Yingla is back.

Dressed in professional women's clothes, Yingla returned to the mansion. But obviously, there was a tired look on his face. The reason is very simple. Thaksin is still in exile, and Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai Party has no leader and has just been forced to disband. Although a large number of the former Thai Rak Thai Party joined the new people's power party, the candidates for leadership were extremely troublesome.

At present, Thaksin's preferred candidate is Samak, but he is also worried about whether sofa can lead the overall situation. As the younger sister of Thaksin, she is also the most influential person in the political arena of the Thaksin family. In order to wash away Thaksin's grievances and help 117 Thai Rak Thai Party members lift the ban of not being allowed to participate in politics, we can imagine the pressure on yingluck.

Of course, in the current impasse, the good news is that she has come into contact with Lin Feng's woman. However, little progress has been made, and she does not know how Lin Feng can help herself. He is only a businessman after all. Although he has the power of the Chinese government behind him, what role can that play.

Besides, this is just Lin Feng's woman. A group of women who don't understand politics at all. Of course, it is undeniable that they have great influence. Making friends with them is only good but not bad.

When the door of the bedroom was opened, Yingla was going to the bathroom to take a hot bath and relax.

"Who are you?" Yingla suddenly felt someone in the room and exclaimed.

"Ha ha, miss Yingla, I'm sorry for the presumptuousness when I meet you for the first time." Lin Feng stretched out his right hand.

"Lin Feng!" Yingla exclaimed again and then burst into a bitter smile, "Mr. Lin, you need not be so insidious to visit me. I almost called security

"Ha ha, miss Yingla, can we talk about it now?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"Well, let's go to the study. The study is next to me. Without my orders, the servants will not go up to the third floor. " Yinglala said.

Since Lin Feng chose to lurk, there was something important to talk about, and he didn't want to be noticed. So, yingluck wants to explain. Of course, we can talk about it in the bedroom. But Yingla is not used to talking with people in her bedroom. After all, the bedroom is a woman's privacy. She can't help being lurked by Lin Feng. But if she wants to chat here again, that's her problem.

"Then, please!" Lin Feng leaned over to make a lady's priority position.

Yingla's study is very big. In addition to the large cabinets full of books on both sides, the rest are a few extremely comfortable sofas and tea tables. Of course, there is also a suite in this room, which is used as a place for secret conversation. The one outside is a resting place for the bodyguard entourage brought by the visitors.

It is obvious that yingluck is very considerate in these aspects. This is also the advantage of a woman politician over a man.

"Mr. Lin, a few days ago, your..." Yingla thought for a moment and really knew what words to use to describe Lin Zhiling and them. Finally, she decided to use, "your girlfriends and they came to visit me. We're old friends at first sight. This time, Mr. Lin paid a secret visit. What's the matter? If we Thaksin family can help, we will

Lin Feng gives Yingla a look of appreciation. Compared with Sumitomo Ning, Yingla is a more traditional politician, wise, calm and calm. Of course, it's beautiful.

"My intention is very simple, that is, how is the Thaksin family going to deal with this situation?" Lin Feng asked directly.

This question is very abrupt, even a little too strong, but now Lin Feng's identity, it is very appropriate to ask this question. Thaksin is the richest man in Thailand, but compared with Lin Feng, that's not one or two. If it wasn't for Thaksin's title of former Prime Minister of Thailand, I'm afraid Thaksin would not be able to have an equal dialogue with Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin, although my brother Thaksin is in exile and the Thai Rak Thai party is dissolved, the political situation is still under our control. The next general election will still be won by the people's power party controlled by us. Not only next time, but even if we do it ten or eight times, we will still win Yingla said confidently.

Lin Feng laughs.

"I have no doubt about that. But this is also the problem of Thailand's political situation. Every time the Thaksin party wins, the political situation in Thailand is always in a state of ups and downs, always in the constant confrontation between the Red Army and the blue army. The government is always in the middle of constant suspension. Miss yingluck, do you think such a situation is conducive to national reunification? " Asked Lin Feng.

Yingla opens her mouth to argue about something, but she can't.

"So what is the root cause of the situation in Thailand? Why has it been like this all the time? " Lin Feng asked again.

"There is a contradiction between the demand of the peasantry for social resources and the demand of the middle class for social resources. After all, Thailand is not a developed country, and the resources created by the whole country are limited. So, we are always arguing with each other! " Yingla explained helplessly.

