Bush's promise was soon fulfilled.

The United Nations announced that although there was a slight deviation in the situation and judge on duty yousufu indulged Lin Feng a little, there was no mistake in the procedure. All trials are legal. So the United Nations ruled the trial legal. Of course, if Japan refuses to accept its trial, it can appeal. As for judge yousufu in this trial, since he has resigned voluntarily, he will not be prosecuted for the crime of indulging Lin Feng in court.

"Appeal, we will appeal! This is an unfair ruling at all! It's not fair! Absolutely not fair Japan's prime minister, outside the United Nations headquarters, yelled at reporters.

He felt that Japan had been insulted by the trial. The five permanent members have no intention of respecting him, the world's second largest economy. This makes * * very angry. In particular, in the end, Bush asked him to stop making trouble, which was even more irritating. But he couldn't help it. Bush choked him with a word.

Who let Japan lose to Lin Feng! If you don't lose to Lin Feng, there won't be such a thing at all. But you, Japan, are losing to Lin Feng, a businessman. It's not a shame—— In the face of Bush's words, * * * * is speechless. He didn't know what to say. Anyway, it's humiliating. Therefore, * * * * vowed that after going back this time, Japan must amend its constitution. Such humiliation can't happen again. never!

"Lin Feng, my promise has been fulfilled. Now it's your turn." Bush said coldly.

Lin Feng nodded.

Now "second world" stock has risen to $570, which has risen by $100 compared with the short selling price on Wall Street. 300 million shares, or $30 billion! But the stock price has not stopped, it is still rising.

This is not normal!

"Lin, I suspect that these big Wall Street VC companies are deliberately raising their prices to make it more difficult for you. You've made too much publicity on Wall Street before, and the "divine language". You should know that these people on Wall Street believe in Christ. If you do this, they will lose face. I'm afraid they are also scheming behind your back to make you pay more and teach you a lesson. " Abby Cohen called.

Hum! Teach me a lesson! They want to make things difficult for me with such small means, and they look down on me too much. Lin Feng shook his head.

"Lin, the key now is that they are constantly driving up prices. Whether you can persuade shareholders to release shares is the key! If investors don't sell stocks, there will be a lot of Wall Street stockbrokers who go to jail because they can't buy stocks. Then your promise will be empty! " Abby Cohen frowned and said, "that's the key. Of course, there is another way to deal with it, that is, companies issue additional shares, but I'm afraid that will follow the wishes of these VC companies. They have always been very sorry to miss the second world. They have always wanted to make up for this past regret, especially their desire to control the "second world". If you want to issue more shares, you will follow their wishes! "

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter. I have a way for retail investors to sell their stocks. " Lin Feng laughs.

sell out? How can you get them to sell at least 250 million shares? This is almost equal to all retail clearance shipment. As far as the current trend of "second world" is concerned, how can these retail investors sell stocks. In particular, there are those VC companies behind the bad, encouraging these retail investors to continue to hold, more money, in this case, let them sell shares, is it possible?

After all, for ordinary people, immediate interests are the most important. Now it is clear that the stock market is going up and the stock price is going up. How can ordinary people sell their stocks. This is absolutely impossible. Lin Feng is so determined. What can he do? That's what Abby Cohen didn't expect.

At the same time, it is also unexpected. I don't know how Lin Feng is going to rescue the current deadlock on Wall Street. If Lin Feng can't break the deadlock, he will boast and help those stockbrokers get rid of their crimes. This will not only make him attacked by the outside world, but also directly affect his credibility. Lin Feng's reputation is the first in the world. This has always been a very unpleasant thing for all walks of life. This guy's reputation is AAA, which is unreasonable.

For what?

But this time, Lin Feng will get himself into the deadlock. It depends on how he breaks the situation! The outside world is looking forward to it.

Second world retail shareholders' meeting—— Lin Feng announced the news through his microblog.

The general meeting of individual shareholders has never happened before. There are many shareholders' meetings, but they can only be attended by major shareholders. But I've never heard of individual shareholders' meetings, or that they are qualified to attend. Because you hold too few shares, you are not qualified to attend the general meeting of shareholders. If ordinary retail investors are allowed to participate, what will it be like. We'll have to rent a big square. Otherwise it can't hold so many people.

