A $24000 lady's car! The configuration of B-class cars is thousands of dollars more expensive than mainstream B-class cars on the market. At this price, will someone either? Will women buy those specially designed ones?

Jessica's palms are full of sweat. She's very nervous at the moment. She doesn't know if the outside world will buy it. It would be a shame if there is no reservation at the scene, or if the reservation is too small. In particular, this is the first time that Chrysler has launched a new car series after the change of ownership. In this case, if it fails, it will be a heavy blow to the revitalization of Chrysler. Especially for Jessica, it was a blow.

Finally, several voices rang out at the scene, expressing their willingness to order. But this few voices, full of money, add up to no more than 30! Compared with a small auto show, this figure is a bit shabby. Moreover, this is the first large auto show after the reorganization of Chrysler. This number, less than 3000, will be despised.

3000, but now there are only less than 30, which is too shabby. What should I do? Jessica was a bit at a loss what to do. Although she has spent all her time to learn how to manage a company, what she learned is the company's management process and the company's operation mode. No matter how she studies, she lacks experience. In the face of this unexpected situation, she was a little at a loss.

She is at a loss, Avril. Although they are by Jessica's side, they don't know how to deal with it. In this auto industry, they are also big. Although Lin Zhiling has been with Lin Feng for a long time, she is a secretary after all. She deals with all kinds of documents and data. She is good at dealing with all kinds of documents and contacting with major companies, but it's not good to sell.

As for the sales director of Chrysler, he is not optimistic about this lady's car. He thinks that the configuration of B-class car will sell several thousand dollars more because it has added some functions that are almost meaningless. It's silly for someone to buy it. To be honest, you can make do with these functions on an ordinary car. It's inconvenient at most, but it's not necessary to spend thousands of dollars on such a car. So, at this time, one side of the sales director looked at Jessica coldly, did not mean to break through.

He thinks that the car industry belongs to men, and women drive hard, let alone control a car company. Lin Feng's acquisition of Chrysler is welcome. Lin Feng's magic may bring Chrysler back to life. It's a big joke to let Jessica, a Hollywood actress, take control of the company after the acquisition of Colin Feng. Jessica then proposed a car for women, which is even more ridiculous. So, he would like Jessica to make a joke and then veto the boring lady's car, or he would like to get back to the point.

The scene is getting colder and colder. There are women who continue to watch the car these four weeks, but there are none who have the intention to buy. We all think these new functions are interesting and meaningful, but we all taboo the price and think it's too expensive.

Jessica looks anxiously at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was also quite surprised by the scene. From a man's point of view, these designs are boring, but from a woman's point of view, these designs are very intimate, so that women can use the most perfect side to face the workplace, friends and family. Although these functions lead to the rise of the overall body price, in the long run, they are of great significance. The only trouble compared with ordinary car series is that its object-oriented group is a little narrow.

After all, this car can only be sold to women, and due to the division of the 12 constellations, the diversion is more serious. This is too narrow for the crowd, which naturally makes people think more about it. In particular, the car is a consumable, but also a relatively fast replacement of goods, and after a new car, often will find a way to deal with the old car. The ordinary car series are usually easier to handle. But these 12 constellation car series, if you dispose of them, it will be a bit of trouble. This also restricts its sales.

In the United States, buying a car is really a daily expense of the family. According to the survey of some authoritative media organizations, an American will buy at least 3.7 cars in his life on average. After the age of 16, most of them will own their first car in their life. The price of this car will be cheaper. After they work, they will change a car. After they have a family, they will change another car. Every car's function and price will be different. And a family, of course, can not have so many cars. Where are these cars? In addition to the retirement age, the rest is to enter the second-hand market.

In the second-hand market, the more expensive the car, the better to sell. On the contrary, the more common the car, the better to sell, because it has a wide audience. For example, the Porsche sports car series is definitely not as good as the Honda Civic. Naturally, the 12 constellations car, which has more single use and more limited audience, how to replace it in the future has also become a consideration of many women.