"Miss yingluck, your explanation is not wrong, but it is not all right." Lin Feng commented, "have you ever thought about why the opposition party can be so reckless in its opposition? And then when they have the advantage, you will be reckless to oppose, even if it destroys the order of the country and the normal operation of the country. As long as it doesn't agree with you, then oppose it to the end! Even if we drag the whole country into the abyss, we will not hesitate! "

"Mr. Lin, do you mean that our country lacks a strict legal system?" Yingla asked.

"Ha ha, it's not right either!" Lin Feng smiles again.

Now yingluck is really confused. She didn't understand what Lin Feng meant. What she said was confusing.

"What do you mean, Mr. Lin?" Yingla decided to break the casserole and ask to the end. Anyway, as for Lin Feng's identity, it's not shameful to ask questions.

"Military power!" Lin Feng slowly spits out two words.

These two words are easy to say, but they are enough to make Yingla pale.

Military power! What does Lin Feng mean?

"Miss yingluck, every time your coup ends with the final intervention of the army. For the other side, after every election defeat and their big fight, the normal situation is that both sides are protracted, and in the end, the worst result is military intervention. And every time the military intervenes, the Democratic Party benefits. So, if you want to stabilize the situation in Thailand, the most important point is military power Lin Feng said in a deep voice, "in our country, a great man said that political power comes out of the barrel of a gun!"

"Without military power, your Thai Rak Thai party, of course, is now the people's Power Party and will not be able to stabilize the situation in the end. Therefore, if you want to stabilize the situation in Thailand and show your ambition, you must have military power. " Lin Feng said.

"Mr. Lin, you can say this to me. Don't say it outside. Otherwise, it will cause great trouble! " Yingla has a dignified face.

Lin Fengyan laughs.

"Miss yingluck, since I dare to mention military power to you here, it's natural that I'm not talking nonsense like that yellow mouthed child, or bragging here." Lin Feng laughs, "as far as I know, the Thai military is not controlled by the government. It's totally the military's own way. Therefore, Thailand's politics is basically rootless water, just like duckweed floating on the water, a bucket will sink into the water

Yingla nodded. In fact, Thailand had always been under military tyranny before that. It was only later that the military produced a pro democracy military prime minister, Bing, which brought Thailand back to a short but unstable period of democracy.

However, this kind of peaceful democracy is just like a tramp who has been rescued and left for a while. Once the rescue is stopped, the tramp will become a tramp again. The reason why Thaksin was ousted and exiled after he came to power is that he believed that the generals would be under the jurisdiction of the government.

This is obviously a violation of the military. So, Thaksin was ousted.

"So if you want to put Thai politics on the right track and make it truly democratic, you need the generals under control. Otherwise, the opposition will come to the end and the military will come forward. You're still fighting for nothing Lin Feng said.

"Mr. Lin, we understand what you said. My brother Thaksin has also made efforts. For example, my brother let his cousin chahite enter the Thai military as commander of the army and let the police carry out more tasks. But it failed! My brother was also directly expelled. Now some countries can't go back. " Yingla said, "well, what can Mr. Lin tell us?"

"It's easy to really control the military. Now the commander-in-chief of the Thai army is anupun, so find someone to replace him. My cousin chahite is in the Thai military. Let him take his place! " Lin Feng pointed out, "of course, I believe that in the Thai military, chahite's reputation can't be compared with that of anupun, but anupun is old and sick, so he may go to see God at any time. The next military leader to succeed anubon is likely to be bayou. Then, we should exclude bayou from the military and let your brother chacht take over. As long as the military is solved, there will be no problem for your brother to return home again. "

Yingla frowned.

"Mr. Lin, even if my cousin chahite can be commander in chief of the military, what about the king? The king will not allow our family to control both the government and the army. And the king's prestige among the people is great. If he doesn't agree, I'm afraid the operation of controlling the military won't succeed! After all, you need to swear allegiance to the king in the end. If the king does not agree, it will not be recognized by the people. " Yingla said with a frown.

"Ha ha, that's easier. Let the king agree. Everyone has weaknesses and can be changed. So let him feel that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of working with you. " Lin Feng said with a smile, "in this world, no one can't buy, as long as you have enough chips!"

Yingla's face changed slightly.

"Mr. Lin, I want to talk to my brother about this. And what do you want from our family? "