Hiro Nishiyama has a bad look on his face. But what can he do if the judge announces it. But didn't the judge take their money? How can you help Lin Feng! This is too much!

"Judge yousufu, don't you think Lin Feng's request is too much?"**** Stand up, he is very angry, you took my money, but do not help me, but also partial to Lin Feng, what is the reason. Really when we Japanese good bully!

Behind you is just a newly founded Somalia. As long as Japan orders, no country in the world will dare you to trade with Somalia. Grain, minerals, steel, everything is not allowed to trade. You, Somalia, will soon be destroyed, still return to the chaotic country where pirates make a living. How dare you tease me Japan!

Yousufu has no official face. He turned a blind eye to the threat of the Communist Party. It's a big deal not to be a judge. He was born in Somalia. Before that, he was just a university teacher. Of course, there are universities in Somalia. Although this university generally speaking, the source of students is absolutely insufficient. But there are universities. Judge Yusuf is a professor of law at Somalia's first amaud University.

With the support of Lin Feng, Somalia is not afraid of the threat from Japan. As a matter of fact, Africa as a whole and many countries are not afraid of foreign blockades. On the whole, most African countries have not received much help from the international organization, the United Nations. Especially for those countries without resources, the help they get every year is even less. Before that, there were 150 aid agencies from the United Nations and other countries in Somalia in a year, but in fact, the total amount of money, materials and so on donated by these 150 agencies in a year was less than 10 million US dollars!

Yeah, it's less than $10 million! It sounds ridiculous, it seems inconceivable, but the truth is so cruel. 150 organizations donate no more than US $10 million every year. At the most, it was only more than $8 million, and at the least, it was less than $1 million. It sounds like a lot of institutions are donating, but in fact it has made little difference to Somalia.

After Lin Feng came, he often donated hundreds of millions of dollars. That's a lot more than all countries have donated to Somalia in the past. Judge yousufu will naturally choose to stand on Lin Feng's side.

"Prime Minister of Japan, this is the International Court of justice in the Hague. I am the judge in today's trial. So today, I has the final say for all the rules. You are just an ordinary observer here. Maybe the country behind you is so powerful that it is hard for Somalia to match. But here today, please abide by the order of the court. " Since judge yousufu has made a decision, he is not afraid to expose his bias towards Lin Feng. Naturally, he does not care whether he offends Japan or not. "Of course, if you want to say that I am biased towards Lin Feng, I can tell you frankly that I never take sides. Mr. Lin just wants five minutes to speak, and he chooses to defend himself, so I should give him five minutes to speak. In particular, he spent $1 billion in food and materials for these five minutes, which is extremely valuable to Africa today. Do you know how many people can be saved in Africa with this billion dollars of food? "

Judge Yusuf glanced at him and said faintly, "in my hometown of Somalia, thousands of babies starve to death every year and hundreds of thousands of compatriots starve to death every year. According to a set of data just released by the United Nations health organization, there are as many as 3 million people starved to death every year. Most of them are in Africa. In Africa, most people live on less than a dollar a day. "

Judge Yusuf scanned the court circle.

"For most of you, a dollar might be enough for a hamburger or a beer. But in Africa, for those below the poverty line, a dollar is not much, but it can save their lives and keep them hungry. With 1 billion US dollars, more than 2.73 million people can survive starvation within a year. This is a great kindness. This trial is for the 20000 Japanese soldiers who died in the Pacific Ocean. Now for the 2.73 million people in Africa, I would like to give Lin Feng a special case. Of course, the court is serious and the law is serious. So, after this trial, no matter what the outcome, I will resign to apologize. But today, I am willing to give Lin Feng five minutes for the sake of 2.73 million people. " Yousufuyang said.

register profound respect! At this moment, all the reporters in the court cheered for judge Yusuf.

"Of course, if Japan is willing to provide us $1 billion in food and materials, I can also give you five minutes of free time today!" Yousufu looked at him and said.

