"Li Rui, how's your arm?" Lin Feng asked.

"Boss, Dr. Hirayama has already helped me to make it. Japan's technology in this field is indeed leading the world. According to Dr. Hirayama, even aegis cannot be compared with it. " Li Rui said with emotion.

Lin Feng was also slightly surprised. Lin Feng has a lot to do with the United States. Naturally, aegis is clear. In Hollywood movies, there have been many movies about aegis, including TV dramas. In its movies and TV dramas, aegis is one of the most advanced departments in the United States, usually dealing with aliens and ultra new technology. For example, in man in black, the Department is aegis. Of course, aegis first appeared in American Marvel comics. Basically, all kinds of superheroes and villains in the United States come from Marvel comics.

As for the real-life aegis, of course, it is not called aegis, but the advanced research projects agency of the US Department of defense, or DARPA for short. Because the name is too obnoxious, so the outside people generally call it aegis.

The role of aegis is to organize, coordinate and manage the major scientific and technological projects of the US Department of defense, and the technical management department of military high-tech pre research. It is mainly responsible for the research, development and application of high and new technologies. The scientific research projects undertaken by aegis are mostly projects with high risks and great potential military value, and are generally medium and low-tech projects with large investment, cross service or regardless of the three services Long term projects.

The agency was first established in February 1958 under the defense research and Engineering Agency. At present, there are less than 200 staff, mostly composed of civilian staff, most of whom are first-class experts and scholars in various disciplines. It adopts a lean management mode, and the management is refined, which is divided into three levels: Director, business director and project director. The technical departments include defense science department, electronic technology department, information system department, information technology department, sensor technology department, tactical technology department, dual-use technology planning department, advanced information technology service joint planning department and high endurance UAV project department; The security departments include: audit department, contract management department, administration and small business management department, security and information department and legal adviser department.

Now, it has become the highest technology department in the United States. There are many achievements, the most famous of which is the Internet, which is indispensable to all of us at present. The predecessor of Internet is ARPANET, which is researched and developed by ARPA. In 1975, ARPANET was transformed from a laboratory network into an operational network, and the whole network was transferred to the Communications Department of the Ministry of defense for management. At the same time, ARPA was renamed DARPA (Defense ARPA).

The second achievement, which no one can ignore at present, is the global positioning system. If there were no global positioning system, many people would not be able to do anything today.

The third achievement is the translator. A real-time language translator is a necessary equipment for us peacekeeping operations in Iraq. Although the success rate is only 50%, there are basically no obstacles for US soldiers to cope with the daily peacekeeping operations in Iraq.

Of course, in addition to these, there are also research and development of stealth fighters and gallium arsenide. It can be said that the role of aegis in the Pentagon is no less than that of aegis in the movies.

Now, Dr. Hirayama claims that the technology of aegis is not as advanced as theirs. If Dr. Hirayama doesn't brag, then it's really powerful.

"Boss, Dr. Hirayama has measured all aspects of my body size. In about half a year, I will be able to get the most suitable modern prosthesis for me. I have a suggestion for that! " Li Rui lowered his voice.

"Oh, why are you interested in Dr. Hirayama?" Lin Feng guesses Li Rui's intention.

"Well, I found that Dr. Hirayama is really a genius, especially in prosthetics. He is absolutely a genius. His lab has begun to develop artificial limbs that can completely replace human hands to help disabled people live freely. For example, we can control the force through the brain, to achieve prosthetic limbs, to carry tea, pour water, cut apples, cut fruits and other behaviors. Before that, it was totally unthinkable. " Li Rui was excited and inexplicable. "With this kind of technology, it can perfectly solve the problem of limb damage of" wolf tooth "soldiers on the battlefield. For a soldier, death is not terrible, death in the battlefield is our glory. For us, the real nightmare is that we have to leave the battlefield and hang out because of physical damage. This is unacceptable to us! "

Lin Feng can understand what Li Rui said. A true fighter is not a man who looks at death as if he is at home, but a man whose honor is at last his life. They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of falling to the point where they are waiting to die. In particular, once the body is disabled, it is a great blow to an excellent soldier. If Dr. Hirayama's prosthetic technology can be solved perfectly, it will be a good news for all soldiers.