After all, there are fewer people who want to buy a car. In this regard, Lin Feng is naturally anxious. He would never like to see Jessica's first plan come to nothing like this.

So Lin Feng came forward. When Lin Feng stood up, he immediately attracted all eyes. This originally all people have been staring at Lin Feng, want to see in this kind of cold situation, Lin Feng will do. Now Lin Feng stands up, just to satisfy the curious eyes of the public.

In the face of everyone's eyes, Lin Feng smiles and takes the microphone from Jessica.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I can see the word" satisfied "from your eyes. I want to ask, are you satisfied with the 12 constellation lady exclusive car only in terms of appearance and function?" Asked Lin Feng.

Many women nodded. In terms of appearance, these 12 constellation cars are different, but they are extremely fashionable and gorgeous. With the color changing system, they are enough to satisfy women's natural pickiness about appearance. As for the functions, they are all tailor-made for women. Naturally, they are more satisfied. If they are not satisfied, there is no car that can satisfy them more. Compared with men's pursuit of sports cars, women don't really like sports cars. They are not like men, like the wind and lightning, like the crazy roar of the engine, women's car is far less crazy than men.

The 12 constellation car can satisfy women in both appearance and function. What they are not satisfied with is the price. If it's only a few thousand dollars, I believe the order will be tens of times, even hundreds of times. But the price of $24000 is really a bit expensive.

"It seems that everyone likes this constellation car very much. The problem now is the price. " Lin Feng said with a smile, "so what are the factors that we consider about the price? Because I'm afraid I won't make it? "

Many ladies nodded. It's 24000 US dollars. It's to be paid in installments for one to three years. The monthly repayment amount is quite a lot. Although it's not a problem compared with the high salary in the United States, some people's life is difficult. They can only maintain the most basic demand for cars and can only take the place of others. That kind of car, generally speaking, can be solved within 2000 dollars. It's $24000, which is a bit out of reach for women with poor incomes.

After all, even if the United States is the world's largest power, there are still many poor people.

"In this regard, I would like to say that my second bank will provide full interest free loans to the 12 constellations. And increase the maximum loan term to 10 years! As you all know, the longest term of this auto loan is generally five years, and I will provide a full interest free 10-year loan! " Lin Feng announced, "this policy is not to help Chrysler promote sales and sell more cars, but to let women own their own cars. Cars belong not only to men, but also to women! "

Hiss! This many reporters a burst of exclamation. 10 years interest free loan, this is too exaggerated, do you still make money. It's interest free. How can the bank make money? Not only that, but also 10 years. As we all know, this car is a devalued commodity, so generally the longest loan period is five years. Lin Feng provides a 10-year loan, not to mention how much the car will depreciate after 10 years or five years. Well, isn't he afraid of breach of contract?

Many reporters exclaimed. But some of the women who have little money are excited. If it's divided by 10 years and interest free, they can buy a B-class car. It's specially made for women, which will make their life more pleasant. Moreover, from the aspect of appearance, this model is really gorgeous, which is in line with women's aesthetic standards. At present, there are dozens more orders, directly approaching 100 orders.

"It seems that there are other concerns, so is the concern that the husband does not agree?" Asked Lin Feng.

At this time, many women secretly nodded. Indeed, it's generally a man's business to buy a car. Although women will choose a car, they will eventually listen to men's opinions. When it comes to buying a car, a man's opinion is the key. Therefore, many housewives and family men will agree to buy this constellation car.

"Ha ha, about whether men agree or not, I want to say that this car is specially made for women. It is carefully tailored to make women's life easier and more comfortable. If a man really loves you, he will agree to buy a constellation car. Otherwise, if he doesn't, I will doubt whether he loves you so much. No matter what I want to say more, cars are not only exclusive to men, women also have the right to choose the car they like. In particular, this constellation car, which is made for women, has extremely powerful functions and can assist women in driving. Its safety protection for women is absolutely the top level! " Lin Feng said.

At this moment, many housewives have bright eyes.