****Open your mouth, think about it, and give up. It's an exaggeration to give $1 billion to Africa for free. Although Japan has a lot of money, it is not so stupid as to throw money into Africa. You know, there is a purpose for governments to send money to Africa. It's usually countries that are rich in mineral resources, but countries that are poor rarely get donations. Of course, those individual organizations are not divided into these, but the funds donated by these individual organizations are in the minority.

"It seems that the Japanese Prime Minister has no problem. Well, Mr. Lin, you can start. " Judge Yusuf said.

Lin Feng smiles.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there are only three points I want to say here!" Said Lin fenglang.

"First of all, this trial is boring. This war is fair, agreed by both sides, and notarized. No matter who wins or loses, it is the embodiment of their own strength, and they should not blame others. If Japan wins this time, I have to accept whatever losses we have, because this is an agreement. The reason why an agreement is called an agreement is that it should be observed and must be observed. Failure to comply is a breach of contract. I'm a businessman. What businessmen value most is commitment. Perhaps for a country, interest is the most important thing. But for me, commitment is more important than anything. Therefore, I am very disappointed and tired of Japan's meddling. As for the attack on these two fleets, I can only say that they deserve it Lin Feng said coldly, "regarding the second Japanese fleet, the seventh Pacific fleet of the United States, which is responsible for the fair supervision, did not receive the notice that it would come, that is to say, this fleet sneaked in secretly. Why did they sneak in? I don't know the reason now, but since it's sneaking in secretly, I deserve to be beaten. Because you've broken the rules. "

****After hearing Lin Feng's words, he shivered with anger.

"Lin Feng, you are reversing black and white! Even if we sneak in secretly, we are so far away! What danger can it do to you! "**** Roared, "but you just killed more than 10000 officers and soldiers in Japan because you deserved it. You are a butcher

"Bang!" The hammer in Lin Feng's hand struck the table in front of him fiercely, "be quiet!"

"Kowtow ~ ~" * * * * was shocked by Lin Feng, and his teeth almost bit his tongue.

"Lin, Lin Feng, what are you doing?"**** Pointing at Lin Feng, he shivered and asked.

"Silence, Now it's not your turn to speak. Be quiet Lin Feng said coldly.

"You ~ ~" * * * trembled with anger.

"Bang!" Lin Feng knocked down another hammer.

"If you say that again, I'll knock you on the head!" Lin Feng said coldly, "if you don't believe it, you can try it!"

Try it**** Just shut up. Even so, it's very frustrating. But Lin Feng is a madman. Last time, he dared to beat him up in front of the heads of state of so many countries. This time, he would say one more word. It's absolutely possible that he would be beaten by Lin Feng with a hammer. And this time, so many reporters are here, he will be knocked by Lin Feng, it's miserable. At that time, he will have no choice but to fight.

But the Japanese warships were destroyed by Lin Feng. There were no more elite navy soldiers left. It would take at least 3-5 years to find Lin Feng's trouble. And it depends on whether the international community allows it or not. Behind Lin Feng stands China and Russia, and Bush and he seem to be a bit weird. Just now, after a while of biting their ears, Bush didn't care. After that, Bush will not care. What about Japan?

Of course, even if Japan wins Lin Feng, it will lose itself. I don't want to be knocked by Lin Feng. What if it's knocked to death? Then I'll hold back. His family now has more than tens of billions of dollars in assets, which is from the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi. He is very rich. Now, he doesn't want to be so desperate.

So, bear it! I can't bear it! But Lin Feng, from now on, you and I will never die!

When Lin Feng saw that he would shut up, he said nothing more. He had threatened before. The Japanese are bloody, but the Japanese politicians are not. Japan's bushido spirit has long been in decline. It only exists in a small number of extreme right-wing elements. Politicians such as ^ *, who are rich and have some control in their own hands, are they bloody? Pigs all over the world laugh.

"So, this trial is redundant at all!" Lin Feng said, "but Japan lost and was unconvinced, so they wanted to win back by this boring and shameless means. Unfortunately, I am not a bully! Of course, I can put my words here. If Japan is not convinced, I can promise you to fight again in the future! When, where and what scale do you agree? I, Lin Feng, promise to fight! "

There was a hiss in the court. What is domineering, this is domineering!