Akio Toyoda laughs grimly.

Lin Feng was kidnapped at the Hagrid fikir theater—— Toyoda showed the three paper balls in his hand in front of the crowd, and the scene fell into a dead silence. Everyone looks to Akio Toyoda. The contradiction between Lin Feng and Japan is well known. In this case, Toyoda Zhang Nan read such sensational words, is this really just a game? In other words, it's a game, but why does anyone write Lin Feng's name?

Who actually wrote Lin Feng's name, and then was so coincidentally drawn by Toyoda Zhangnan, who happened to meet Hagrid fikir theater site, and met the kidnapping incident. Is this really just a coincidence? Is it such a coincidence?! Or is this a little trick Toyoda played to disgust Lin Feng? After all, the method of stealing the dragon to turn the Phoenix is the simplest thing for the magician. Although Toyoda Zhangnan is not a magician, he wants to steal the dragon and turn the Phoenix, "what? What's your face? Do you think I did it on purpose? One billion people around the world have testified to me. Everyone has seen me pull three paper balls out of this paper ball and open them one by one. This is not a prank! I can swear to the emperor Toyoda Zhangnan see people look wrong, distinguish said.

The crowd thought about it and nodded. Indeed, just now Akio Toyoda's actions are in full view of the public, and everyone can see clearly that Akio Toyoda is not playing tricks. Of course, maybe he played a trick, but no one can see through it, so he can't be accused of playing a trick. If you want to say that, you can only say that it's too coincidental. Coincidentally, it's just like coincidental mother gave birth to coincidental. Of course, this sentence is a little wrong, but it's right to think about it carefully.

The coincidence of all things in the world has its contingency, in fact, it also has its inevitability.

"Mr. Lin, you can't afford to play!" Toyoda looks at Lin Feng with a cheap smile.

Is Lin Feng angry? A little bit. It's not the angry joke itself. As far as Lin Feng is concerned, it's really nothing. It's just that if the Japanese are joking with themselves, then Lin Feng is not so happy. Little Japan has no right to joke with itself. The jokers are all friends. Are you friends with yourself? Especially you laugh so cheap, but forget it. There are so many people here that Lin Feng is embarrassed to slap him in the face and slap him in the face.

"Nothing! I'm not too much of a joke. It's just that I always only joke with my friends! " Lin Feng said calmly, then waved, next!

Toyoda's face sank. Damn, it's like driving out the garbage. It's too shameful of you to drive yourself down. But Toyoda's face sank slightly and then returned to normal. You are proud, proud, I see how long you can be proud!

Akio Toyoda stepped down with a smile.

Immediately, the game continues. In a burst of laughter, the game came to an end.

"Thank you for participating in this charity game. I hope we can get together again next time." Lin Feng said with a smile, "we have raised 270 million yuan today!"

$27 million! That's a pretty amazing number. But actually, 100 million of them belong to Toyota and 100 million belong to Lin Feng. The rest of the charity auction is only $7 million! It's a lot of money, though. But compared with that billion yuan, it's not enough.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as I said before, I will give as much money as there is in today's charity auction. Now it's 27 million dollars, and I'll give another 27 million dollars of food! I, Lin Feng, always do what I say! " Lin Feng promised.

Hiss! Everyone took a cool breath. No, is it so awesome? This is amazing. Originally, what Lin Feng promised was the fund for the charity auction, but now even the advertisement auction is included, which is too domineering. You know, of the 270 million US dollars, 100 million of them were given by Lin Feng.

Everyone stood up and clapped! Applaud for Lin Feng's great deeds. Mandela, in particular, had a lot of tears in his eyes.

"Mr. Lin, thank you for all you have done for Africa. On behalf of all the African people, I thank you! No one has ever been so good to the African people! thank you! Thank you so much Mandela came to Lin Feng with tears streaming down his face and held Lin Feng's hand tightly.

Mandela is not a fragile person. In fact, he is a very strong person. But at the moment, he was crying from the bottom of his heart. I cried for Africa to meet such a friend as Lin Feng. He is happy for Africa and for its future.

