"Fire! Beat me down The South Korean captain was furious.

Whether it's Lin Feng's plot or not, it's Lin Feng's one moth. In a word, fire and sink! As for those freighters, it doesn't matter, they can't run! Even if they ran away, it would be better if these pirate ships could prove to be Lin Feng's, hum. As long as it can be proved that it has something to do with Lin Feng, it doesn't matter if these freighters run away.

"Boom!" South Korea's two frigates, two destroyers and dozens of naval guns were launched simultaneously. The sound of gunfire on the sea was deafening. The sea was hit by rough waves and spray, accompanied by rolling smoke and occasional explosions.

With the simultaneous firing of dozens of guns from the South Korean warships, the three pirate ships were hit with many holes. Although the pirate ships occasionally fired several guns, they were either crooked or weak. It was a joke!

"Ha ha, is this Lin Feng's pirate ship! This is similar to the Beiyang Navy in the Qing Dynasty The South Korean captain laughed.

"Chinese Navy, that's all!" Many South Korean soldiers jeered.

No wonder they look down upon the Chinese navy. In fact, the Chinese navy has never participated in any naval campaign at all. Although there are military exercises, there has never been any substantive war baptism. South Korea had its own navy after World War II. However, they have learned a lot of war experience from the United States. In addition, South Korean warships come to close contact with Japan several times a year, which has accumulated some experience in Maritime War.

On the contrary, has China ever had a sea war? Even if there were local wars? What's more, even if one or two warships fight each other? No, China's Maritime War experience is zero! If acting really works, then the US military will not be training all year round. Now the global military strength comparison, the same performance, the same configuration, the U.S. military is absolutely far better!

The reason is very simple, the US Army has been fighting! This is an advantage that no country has. Whether it's the air force, the army, or the Navy, the U.S. military has been fighting and accumulating war experience in peacetime. The rest of the world, however, does not have this opportunity. NATO has accumulated some experience in peacetime with the United States. But these experiences, of course, are far from comparable to those of the United States.

As for other countries in the world, they can only exercise. It can be said that if a battle is to break out now, the US military will basically win. As for the fact that the United States was dragged into the mire of Vietnam, it was because the United States still had a humanitarian spirit and did not massacre Vietnam. If civilians had dared to shoot at the army in the war, the army would have been slaughtered long ago.

At the moment, the attack of the three pirate ships is so weak that they are naturally seen and laughed by the South Korean warships. The combat effectiveness of the Chinese navy is terrible! With this combat power, maybe a few more destroyers and frigates will kill Lin Feng's entire Fengshen fleet!

When the South Korean fleet mocked Lin Feng's navy for its poor combat effectiveness, it did not realize that Lin Feng's Fengshen fleet had retreated 10 nautical miles. Yes, it's back. Instead of advancing, Lin Feng's Fengshen fleet retreated ten nautical miles away from the battlefield.

As for those freighters, they are still at full speed!

"Well, after cleaning up those junk pirate ships, it's time to clean up these freighters!" The South Korean captain sneered and said, "well, divide a ship to clean up the mess, tie up those pirate ships and drag them back to Busan Port! Study carefully to see if it has anything to do with Lin Feng's Fengshen fleet

Then, the South Korean captain turned his attention to the freighter that was still running towards the end. At the moment, these freighters are less than three nautical miles away from the South Korean sea area, which is only about ten minutes at most, and they will leave the South Korean sea area and enter the high seas. However, in the eyes of the South Korean captain, this is just three nautical miles away! If you want to escape, you can't escape!

"Ready -" just as the South Korean captain was ready to fire, another exclamation came.

"Captain, find Japanese ships, find Japanese ships! They are approaching our waters! " The radar signalman suddenly cried out.

"What! Japanese ships. How can Japanese ships come here? " The South Korean captain frowned and said, "did you read it wrong?"

Busan Port is really close to the sea area of Japan, across the sea level is not wide, opposite is Japan's Fukuoka port, the distance is 200 nautical miles. However, although they are close to each other, both countries abide by the International Convention on the law of the sea and will never rashly infringe upon the territory of other countries. As for the fight between South Korea and Japan, it is mostly in the disputed island of independence between the two countries, where there are differences. Independence island is far away from here. How can Japanese ships come here!

"Boom!" All of a sudden, there was a roar from the frigate who was going to pull the pirate ships back to Busan Port, just in the past to clean up the mess! Japanese ships are shelling us. Do we need to fight back? "

"What! Did Japan attack us? " The captain was shocked and furious. However, the captain's badge forced him to restrain his anger. Instead of fighting back, he ordered the attacked frigate to talk to the Japanese fleet and ask about the situation.

