10 billion dollars worth of gold! The leader felt relaxed and happy. For these people, tens of billions, hundreds of billions of dollars, there is no big concept in their mind. They only know that it is money. As for the amount, it is really not clear. But gold is clear. That golden thing is really tempting.

"According to the current international gold price of US $10 billion, US $560 per ounce, US $10 billion gold, about 17857142 ounces, that is 506241 kg, 506254 tons!" Toyota Zhang man seduces the leader with detailed numbers.

506.254 tons of gold! Hearing this number, the leader almost fainted. Well, it's amazing. It's amazing. More than 500 tons! Oh, my God, what a pile of gold this is. Usually they talk about the weight of gold, which is calculated in grams. But now it's hundreds of tons. The leader had a golden mountain in mind. Yes, I'll take it. I'll take the $10 billion gold!

"Mr. Lin, I want gold!" The chief's salivating roar.

Hum, Lin Feng, what do you do now! Toyoda looks at Lin Feng sarcastically. He knew nothing more about the indigenous people of Africa. These guys, after all, are a group of local leopards, who have never seen the world. Hearing of gold, he was dizzy, but he didn't know that the hundreds of tons of gold were not enough for Lin Feng. However, this is good. This kind of person is easy to cheat. If you want to be too smart and cunning, it's not easy to cheat.

"Do you really want it?" Lin Feng asked calmly.

"Yes! I want gold The leader's nose was hot.

"In this way, you call me and let me make a call. I'll let my Fengshen come over. It's all on Fengshen. " Lin Feng said.

The leader immediately ordered someone to pass Lin Feng's mobile phone to him. When they first came in, they seized all the phones. Of course, there are also those who miss the net. After all, some people have more than one mobile phone. The one who sent out the video took two mobile phones, gave one to the terrorists and left the other secretly. But this kind of people is a minority, who will bring two mobile phones.

Lin Feng took the phone and laughed to himself. This is the terrorists who are looking for death. Lin Feng's mobile phone naturally uses Fuxi, but it is a special customized version, including the relatives around him. The pixel of the mobile phone camera is super high, reaching 23 million pixels of the current entry-level SLR, and the aperture is almost the same as that of the entry-level SLR camera. In addition, high cutting-edge technologies such as infrared scanning, thermal detection, global positioning and room interior measurement are added. The purpose is to prevent Lin Feng from being trapped or kidnapped. He can scan the room automatically through these functions of his mobile phone, and then transmit the data to the computer of Langya headquarters by satellite.

Such a high-end mobile phone costs more than $3 million! Moreover, all of them are made by hand, not by Foxconn, but by Lin Feng's own private scientific research team. That is, solo and his team help Lin Feng build it.

Before that, Lin Feng had no chance to take out his mobile phone, but was seized by terrorists. Now, Lin Feng has a chance. And start these tools, not complex, just need a little bit, the software will quietly run in the background. It will automatically take photos of the people around it, and then automatically calculate the internal structure of the space, how many people there are, and so on. The data will be transmitted, and this process will not be affected by Lin Feng's operation of the telephone.

Without the leader's knowledge, Lin Feng turns on the software and starts to make a phone call. While making a phone call, Lin Feng seems to be careless, but with ulterior motives, he takes photos of all the situations around and transmits them to the headquarters of "Langya".

"Yes, take the Aeolus to the Gulf of Aden immediately!" Lin Feng said.

Later, Lin Feng hung up. When Lin Feng hung up, all the data had been transferred to Langya headquarters.

"Well, you see, it's so simple. In a few hours, my Fengshen will arrive in the Gulf of Aden, and then you can get the gold!" Lin Feng shrugged and said, "but chief, my money is coming, but what about Japanese money? He's up to now, but he hasn't brought out a dime. That's cheating you! "

The leader frowned and glared.

"Japanese devils, give me the money! Otherwise -- "the leader roared.

"Or I'll castrate you!" Lin Feng added, "chief, these little Japanese devils are quite treacherous and cunning. You have to teach them a lesson. Otherwise, they will not give money honestly! "

The leader heard the words and nodded.

