Although the attention of "G23" is distracted by "dead light technology", it is not enough. Lin Feng has more moves!

In the whole underground world, including the underground world, attention has been focused on Casablanca, Morocco. There has been a sensational news in the United States. Governor Schwarzenegger of California finally held a statewide referendum on whether "Windy City" will be incorporated into California and become a city under the rule of California. California citizens will decide whether Lin Feng's "Windy City" is one of the cities under the rule of California.

According to the negotiation between the California government and Lin Feng, all the land ownership rights of "Fengcheng" still belong to Lin Feng, but the city belongs to California. The California government will set up a Fengcheng government in Fengcheng to help Fengcheng residents run for the first government official of Fengcheng and help Fengcheng enter the normal management mode. Of course, at the same time, for California, according to the laws of California, the windy city will be taxed. According to the budget released by the city government of California, the incorporation of "Windy City" into California will bring billions of dollars in new taxes to California, and the California government will not spend too much on "Windy City".

Because everything in the whole city belongs to Lin Feng. Therefore, to maintain it, it is natural for Lin Feng to contribute. Of course, for what the outside world is worried about, will the windy city be clamped down or even controlled by Lin Feng? On this point, Governor Schwarzenegger of California made a speech before the referendum.

"Among the 40.12 million people in California, I hope you can understand that no matter who the" Windy City "belongs to, or who California belongs to, it may belong to someone, but it must be bound by the fairest and most perfect laws on the planet. No one, no city, no place, can go beyond the law. Therefore, we all need not worry that someone will interfere in the operation of a city. Under the law, I believe our world will become better and better! " Schwarzenegger said emotionally.

Schwarzenegger's remarks undoubtedly dispelled many Californians' worries about forest wind controlling windy city. After all, Americans are a people who live on wheels and lawyers. You can't do without driving wheels during the day, but you can't live without lawyers. And basically, all Americans believe in the fairness of the law.

"Now, then, the referendum begins. All Californians, you can choose to vote at the betting station in the city hall. You can also vote according to your driver's license number, or your insurance policy number, or your passport number. As long as you are citizens of California, you can vote in the most convenient way you can. And the voting time will end at 20 p.m. this evening. " Schwarzenegger announced, "and I can expect that when" Windy City "becomes a city under the rule of California, California's economy will usher in another golden period of development because of the arrival of" Windy City ". California's past fiscal holes will be filled by the arrival of "Windy City". Moreover, "Fengcheng" will become the first real future technology city in California, and will be a pilot city for the future development direction of California! "

Voting begins!

In today's Internet era, it's very convenient for Californians to vote. Less than 10% of all voters go to the city hall to vote, and the vast majority of them choose to vote online. The online voting not only saves money, but also can know the voting result at the first time, and uses the real name system, so the voting result is absolutely effective.

"Yes, yes, it turned out to be a good result!" Schwarzenegger laughed with a cigar in his mouth when he saw the rolling results in real time. At present, in just one hour, there are more than one million votes, of which more than 90% are in favor. This kind of referendum, as long as more than 70% of the votes are in favor, will have legal effect.

"Lin Feng, did you see the vote? It seems that Californians agree with the incorporation of Fengcheng. I'm sure there's no problem. " Schwarzenegger laughs and makes a congratulatory call to Lin Feng.

"Ha ha, that's thanks to your speech. Otherwise, I believe many Californians will worry about the Chinese style corruption brought about by the urbanization of my "Windy City!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "by the way, will there be any opposition in Congress?"

Schwarzenegger pulled out his cigar.

"Naturally, there are people who oppose it in Congress, otherwise I would not have launched a referendum. Some people oppose the urbanization of "Windy City" on the pretext that the whole city belongs to you. They think that after urbanization, the city can not operate like a normal city, and will be under your overall control. Moreover, your appearance will affect the operation of the entire U.S. government and corrupt the clean and efficient U.S. government today. " Schwarzenegger puffed out a long ring of smoke.

