Fengshen private property Amendment Act—— Lin Feng was stunned when he heard the name.

"Mr. Lin, China is a socialist country, so all land belongs to the state. As for private property, our protection regulations are not as strict as those of foreign countries. In China, all assets belong to the state. When the state is in an emergency, private property can be confiscated directly. But in order to encourage foreign investment, President Georges made a special amendment to the private property act. Foreign investors are allowed to have absolute rights to protect their private property. " Minister tershome explained.

The so-called "Fengshen private property Amendment Act" refers to the right of individuals to protect their own property. Ethiopia is a socialist country, and its protection of private property is the same as that of China. In other words, if you want to sleep in the room and the villain comes in, your best response is to call the police. If you drive away the villain privately, in case of any accident, you should be responsible.

This sounds a bit strange, but this is socialism. On the contrary, the Fengshen private property Amendment Act is revised according to the western private property act to ensure that foreign investors can invest in Ethiopia with confidence. The key point of this bill is that foreign investors can shoot down the intruders in their own private territory without taking any responsibility!

At present, this "Fengshen private property Amendment Act" benefits Lin Feng alone. Therefore, it is also known as the Fengshen private property Amendment Act.

"What do you mean, Minister trachoma?" Lin Feng looked at the explanatory document of the Fengshen private property amendment act with a suspicious look on his face. There seems to be a conspiracy behind this.

"Mr. Lin, the 50000 public toilets you invested in have been classified as your private property by the Chinese government. Although they serve the citizens of Ethiopia, their ownership belongs to you. You can pay, maintain and dismantle it. It's all your own has the final say. " Minister tershome explained.

Lin Feng understood now. Before that, Lin Feng was in the situation of donation. He donated 50000 public toilets in Ethiopia, and the ownership belongs to the Ethiopian government. But now, he put the ownership under his own name, and Lin Feng has the right to deal with the 50000 public toilets. Whatever Lin Feng does is legal and protected by the Fengshen private property Amendment Act.

This move is not clever, and let Lin Feng had to agree down. Because now that he is under the banner of Lin Feng, if he is still occupied by those gangsters, where will Lin Feng's face go? At that time, even if the Ethiopian government does not show up, Lin Feng will solve it for his own reputation and face.

Not only that, because its ownership is under the name of Lin Feng, Lin Feng must also undertake the normal maintenance of public toilets. Before that, however, it belonged to the Ethiopian government, so the maintenance was naturally carried out by the Ethiopian government. But now it's in the name of Lin Feng. All the expenses of maintenance should be borne by Lin Feng. This is tantamount to tying Lin Feng to the chariot of the Ethiopian government.

Of course, the Ethiopian government also gives Lin Feng the right to charge. But just 50000 public toilets, how much do you charge? Even if you put it in the capital, if you take a piss for 50 cents, the revenue that these 50000 public toilets can contribute in a year is only more than 100 million US dollars. This also refers to the situation when the market is very good, and the staff employed and maintenance costs have not been calculated. As a matter of fact, public toilets do not make money. They are a loss business. It's still in China. What if it's in Ethiopia? It's even less profitable. Do you really expect Ethiopians who are so poor that they can't eat enough to pay to go to the toilet?

Besides, even if he has the money to go to the toilet, does Lin Feng want to make the money? What will the outside world say?

Fengshen invests in toilets to earn money from Ethiopians! What a nuisance. Therefore, it is impossible for Lin Feng to collect the fee. So, if we continue to manage this, we have to continue to invest money. This is a good calculation for the Ethiopian government.

Won't Colin do it? No! This must be promised! It's not good not to promise. Otherwise, he will smash his own signboard. No matter how generous Lin Feng is, he will not be as generous as this. What's it like to spread that they have invested and built, maintained and occupied by others. Therefore, forest air must be managed.

As for the Ethiopian government's calculation, Lin Feng should get justice back.

"Minister trachoma, if you let me deal with it as a private property, I have no problem. But there will be a problem! " Lin Feng looks serious.

"What's the problem, Mr. Lin?" Asked minister trishaume subconsciously.

