"Deal!" Lin Feng burst out laughing, "your company offers such favorable terms, I have no reason not to agree."

Fabrice blieu and John Leahy looked at each other with a look of joy. They are sincere, but that doesn't mean Lin Feng will agree. Who would have thought that Lin Feng agreed so readily. The five billion dollar contract was completed in less than ten minutes. Raoshi John Leahy is a sales giant who has sold 5000 airplanes, but has never made a deal so quickly.

It's a bit unbelievable that the negotiation went well this time. But a deal is a good thing. Subsequently, the two sides agreed to officially hold a signing press conference three days later. In these three days, Airbus will come up with a complete contract for Lin Feng to see.

After seeing off Fabrice blieu and John Leahy, Lin Zhiling looks strange.

"Boss, this signing is too strange. They just want to deal with Boeing and the Asian market, so they don't have to give 20% of the shares in the second hand. Even if Airbus itself is not optimistic about its future prospects and needs to share risks, it will not give so many shares. " Lin Zhiling is hard to understand.

"Well, boss, there must be some reasons for this, which they didn't tell us." Natalie also agreed with Lin Zhiling, "Melissa, you are French. What do you think of this deal?"

Melissa was born in Paris, France. She is a French and a news presenter. What does she think of this?

"Boss, I think there must be a reason behind this‘ Airbus was jointly founded by the four countries. Before that, 20% of its shares were owned by baes. However, last year, with the repeated vote skipping of A380, the prospect of the company was unclear. Finally baes monopolized the 20% of its shares to EADS, giving it a 100% stake. Now it's sold to you again. There must be some secrets in it that we don't know very well! " Melissa can't know what's inside, but there must be something wrong with it.

"Boss, since there is a problem, why don't we delay signing the contract and wait for the investigation to be clear?" Lin Zhiling immediately proposed.

But Lin Feng waved his hand.

"No, this time Melissa, you will lead the signing, help me review the contract, and make sure there are no illegal or invisible terms in the contract. I'll sit and wait for the calculation behind them." Lin Feng insisted, "if you don't sign a contract, you don't know what's behind them. So, we signed a contract and waited for them here. "

Lin Feng is ready to wait. Wait for the plot behind this to surface.

The next day, Fabrice blieu came to talk to Lin Feng with his secretary and contract. After Melissa's review, the two sides had a detailed discussion on some details, such as payment time, down payment ratio and so on, and reached an agreement on the third day. On the fourth day, the two sides officially held a press conference to announce the heavy news.

Lin Feng has invested US $5 billion to acquire 20% of the shares of Airbus Industries, becoming the second largest shareholder of Airbus Industries. At the same time, Lin Feng has become the spokesperson of Airbus Industries in Asia and the executive president of its Asian Division. The announcement of this news directly shocked the world.

Boeing has always been the only giant in aviation. Any airline can't compete with Boeing, and any competitor will be swept out easily under the strong strength and absolute market share of Boeing‘ Airbus is the only competitor with a little challenge qualification. However, the outside world is not very optimistic about it. Although the A380 has been officially put into use and started to sail, it is a question whether it can challenge the dominance of the Boeing 747 and the upcoming Boeing 787. Most people are not optimistic about Airbus.

But at this time, Lin Feng got a foot in it, which made people a little confused. Lin Feng has nothing to do with airlines. Although he owns Air Canada, it doesn't mean that you have to own an aircraft R & D company in disguise! There is no absolute connection between the two. Then why did Lin Feng get involved? Why? For Lin Feng's decision, the outside world is not the brain.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Feng should not go to this muddy water, which is totally unnecessary. In particular, the financial situation of Airbus in the future may not necessarily be hot with the listing of Airbus A380. These are two completely different concepts. It doesn't make sense to say that for the purpose of national level, we should cooperate with Airbus to help the Chinese government get the best aero engines in Europe. After all, according to the current situation announced by both sides, Lin Feng is not involved in the actual processing and manufacturing, except for obtaining 20% of the shares, an honorary director, a supervisor, and the Asia CEO. That is to say, Lin Feng is not in direct contact with Airbus's manufacturing plants. In this case, how can Lin Feng help the Chinese government get Advanced Aero Engines?

