Wang Meng didn't understand why Lin Feng did it. China's domestic environment is not optimistic, and in recent years, although Lin Feng has set up a wide range of funds in China to help all kinds of people in need. But its strength and social influence are far from being comparable with Lin Feng's investment abroad.

For example, Lin Feng invested 150 billion yuan to build a "Windy City" in California. If we put such a large amount of money in China, we don't know how many people will be employed and how many people will be housing. Lin Feng was built off the coast of Los Angeles, California.

In addition, in recent years, Lin Feng's aid to Africa has reached tens of billions of dollars. Isn't it good to spend this money on Chinese people? Why use it on Africans. There is also the food crisis. Lin Feng donated so much food to Africa, but not at home.

In addition, this time in Ethiopia, Lin Feng has built 50000 public toilets and has to improve Ethiopia's public environment. At home, the public environment is no worse than that in Africa. Lin Feng has repeatedly ignored China. Even if Lin Feng has unparalleled popularity in China, it is hard for him to compete with the people.

Although Lin Feng is in China, the number of saints exceeds 100 million. But according to Avril's "Shentu points" last time, most Shentu are low-level members. There are few senior members. From the data, these deities are not unchangeable, and their beliefs are not deep enough. Lin Feng, however, has often been ignored in China, which has attracted criticism from some people with ulterior motives in China. Wang Meng is worried that those who are not pious enough will mutiny.

Wang Meng is worried about this.

"Brother Meng, I naturally know the situation in China. If they want to scold, scold them. If you want to leave, leave. My popularity really comes from the belief of these saints. But it's not just their faith. I exist because I am strong. " Lin Feng said with pride.

Wang Meng nodded. He did not deny this point, but rather recognized it. Lin Feng can go to today, not by whom, but by his own strong. Step by step, although it seems to develop rapidly, the foundation is also very solid. Because unlike other upstarts, Lin Feng's investment in banking and military affairs is extremely generous.

Lin Feng spent tens of billions of dollars and used countless means to build a second bank. In terms of "wolf teeth", Lin Feng is even more generous with money and gives whatever he wants. No, Lin Feng will try his best to buy all kinds of advanced weapons.

It is precisely because of these two points that Lin Feng has the status of today. Otherwise, Lin Feng would have died long ago.

"Of course, I want to change the domestic environment, but I can't change it if I want to. The power in China is complicated and cemented. If I want to move one, I may pull out a big tree. And do I have the power now? No, On the contrary, Ethiopia is weaker, and the same socialist country, what I have done here, can be used as a reference to change China in the future. Or cruelly speaking, everything I did in Ethiopia was an experiment. To see if the future can change like this in China. " Lin Feng said lightly, "if I fail in Ethiopia, I can leave irresponsibly, but if I fail in China, where should I go? Of course, I can choose to live in seclusion in any country in the world, but if my domestic life is ruined by me, can I live in seclusion and have a good conscience? "

Wang Meng was awed at this moment. Indeed, the special situation of China is destined to cause great resistance for the country to do something good. Unless you can benefit everyone. But the world is always fair. When you benefit some people, others suffer. As far as Lin Feng's character is concerned, if he is buried in doing good, Lin Feng will not be polite. If it gets noisy, China will be in a mess. Therefore, it is the best result to carry out the experiment with Ethiopia, which is also socialist.

Of course, this may be a bit unfair to the people of Ethiopia. But in this world, there has never been justice. What's more, Ethiopia is so bad. How bad can it be?

"Therefore, I will change the current situation of Ethiopia with my heart, not only for experiment, but also for conscience!" Lin Feng sighed, "I don't respect heaven. I don't respect earth. I don't care about other people's opinions. I only care about whether my conscience can sleep safely."

Wang Meng admired it.

There was a silence in the room.

"Boss, there's one more thing I don't understand!" Between Wang Meng's words, he still called his boss. Lin Feng frowned and tried to persuade him, but after thinking about it, it was all right. Sometimes, once a habit is formed, it's hard to change it.

"At present, your position in the international community is very bad. It can be said that you are the enemy of the whole world. In particular, the conflict with the "G23" is inseparable. I don't understand. Why don't you learn from the state of Qin in the past and take the means of joining forces and attacking from afar and at close range? " Wang Meng asked.

On this issue, Wang Meng has been hiding in his heart. He has different views on politics, but since he led the "wolf tooth", Wang Meng has learned a lot in the art of war. In particular, Sun Tzu's art of war, he read and read.

