"Well, that's it! Don't say too much, Tang Jun, get ready and give jobs a surprise Lin Feng smiles.

Tang Jun Na for a long time, finally nodded off the video.

"Boss, is this really good? Will people say that we are too domineering?" Lin Zhiling whispered.

"Boss, I don't think it's kind enough to do this. After all, jobs didn't come to Shanghai for a press conference! " Natalie Portman said.

"Well, it's going directly to the other party's headquarters. This, this, it seems a little fierce!" Melissa felt the same way.

Lin Feng laughs.

"I didn't prevent jobs from coming to Shanghai for a press conference. I wish all the world's press conferences were held in Shanghai! " Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "as for going to kubitino, it may seem a bit fierce, but it's an endless war, isn't it. Since it's a war, there's nothing to do with it! "

"But they only lent you $10 billion!" Natalie murmured.

"Hehe, it was borrowed by Jobs himself. I'll give it back to him soon. And I also regard him as half a friend. In the future, I will report on his great kindness today. But personal feelings belong to personal feelings, and business affairs belong to business affairs. This code belongs to one code! " Lin Feng said.

"Well, that's it. It's settled!" Lin Feng waved his hand and motioned to the three beautiful secretaries not to say more.

Three days later, Lin Feng took three beautiful female secretaries to San Francisco.

Of course, a lot has happened in China in the past three days. Every day, tens of thousands of cars go into 4S stores to trade in their favorite cars. And these old cars are quickly transferred. They are professional repair factories, renovated, and then transported to other parts of the world through Lin Feng's Fengshen Ocean Trading Company for second-hand sales. The domestic automobile industry is booming.

The only ones that added to the mess were those state-owned enterprises. After they had been shut down by Lin Feng, they went back to sue Lin Feng. Of course, they can't say that Lin Fengqing's drive out of Japan and South Korea made them have no way out. It's too shameful to say that. Their reason is that Lin Feng broke the rules of the game, disrupted the domestic automobile market, and was unable to control the quality of automobile products. Moreover, they suffered a huge loss because of the free discount. After all, they also have domestic brand cars. Is this a discount? Lin Feng didn't say the subsidy money. If it doesn't, the Chinese will blame them for whether they are domestic brands.

Therefore, by doing so, Lin Feng is harming the national interests and leading to a large loss of state-owned assets. It's not a hero, it's a sinner!

This kind of accusation was not very serious. After all, the current domestic situation is to boycott Japanese and Korean goods, which is a good thing at the top. The government's boycott will damage the relations among China, Japan and South Korea, and it is just right for Lin Feng, who does not hold any public office, to do it. As for the losses of state-owned enterprises, they can be barely accepted at the top. After all, it's a good thing that the empty market sales of Japanese and Korean cars are completely filled by domestic cars.

However, when the four major banks also accused Lin Feng of embezzling state-owned assets and using the red headed documents to borrow 5 trillion yuan from the four major banks in China to exchange cars for personal gain, the nature of the case is completely different. In particular, when these state-owned enterprise managers heard that the four major banks accused Lin Feng of using his power for personal gain, they became even more enthusiastic. Lin Feng is no longer accused of damaging state-owned assets and leading to the loss of state-owned assets. Instead, he is accused of deliberately creating a "boycott storm" to try to embezzle state-owned assets. And take an example, accusing Lin Feng of using the bank's money to subsidize Japanese cars and state-owned cars, and then selling these Japanese and Korean second-hand cars abroad to make money. On the surface, Lin Feng is making money, but on the surface, he is enriching his own pockets and winning the hearts of the people, making people who don't know the truth think he is an anti Japanese hero. After all, this conversion rate is Lin Feng has the final say. Although there is a odometer to prove it, it can be forged easily, which is no secret in the automotive industry. And the car sold abroad, the price is Lin Feng has the final say. Moreover, the transportation is also carried by the cargo ship of Lin Feng's Fengshen Ocean Trading Company. If you want to make a fool of yourself, you'll have more mischief.

Therefore, there must be fraud! Otherwise, how can Lin Feng go through these thankless things with so much effort? What can Lin Feng do? Businessmen pursue profits. What will businessmen do when there is no profit? Looking at Lin Feng's past philanthropy and philanthropy, which time did Lin Feng not benefit from it?

