. Lin Fenggang's words are certainly not good words. However, these reporters did not refute Lin Feng's praise of the Chinese language. Is Chinese really so broad and profound?

"Mr. grant, I have a word to advise you. If Monsanto wants to enter China, he has to do something first. In Chinese, it's called" do as the Romans do. ". What do you mean? When you go to a place, you must first understand the local customs, accept it, and get used to it, and then you can live here. So, if you want to make money in China, learn how to speak Chinese first! It's not the Opium War. We can make money from foreign guns and cannons! " Lin Feng finished and left sideways.