Ron acted quickly and immediately filed a claim against Sony Ericsson. Although Sony Ericsson temporarily refuses to deal with the matter on the ground that its president, Yingshu Komiyama, is seriously injured, I hope Ron can deal with the matter after Yingshu Komiyama recovers.

But who is Ron? As the gold medal law firm in the world, how can he be delayed by such small tricks. Immediately, Ron pointed the defendant directly at Sony. As a subsidiary of Sony, since the subsidiary can't bear the legal responsibility, or shirk the legal responsibility, then the parent company Sony should shoulder its responsibility, assume the responsibility of a multinational company, and establish the brand image of a multinational company.

This time, Sony is in a dilemma. Among them, David is the most popular football player in the world and has a good relationship with the British royal family. Messi, as the new king of Argentina, is supported by the whole people of Argentina. The Argentine government also strongly supports the compensation. As for Lin Zhiying, a legend and man of the moment in Taiwan and Taiwan, she is now the first F1 professional racing driver in Taiwan and Taiwan, and she is supported by the people of Taiwan and Taiwan.

These supports undoubtedly put Sony under great pressure. But it's not cost-effective for Sony to take charge of it. After all, it's the actions of Sony Ericsson, a subsidiary of Sony Ericsson. As a result, it's not cost-effective for Sony to bear the responsibility. This will directly damage the image of Sony as a whole. Therefore, Sony directly ordered xiaogongshanying, who was still in hospital, to go back to work and solve the problem.

Poor little miyayama Yingshu, with a broken leg, needed at least three months to recuperate. As a result, she was only hospitalized for three days, so she was ordered to leave the hospital and take charge of the company. This makes him sad. In this heart, I hate Lin Feng as much as the sea. If he could, he would stab Lin Feng to death with a knife. But this can only think about, in fact, Lin Feng stood in front of him, he did not dare to stab Lin Feng with a knife.

Driven by his secretary, Mr. Komiyama arrived at the company in a wheelchair. But how to solve it? As mentioned above, compensation can be made, but it can not damage the interests of the company, especially Sony. Otherwise, Hideki Komiyama is going to lie in the hospital all his life. It will discount his hands.

Although this is a bit angry with the shareholders, it may also become a reality. In Japan, it is a country with very strict hierarchy and very heavy class status. If he really can't deal with it well, he may be upset for a moment, and then he'll give his arms a discount. It's not impossible. Even if his other leg is discounted, it's possible. Who makes Japan a militarist country.

After the defeat of World War II, the constitution of Japan restricted military development in many places and seemed to kill the cradle of militarism. But they were all constitutions that had to be enacted under the pressure of American General Mike Arthur. As a matter of fact, Japan, as a single island nation, has always been willing to give up. He wanted to build a great Japanese Empire. Although the country is limited, the company has always been pursuing a very militaristic doctrine. Between the superior and the subordinate, there is a strict hierarchy, and there is no way to go beyond it. It is common for the superior to get angry and slap in the face or kick in the face. This is exactly the same as militarism. This is convenient for the unity of the Japanese nation. With a single order, tens of millions of Japanese will immediately unite and work together with foreign countries.

"What to do?" Hideki Komiyama has a sad face. Now the compensation for the external complaints is certain. The head office also confirmed that, but how to reduce the loss of brand image? This is the key. Otherwise, he'll be in trouble.

Thinking about it, Komiyama is at a loss. I can't help it. This time, he volunteered to calculate Lin Feng. As a result, Motorola and Samsung took advantage of him and didn't involve them. But he can't poke them out too. In the end, it will be more and more impossible for him to deal with it. And they also offended Motorola and Samsung to death. That's not good for him or the company. Although the relationship between Japan and South Korea is not very good, they still have a common position on the issue of Lin Feng.

"President, Bert Nordberg, vice president, I'd like to see you!" The Secretary reminded me.

What's he doing here? Komiyayama frowned. Bert Nordberg is a former vice president of Ericsson, currently vice president of Sony Ericsson, and President of Ericsson's broadband and IP business. Why is he looking for himself? Sony has no feelings for Ericsson. Sony chose to cooperate with Ericsson in the research and development of mobile phones at the beginning, which was just because of Ericsson's brand appeal. In the past two years, the sales performance of Sony Ericsson is quite good, and it has ranked among the top three in the world, and Sony has fully absorbed Ericsson's mobile phone technology. In Sony's view, it's time to buy it completely and abandon the Ericsson brand.

It's just not time! But maybe it's time! Komiyama Yingshu's pupils are shrinking, constantly calculating in his heart.

"Mr. Komiyama, how is the company going to deal with the issue of their contract? Now the government behind them has called the Ministry of foreign affairs of our country. I hope the Ministry of foreign affairs of our country can give them a statement! " Asked Bert Nordberg, frowning.

Since the two sides cooperated in the development, Sony has invested more, so Sony Ericsson has always been under the control of Sony. Ericsson has limited control over the company. However, the situation is stronger than others. At the beginning, Ericsson was once a popular mobile phone brand, but with the quality of Ericsson T28, Ericsson fell into a thousand mountains. Finally, I had to cooperate with Sony, a rising star. But this time there was such a big incident. Ericsson was very dissatisfied with Sony. Because it also damages Ericsson's brand image.

Although Ericsson has repeatedly fallen into the door of quality. But I didn't do anything so immoral. And this time, it's about 180 million dollars in compensation. This forced Ericsson to respond.

"Don't worry, Mr. Nordberg. This is Lin Feng's plot. So we can't fall into his trap. We will give you an account of this matter. " Said Komiyama with a smile.

