"Give him the money like this?" After Lin Feng left, the four presidents sat together for secret consultation.

"What can I do if I don't give it? He has a red headed document in his hand Four people looking at the table that bright red red head document, a burst of helpless.

Ah! The four presidents sighed in unison, which was really fatal. It gives Lin Fenghong the first document. It gives him a Shangfang sword that can be cut first and then played.

"But what if he uses the money to strengthen his" second bank "and" yu'ebao " The four presidents frowned, which is really troublesome. Of course, they are not afraid of the growth of the "second bank". No matter how strong the "second bank" is, it belongs to the Hong Kong Hong Kong Bank and has no advantage in the mainland. What they are worried about is yu'ebao.

"Yu'ebao must be restricted!"

However, to the dismay of the four presidents, if they attack yu'ebao from the perspective of security, they will encounter Lin Feng's high personal credibility, which will become the most irresistible weapon.

"We have restricted the transfer of money, but he has used cash to fight back against us. Hundreds of cash trucks travel between Beijing and Shanghai. I really hope this cash truck will be hijacked several times."

The four presidents are keen not to mention this topic. This is a taboo that they can't touch. Otherwise, if it spreads, it will become a handle for the complete end of their political career. Although there are only four people here, when they are in this position, are there really people who can be trusted?

"Capital, we still have to restrain him in capital!" The four presidents finally reached a consensus. However, how to curb it is still under consideration. Of course, after they think about it, it will be a thunderbolt, and Lin Feng will never be given another chance to fight back.

"From now on, if you don't exchange a Japanese and Korean car, you can apply for compensation through this network platform." Lin Feng sent a software to the other seven subsidiaries of the company to compensate for the car exchange fund. Through this software, you can apply for compensation for capital conversion. After confirmation, the funds will be compensated to the sub accounts of each company for the first time.

Wei Jianjun and others were surprised. They didn't expect Lin Feng to get the money so soon.

"Mr. Lin, can I ask, how much money have you got?" Wei Jianjun asked curiously.

Lin Feng smiles and gives a slap.

500 billion! Wei Jianjun exclaimed. For these people, the capital is tens of billions. I'm afraid I never thought I would deal with more than 100 billion figures in my life. On the other hand, Lin Feng easily got 500 billion yuan, which is really, really, enviable. But with this money, they can do a big fight.

Lin Feng shrugged. For this misunderstanding, Lin Feng is not going to explain. After all, if they really want to name 5 trillion, they may not know what kind of surprise they will get.

"Also, this is a set of after-sales service feedback information software. You let all the 4S stores under your cooperation install them. Every car sold should have its tracking and feedback information. From the information of the user's buyer, to the first maintenance and overhaul, it should have its detailed registration. In addition, every three months, it is necessary to dial the after-sales service call to the user to ensure the normal use of the car, And various problems in the use process. No matter how big or small the problem is, it must be truthfully registered in the software. If something is not true, or if the 4S shop of a company can't do it, then I will hold a committee to punish the company! " Lin fenglengsen said.

The crowd breathed in. This requirement is too strict. After selling the car, they seldom contact the owner. After all, if there is something wrong with the owner's car, they will come back to you. As for 4S stores, since they have already sold a car, their next target is the next customer. If they still focus on the previous customer, it will not match the sales volume. In particular, this car is a long-term consumable. Generally speaking, unless there is a major accident or a car change, it is extremely normal for a car to drive for 10 years or even 15 years. Accumulated over the years, the workload of 4S stores will be more and more heavy.

"What? Are you in trouble? " Lin Feng asked, "don't forget that our domestic brand cars have inherent disadvantages in terms of performance. Whether it's your car or my" dragon ", the inherent performance is insufficient. We can only make up for it through service. A great sense of user experience can make up for the sensory deficiency of users in driving and riding. Man is a sentimental animal and a hot blooded animal. If you are good to the customer, the customer will be good to you. The rude after-sales service in the past must be terminated. Remember, we should not only provide God like pre-sales service, but also provide emperor like after-sales service! After sales service is never after you pay, just leave! "

Lin Feng's words made many bosses think deeply. It's not that they didn't think about this before, but they didn't think about it as deeply as Lin Feng did, or they didn't understand it as deeply as Lin Feng did. After all, they focus on the quality and price of the car. As long as the quality of this domestic self-made car is acceptable and the price is one or two grades lower than that of the joint venture car, consumers will naturally come to buy it. Is the so-called after-sales service very important?

