"Boss, I want to talk to you up here!" Lin Zhiling brings the phone.

Lin Feng shook his finger and pointed out the window.

Is Lin Zhiling stunned? What is this for?

"Hua La" a crisp ring, Lin Feng will grab the mobile phone, directly from the window to throw out.

Lin Zhiling was speechless.

"Well, that's the solution. Don't answer the phone. When you answer the phone, it's endless! What those people above mean is peaceful development. Naturally, Lin Feng hopes for peaceful development, but he can't accept such a weak peaceful development. " Lin Feng said.

"But what about this phone?" Lin Zhiling pointed out that the phone was still ringing outside. The quality of this "Fuxi" is comparable to that of military enterprises. If it falls out in this way, it is not damaged.

"Well, that's it. This cell phone is not fall out, or fall, later asked, said fall Lin Feng said.

"Isn't that self deception?" Natalie Khan.

"Well, it's just a matter of peace of mind for us to be human beings." Lin fengxiao said.

The women were speechless.

At the moment, up high. For Lin Feng did not answer the phone, but also helpless. What can you do if he doesn't answer the phone.

"Let someone go to find Lin Feng and tell him face to face!" Some people (now some two words, are sensitive words, we all know HA) said.

"Yes, if he doesn't answer the phone, send someone to find him and tell him face to face. Now that we want peaceful development, how can we always play games? Now that the contract is signed, we have to implement it. How can we not carry out it! " Others say.

Soon, everyone reached a consensus, and soon leaders from Mordor came to visit. But what's depressing is that Lin Feng has disappeared.

"Sorry, leader, our boss is not at home!" Natalie said politely.

"What? I'm not at home. I said I'm not in the company before, so I came here. I'm not at home. Where has he gone? I also checked the entry and exit, and he didn't go abroad! " The leader said with a frown.

"I'm sorry, leader. My boss is my boss. As a secretary, how can I know where my boss is. What's more, even if he said it, I can only communicate in Chinese reluctantly. I'm not familiar with many place names in China, and I can't remember them! " Natalie said helplessly.

"This Lin Dong, this Lin Dong!" The leader sighed helplessly. He wanted to wait here, but his identity was not suitable for waiting here. He had to wait until Lin Feng said that if he could not wait for Lin Feng, he would lose face. So, after a moment's hesitation, the leader left.

"Boss, is this really good?" Asked Natalie. Her research on Chinese politics has just begun. Although he has only studied a little bit, he also feels that Chinese politics is very profound. Lin Feng's behavior is really breaking the rules. To put it mildly, Lin Feng is playing with fire. She was really afraid that one day, Lin Feng would set himself on fire, which would be terrible.

"Ha ha, it's OK. Isn't Churchill famous for saying that there are no eternal rivals, only eternal interests. Especially in politics. As long as I can bring benefits, the benefits I bring are greater than the damage I cause, then I have nothing. So, as long as I get stronger and stronger, and do not violate their bottom line, occasionally derail, break some rules, it does not matter. On the contrary, if you have no value, you will be driven out if you don't break the rules. " Lin Feng said with a smile.

Natalie nodded. As a master of psychology, Natalie has a great understanding of human nature. Value is the only truth in the world. It's all about whether you have value or not. This is true of people, animals, trees and even stones.

Those who have value live forever. The worthless, abandon.

"Boss, there seems to be action in Korea now!" Melissa has been in charge of contacting her journalist friends all over the country. Although Lin Feng has his own intelligence system, it is not absolutely perfect. At least, it is far from comparable with the intelligence system of the FBI of the United States. After all, it is a national intelligence system, and his own intelligence system is just a personal one. No matter how rich he is, he can't compete with it. At least not in the short term.

Even if Lin Feng hired the former head of the FBI intelligence department to serve as his "wolf tooth" intelligence instructor, it just made Lin Feng's intelligence system take root in Africa. After two years of operation, with the strong investment of Lin Feng's funds, Africa has been almost 100% included in the "wolf tooth" intelligence network. As for other continents, it can only be said that they are average, really average. So, sometimes, Lin Feng has to rely on Melissa's reporter friends all over the world.

But you have to say that Melissa's reporter friends sometimes really help a lot. Journalists are always at the first scene, and sometimes their sources of information are much faster than the FBI. After all, the number of people in the FBI intelligence system is limited, not unlimited. And the world is so big and the place is so wide that there can't be FBI agents in every corner. But there are more journalists all over the world.

