Who will save Myanmar? This is a topic!

The United Nations has held an emergency meeting to discuss relief operations in Myanmar. At present, all countries have agreed to provide disaster relief, but most of them have sent out rescue teams, medical teams, and donations. However, Myanmar does not have the most needed food. Of course, it's not to say that there isn't any. It's just that the quantity is too small. Several countries that are big producers themselves, such as Russia and Ukraine, are OK. They promised to donate 1000 tons or 2000 tons of grain, but the total amount is only tens of thousands of tons of grain. However, Myanmar is short of 10 million tons of grain. Of course, this 10 million tons is also a conservative estimate. In fact, the shortage of grain is at least 15 million tons!

15 million tons of grain, the current price is about 10 billion US dollars! It's a bit painful for any country. After all, it's meat buns beating dogs! Myanmar is talking about aid and donation. If you donate, do you expect people to return it? What's more, food prices are still rising. Today is US $10 billion, which means that it may be US $12 billion or even US $15 billion tomorrow. Nowadays, food is scarce, and food is so scarce, who will give so much food to aid.

What's more, for these major grain producing countries, Myanmar's disaster is good for them, but not bad for them. If there is no grain in Myanmar, the price of grain will rise, and the grain in their hands will be able to sell for more. Therefore, from the heart, the treatment of Myanmar by these major grain producing countries is tacit. As one of the world's top ten grain producing countries, the U.S. government, which includes the world's police, also means a lot to aid Myanmar. 50000 tons of grain are urgently sent to Myanmar by military aircraft.

50000 tons. It sounds scary, but how much can you eat 50000 tons? This adult, on average, eats about 0.5-0.7 kg of grain a day. According to the calculation of 0.5 kg of grain consumed by people with light physical strength a day, 50000 tons of grain is enough for 100 million people to eat a day. There are 60 million people in Myanmar. More than half of Myanmar's population suffered from the severe tropical storm this time, and more than two-thirds of the population suffered from famine due to the reduction of food production in the country, that is, 40 million people had difficulty eating.

For the 50000 tons of food in the United States, Myanmar is the only source of food for two days. What's more, it also means that these 40 million people are all light manual workers. What is light manual labor? It refers to those who sit in offices. In Myanmar, there are very few people who sit in offices. Most of them are peasants who face the Loess and face the sky. Therefore, the 50000 tons of grain will be enough for two days.

According to the statistics of a country's Food Reserve Security by the United Nations Department of food, the lowest Food Reserve of a country should meet the needs of the national population for 70 days. This is the minimum reserve. Less than 70 days, the country is likely to have sharp price fluctuations, resulting in social unrest. If a country wants long-term stability, it will take at least one year to reserve grain, and at least half a year. Therefore, a minimum demand of 10 million tons is proposed.

10 million tons can feed the whole country for 200 days, which means just over half a year. This is a minimum guarantee. After all, Myanmar is a big agricultural country. Now the country's farmland is suffering from floods, so it is impossible to replant crops in the short term. It will take at least half a year.

It's just that the 10 million tons are really hard to make up. At least at this time of rising food prices, no country is willing to donate 10 million tons of grain to Myanmar. You know, in this world, it's 10 billion dollars. In the same period last year, it only cost more than $3 billion. The price gap is too big.

"Ladies and gentlemen, at present, Myanmar is suffering from disaster, and more than 40 million Burmese people will suffer from food crisis. If there is a famine in Myanmar, it will aggravate the current global food crisis, which will make the increase of food prices even greater. At present, the increase has exceeded 100%, and in the future, it may even be 200% or even 300%. And that would be a global disaster! " UN Secretary General Annan earnestly persuaded the delegates from all countries to attend the meeting.

But Annan's persuasion had no effect. Those ordinary countries, of course, appeal one after another, but as the world's major grain producing countries, they are silent. If they don't make a statement, it's no use saying more about other countries.

"On behalf of Powell, the United States has always been the backbone of maintaining world peace, and now it needs the strength of the United States. On behalf of Powell, I hope the US government can set an example and give more help to Myanmar. " Annan had no choice but to point the breakthrough at the US government. As long as a breakthrough is opened from the US side, then everything will be easy to say. If the United States makes a statement, I believe other grain producing countries will also make a statement.

