"Your holiness, I remember in the Bible that in the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were punished by God for eating the forbidden fruit and were expelled from the garden of Eden. They become the ancestors of mankind, and this is the beginning of human sin and all other sins. " Lin Feng said piously.

"Yes, but it's also the beginning of the free will God has given to mankind. It is a test set by the Lord for the free will of mankind. Adam and Eve did not withstand the temptation of the snake, and eat the forbidden fruit. Finally, there is now a prosperous, but also full of evil world. All these are the choices of human beings. " Said the Pope of Francis.

"So, your holiness, what does the Almighty Lord think of genetically modified food?" Asked Lin Feng.

Francis frowned slightly. Although he is a devout religious clergyman, it does not mean that he does not watch the news and does not care about the world. For today's genetically modified war, Francis is naturally very clear. However, it is not clear in Francis's mind whether it is good or not. But he knew that the whole Holy See would never buy genetically modified food. However, the Vatican could not be reduced to Lin Feng's weapon. Although the relationship between the two sides is excellent, this is not the reason why the Holy See was instigated by Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin, the Holy See has never been involved in worldly enmity. The Holy See will not interfere in the right and wrong between you and Monsanto. If the Vatican intervenes, the Vatican's position will change. It will no longer be neutral and devout, but will be reduced to a secular tool. This is something I will never allow to happen Francis said without any doubt, "Mr. Lin, no matter how good our personal relationship is, this can not be violated!"

Lin Feng laughs.

"Your Majesty, I don't have the courage to ask God to do things for me." Lin Feng was not annoyed by Francis's refusal. "Your holiness, I just thought that the Almighty Lord is merciful. Can the Almighty Lord watch the world go into the abyss like this?"

Fang Ji's eyebrows are tight.

"I believe that the LORD God must be compassionate and cannot bear to see the suffering of the world. Don't you think so, your holiness? " Lin Feng sighed.

Francis's heart was like eating thousands of ants. This guy, even God moved out, he didn't have a little awe. This guy, isn't he afraid to go to hell after death!

"Mr. Lin, please don't use God as a metaphor. It's disrespectful to God." Francis warned, "as for whether genetically modified genes are harmful, it is not yet decided. We don't know if transgenesis is harmful, so

"Your holiness, that's exactly what I'm going to ask you today. Is there a problem with this? Can I eat it? " Lin Feng's words suddenly changed, which made Fang Ji unable to return to God for a long time.

"Well, whether genetically modified food is harmful or not is a matter for scientists. We are just clergy, not scientists! " Francis had no choice but to say.

"But don't you still have a lord? You can pray. Your holiness, you are the closest to God. You can pray to God and ask him if this genetically modified food is harmful. If there is no harm, I will immediately apologize and be the first to buy genetically modified food. And if it's harmful, then we should stick to it. Because this is endangering all mankind. " Lin Feng was very devout and said, "Your Majesty, please pray to God for the sake of all mankind, and ask God to tell us the answer of these ignorant believers."

Francis turned black. Pray to God and ask if genetically modified food is harmful. Are you just entertaining me! If the prayer is so effective, why do scientists need it!

"Lin Feng, what on earth do you want? Just say it!" Francis had no choice but to surrender.

Lin Feng laughs.

"Your holiness, my request is actually very simple. I hope your holiness will clarify it in the light of the rise and fall of human beings and prove that genetically modified genes are harmful to human body! Just come out and make a statement. Even, your holiness, you just need to register a microblog and make a statement on it! " Lin Feng said seriously.

"No! This is absolutely impossible. Our holy see is a neutral theocratic organization, not a scientist. We can't tell the truth of something. It's not within our responsibility. " Francis's outspoken refusal.

Lin Feng turned his lips.

"What is God for?" Lin Feng asked, "isn't God omnipotent?"

Francis's face was black. This guy's mouth is really unforgiving.

"Come on, Mr. Lin, what are you doing? We can never agree to your request. " Francis had no choice but to raise his hand and surrender

Lin Feng laughs.