Of course, it's impossible for Melissa to know all the reporters in the world, but she has a wide network of reporters on international affairs. With Lin Feng's financial support, although Melissa is no longer a host or a reporter, she has a wide range of contacts with reporters. The outside world has a name, which is the queen of the press.

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"Boss, the South Korean side seems to have issued an ultimatum, warning that if the ship does not land, fulfill the contract and bring grain into the port, then they will take compulsory measures!" Melissa exclaimed, "the latest details, South Korea's coast guard ships have dispatched five, close to the freighter. Boss, what should I do? "

According to the current situation, South Korea is ready to fight directly! Ready to use force to hijack!

Damn it! Lin fengleng snorts. If you want to fight with yourself, you are almost in Korea. Bangzi's army looks like a lot, but it's just like that. According to the current intelligence, the total strength of South Korea is 690000, including 560000 in the army, 67000 in the Navy, 63000 in the air force and 3.04 million in the reserve. The military command system is divided into peacetime and wartime systems. The usual command structure is that the president of South Korea is the supreme commander, the chairman of the joint staff is in charge, and the commander of the three services is responsible to the president. In wartime, he fought side by side with the US troops stationed in South Korea, and the US and South Korean forces were under the command of the "US South Korean joint command". After the armistice agreement was signed on May 16, 1953, the Korean War ended and the two Koreas were divided by the 38th degree line. With the assistance of the United States, the ROK was rebuilt and its economy developed rapidly after the 1980s. In the face of North Korea's military threat, South Korea has also invested huge resources in developing armaments.

The main task of South Korea's military force is territorial defense and especially defense against North Korea's military threat, but humanitarian relief and disaster relief are also one of its tasks. He actively participated in UN affairs. In 1993, he sent a group of engineering troops to participate in the UN peacekeeping mission in Somalia. In addition, he also sent troops to Africa, East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan to carry out UN peacekeeping missions.

Of course, in addition to South Korea's own troops, the United States has 28000 troops in South Korea. In fact, the 28000 US troops are the real military strength of South Korea. Other South Korean troops, to be honest, may not be as good as North Korea. According to the analysis of international military experts, if the 28000 U.S. troops leave South Korea and are no longer stationed in South Korea's military bases, I'm afraid that North Korea will fight right away. According to the comparison of military strength between North Korea and South Korea, I'm afraid North Korea can reach Seoul in three days. If North Korea is desperate, it can even occupy half of South Korea's territory within 15 days.

It sounds incredible, but in fact, the strength of the South Korean army is just like that. After the Korean War, South Korea's economy was developed at a high speed, but because of the U.S. garrison, the South Korean army's combat effectiveness was really average. On the other side of the Korean Peninsula, although it is short of materials, its combat effectiveness is very strong, and it has always had the ambition to reunify the Korean Peninsula. Therefore, we still don't care about military training.

Most of the conflicts between North Korea and South Korea in the past were provoked by North Korea. On the contrary, South Korea responded symbolically. If North Korea really wants to be serious, South Korea will immediately soften up and ask the United States for help.

Therefore, it is ridiculous for the South Korean government to think that these five patrol boats can coerce its ships.

"Bao Peili, tell the captain of the freighter to stand by and form a round defensive strategy. He should fart all the calls of the Korean coast guard." Lin Feng immediately called Bao Peili, President of Fengshen ocean shipping company.

Although Bao Peili is a woman, she is, after all, the daughter of the late world ship king Bao Yugang. She is not afraid or worried about these disputes on the sea transportation, although she is not expected enough. Joke, don't forget, my boss is in charge of a whole aircraft carrier formation, and also a nuclear powered aircraft carrier. Do you need to be afraid of just South Korea? Of course, the premise is that the United States does not send troops. However, this is just a commercial dispute, the United States should not send troops!

Soon, Bao Peili brings Lin Feng's order to the police. Lin Feng's freighter, far away from Pusan port in South Korea, immediately formed a circular defensive formation. The largest ship was outside, protecting the small ships inside. As for the South Korean Coast Guard's call, as Lin Feng said, all should fart and ignore it!

"What! I'm not even touched! Damn, he thinks we are bullying! " Lee Myung Bak's face is very angry with Lin Feng's boldness.

Smecta, do you really think Smecta is a bully!