Spermicidal! Exterminate future generations!

Many reporters were shocked. This one's killing. What is the greatest and most important responsibility of mankind? It is reproduction. So that the human race can continue in the vast universe and the long river of history.

But if the genetically modified food is spermicidal, and people have no offspring, then the fun will be great. But is that true?

"I don't have the evidence. But there are some scientists who have proved that they are extinct. As for how, I am not a scientist, I can not give an accurate answer. But let me be sure that I will never plant this kind of transgenic seed, I will plant the original ecological seed, and cultivate it in a pollution-free way. " Said Lin fenglang.

Many reporters broke up in a crash. They have more important news to report. This time they came to interview the completion of the bronze statue of Lin Feng, but they got such a powerful news.

Fengshen angrily cuts hundreds of acres of farmland because it is genetically modified, Fengshen would rather lose money than genetically modified agricultural products, Fengshen pays people to cut their farmland angrily and declare war on genetically modified crops

The headlines that shocked the world were freshly produced by these reporters. And this just came out, because of the celebrity effect of Lin Feng, it instantly hit the world. The word "genetically modified" caught fire in an instant.

Everyone is paying attention to what transgenic is! What on earth is it that makes Lin Feng so angry that he would rather lose money than cut the crops that are about to mature. You know, nowadays, the weather is generally bad all over the country, which is likely to affect the harvest. In this case, the growing crops were cut alive. Why on earth?

Is transgene really so harmful? Will it really kill sperm and exterminate human beings? One by one questions, detonated the network. All netizens are crazy to explore the transgenic technology and the harm of transgenic through the Internet.

However, this is a very novel technology. Before Lin Feng cut the farmland, although it existed, it was unknown. Naturally, there is no relevant information on the Internet. There is no information on the Internet, so how can netizens know.

However, this matter continues to ferment, especially when a reporter sent the pictures of all the crops in the hundreds of acres of farmland to the Internet in a short period of three days.

"All right, these are empty. As for the underground, let people dig it out slowly. And the soil. Let the professionals make a report on the chemical composition of the soil to see if the soil has been damaged! " Lin Feng said.

"Well, we know. However, we are afraid that Monsanto will get in trouble with you. After all, their main profit lies in the genetically modified technology. You have taken such a big action now, especially the total denial of genetically modified technology. I'm afraid Monsanto will not give up. And if you don't have proof, Monsanto will sue you for libel! " Maozi and Guizi worry.

Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders.

"Although I have no evidence to prove it, it does not mean that it has no harm. It doesn't matter whether Monsanto sued me or not. Because all this is just my personal behavior, I personally think transgenic is not good, think transgenic will kill sperm, this is not enough slander. It's like, isn't Microsoft always saying that my company's operating system is not good? Have I sued him for slander? " Lin Feng said with a relaxed smile.

Of course, this is different from Microsoft's saying that its Pangu system is not good. After all, for Monsanto, this is completely cutting off their financial resources. Therefore, Monsanto is bound to fight back. But no matter what counterattack, Lin Feng is not afraid. Keep going!

"By the way, if we miss this season, we can plant it in spring. Let the land recuperate for a while! " Lin Feng pointed to the farmland after harvest in the distance.

People need rest, just like the land. In fact, for the present land, chemical fertilization is very harmful. In the long run, the land will become more and more barren, and the result is that more fertilizer must be applied. And the result of more fertilizer is poorer land. It's a vicious circle, so the land needs to recuperate.

"Well, that's it!" The devil and maozi nodded. Although they think it's a pity, since Lin Feng said it, they just do it. After all, it's good for the land.

"In addition, I'm afraid it's not very good for the farmers around here to collect Chengdu this year. If it's feasible, they will collect all the land nearby. Then expand the farm! " Lin Feng said, "then we'll hire these farmers as workers and get better wages! What we plant here are pollution-free, original ecological agricultural products. Now it's for our company, so don't be afraid of high price! "

Maozi and Guizi look strange. This is my own rhythm. But Lin Feng said so, they can say no! That's a good thing! They all have compassion. They eat good food and drink good food, but when they see that other people are so poor, to be honest, they are not so comfortable. However, their ability is also very limited, they can only help when they can. But if they really want to change something, they can't.