"I'm planning the Seventh World Carnival. This is an activity to provide a gathering for global players, an activity to benefit global players. However, some people have to stop it behind their backs, so that I can not hold this activity to benefit global players. Therefore, I hope his holiness can come forward to support it. " Lin Feng said sincerely, "as long as his holiness expresses his yearning and support for the Second World Carnival held in Sicily, Italy. I think it has nothing to do with GM. This will not arouse the dissatisfaction of western countries, and the Holy See will not suffer from such pressure, will it

Pope Francis thought and nodded slowly. If it's just that, he can promise.

"A little more!" Lin Feng nodded and added with a smile.

"And more!" The Pope of Francis was obviously shocked. There's more, there's more. Although he is the Pope, Christianity today is not Christianity hundreds of years ago. Christianity today does not have as much power as it used to, and has so much influence in the secular world. If we really want to offend some forces that can't be offended, the Holy See will certainly exist, but as a pope, it's hard to say.

"Ha ha, this is very simple. I hope the Holy See can register an official microblog in my microblog and send some religious information to all believers regularly. After all, Weibo has long been in the hearts of all mobile phone users, and it has become a habit for people to understand the world through Weibo. Your holiness, this is not difficult Lin fengxiao said.

Francis nodded. This is not difficult, and it should be good for the Holy See. After all, it is a good thing that the Holy See can spread the most doctrines in the simplest way through Weibo.

"That's settled!" Lin Feng hung up with a smile.

After Pope Francis hung up, he realized that he was sweating. It's too tired to talk to Lin Feng. However, this time things are so big, how will it end in the end? What kind of changes will this genetically modified food bring to the whole mankind? Francis shook his head. He really didn't know about it. Anyway, it's right not to eat it for the time being. As for those who eat this, they are all heretics. Yes, they are all heretics. Heretics have their own "God" to rescue! Francis murmured, then ordered someone to open the official account of the Vatican's microblog, and then announced on the microblog that he supported Sicily to hold the Second World Carnival.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately received 32 million likes. The Vatican's "microblog" account is a miracle for all believers. However, there was no one to oppose it. Instead, there was overwhelming support. Believers are absolutely supportive of the Vatican's keeping pace with the times. In this way, they can know at the first time what sacrifices and religious activities the Vatican will have in the future, and they can arrange the time. It's much better than knowing temporarily and acting hastily.

Believers also raised their arms and cheered for the first message released by the Vatican microblog that they supported the "Second World Carnival" in Sicily. Originally, the Vatican had always been a dull, well behaved and stereotyped spokesperson. But now the Holy See can keep pace with the times. It not only opens the official microblog, but also supports the video game carnival. This is the most fashionable thing, which makes the believers' impression of the Holy See greatly changed. Young people, in particular, were extremely supportive of the Holy See, and the number of people who believed in it soared. In particular, in some third world countries, those countries that do not belong to the Vatican faith, many people have changed their religious beliefs to believe in Jesus.

This is a surprise to Francis. He opened the official microblog, which is also at the request of Lin Feng, can not agree. The result did not expect, but will change such an effect. It was a surprise to him. Maybe, one day, the Holy See can really rule the world!

But for Francis's support for Sicily, Monsanto was extremely depressed. If it is supported by other countries, the forces behind Monsanto will have a way to deal with it by coercion and inducement. But if it's a church, there's no way. You can't let the "G23" and the Holy See fight each other because of this! The Vatican has been handed down for thousands of years, and has an absolute religious dominant position in the West‘ Many members of the G23 'family are faithful believers of Jesus. In this case, how can they fight with the Vatican. In particular, it is impossible to support Sicily to hold the Second World Carnival.

“FUCK! Lin Feng, let you proud once. But I don't believe you can escape! " Hugh Grant.

Now, with the support of the Holy See, Palermo and Catania in Sicily have announced that they will run for the Seventh World Carnival. As Palermo and Catania announced their campaign, other cities around the world also announced it.