Lin Feng wants to keep Margaret Chan to talk about it in detail, which is bound to make her sign a new contract. Judging from his words and deeds, he has his own code of conduct and will not change for others. I'm afraid it's hard to force her to stay. Therefore, this idea can only reach Margaret Chan's husband, Chen Zhixiong. Two big fluctuations in Margaret Chan's life are due to Chen Zhixiong. When chasing Chen Zhixiong to Canada or returning to Hong Kong for Chen Zhixiong's sake, people first introduce their husband, Chen Zhixiong. This is enough to show the status of Chen Zhixiong in her heart and the traditional Chinese femininity of Margaret Chan.

"Mr. Chen, I heard that you graduated from medical university?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

Margaret Chan looks at her watch and the plane in the distance. Her holiday will be over in three days, so she plans to go to Thailand with her husband for another two days to enjoy the fruits and delicious food there. The plane is about to start, and she is a little impatient with Lin Feng's obstruction. But when Lin Feng talked to her husband, she was impatient and could only wait. Although she is one of the top 50 influential people in the world, she is a traditional woman in her heart. She never cuts in when a man talks.

"Well, I'm a doctor of medicine from the University of Western Ontario in Canada. Is Mr. Lin also interested in medicine? " Chen Zhixiong asked in surprise.

"Ha ha, I'm really interested in medicine, but mainly in traditional Chinese medicine. I wonder if Mr. Chen is interested in traditional Chinese medicine? " Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, although I studied western medicine, I am Chinese after all, and my father is also a doctor, so I am determined to be a doctor. So I know a little bit about TCM. This is a very profound knowledge, which stresses the gradual treatment. To some extent, it is more effective than western medicine. However, due to its domestic bad habits, there are many problems in the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. So, I learned western medicine! " Chen Zhixiong said with emotion.

His father once asked him to learn Chinese medicine, but Chinese medicine is only a means of diagnosis and treatment, which requires a lot of clinical experience to accumulate, which can't be learned only by books. However, the high pace of modern society leads most patients to hope that the disease can be controlled, alleviated or even cured at the first time, which can not be solved by traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, most people choose more rapid and effective western medicine. Therefore, if there are fewer patients, there will be less clinical experience and less qualified TCM training. As a result, Chen chose western medicine.

Whether it is traditional Chinese medicine, or western medicine, are doctors, can save people on the line!

"Ha ha, I have invested in a traditional Chinese medicine system in China, and now I am looking for famous doctors from all walks of life. I wonder if Mr. Chen is interested in going to China to have a look?" Lin fengxiao said.

System? Chen Zhixiong was surprised. It's not surprising that Lin Feng has the financial resources to invest in a hospital, but it's a bit shocking to invest in a system. System, what a huge discipline. Traditional Chinese medicine is not a system like western medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine has been handed down for thousands of years, and there are many systems. Although the foundation of each inheritance is the same, it is the five elements of heaven and earth, heaven and earth, yin and Yang, but the development, diagnosis and treatment methods, treatment prescriptions are ever-changing, and some of them may even appear. Some herbs are good medicines in your prescriptions, but they become poisons in others' prescriptions.

Lin Feng's investment in such a system is not small! How could he be so interested in TCM?

"Ha ha, I think traditional Chinese medicine can be inherited for thousands of years, and there must be something unique about it, so I am willing to invest in the re development of traditional Chinese medicine, which needs the response of all consensus people in the world. Mr. Chen, would you like to sit down and have a talk? " Lin Feng sent out an invitation with a smile.

Chen Zhixiong is embarrassed. They are going to Thailand. They have to get on the plane. How inappropriate is it to change the itinerary? But he is really interested. He is a standard medical maniac. He has been obsessed with medical skills all his life.

"If you want to have a chat with Mr. Lin, we'll find a place to have a chat. The ticket can be changed!" Although she is a little uncomfortable with the holiday changes, she still respects her husband's will. It's just that she always feels that Lin Feng's sudden invitation is a bit abnormal. After all, although her husband is a doctor of Medical University, and his medical skills are also superb, Lin Feng did not understand him, so he sent out an invitation, which was a bit abrupt. After all, I don't know how many medical doctors graduate every year. Why does Lin Feng invite her husband? As far as Lin Feng's status and status are concerned, he wants to invite a doctor of medicine.

Did he have another intention? After all, Margaret Chan works in a government department and is very sensitive to politics. But after thinking about it, I didn't realize that the problem was my own. I have to let my husband be careful later! Margaret Chan is quietly vigilant.