After all, this is a war between the two countries. This can start a war between the two countries. And here is just at the edge of the South Korean sea, in case of misunderstanding, it's not good. Besides, there is another Lin Feng here. He doesn't want Lin Feng to see jokes!

"Boom!" The guns are still ringing.

"Captain, the Japanese said that we were mean and that we Korean people should die. Ah, our ship was shot. Captain, what should we do? Do you want to fight back? If we don't fight back, we'll be sunk! " The frigate screamed.

"What! Dare to call us mean! Damn little Japan, kill them! Send me an order immediately, fire, fire, kill little Japan The South Korean captain was angry at this moment. There is a deep blood feud between Japan and South Korea, which has been instilled into the hearts of all South Korean people. In Korea, you can hardly see Japanese brands. Even if there is, it is also used by foreign tourists. Korean people absolutely don't use Japanese brands. This is the patriotic sentiment that the South Korean government has been instilling into its people.

Now the Japanese ships, for some unknown reason, are close to the South Korean waters and attack the South Korean ships. Damn it! Fight, kill little Japan!

Boom! This time, the ships of both sides are shooting each other. Of course, both sides still have restraint. Instead of using torpedoes or missiles, they are shooting each other with naval guns. This is due to the restraint of both sides. If torpedoes and missiles were used to fire each other, some ships on both sides would have been sunk. Once the ship is sunk, it cannot be cleaned up. Obviously, although both sides are very angry, they have not lost their mind.

"Boss, they are already fighting!" Li Rui said excitedly.

What is plan r? This is plan r! From the beginning, Lin Feng's freighter cancelled the transaction and asked the South Korean government to force Wen to apologize. In view of the extreme situation that the freighter was detained by South Korea, Lin Feng also made arrangements. That's plan R. Let the three specially modified ships from Somalia disguise as pirate ships to attack Japan's Fukuoka port, and lead out Japanese ships. Then "accidentally" let the Japanese side find out that these ships are disguised by South Korean ships, and then lead them to South Korean waters to meet South Korean warships.

In this way, there will be a fierce fight between two dogs, and Lin Feng will watch the fire from the other side. For now, the plan has been a success. Of course, there are many questions about this. Why did Japan discover by coincidence that the South Korean warship was disguised? And will be desperate to start a war between Japan and South Korea?

It's simple! Money! In this world, there is nothing that money can't buy. Japan, as a nation, is very united, but at the same time, it is also snobbish and has strict class hierarchy. Lin Feng easily found an officer in the Japanese Navy stationed at Fukuoka port with a modest rank. He had some real power, but he had little power. He had no hope of promotion and had a slim future. Such people are easy to find. Then Lin fengxu made great profits.

With a huge profit of US $100 million, he insisted that this was a ship disguised by South Korea. In addition, some of his confidants echoed his words, as well as the relationship between Japan and South Korea. In particular, in the recent food crisis, South Korean ships disguised as pirates went to attack the grain transport ships in Fukuoka port. All this is natural.

Internal and external factors, plus a little bit of luck, the Japanese and Korean fleets began to fight each other! Lin Feng was watching the joke. Of course, Lin Feng would never mind mixing in.

"By the way, are all my freighters out of Korean waters?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Well, just out of the South Korean sea, it's coming closer to us!" Li Rui reported.

"Well, after informing them that they will make peace with Fengshen fleet, they will stop there and go nowhere. Let them watch a good play Lin Feng said with a smile, "then let the submarine sneak past and launch the torpedo! The South Korean side has submarines. They certainly haven't used them yet. Fight them! But be careful. If you want to fight, you must win, not lose. I'm not afraid of losing, but once I lose the submarine war, I will die. I don't want our soldiers to die. "

Li Rui nodded and immediately contacted the commander of Fengshen fleet. This aspect involves military affairs. Lin Feng is not good at it, so he doesn't say much about it. He just says that his intention is like doing it. That's what these soldiers do. I just need to wait for the result.

"Boom!" There was a dull sound, and the sea level was shaking.

"Captain, the Japanese sent out submarines to blow up one of our submarines. If we don't fight back, we'll be dead if we still use artillery!" A South Korean signalman said with a sad face.

"What! turn into a good guy! Let's launch torpedoes, let's launch torpedoes, and ship to ship missiles, let's sink Japan! " The South Korean captain has red eyes.