"Where are we going?" Annan pointed to the plane in front of him in surprise.

"Mr. Annan, our boss wants to hire you as an African consultant, but now he has something wrong and can't meet you. He will meet you later. And now, there's a place where you're in urgent need! " The man said with a smile.

As soon as Annan's brow tightened, he suddenly realized.

"Casablanca!" Annan blurted out.

The man smiles and nods.

"Then lead the way!" Annan got on the plane behind the man.

Now, he has been idle at home, it can be said that everything is light, and the place where he can still be needed is Casablanca, which is now very noisy. But even if he goes, it's not known how useful it will be. But it's better to go than not. After all, it's about Morocco's stability and prosperity. If those forces make too much trouble this time and destroy Casablanca, a thousand year old city, it will be a sin. You know, many Western tourists come to Casablanca and visit other African countries by the way. Especially for European tourists, Casablanca is the first stop.

If something goes wrong in Casablanca, it will directly affect the tourism economy of Africa as a whole. Therefore, even if Annan is at home now, he has to go. In Africa, at least, he is the most prestigious man except Mandela, the father of South Africa. Now Mandela is old and sick, so he is the only one to come.

At this moment, Governor Schwarzenegger of California suddenly held a press conference again and announced an event that shocked the whole world, or even Monsanto - about the complaint of 500000 malformed children in Vietnam against Monsanto due to their mobility and limited economic conditions, The lawsuit will be tried in the California Supreme Court in windy city.

This time, Hugh Grant exclaimed.

How could that be! How to judge in Fengcheng. As we all know, windy city belongs to Lin Feng. Although California has established the Supreme Court of California in Windy City, the whole windy city and all its industries belong to Lin Feng. Whether it's the municipal government or the court, they all belong to Lin Feng's territory. You have to find Lin Feng to rent them. Although the city government rents a place to work, that's too normal. However, these deformed children, brought by Lin Feng, are now on trial in Lin Feng's territory. Is that fair?

Immediately, Hugh Grant protested. But it was rejected directly by the California government. The reason is very simple. The California court in windy city is already the Supreme Court of the state and can't veto it. If you veto, it means you don't trust the California courts. Obviously, Monsanto can't bear the bad name. One level above the state Supreme Court is the national court. And this kind of thing, to the national court, it is obviously not good for Monsanto. Therefore, Monsanto can only suffer a dull loss. No way, who let the California government stand on Lin Feng's side, and Monsanto if directly against the California government, it is undoubtedly the most stupid behavior. California is the richest and most populous state in the United States. If you want to fight against California, it is equivalent to fighting against the American middle class. It's going to be a lot of trouble.

In desperation, Hugh Grant can only accept the trial in the Supreme Court of California in windy city. Of course, Hugh Grant repeatedly told reporters that if the court is unfair, Monsanto will sue the national supreme court, and Monsanto will never accept any hidden rules.

In the face of the clamour of Monsanto, the California government announced that California has always followed the laws of the United States, and that fairness and justice have always been followed by the California government. Anyone who is not convinced by the California courts can come to the California government to complain, and the California government will certainly give it a satisfactory reply.

Facing Schwarzenegger's answer, Hugh Grant is undoubtedly gloomy. He has little confidence in this lawsuit. Because these 500000 children were infected by the "Agent Orange" produced by Monsanto, resulting in their deformity. In this case, how can Monsanto refute? Previously, it was because the Vietnamese government and the US government had reached an agreement, so the Vietnamese government did not report these deformed children. But now, the whole 500000 malformed children have been transported to the United States by Lin Feng, and have been charged by Ron law firm. It's absolute proof.

You know, in Vietnam, many jungle areas, the harm of Agent Orange still exists, and agent orange is only produced by Monsanto, which can not be denied. In this case, how can Monsanto fight this lawsuit!

Hugh Grant had no choice but to ask DuPont again.

"As for agent orange, it was commissioned by the US government. You don't have to worry, there will be pressure on the California government. This lawsuit will not come to any end. " Old DuPont said coldly, "you don't have to worry, just let the forest wind drag slowly. There can be no result in this lawsuit. It will drag on until the end! "

For this lawsuit, old DuPont was not worried at all. It was the US government that commissioned Monsanto to produce agent orange, and the contract is still in Monsanto. That is to say, Monsanto is just a production company. The real creditor is the U.S. government. In this case, if you accuse Monsanto, that is to accuse the US government. Accusing the U.S. government, how can it succeed!