"Mr. Mandela, this is just one thing I can do. In fact, if Africa wants to have today, it needs more and more people to join hands to expand Africa. I hope today is a good start. In the future, Africa can become a truly beautiful home! " Lin Feng said.

The scene was full of applause and excitement. Perhaps the future of Africa will begin today.

Just then, there was a shot!

"Bang!" A sharp shot interrupted the applause. But they were just stunned and clapped again. Maybe someone set off firecrackers outside!

"Dada dada ~ ~" but then came a burst of dense gunfire, completely shocked everyone. It's not firecrackers, it's real gunfire! What's going on? How come there's gunfire here?

"Squat down! Otherwise, there will be no amnesty There was a rough noise, and then there was another shot.

A group of terrorists in camouflage suits, fully armed and wearing black scarves rushed in. There were a lot of them, at least 40 or 50!

"Who are you! Do you know where this is? " A more dignified official in Ethiopia immediately went up and yelled, "get out of here!"

“FUCK!” Take the lead and shoot him!

"Bang!" The Ethiopian official fell to the ground with a bang of gunfire and blood.

There was panic at the scene.

"Get down! Otherwise, he will be an example The leader roared. The rest of the terrorists aimed their guns at everyone, put their fingers on the trigger and were ready to shoot at any time. The situation is imminent.

Lin Feng frowned! What's going on? What the hell is going on! This is Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. How can there be terrorists here! Although Ethiopia is relatively poor, it is safe to become the headquarters of the African Union. How can such a terrorist event break out here today? What the hell is going on!

"Toyoda Zhangnan, you must give me a statement!" Lin Feng was angry.

In the headquarters of the African Union, the capital of Ethiopia suddenly erupted terrorist attacks, plus Toyoda Zhangnan's previous behavior, Lin Feng has absolute reason to suspect that Toyoda Zhangnan was behind all this. In other words, there is a Japanese shadow behind this!

"What do you mean, Lin Feng! Do you think I did it? " Toyoda yelled angrily.

“FUCK! Be honest, all of you. Get down! " The leader rushed over and hit Toyoda Zhangnan on the head with the butt of his gun. The blood immediately flowed down, and Toyoda Zhangnan squatted down and covered the injured part with a handkerchief, with a look of pain and anger.

Lin Feng frowned.

"You, squat down, too!" One side of the entourage ran over and pointed to Lin Feng with AK-47 in his hand, "squat down for me!"

Lin Feng's pupil shrinks and turns to look at the head.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? What's your intention! Say Lin Feng drinks cold.

"Fuck, dare to be arrogant, I told you to squat down!" The terrorist beside Lin Feng is going to smash Lin Feng with AK-47 butt.

"Wait!" The head of state told him to stop the madness.

"Lin Feng, Fengshen, is really different! Crazy enough, arrogant enough, in my people with a gun, you dare so crazy! It's arrogant! You are the God of the wind The leader, with a grim smile, went to Lin Feng and said, "you don't have to wait for your bodyguards. I believe there will be more people there to entertain them. They have no time to save you

With a frown, Lin Feng suppressed his worries about Li Rui and Lin Zhiling.

"Who are you? What do you want? Say your terms! Do you know who are here today? " Lin Feng said in a dull voice.

"Ha ha, Mr. Lin, I naturally know who are here! Football stars, movie stars, entrepreneurs, politicians, Mandela, the father of South Africa, and, of course, the most admired God of the wind in Africa! Naturally, I know clearly who are here. I also know that there is a live broadcast here today. My Fengshen, I am very familiar with everything here. How else could I come here now! " The head laughed wildly, "as for what do I want? Fengshen, it's said that you expect things like God. Why don't you guess who I am and what I want to do? "

Lin Feng frowned. This guy is a madman, a real madman. I'm crazy. I'm rational. I'm crazy, or paranoid and fanatical. And this guy, that's a total no - care, no - care madman. This kind of person can do anything.

"I guess..."

"Wait! Mr. Fengshen, it seems that you like playing games very much. Why don't I play a game with you now! You, and you, come here! " The head pointed to Essien and Eto'o, "they are your players. In this way, you can guess who I am and what I'm doing. Guess right, I'll let them go. Wrong guess, I shot them! How, Mr. Fengshen, is this game exciting? "