"Very simply, these public toilets are my personal property, and I can drive them away. But after that? Can't I send security guards next to every public toilet? In that case, how many security guards do I have to send? How much does it cost? " Lin Feng said.

When minister tershome heard that, it was true. Well, you Lin Feng's "wolf teeth" are really powerful. These gangsters are not rivals. When you come, they will hide. When your people leave, they'll make a comeback. This is most common in Ethiopia's fight against drug trafficking. As soon as the police go to the gambling dens that are well known to every family, the drug dealers will be empty. When the police left, they made a comeback and went back there to manufacture drug trafficking. This has happened many times in Ethiopia.

The question raised by Lin Feng is indeed a thorny one. But how to solve it? Minister texiaomei had no choice but to look at Lin Feng. It's all said that Lin Feng is a man of miracles. He always creates miracles. So this time, will Lin Feng still create a miracle?

"Minister trachoma, I have a few suggestions, but I don't know if the maggots are going to take over!" Lin Feng smiles.

"Mr. Lin, but it doesn't hurt to say so!" Minister tershome motioned.

"Well, that's right. I think we can set up a committee to expel the evil forces in public toilets, to hire some citizens to form a committee to expel the evil forces, to clean up the evil forces in the whole country, and to give public toilets to every Ethiopian people!" Lin Feng said seriously.

Minister trachoma heard that, but he was full of black lines. This name is too bad to hear. What is the public toilet evil forces expulsion committee? If this is to be publicized, Ethiopia must be laughed off by the whole world. Even the public toilets are occupied by people, and the government has to set up a special expulsion committee to fight against them. This is ridiculous! What will the outside world think of Ethiopia? After that, how can Ethiopia have the face to see people!

"Well, the name is a little ugly. However, Secretary trachoma, we can completely change the name. Moreover, it is a waste of resources to make him a member of the public toilet evil forces expulsion committee to drive out the evil forces who occupy public toilets. I think that's good. Normally, they maintain the order and sanitation of public toilets. When they're free, they also maintain the public health of the open Nile River. What do you think of this, Minister trachoma? " Lin Feng asked, "as for the name, I'd like to call it the" National Public Health Administration Committee ". Of course, your government needs to give you a formal establishment for this. Otherwise, the teacher will be unknown."

Minister Truman frowned. It's OK for the government to provide the establishment, but if the establishment is given, will the state pay for it. In that case, how many people will be invited? This country is really poor. The annual government funds have been divided up by all departments. How can the country get the money. If not, he would not have the cheek to return the ownership of the public toilet to Lin Feng. Because the country really has no money. Even if you apply for a special project, I'm afraid the money will be shared by other departments.

"Minister Teshome, I am fully responsible for all the expenses related to the operation of this department! This is absolutely no problem. But you have to give me the right. I can't handle it on my side. The police and even the army will come to arrest me. In that case, it won't work. Corruption is rampant in your country. If your government drags its back, it's better to let the public toilet be occupied by those evil forces. Anyway, what they occupy is just a public toilet. " Lin Feng waved his hand and said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin. I believe President Georges will give you this right. " Minister Teshome affirmed.

Soon, President Georges specially approved this department, full name of which is Ethiopia's national Department of public environmental health management. Under the direct leadership of Teshome, it has the right to act arbitrarily in the field of national public environmental health and is not bound by the local government. At the same time, if it violates the law, its members will be directly dealt with internally without being tried by the court.

The power given by President Georges can be said to be enormous. In this way, the power of Ethiopia's national Department of public environmental health can be compared with that of the FBI in the United States. As long as public environmental sanitation is involved, this department has absolute right to deal with it, and if it violates the law, it will not be bound by the Ethiopian court, but will only be subject to internal punishment. How small is the right! As for jurisdiction, in places like Ethiopia, if you take a step, it will be related to public sanitation.

So Lin Feng laughed. If you pay so much, you will naturally get more.

"OK, I'll urge them to do it these two days." Lin Feng took the appointment certificate and immediately ordered people to take action.

Of course, Lin Feng himself will not hold any position and will not have any connection with this department. Otherwise, it would be a bad name.