The words of Ke Linfeng gave them a shock.

"Maybe you don't quite understand what I'm saying, but you have to understand that my" second world "can survive today not only by launching several popular games, but also by the sense of user experience. I let players play games, feel happy, feel enjoyment and service, players will be willing to give me money. For each and every one of us, as long as we don't belong to Grandet, we are willing to spend money to enjoy happiness and services. The premise is, whether your service satisfies me or not! " Lin Feng taught.

In the sense of user experience, Lin Feng is confident that he can be a professor of these bosses.

"Also, remember to launch more manufacturers' contracts and let 4S stores take the lead in organizing all kinds of medium and long-distance self driving tours. In this way, it can promote the domestic economic development. The more developed the country's economy is, the more money people will have. More people will buy cars, and we will make more money; Second, we can also test the problems of our own cars from the middle and long-distance self driving tours. You know, everything tested in the laboratory is theoretical. Only what is tested in real life is truth. " Lin Feng exhorted.

Many bosses nodded.

"But in this way, I'm afraid the operating costs of 4S stores will increase. Will they agree?" Wei Jianjun asked.

"Mr. Wei, you have to understand that we are the manufacturer. The 4S shop serves us, not us. The 4S store must comply with our requirements. Now, public opinion is on the side of domestic independent brands. People like domestic independent brands. If they don't want to do so, they will go away! There are not many people in China. There are more people who want to make money. " Lin Feng said with a faint smile, "by the way, I just have it here..." Lin Feng gave a slap, "I have so many low interest loans. I don't mind lending some money to those who are willing to open a 4S store that can give customers a great user experience."

"What do you mean, Mr. Lin?" Many bosses feel that Lin Feng has something to say.

"From now on, the committee will set up a 4S shop qualification review team to review the current qualification of all 4S shops. If they fail to meet our standards and the owners are not willing to change, their qualification will be banned. Then, I will openly look for such college students who are willing to start their own businesses to provide funds and give them the best future

what! Many bosses exclaimed. Even if the 4S shop qualification is checked, why should we go to college students who are willing to start a business? It's incredible. What do college students have? There is no money, no experience, only a bunch of Utopian theories, but also the ivory tower of the school. What's the use of such people?

"Look down on college students? Hehe, I am the opposite of you. In my opinion, just graduated college students, just because they don't have experience, they don't have what you call work experience. On the contrary, their brains are most active and their thoughts are most likely to spark. They haven't been polluted by the society, they haven't learned the hidden rules. Then, they can go to the 4S store that helps me realize the best user experience. " Lin Feng said with a smile, "do you know that I have been abroad for so long, and I often fly around abroad. What's my favorite thing about foreign countries, do you know?"

Many bosses shake their heads. Although they have also been abroad, some even travel abroad frequently. What gives them the deepest feeling is the foreign environment, various foreign cultural ideas, and various kinds of architecture. But obviously, Lin Feng is not talking about this.

"Hidden rules! In foreign countries, there are generally no hidden rules. Of course, it is not absolute that there are hidden rules in any country, any era, any society and any society. However, compared with China's unique hidden rules, foreign countries do not have them. And I hope there will be less hidden rules in China. At least within the jurisdiction of Lin Feng, there should be fewer such hidden rules! " Lin Feng said seriously.

Many bosses are silent. Hidden rules, this is Chinese characteristics.

"But, Mr. Lin, it's all your decision. Don't you think your decision is too rash and should be submitted to the Committee for discussion before you decide?" Geely boss Li Shufu said with a frown.