"Mr. DuPont, today I saw that Annan was taken away by Lin Feng's people. Will this have any impact on the plan?" Hugh Grant thought about it and told old DuPont what he saw today.

"Lin Feng picked up Annan?" Old DuPont sneered, "a secretary-general who has stepped down has no right. Don't worry about him. Also, you have to remember that we are not the only ones who have a grudge against Lin Feng. The Japanese government, the Korean government and Lin Feng all have grudges. And this time it's South Korean Ban Ki moon. When Ban Ki Moon is the Secretary General of the United Nations, Lin Feng's life will not be easy in the future. So you just have to wait and watch the play. At that time, there will be a good play of Lin Feng! "

Old DuPont was not optimistic about the fate of Lin Feng in the future. He offended too many people, although many friends, but Lin Feng broke the rules of the game, he has aroused public anger. Therefore, old DuPont was not optimistic about Lin Feng's future.

"What should I do now?" Asked Hugh Grant.

"Hold him back. The longer the delay, the better for us! " Said old DuPont.

At present, the attention of "G23" is on Casablanca. At present, Casablanca's power is complex, but Lin Feng's power has not entered. And old DuPont absolutely does not believe that Lin Feng will not know what is happening in Casablanca. Even the global underworld organizations know that many forces are robbing half a page of paper in Casablanca. Doesn't Lin Feng know? It would be foolish to believe that.

And Lin Feng knew, but did not come forward, what does that mean? It means that Lin Feng was held down by Monsanto. In that case, Monsanto can drag the wind as long as it can. At that time, even if Monsanto fails, as long as the "G23" can seize the "dead light technology", all the problems can be solved. This is a cross era weapon, a weapon that can solve any trouble in the simplest way. Therefore, old DuPont hoped that the longer Monsanto dragged on the forest, the better.

But can it really hold down Lin Feng?

Before waiting for the hearing of 500000 malformed children, another scandal broke out in California. A total of 13240 farmers around Monsanto Company jointly sued the Supreme Court of Windy City California, accusing Monsanto of endangering their health by planting genetically modified seeds. They claim 100 billion dollars!

This news, no doubt, once again gave Monsanto a heavy hammer. For Monsanto, half a million malformed children are not terrible. After all, Monsanto only produced "Agent Orange" because of the entrustment of the US government. However, the complaints of these 13240 farmers are fatal. It is true that they are all farmers living in the experimental fields around Monsanto Company, and they are all sick. Although there is no legal basis to prove that they are caused by the pollution of genetically modified seeds, it is a fact that they are pregnant with various diseases. Even if the final trial is not over, they are ill, but they will also be reported by the reporter, the world knows. At that time, how could genetically modified seeds be sold? In particular, Lin Feng has been fighting against genetically modified plants. In this case, it is likely that genetically modified products will not be sold.

If so, Monsanto will be in trouble.

Hugh Grant's face was grim. He did not expect that Lin Feng would bribe the surrounding residents to sue Monsanto. You know, Monsanto has made covert compensation for these residents. It's $700 million, which is Monsanto's compensation for them. Of course, it's underground. But who would have expected that these residents would be instigated by Lin Feng to sue Monsanto. Before that, there were 500000 deformed children, and after that, there were 13240 complaints from farmers. Do you want Monsanto's reputation?

But is that all Lin Feng's means? Far more than that!

When Monsanto was having a headache over the two lawsuits, several major grain producing countries in the world began to fight back.

First of all, Myanmar, the Myanmar government announced - a total ban on genetically modified seeds, Myanmar government will plant non genetically modified seeds. As for the reason given by the Myanmar government, it is very simple that Myanmar farmers have been planting ordinary seeds, and genetically modified seeds may not be suitable for Myanmar. Under the condition of ensuring the interests of Myanmar farmers, Myanmar will not plant genetically modified seeds for the time being. If it is planted globally, the Myanmar government will introduce it.

Subsequently, the Thai government also announced that Thailand would ban the import of genetically modified seeds and continue to plant non genetically modified seeds. Although non genetically modified seeds are not conducive to resist pests, but thousands of years of cultivation and mature technology can make Thailand ride out the food crisis.

The successive announcements of Myanmar and Thailand put Monsanto in an extremely embarrassing situation.