"Don't believe him, chief. He is the most slippery. We Japanese are the most honest people in the world Akio Toyoda was not angry at Lin Feng's slander on Japan, and argued and yelled.

"Shut up, asshole!" Unexpectedly, the leader went up with a butt of a gun. "Damn, little Japanese devil, I didn't let you talk. If you want to talk again, I will castrate you!"

Toyoda Zhangnan was hit hard. The butt of his gun hit his nose directly, and the nosebleed immediately flowed out like a spring.

"Paper, paper, paper, or I'll die of nosebleed!" Toyoda exclaimed, raising his head and yelling.

Lin Feng said nothing and shook his head. The nosebleed will die, which is really Akio Toyoda's feeling of chill between his legs. It's going to be castrated. Is life still fun? It's better to die.

"Chief, I don't have that much money for you. My company is all real estate and stock. Unlike him, he easily made hundreds of billions of dollars by buying and selling grain. And even if I give the money, there is only company transfer, no cash. Chief, how do you receive cash? " Toyoda yelled, "you'd better find him instead of wasting your time with me. He's worth hundreds of billions of dollars. That's all cash!"

"Akio Toyoda, you said that even if I transfer money, he can't take it. As for the withdrawal of cash to him, you should know that once the cash reaches hundreds of millions, it will not be lucky to go, let alone billions, tens of billions, even hundreds of billions of dollars. Do you know how many hundreds of billions of dollars there are? Enough to fill up the theater. So much cash, how do you let the leader take it away? Did you let him be arrested? " Lin Feng said coldly, "chief, I said that little Japan is treacherous. He wants to catch you in disguise! What you've done today must have caused a sensation all over the world. If I catch you, he's both famous and profitable! "

"Yes! Little Japanese, do you want to catch me! Well The leader came forward with an old fist, and Akio Toyoda screamed miserably. There's no way. He's been treated with dignity since he was a child. How could he have suffered this crime. When he wants to come, this trip should be a surprise. After all, the Japanese are behind this operation. As a result, who would have expected that Lin Feng would be the target of terrorists, just like a holiday, which made him feel wronged. To say the goal, it should be Lin Feng! Even if you are afraid of wolf teeth, it should be the presence of so many Ethiopian officials!

As a result, everything was found on him.

"That chief, it's no use fighting like this. You see, he's very proud. It's clear that he looks down on you! " Lin Feng was not afraid of the high stage and said, "I think we need to teach him a lesson, otherwise he can't give money. After all, the Japanese don't keep their promises like I do. If they give money, they give it! "

Hearing this, the leader nodded and gave Lin Feng a thumbs up, "Fengshen really keeps his promise, but this little Japanese devil is too cunning and treacherous!"

Lin Feng's face was modest and he didn't dare.

fuck! It's shameless! Toyoda saw that modest face, and his lungs were about to explode. These terrorists are pigs! Lin Feng was so rich that he was satisfied with only 10 billion US dollars. It would cost at least 100 billion. Pigs, a group of pigs!

"Ouch!" All of a sudden, Akio Toyoda let out a scream and even pumped air.

"Well! Little Japanese, give me money, or I'll cut off one of your fingers! " The leader stepped on Toyoda Zhangnan's hand, took out a dagger and made a gesture on Toyoda Zhangnan's face.

fear! The boundless fear came. Toyoda Zhangnan who thought he might really be in danger, his life may be in danger. Instinctively, I want to tell the leader the code. But the light from the corner of his eyes swept to Lin Feng and stopped immediately. It's going to be heard by Lin Feng. That's troublesome.

Huh? There's a problem! Although Toyoda Zhangnan closed his voice at the critical moment, Lin Feng still caught the subtle movement of his mouth. Lin Feng has always suspected that this terrorist attack is related to Japan. Now it seems that what I guess is true. It is not for the sake of plotting in Ethiopia that little Japan encourages these terrorists. It's useless for Japan to get such a poor country. Obviously, their plot is their own.

Little Japan wants to plot against itself. Hum, let's see who will be bleeding in the end! There was a strange smile in Lin Feng's heart. Toyoda Zhangnan, Toyota, not bad, not bad! I'm satisfied!