As a matter of fact, Lin Feng actually held this shareholders' meeting at Fengshen square, the largest square in Fengcheng, the most prosperous suburb of Los Angeles in California. But here, is the forest wind city, the forest wind country.

"Lin, are you really confident in persuading these retail investors?" Governor Schwarzenegger of California also came to give Lin Feng platform.

As the most economically developed state in the United States, California also has the largest number of retail investors in second world. According to statistics, there are more than 300000 retail investors with 340 million circulating shares of second world. Among them, California has more than 200000 people. Therefore, Lin Feng invited Schwarzenegger to come here and wanted to influence the retail investors in California with Schwarzenegger's influence. Of course, the most important thing is to rely on yourself.

"Try it! You know, the current share price has been close to $600, those damned venture capital companies, pure heart is to harm others not to benefit themselves! " Lin Feng is very speechless to these venture capital companies. The more the stock price goes up, the more they lose. But in the same way, the more they compensate. And the more difficult it is for these retail investors to sell. They're just suicidal retaliation.

Schwarzenegger shrugged. For this, he, the governor of California, can only be on this platform. As for what help he wants to give him. That's impossible!

"By the way, Lin, the current public security in California is really good. Although the financial situation continues to deteriorate, my public opinion support rate is still very high. However, this financial aspect is still a bit of a headache!" Schwarzenegger said, scratching his head.

Schwarzenegger is an actor and a representative of the standard American dream. Born in an ordinary family in Austria, with his own efforts, he became the most famous bodybuilder in the world, then the most famous male star in Hollywood, and then the most famous governor in the United States. One step at a time, Schwarzenegger has become the idol of countless teenagers. However, everything he learned depended on self-study. In the field of economy, although he has a huge team behind him, California is the most complex state in the United States. It has been losing money for so many years. He can't make it when he comes on stage! He can only count on Lin Feng.

And Lin Feng's previous proposal asked him to increase civil servants' wages and support new energy. This increase in civil servants' wages made his public opinion support rate rise in the short term, while new energy can only work in the long term. Therefore, Schwarzenegger also wants to ask Lin Feng if there is any better way.

Lin Feng smiles.

"My governor, you really think I'm Doraemon!" Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, "but I really have a plan, a financial plan that can help California out of the current predicament!"

"Why! Let's hear it Schwarzenegger's eyes brightened. His goal is the president of the United States. Although the constitution of the United States restricts his first generation of American immigrants from running for president of the United States, his children can, but he can't. But Lin Feng said that maybe there are plans to amend the Constitution in the future. As long as the current president of the United States makes changes, the next term can run. Although this hope is not very big, but he is willing to fight for it!

"Ha ha, it's like this. In my opinion, California's financial situation is actually a "democratic disease" prevalent in many countries. A democratic society is naturally an excellent system. But at the same time, the majority will kidnap the minority will. The so-called subordination of the minority to the majority is actually a mistake. After all, should the interests of the minority be sacrificed for the interests of the majority! And if you zoom in on politics, you will try to please the majority of voters in your election campaign. So, you will come up with some very effective policies in the short term to please the voters. And this often leads to financial collapse! " Lin Feng said sharply.

Schwarzenegger turned his mouth and looked embarrassed. At the beginning of his campaign, he did make some promises to please the voters. And these commitments have indeed led to the continued deterioration of California's finances. So, how to solve it?

"I propose to set up a 'long term planning' committee to restrict the short-term behavior in the referendum motion, and delete some unreasonable policies to limit the candidates' unrealistic promises. It means that if you make some irrational campaign promises during the governor's campaign, the committee can stop your campaign and ask you to change your campaign promises again. In this way, the fiscal deterioration of the whole state can be avoided. " Lin fengxiao said.

Schwarzenegger thought for a moment, his eyes brightened. This is really good! If so, California's financial situation will continue to improve.

"Yes, it's up to you. I said, "Lin, it's a pity you don't want to run for office!" Schwarzenegger said with regret.

Lin Feng is a smile.

"If I want to run for office, I'm afraid I won't live to this day!" Lin Feng shook his head with a smile.