Among the thirty-six stratagems in Sun Tzu's art of war, the twenty third stratagem is to make long-range and short-range attacks. The source of this stratagem is a famous saying made by fan Sui, a counsellor of the state of Qin, to persuade the king of Qin: "it is better for a king to make long-range and short-range attacks than to make long-range and short-range attacks; The ruler is the ruler of the king. "

At the end of the Warring States period, the seven heroes competed for hegemony. After Shang Yang's reform, Qin's power developed fastest. King Zhao of Qin began to plan to annex the six states and dominate the Central Plains. In 270 BC, King Zhao of Qin Dynasty prepared to launch an army to attack Qi. At this time, fan Sui offered the strategy of "distant and near attack" to King Zhao of Qin to prevent Qin from attacking Qi. He said: Qi is powerful and far away from Qin. To attack Qi, troops have to pass through Korea and Wei. With fewer troops, it is difficult to win; Many armies, even if they won, could not occupy the land of Qi. It's better to attack neighboring Korea and Wei first and push forward step by step. In order to prevent Qi from forming an alliance with Han and Wei, Qin Zhao sent envoys to form an alliance with Qi. Over the next 40 years, Qin Shihuang continued to adhere to the strategy of "long-distance and short-term attack", and made long-distance contact with Chu, first conquering Han and Wei, then attacking Zhao and Yan from both wings to unify the north; He conquered Chu and pacified the south; At last, the state of Qi was cleaned up. Qin Shihuang fought for ten years and finally realized his wish to unify China.

In Wang Meng's opinion, it's unwise for Lin Feng to be an enemy all over the world. There is no reason why we are enemies with the whole world. Lin Feng can make friends with some enemies first, and then make a picture slowly.

When Lin Fengwen heard the words, he didn't say a word. After a long time, he sighed.

"Brother Meng, whether it's a long-distance attack or a joint attack, there's a prerequisite. Someone needs to be willing to make an alliance with me. But now the situation is that the old social order has been consolidated, and I am a new force. The rise of me will inevitably lead to the extension of the old order, which will obviously make some old stakeholders dissatisfied. They are not willing to lose their own interests. So, they won't have a coalition with me, they will get rid of me Lin Feng said helplessly.

"What's more, the state of Qin was not the same as it is now. In ancient times, the communication technology was not developed enough. At the beginning, no country knew about the rise of Qin. When they finally knew, Qin had great power, and all countries were no longer rivals. Now, with the progress of science and technology, satellites are all over the sky, and paparazzi can't be prevented. Any action I make, the whole world may know. Who shall I go to for long-distance and close attack, and who shall I go to for cooperation? " Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "as for contacting those forces who are dissatisfied with the old order, it's even more suicidal. Since these forces are unable to challenge the old order, their strength must be very weak. Together, they are just more powerful ants. Instead of challenging the old order, it will make the old order pay more attention to me and use thunder to get rid of me! "

Wang Meng was lost in thought.

"On the contrary, although I have enemies all over the world, I am a person and a force. From the other side's point of view, although I am on the rise and my power is growing, I am weak and weak. It is not difficult to get rid of me. And I don't think I'm going to pose a major threat to them. If I go to contact forces everywhere, the end result is that I will be slapped to death before I grow up. So, it's better to be enemies all over the world and lower their vigilance! " Lin Feng said with emotion, "my opponent is either the country or the" G23 ", and this organization can not be solved by force. In fact, it is useless to use force against such organizations. Unless the outbreak of World War I, as in the Second World War, the German Hitler government almost uprooted the Rothschild family, resulting in the scarcity of its family. Unless this happens again and uproots all the ethnic groups of the G23, we can only use commercial means! "

Lin Feng sighed.

"Therefore, my war with G23 will only be on the commercial battlefield. In this battlefield, it's not easy to make long-range and short-range attacks, to unite vertically and horizontally. " Lin Feng patted Wang Meng on the arm, "brother Meng, don't worry, I know it. I won't die in a muddle, and I won't lose easily. What's more, in my opinion, it doesn't matter if the whole world is enemies! Only then can we have the pleasure of success! "

Wang Meng nodded.

"I don't understand the economy. But I believe you are not mortal, you will certainly create a miracle. But in any case, even if you are against the world, we will stand behind you. If the world is against you, we will destroy the world! " Wang Meng's voice was calm, but his tone was very strong. He also told Lin Feng about their determination.

No matter who the opponent is, Lin Feng's enemy is their enemy!