"If this technology is really so advanced, how can Junichiro Mitsui not pay attention to it?" Lin Feng doubts. This technology is very useful not only for soldiers, but also for ordinary people. There are hundreds of millions of people with disabilities in the world. With such a huge group, the market can reach tens of billions of dollars every year. How can Shunxi Mitsui ignore such a huge market?

"Boss, you don't know something. Dr. Hirayama had just made a comprehensive breakthrough in prosthetic technology, and after the breakthrough, he reported to the Mitsui family. But at the time of the report, it was the big bang in Sapporo. Originally, Dr. Hirayama thought this would be an opportunity. But who would have expected that due to the lack of materials and his eagerness for quick success and instant benefit, the prosthesis had a major quality accident. " Li Rui shook his head regretfully. "In Japan, he is extremely sensitive to quality accidents. Once there is a quality accident, it is extremely difficult for consumers to recognize the brand. Therefore, Dr. Hirayama's technology has been shelved without limit. Unless he can come up with enough technology to reassure the Mitsui family. "

Lin Feng is speechless. Before that, it was said that it would surpass the aegis. In the twinkling of an eye, such a big technical defect has been created. Is Dr. Hirayama so funny!

"Boss, I have been there for a few days to learn more about the situation at that time. At that time, there were too many injured people, and Dr. Hirayama's prosthetic technology was too demanding on materials. Although it was not impossible to buy, it would cause high prices. If it's universal, it's difficult. At that time, in order to promote his technology after the big bang in Sapporo, he temporarily used some immature and stable materials, which led to frequent accidents and made him fall into the quality gate. The technology itself is flawless. " Li Rui said.

"How much does that prosthetic limb cost according to his technical design?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Well, a normal prosthetic, if it's one arm, it's about three million dollars! For two arms, it's about eight million dollars. One leg, it's $5 million, two legs, it's $15 million! One arm, one leg, 12 million dollars. Arms, legs, more than $30 million! " Li Rui said, "because its coordination and balance is a very complex difficulty, and it requires very high materials. So, the price is also very expensive! "

Lin fengza's tongue. It's very expensive, not to mention the ordinary people, even the ordinary rich can't afford it. It costs millions of dollars to install a prosthesis. It's better to keep it empty. Millions of dollars, which ordinary people can't afford.

"And every year, there's maintenance. The average prosthetic cost is 150000 dollars a year! " Li Rui said.

Lin Feng was speechless. This technology is too high. It is designed for the super rich. The ordinary people can't enjoy it.

"By the way, how much does he charge you for your prosthesis?" Asked Lin Feng.

"35 million dollars!" Li Rui speechless said, "he said, I want to use it in the battlefield, so it can't be compared with ordinary prosthetics. Its material should not only be bulletproof, but also be fireproof and moisture-proof, and it should have the attack ability to reverse heaven and earth at critical moments. So the price went up. 35 million dollars, which is the lowest price Dr. Hirayama said. In fact, it could be more than that! Dr. Hirayama, who is dedicated to design, does not consider the cost at all! "

Lin Feng shook his head. Without considering the cost of technology, no doubt, as a cake to appease hunger in general, simply unrealistic. However, if it's just a small-scale application and focuses on serving Langya, there should be no problem.

"Is he willing to go to wolf tooth?" Asked Lin Feng.

"As long as you give him money, if you are willing to give him money for scientific research, he can go anywhere! However, he said that if he wanted to leave, he had to take his family with him and several assistants. I'm afraid the cost is not low! " Li Rui said.

"Well, that's it. You'll be responsible for the arrangement. Well, let them go to Somalia. The scenery in Somalia is good and the environment is suitable. I'm going to build a luxury villa group in Somalia. Let them work there. It happens that Sauron and they are there, too! " Lin Feng said.

After Lin Feng and Li Rui decide to dig the corner of the Mitsui family, the Mitsui family sends someone to invite Lin Feng to the reception hall of the Mitsui family. The debate between Lin Feng and the younger generation of Mitsui family and Sumitomo family is about to begin. This time, it will be broadcast live all over the world through "YouTube".

Lin Feng, the most outstanding businessman in the history of the world, is still able to prove Lin Feng's outstanding in the face of the young generation of Japan's two major families that have passed on for thousands of years? In other words, the heritage of the two families is far from what Lin Feng can compare.

Everything, wait and see!

This is the time for the implementation of the plan!

PS: Holland play Argentina tonight, I hope Messi can break out and take the first step in the transformation of the world champion