But Lin Feng is different. It's a good thing to buy such a big deal. Of course, before that, Lin Feng and the municipal government had reached an agreement that Lin Fengquan purchased 8 million mu of farmland at one time. At that time, the municipal government agreed and informed the provincial government. If the province agrees in principle, it will report to the Ministry of agriculture. The Ministry of agriculture has no opinion. So, it was announced.

As a result, who would have expected that in the end, after a long time of precipitation, things suddenly took a big turn. It vetoed the proposal. In the end, 8 million mu was reduced to 800 mu. As for the result, they also inquired about it. It seems that there is a Mr. hand, so, in the end did not let Lin Feng Ruyi. They also supported Lin Feng in this matter, but Lin Feng was busy at that time and happened to have a divine battle in the holy city Vatican. For this matter, Lin Feng can only forget. After all, 800 Mu is enough for planting. After that, if any contaminated food comes out, Lin Feng will have the power to attack those guys.

But now, large-scale acquisition is impossible, and this small-scale acquisition is still feasible. All these four weeks have been collected, at least thousands of mu. Plant it first. If you plant it well, Lin Feng will sell it again.

At the moment, Monsanto is far away in the United States.

"Lin Feng has begun to destroy the transgenic fields openly. Now there is an upsurge of discussion on transgenic technology all over the world. This is an opportunity!" Monsanto president Hugh Grant said with a smile.

Hugh Grant, of course, is not the Hollywood actor Hugh Grant, but Monsanto president Hugh Grant, just the same name. 50 years old, bald, eyes like vultures in general ferocious, looking at him, there will be a kind of shudder feeling. Its voice is as cold as a person's appearance. Even when you laugh, it makes you feel cold.

"Well, yes, it's an opportunity. Although our transgenic technology is becoming more and more mature, it has not been accepted by the western mainstream society, but promoted in Asia. Because of the too novel technology, many people do not know the transgenic technology at all and have a natural distrust of it. This time, it's an opportunity. Lin Feng is very famous. As long as we beat him, we will be able to promote transgenic technology! " AI Bowen, President of Monsanto Asia, said with a smile.

"Well, do you have any suggestions on promotion?" Asked Hugh Grant, looking at Abbott.

"President, in this regard, our plan is to buy a group of experts, very authoritative experts in biology, to comment on the great contribution of transgenic technology to human development. Secondly, we will publish the data of transgenic crops and traditional crops, so that the world can know how much it helps to improve the yield. Then, we buy a group of famous celebrities to support GM. In the end, even if Lin Feng was famous, he would be defeated. As long as he is defeated, transgenic technology can be completely promoted in China. As long as it is promoted in China, it will be promoted in Asia. If it is promoted in Asia, it will be promoted in the world.

"Yes, it's a good plan. In addition, it is said that the weather conditions in the world's grain producing areas are not good recently, and they are likely to face a global reduction in grain production. Due to the prevalence of biofuels in the past two years, the grain reserves of all countries are not large. In addition, the most important trade grain in the world is under the banner of Lin Feng. It is said that we can also use this to fight against Lin Feng. " Hugh Grant murmured.

Eboven's eyes lit up. If so, Lin Feng is in big trouble this time. He has collected so much food that he is facing the famine. It was a good opportunity to make money, but he burned genetically modified crops. That gives them an excuse. They can accuse Lin Feng of deliberately burning genetically modified food for their own benefit. In that way, transgenic technology will be legal, and Lin Feng will be speechless.

Soon, Monsanto's plan began to be carried out.

At this time, the other side of the United States, Washington.

"Monsanto is on the move, and we need to do the same. Transgenic technology is more than a technology for increasing production. By the way, old DuPont, how is the new drug developed by your pharmaceutical company? " Asked old Morgan.

"Don't worry, it's almost successful. Ha ha, if you succeed, it will be another profit point. " Old DuPont laughed.

"Well, we have to beat Lin Feng first. This guy never gave us a chance. This is a chance! God given the chance Old Rockefeller said.

"Yes, we're going to take him down. And then slowly swallow all he has The eyes of many old foxes are full of cunning.