After a few words, Komiyama sent Bert Nordberg away. After sending him away, the plot in his mind has taken shape. Immediately after a phone call with Sony, a conspiracy began to take action.

Japan's police department held a public trial on the staff of Sony's marketing department who was suspected of bribing some Chinese professors, spreading rumors and attacking Lin Feng. The result is a surprising statement. This Japanese employee did not do it voluntarily, but by remote control. Before that, he claimed that it was because of the hatred between Lin Feng and Japan, and he hated Lin Fengcai's doing that. It was a lie at all. His lies are just to cover up the fact that he is actually abetted by another person, intending to provoke hatred between Sony and Lin Feng, so as to facilitate the third party's interests. The third party is Ericsson, which has been cooperating with Sony.

The person who instigated the Japanese staff was Bert Nordberg, vice president of Sony Ericsson. The reason why Bert Nordberg wants to do this is that in the past two years, after the cooperation between the two sides, the performance of Sony Ericsson is booming, and the mobile phone sales return to the top three in the world. So Ericsson wants to regain brand autonomy. So, Bert Nordberg secretly instigated Japanese employees to do such immoral things, that is, to stink Sony, and then take the opportunity to take back the autonomy of Ericsson brand.

The announcement of this news has shocked the industry again. This was just an ordinary Infernal Affairs game. I didn't expect that there was a middle game in the twinkling of an eye. There were black hands behind the scenes. It was really wonderful.

At this moment, everyone was shocked. Lin Feng did not expect such a situation. Lin Feng didn't expect it, and Ericsson didn't even expect it. Immediately denied all this, denounced Sony's slander. But surprisingly, Bert Nordberg admitted everything. Frankly speaking, he did it. But it has nothing to do with Ericsson. It's just a personal adventure for his own benefit. Because once Ericsson takes back the brand autonomy, it will inevitably become the president of Ericsson, whose position is far higher than the current Vice President.

Bert Nordberg's admission surprised the outside world once again. Just as Ericsson was about to mobilize Swedish forces to recall it from Japan, Bert Nordberg committed suicide. In the interrogation room of Japan's police station, he committed suicide while no one was there. And left a last word, claiming sorry for the company, sorry for the family, can only die.

This scene has made this "Infernal Affairs" particularly tragic. No one thought that it was originally a business dispute, it would entangle so many people, and even die in the end. After Burt Nordberg's suicide, Sony also issued a statement, claiming that the debt will be cancelled after death. Sony is not going to sue Ericsson again. And it will solve all the problems left by Bert Nordberg. As for the contract of the three, they will pay compensation according to the contract. I hope that this matter will disappear, and I will not mention it again.

Under the magnanimity of Sony, most foreign media don't mention these things anymore. After all, people are dead. It's against morality for you to keep reporting. Later, although Ericsson felt that things were a little inconceivable and difficult to understand, what else could he do when people died. In the end, I can only swallow this unclear bitter fruit. And then, Sony proposed the purchase intention to Ericsson mobile phone department. With Ericsson's reputation damaged again in the current market, Ericsson has to agree to Sony's acquisition and sell Ericsson's mobile phone division to Sony for $1.05 billion. So far, Sony Ericsson officially changed its name to Sony mobile phone company.

"Beautiful When Lin Feng learned all this, he applauded and exclaimed.

"What do you mean, boss? You mean Sony is directing all this? " Tang Jun was surprised.

"Of course. Originally, I thought that Ericsson was really behind the scenes, but now Ericsson has been acquired by Sony, and Sony is so generous to offer compensation. I hope the media will not discuss all this again and let the dead rest in peace. When did you see the Japanese so generous? " Lin Feng said sarcastically, "it's a wonderful game for the little Japanese to steal dragons and turn phoenixes."

"In that case, Japan is too treacherous! But why did Bert Nordberg commit suicide? If it wasn't for him, why would he commit suicide? " Tang Jun does not understand to ask.

"It's very simple. I'm afraid the Japanese forced Bert Nordberg to commit suicide. Either he had something to do with it, or he was threatened. In this world, it's too easy for a person to do something against his will and say something against his will. Everyone has weaknesses, including me. If anyone threatens me with my family, I will compromise. As long as it's human, there must be weakness! " Lin Feng sighed.

Indeed, it's not out of Lin Feng's conjecture that Hideki Komiyama's family is threatening him. Bert Nordberg has a very happy family, a very loving wife, two sons and a daughter. The family is very happy. Unfortunately, his happiness is also his weakness. Hideki Komiyama is a despicable threat to him. If he doesn't do what he says and is honest that he did everything, then his family and his family members who are traveling and vacationing in Japan will die. And if he does, then his family will get a huge pension, so that he can retire immediately and live happily with his family for a lifetime. Sony will give Bert Nordberg a new identity and start a new life.

Under the pressure of Hideki Komiyama, Bert Nordberg had to make remarks against his will. But originally, Hideki Komiyama asked him to pour all the blame on Ericsson, but Bert Nordberg was not willing to do so. Even if he was threatened, he was only willing to take all the blame on himself. And finally, under the condemnation of conscience, he committed suicide. This is beyond the expectation of Hideki Komiyama. Originally, he was going to pour all the dirty water on Ericsson. Then when Sony acquired Ericsson, it could be cheaper. But who would have expected that Bert Nordberg committed suicide. But at last, Sony Ericsson survived the crisis, and he became the president of Sony mobile phone company, with more power than before.

However, although Sony takes this opportunity to be more powerful, the mobile phone war is not over yet. It's just the climax.