Therefore, the president of the state-owned enterprise and the presidents of the four major banks joined hands to bring Lin Feng to court. This kind of thing, you go to the court to sue, that is impossible, on the one hand, the court will not accept, on the other hand, it will lead to all kinds of disharmony. Therefore, we can only go to the nine gentlemen in the "Heaven court" to accuse Lin Feng and wait for the nine gentlemen to punish Lin Feng.

The nine gentlemen received the complaint and immediately held a meeting, a meeting of nine.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the accusation made by several state-owned enterprises and the four major banks against Lin Feng, accusing him of enriching his own pockets and using the privileges we gave him to seek personal gains for himself. Tell me, what shall we do? " Mr. Gu Yue put the complaint on the table and looked at the crowd.

After reading the complaint one by one, all the gentlemen looked different from each other. Mr. Wen and Mr. Xi are gloomy. They know that Lin Feng has caused trouble this time. Originally, they thought that Lin Feng was very happy and ambitious, and could promote the development of the domestic automobile industry and let it enter the stage of orderly competition. But now these people who have both gained and suffered have jumped out to accuse Lin Feng of enriching his own pocket and using his power for personal gain. This is simply unreasonable. These state-owned enterprises and the four major industries are simply insane. This eyelid is too thin to be seen.

Don't you know how good Lin Feng is for China? If you look at Japan and South Korea, they are both post-war reconstruction countries, and neither of them has as rich resources as China, but they are still ahead of China and become developed countries. And its industry, its products, have become global best-selling products. In China, at present, there is no product that can stand up in the world. In addition to being cheap, made in China is equivalent to Shanzhai abroad. Now Lin Feng uses his influence and appeal to change China. What a good thing. But these guys who only care about their own interests and don't care about the interests of the country and the nation are really hateful. All these people should go to jail.

However, these words can only be said in the heart. These other gentlemen don't think like that.

"Well, I'll tell you. Lin Feng is too young to be relied on. Look, this time we gave him the privilege, and this kind of thing happened. In the name of saving the national industry, this kind of person is doing something furtive. This kind of person is also worthy of being a national hero and boasting about the name of Fengshen. It's ridiculous! " Mr. Kang said coldly.

"Mr. Kang, I think we should make a decision after we have made a clear investigation on this matter. To make a decision now is a bit too hasty! " Mr. Wen had to stand up for Lin Feng.

"Mr. Wen, I don't mean you. You are too protective of this boy. If this boy's life experience is not clear, I'm afraid we will suspect that he is one of your distant relatives. " Mr. Kang said sarcastically.

"What do you mean, Mr. Kang?" Mr. Wen said angrily, "besides, although Lin Feng's behavior is a bit absurd, you can ask yourself, has he ever been sorry for the country and the nation! How much he has done for this country and for our nation. Now walking outside, which foreigner will not give him a thumbs up. What I have done is not to protect him, but to support him. I hope he can lead more Chinese people to become rich. Let our nation, our country, be truly prosperous and strong! "

Mr. Kang gave a cold hum.

"Here, I would like to ask you, sir, who else do you think can lead our people to become rich and powerful in our country except Lin Feng?" Mr. Wen yelled.

Many gentlemen look at each other. If you really want to say that, there is no one else except Lin Feng. But they don't want to admit it. Many of the vested interests in their department have been harmed by Lin Feng. They just want to take the opportunity to find a way for their own department. Of course, they don't really want to do anything about Lin Feng. At least they have to limit him and let him spit out some benefits. Of course, it's better to let Lin Feng be restrained by them.

"But he made the 5 trillion yuan loan privately. Mr. Wen, how much did you batch before? " Mr. Kang asked coldly.

There was an embarrassment on Mr. Wen's face. To be honest, it's really a handle. In his opinion, it should be enough for him to approve at most a 500 billion line and ask the bank to use the lowest interest rate. At that time, he was prepared to write down the amount on the red head document, so as to avoid the bank's violation of Yin Fengyang and not giving Lin Feng a loan. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng took the initiative not to write, let him go to talk with the bank in person. So Mr. Wen didn't write it.

As a result, Lin Feng was so good that he got 5 trillion yuan directly. It's hard for him to explain.

"I can't explain it. You say that he is for the sake of the country and the nation, but he has privately increased the amount by 10 times, and it is the lowest interest loan. What is it? You know, this money can earn a lot of interest money if you lend it out Mr. Kang snorted, "call him now and let him explain!"