"Ha ha, can I have so much appeal?" Lin Fengwen said with a smile, "these guys really give me face. But it doesn't matter. Their views can't change the people's views, as long as the people can understand it. "

"Well, I believe the California democratic Association will do you justice. Well, I'll call you later, and I'll bring you good news then! " There was a cry from Schwarzenegger and he hung up in a hurry.

Lin Feng smiles. He is not worried about the referendum in California‘ There is absolutely no problem with the urbanization of Fengcheng. Because in this matter, I have no profit, only loss. Every year, there will be a lot more land value-added tax, business tax and so on. California is the most developed state in the United States, the richest state, and the state with the highest education for its citizens. Naturally, they can see the stake in this. Therefore, Lin Feng is not worried.

What's more, this referendum is what Lin Feng used to distract the attention of G23.

"It's time to deal with Monsanto!" Lin Feng, keep your fingers light.

Nowadays, the international community is still hot on genetically modified organisms, but people's attention has long been disturbed by the news released by the UN health agency not long ago.

Transgenic may harm human organs, long-term consumption may lead to abnormal changes in human organs, this is what a terrible result. And there are still unknown elements in it, and whether it is harmful to human body has not been determined yet—— This sudden news shocked everyone. No one thought that the United Nations health agency would burst out such a surprising news.

After that, although Meng Shandu strongly denied and doubted that the director general of the United Nations health agency, Margaret Chan, had been bribed by Lin Feng, so he released such a set of data which was just a fantasy. But no matter how much Monsanto objected, people's perception of Monsanto's transgene began to change. Although they are totally against it and think that it must be harmful, they never think that it is a high-tech product and beneficial to human body, as before. Now people's views have become blurred and they don't know whether it is harmful or harmless.

At this time, Lin Feng made a move. No, to be exact, it should be WikiLeaks.

Wikileaks has again released a message on its website. To be exact, it's not news, it's information. These are the data of Monsanto in the past.

Monsanto was founded in 1901 by John Quiney, who founded Monsanto in St. Louis, Missouri. The name of Monsanto is based on John Quiney's wife's maiden name, which is known to all. The information released by Wikileaks is unknown to the outside world. That's why this John Quiney named Monsanto, not just to please his wife's father, that is, his father-in-law.

At that time, John Quiney's father-in-law, Emmanuel Monsanto, was the financial provider of a sugar factory based on St. Thomas island in the West Indies of Denmark. After John Quiney named Monsanto, he got his father-in-law's financial assistance to establish Monsanto. Later, with his father-in-law's technical support, Working with a drugstore that is looking for a saccharin supplier for soft drinks has become Monsanto's first gold pot.

And this soft drink company is now famous - Coca Cola! In other words, Coca Cola has always been a partner of Monsanto. Over the years, it has never changed. The cooperation between the world's largest beverage manufacturer and the world's largest chemical factory sounds a bit frightening in itself, but it's a fact for decades. But no one has ever reported it. Of course, I'm afraid that even if it is reported, it will be removed. And the two companies, over the years, have been basically secretive about it.

As a result, it is now revealed by Wikileaks. This is a headache for Monsanto. After all, "Monsanto" is a manufacturer of chemicals. It goes without saying that the outside world knows how many toxic substances it produced in the past. It turns out that Coca Cola actually uses the saccharin provided by Monsanto. Is this poisonous? This will affect the cooperation between Monsanto and Coca Cola.

Of course, if Monsanto has a headache, then Coca Cola is going to jump! How can this news be poked out! Over the years, Coca Cola has been playing down the issue and never talked about the formula. Why not talk about the formula? Why should the formula be kept secret? Because the most important part of the formula, saccharin, comes from Monsanto, a chemical company. If this is to be said, what will external consumers think?

What happened? This time, Monsanto's genetically modified products are actually involved in Coca Cola. You can imagine how upset Coca Cola is! It's all a lying gun!