"Zhiling, you remember to get off the plane. Call me. Well, Mr. Chen and I will go to the coffee shop and have a chat. Let's get on the plane! " Lin Feng and the three girls said goodbye one by one.

"You two, remember, protect them. If they have any damage, your money is a dime, and will bear my anger. You should have heard the saying that the God of heaven is angry and the earth is falling apart. In those days, God hated all kinds of evils while taking advantage of time and launched the flood of doomsday to submerge the world. My anger, although not so powerful, but crush you two, but there is no problem. Remember, your job is to protect them. Then you can be your super rich Lin Feng said coldly.

"Yes, yes, Fengshen, don't worry. We will try our best to protect the three ladies and never let them suffer any harm!" Two k-1 players are sweating.

Lin Feng nodded to Li Rui. These two people are just in case. What they are really responsible for is their own "wolf teeth.". It's just that the "wolf tooth" is too military. In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, he has to protect himself secretly. These two people play the role of protection on the surface. They only need to resist the danger a little. Of course, this is also to avoid in case, in fact, three women go to Thailand is not likely to be in danger.

"Mr. and Mrs. Chen, please!" Lin Feng turned around and said with a smile.

The three came to the cafe.

"Mr. Chen, from a doctor's point of view, what do you think is the harm of some mutated foods to human body?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

Mutated food! Chen Zhixiong was stunned, but this topic was a bit beyond his expectation. But after thinking about it, I gave my own answer.

"Mutated food, Mr. Lin, do you mean genetically modified food! Genetically modified technology was developed by Monsanto Corporation of the United States. From a scientific point of view, it is of great scientific significance. But from the perspective of human health, it needs to be tested. At present, there is no exact report of any clinical trials related to transgene in the areas I have contacted. All that has come out so far is just a scientific experiment report from Monsanto. However, as far as I'm concerned, I advocate caution in the treatment of GM food. Gene, the basic unit of heredity, is a specific nucleotide sequence with genetic information on DNA or RNA. The genetic information is transmitted to the next generation through replication, so that the offspring have similar traits with their parents. It can also change its association characteristics through mutation, store all the information of life breeding, growth and apoptosis, and complete the important physiological processes of life reproduction, cell division and protein synthesis through replication, transcription and expression. All life phenomena such as life, growth, disease, aging and death are related to genes. It is also the internal factor that determines life and health. " What Chen Zhixiong said is that the forest is in the clouds.

It's too professional for Lin Feng to understand.

"Transgenic, in essence, is to change the sequencing of genes. However, in terms of current science and technology, human beings do not fully control gene technology. Monsanto's transgenic technology really just touched the surface of gene technology. It's really appropriate for them to use a word of transgenic. Because they've just reversed the genetic order of the species a little bit, not changed it. But whether this kind of torsion is good or bad is not something that can be seen in a short time. It takes a long time to experiment. My personal advice is not to eat genetically modified food for the time being. Of course, I think it's appropriate to use genetically modified food to produce biofuels. " Chen Zhixiong talks about it.

At first, Lin Feng heard it, but now his eyes were bright. This Chen Zhixiong is really a surprise. I didn't expect that he had such a deep understanding of GM.

"Well, can I put in a word?" At this time, Margaret Chan suddenly said.

"Go ahead, ma'am!" Chen Zhixiong motioned.

"Mr. Lin, my husband has made it very clear about transgenic technology. It is not clear whether it is harmful to human body. It will take time to verify. Therefore, people had better not eat genetically modified food for the time being. And he highly praised the use of it to produce biofuels, but as far as the research in my personal professional field is concerned, genetically modified seeds can also damage the soil. Nature seems ever-changing, but in fact it has its own laws. To put it simply, if we regard our earth as a box, everything in the box has its natural law for a long time. Without the destruction of external forces, everything in the box is in line with its law. But if we shake it violently, the world inside the box may be destroyed. Transgenic technology may become such an external force. Of course, because of its immature transgenic technology, perhaps this power is not great enough, but I personally think it will destroy the existing structure of nature. Of course, it is also possible that its technology is very mature, but before its technology is really mature, I personally think that transgenic technology should not be widely promoted! But should be small-scale test, to verify its harm to human body, harm to nature When talking about her professional field, Margaret Chan changed her traditional femininity and made it special for strong women, which is domineering.

When Lin Feng heard this, he laughed. It seems that today's harvest will be great!