"Mr. Lin, I have a question for you!" Sumitomo ningjian women do not let men, take the lead and come out.

"Your Highness Ning! His highness Ning! His highness Ning The young people in Sumitomo's family all around cheered.

Sumitomo Ning is the only daughter of the elder brother of the advanced family. Nianfang 20 is the dream lover of countless young men in the Sumitomo family. Moreover, Sumitomo Jingtai announced the identity of Sumitomo Ning early on. It has absolute privileges in the Sumitomo family and can do whatever it wants. No one in the family can force Sumitomo Ning to do anything. Therefore, Sumitomo Ning is also regarded as Sumitomo's princess.

In recent years, Sumitomo Ning has become more and more beautiful and charming. Although she is cold in character, she is still regarded as Sumitomo's Pearl and princess by young men of Sumitomo family. Of course, with the status of the Sumitomo family today, it's no exaggeration to call it a princess. Sumitomo Ning's status is by no means lower than the princess of Tian royal family.

As for the young Sumitomo people who love Sumitomo Ning, is it possible for them to pursue Sumitomo Ning? There is no problem with this. Apart from the lineal lineage, the other collateral lineages of the Sumitomo family have long been weak for thousands of years. According to the Chinese saying, some relatives may not be relatives for eight generations. In this case, except for the immediate family members within three generations, they can pursue Sumitomo Ning. Of course, it's just the right to pursue. But so far, I haven't seen Sumitomo Ning interested in any man.

His highness Ning! Lin fengpai, the princess of Sumitomo! Think of this, Lin Feng made a please gesture, also did not get up, and this once again angered Sumitomo Ning.

"Mr. Lin, you started an Internet cafe from scratch in your hometown of Chu City in 1999. Now, in less than eight years, you have accumulated trillions of dollars and developed" Your Highness Ning, godfather! " The young people in Sumitomo's house all around cheered loudly.

Come on! strive! It is often used to encourage people who are close to each other (such as lovers or friends).

Sorry for the inconvenience! What do you do now? Li Zhiyou and others are anxious. Lin Feng's nationalism is world famous. This can't be pushed out, and Lin Feng's preferential treatment for Chinese players is well known, although it's not clearly stated. In any official activity, Chinese players are always given the most preferential treatment, which is a fact that needs no argument. If we take this one seriously, it will directly affect the global revenue of the second consortium. It's a very tough move.

Well, I'll see how you can sophistry this iron fact! Sumitomo Ning sneers.

Lin Feng laughs.

"Your Highness Ning, right? I've been too lazy to explain nationalism. But since you have asked, and this is a forum and Mitsui's home, if I don't answer, it's a bit impolite. So, since you have asked sincerely, I will satisfy your wish and answer you. " Lin Feng said faintly.

fuck! Sumitomo Ning low scold a, Lin Feng this words, this tone, clear is "pet elf" in that "rocket team" speech, this clear has tease her composition. She hates being looked down upon, especially by men.

Indignant eyes swept away, Lin Feng curled his lips, this woman is sick, so bitter. It's so young and beautiful, but it's just like a woman in a boudoir. Isn't it morbid.

"As for nationalism, let me explain it to the whole world, that is, my nationalism is aimed at one country!" Lin Feng pointed around, "little Japanese devils!"

fuck! All the young people immediately stood up, rolled up their sleeves, lifted the table, and were about to fight with Lin fenggan. This guy is so bullying. This is Japan, Mitsui family. Except for Lin Feng and his bodyguards, they are all Japanese. Lin Feng dares to be here and scold the little Japanese devils. It's like running in front of people and yelling at each other's assholes.

If the other side doesn't smoke you, it's the other side's fault!

"Lin Feng, you have gone too far! It's legal for them to beat you up for such behavior! " Sumitomo Ning pointed to Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng is a smile.

"Hit me? It depends on whether they have the ability! If you don't win and want to use force, come on, little Japanese Lin Fengchao, surrounded by many young people, Gougou fingers, provocative said.

"Bageya road!" All of them were so excited that they rushed out one after another, bared their teeth, covered their faces with ferocity, and rushed towards Lin Feng. They should teach the * * people a lesson, and let them know that they are going to be beaten.

"Boss!" Feng Jun exclaimed.

"Don't worry. Since the boss dares to do so, he has his reason. We'll see. " Li Rui said in a deep voice, "remember, only by preventing the" Shadow Warriors "around can they threaten the boss! This is a thermal imager. We can't detect Japanese ninja with our naked eyes, but modern weapons can! "

The crowd nodded.

In the face of the young people of the two families, Lin Feng is calm and calm, and can't see any panic.

Hum, I see what else you can do later! Sumitomo would rather step aside and sneer. She wants to see when Lin Feng's mouth is hard!

fuck! Mitsui Junxi is secretly scolded, he sensed Lin Feng's eyes, Lin Feng this is to let him come out! Son of a bitch, he used himself as a shield! But there's no way. Junxi Mitsui has to step up.