"Rice, you take care of this!" Bush pondered for a long time and said.

Rice nodded. This matter originally belongs to the scope of the Secretary of state. It should not have been uploaded to Bush. It should have been discussed between her and bush. After confirming the attitude of the United States, it should be carried out by rice.

"What should I do?" Rice asked. What is Bush's attitude? Is it to make an order to safeguard the "G23" or continue to support Lin Feng secretly?

"Drag!" Bush said word for word.

Drag? Rice was surprised.

"Good, drag! Let's wait till Lin Feng comes up with some countermeasures! " Bush said lightly, "in this matter, we can't stand on the opposite side of DuPont consortium. You know, he's one of the investors in my campaign money. " Speaking of this, Bush shook his head. These big consortia invest in presidential candidates for their own interests. As one of the candidates, they can not refuse the investment of these big consortia.

Very simply, if you refuse, their funds will tend to other investors. Today's US presidential campaign has evolved into a funding campaign. You don't want to be president of the United States without money.

"But what can Lin Feng do?" Rice shook her head. This is not that she looks down on Lin Feng, but the strength of both sides‘ The strength of G23 'is far beyond the comparison of Lin Feng. If "G23" had not been founded by businessmen, but by soldiers, I'm afraid Lin Feng would have perished long ago. The businessman is not only crafty but also cowardly.

"I don't know. But since Lin Feng started the war, it was up to him to solve it. We can only wait and see, and at most we can cheer for it Bush shrugged and said, "he is the main force."

Rice nodded and left with the document.

After rice left, Bush tapped on his forehead, slowly smoothed his frown, and finally turned on the computer. His fingers tapped on the keyboard, entered a website, and logged into an account. After thinking for a long time and hesitating again and again, I quickly left a message on it, then closed all windows, cleared the historical data, and then shut down the computer. Finally, I stood up, went to the window, looked out at the blue sky, white clouds, grass and green space, and breathed a long breath.

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng, that's all I can do for you! I hope you don't let me down! " Bush sighed.

At the moment, on the other side, Lin Feng's mobile phone suddenly rings. This is the message that someone left a message on Weibo. Of course, there are thousands of such messages every day. Lin Feng can't handle it. Lin Feng did not choose to turn off the message function, but chose to let "Nu Wa" deal with it.

After Nu Wa's IQ showed its superiority, Lin Feng's Micro blog was handed over to Nu Wa for maintenance. Every day all kinds of rumors, Nu Wa will summarize and classify, and then ask Lin Feng for advice, and then reply according to Lin Feng's dictation. This greatly reduces the workload of Lin Feng. Even Lin Feng sometimes thinks that if Nu Wa is a little more intelligent, Lin Feng will be able to leave a lot of his work to Nu Wa, and he will be as comfortable as he wants to be.

"Fengshen, there is a strange news. Would you like to see it? " Nuwa's message came through Fuxi. Of course, it can also be set to artificial voice, but when you go out, Lin Feng usually chooses to let Nu Wa send a message to contact him.

After Lin Feng confirmed his choice, Nu Wa sent the message.

"Lin Feng, it is reported that Monsanto has put pressure on the president of the United States through the Department of agriculture to put pressure on African countries. At present, President Bush has transferred the case to rice for temporary suspension. But not much time! "—— This is the message from Nu Wa.

Seeing the news, Lin Feng frowned. Is this a joke? No, it's not supposed to be a joke. A joke can't be so realistic. So who informs himself? Top management of Monsanto? Lin Feng shakes his head. It's definitely impossible. Internal employees of the US government? It's possible. In the U.S. government, there are also many Chinese Americans. The United States is a very open country. It has a trusting attitude towards immigrants from other countries and will not exclude them just because they are not native Americans.

Among the Chinese Americans, although many of them are unfamiliar with China and have no feelings, they worship Lin Feng very much. Therefore, Lin Feng was not surprised that there was one or two of them. Of course, Lin Feng will not blindly believe these. However, whether the news is true or false, we must speed up our action.

Fortunately, Assange is ready for the news tomorrow morning. A news that shakes the world. Of course, apart from Assange, you can't just rely on Assange to muddy the water. Lin Feng has more ways.

"Hi, Hurun! I'm Lin Feng Lin Feng made a phone call.