Not to mention the shortage of 10 million tons, with 5 million tons of grain, Myanmar will be better. As long as Myanmar survives this crisis, the previous grain will rot in the field after being soaked in water, but it will fatten the field. There is bound to be a good harvest next year. Then the international food price will also drop and return to normal. As for why Annan is like this, it is very simple. He is also thinking about Africa.

Compared with the governments of other continents, Africa does not need oil or even medicine, but it cannot do without food. And saving Myanmar is also saving Africa! Annan does not fail to understand the truth of the death of one's lips and the cold of one's teeth.

Samantha Bauer, the U.S. representative to the United Nations, was dismissive of Annan's painstaking words.

"Secretary general, it's not that the US government is unwilling to help Myanmar. In fact, our country has done the most to help Myanmar this time. At present, it has provided 50000 tons of grain, 30000 tons of other materials and medicines worth more than 100 million US dollars. The rescue efforts of the US government are the largest among all countries. You know, since the beginning of this year, all kinds of disastrous weather have occurred frequently in the world. New York, California and other states have also suffered from extreme weather. Although our country is the most developed country in the world, its capacity is also limited. " Representative Bauer said, "the treatment of Myanmar can not rely on our country alone. I think the Chinese government should have a lot of food. Not only Lin Feng, a Chinese businessman, has donated more than US $3 billion of food to Africa. Secretary general, your country is also the object of Lin Feng's donation. In my opinion, maybe the Chinese government and Lin Feng can contribute more! Isn't there a good man called * * in their country? Isn't the whole country calling for learning * *! In my opinion, it's time for China to carry forward the * * spirit! "

Bauer's words were extremely vicious. You know, China is also a disaster stricken country at present. Although it is not as bad as Myanmar, the whole Central Plains of China has been hit by torrential rain, and the national grain production has been reduced by more than 50%. China's population is the largest country in the world, and China has never been a major grain exporter, but a major grain importer.

Yes, that's right. China has always been a big grain importing country. China is only a big grain producing country, not a big grain exporting country. Due to its large population and the rise of biofuels in recent years, China imports more than 100 million tons of grain every year. It is the world's only grain producing country and grain importing country, an extreme complex. It can be said that in this food crisis, as long as China protects itself and does not go to the international community for help, it will be regarded as the good fortune of the international community.

What kind of political spirit can Bauer carry forward in the Chinese government now? That is, naked disgusting people. This is to sign for China and for Lin Feng.

"Mr. Bauer said that the Chinese government has also suffered a rainstorm once in a hundred years. It is in this disastrous weather that the output of several traditional land of fish and rice is seriously in short supply." The representative of China snorted. Although he was very upset with the representative of the United States in his heart, he couldn't get along with the other party in face. There was no way. That's what he said. With a dull roar, the representative of China looked at the representatives of other food exporting countries and said, "but even if our government encounters all kinds of difficulties, it will, in the spirit of humanitarianism, spare no effort to help the Myanmar government through this difficulty."

idiot! Samantha Bauer, the representative of the United States, sneered. However, this also achieved the wish of the US government. In a word, the Chinese government has made a commitment to the run. As far as the past "silly bird behavior" of the Chinese government is concerned, this donation is by no means a minority. And this will certainly delay China's development. Although it does not concern the overall situation, China's development will be delayed for many years if it comes here or anywhere. This is conducive to consolidating the international hegemony of the United States. Anyway, it's just an opening. It's very cost-effective.

"Representatives of all countries, when I come here this time, our leaders have said that they will try their best to rescue Myanmar. Therefore, China will donate 10 million tons of grain from the national treasury to the Myanmar government to help it tide over the difficulties! " The representative of China stopped for a moment and focused on Russia, Ukraine and other food exporting countries. "I hope that the major food exporting countries can provide more grain reserves to help the world through the food crisis. To prevent the food crisis from getting worse, and let the illegal businessmen make money

FUCK! The representatives of Russia and other countries scolded secretly. You silly, willing to take out money to rescue Myanmar, that's your business, why do you want to be silly, still have to take us. Now the food crisis, that's a good thing. It's a good thing to make money. But you asked us to take out the grain reserves. Is it so easy to take out the grain reserves. And now the food price is high, isn't that good? They can take the opportunity to make more money. This is just like OPEC, which keeps raising oil prices, and even uses production restriction to raise oil prices. You say, this kind of time why they want to use disaster relief!

What the hell are you, you're not a fool!