"Mr. Lin! You actually call me, please wait a moment, I will put things in my hands for a moment! " At the other end of the phone, there was an excited voice, and then a burst of things fell on the ground. After all kinds of sounds, the phone was quiet again, and Hurun's voice of infinite excitement was coming.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, what can I do for you?" Hurun said respectfully.

Lin Feng laughs.

Hurun is no stranger to all Chinese. He concocted China's first fortune list, the "100 rich list". And Lin Feng is also on his list of 100 rich, ranking steadily rising, finally leaping to the top of the rich list, finally out of the list, into the world's rich list. It can be said that Hurun witnessed the miracle of Fengshen.

But later, with the rise of Forbes' fame in China, Forbes no longer appointed Hurun to make various lists, and entered China in an all-round way. Hurun, however, was left behind and became an abandoned son. Although Hurun is not willing to be used up like this, his influence is not as good as before without the title of Forbes. Although he organized the "China wealth quality forum" and founded the "China currency" magazine, his influence and status are not as good as before. Especially in the face of Forbes' comprehensive suppression, Hurun's life is not so comfortable.

Today, I received a call from Lin Feng, but I was overjoyed.

"Ha ha, Hurun, long time no see, how are you?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

The corners of my eyes are moist. He didn't expect that Lin Feng was still worried about him. For him, it was an admission. Since 2002, when they parted ways with Forbes, Hurun has been in contact with some entrepreneurs again. Those who are good-natured are reluctant to receive some, or arrange assistants to receive them. Those who are not good-natured are closed. In recent years, Hurun has not been less popular in China. And today Lin Feng's words, whether true or false, he feels that his persistence in recent years has not been in vain.

"Mr. Lin, if what I said is not good, can you give me any guidance?" Hurun is not polite, to the point.

Although Chinese people are very reserved and mean, they like to talk around. If you want to ask for something directly, it will usually fail. But Lin Feng is different. He is not a standard Chinese. If you are more direct, he likes it. Because, if he doesn't like you, he will directly refuse you, instead of making a detour with you, saying and writing false words.

"Of course, otherwise I would not have called. Recently, your list is not very popular. Have you ever thought of launching another one? " Lin fengxiao said.

Another list? Hu Yun sighed. He has thought about everything he can think about, but he has all the lists he should have. It doesn't make much sense to launch a duplicate one. And his signboard is not as loud as Forbes. Compared with the two, the same list, people will look at Forbes, but not his.

"At present, there are Fortune 500 companies, rich list, celebrity list and so on. But there's a list that doesn't! " Lin fengxiao said.

Is there a list? What list doesn't? Hurun thought for a long time, but he didn't think of any list.

"Ha ha, global consortium ranking list!" Lin fengxiao said.

Global consortium ranking list! Hu Run takes a cool breath. There is no such thing, but the water here is too deep. Consortia, the world's top 500 companies, if carefully calculated, many are in the name of a consortium. If the companies of the same consortium are separated, there are actually not many companies left. But this kind of list, no one dares to do, it is also very difficult to do. First of all, if you expose these consortia to the public, they will not tolerate you. It's not only in China that people are afraid of fame and pigs are afraid of strength. It's also in foreign countries. These consortia all want to make money silently. I don't want to be exposed. In particular, the families behind these consortia do not want to be exposed.

If you expose it yourself, people will not tolerate you! Second, the statistics are too difficult to do. How can he get so much company data. If we can not get the exact data, the final statistical results will be meaningless. So, no one makes this list.

"I'll support you! But do you dare to do it? " Lin fengxiao said.

This one! Hurun's mind moved. After he was used up by Forbes, it can be said that his career seems to be brilliant, but it has been declining. If there is Lin Feng's support, the introduction of such a list can make him famous again. And being famous is very useful in the financial world. He holds all kinds of activities, and by virtue of his fame, he can invite representatives from all parties.

"Yes, I will! When does it start? " Hurun asked.

"From now on, I'll give you the data later. And you have to sort out the list in the shortest time. Then publish the magazine. It's called the Hurun list. " Lin Feng said with a smile, "as an investor, I hide behind the scenes!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I will do it well!" Hurun hung up excitedly.

Lin Feng laughs. When you hide, you will be exposed. Let's stand on our feet. The water must be muddy!