Is it really just to ensure the interests of Airbus in Asia and to counter Boeing's global strength, as both sides said at the press conference? The outside world is talking about it. At the moment, Boeing also held an emergency board meeting to discuss the possible harm to Boeing after the cooperation between Airbus and Lin Feng.

"In the Asian market, I'm afraid the main goal of their cooperation this time is to focus on the Asian market. We should speed up the layout of the Asian market, especially the Chinese market, and speed up the cooperation with Chinese airlines to avoid being preempted by Airbus! " Philippe condy, chairman and CEO of Boeing, raised his voice.

Philip condi is deeply threatened by Airbus's sudden cooperation with Lin Feng. Especially for Lin Feng, he is extremely scared. Lin Feng, who has created a series of miracles, is almost invincible in business. What kind of threat will the cooperation between him and Airbus bring to Boeing this time? Will it directly threaten Boeing's global monopoly?

At present, according to Boeing's statistics on the global aircraft market, in the next 20 years, the global aircraft market orders will exceed 3.3 trillion US dollars! This is an extremely huge market, and this market has been instinctively brought into the bag by Boeing. Digesting this market will enable Boeing to get more long-term development and consolidate its existing market position.

But now, Lin Feng suddenly put in a horizontal stick, in case this market share was stirred yellow by Lin Feng, it would be troublesome.

"President, I don't think we need to pay too much attention to the Chinese market for the time being. After all, in terms of medium and short distance travel, our aircraft has more advantages than Airbus. At present, China's market is dominated by medium and short distance travel. In this market, Airbus's aircraft can't compare with us. What we need to worry about now is the medium and long distance civil aircraft market. Airbus A380 is the largest aircraft on the market at present. As far as the current display report is concerned, its comfort is better than that of our Boeing 747. The open cabin allows even economy class passengers to get great comfort. At present, the biggest demand for COSCO aircraft in the Asian market is not the Chinese market, but the Arab market, as well as the Japanese and Korean markets. The market of Japan and South Korea is now saturated. Most of the airplanes they use are our Boeing series. Therefore, we mainly want to seize the Arab market! " The company's chief operating officer said.

Philip condi nodded at the words.

"Well, our target is the Arab market. I heard that Emirates is willing to replace a batch of aircraft recently, and the total value is estimated to be as high as $90 billion. If we can get this order, we can give Airbus a blow. Tomorrow, I'm leaving for the United Arab Emirates. As for the Chinese market, it is up to you to follow up. Although Lin Feng is very popular in China, this country is a socialist country, and its main voice is not in the market, not in the hands of those airlines, but in the hands of local government officials. You should deal with more local officials and let them choose our company. If necessary, we can help them contact several American cities and sign friendly city agreements as chips to choose our Boeing company Philip condi ordered.

Lin Feng does have a lot of power in China, but fortunately, China is such a unique country that it can ignore Lin Feng's great influence in China. If we win the Arab market and then the Chinese market, then Airbus will not be able to compete with Boeing. As for Lin Feng, that would be the biggest joke. Boeing will be the first company in the world to beat Lin Feng.

This victory will not only make Boeing get amazing profits, but also make it famous in history books. Boeing can't miss such a good thing of fame and wealth. Soon, Boeing split up. Led by Philip condi himself, a direct flight was made to the United Arab Emirates. On the other hand, led by chief operating officer Dennis mierenberg, he flew directly to China and negotiated with the three major Chinese airlines and several local airlines to negotiate the order agreement of Boeing aircraft.

At this time, Lin Feng finally waited for the "conspiracy" behind the deal. Of course, it's a bit inappropriate to say that there is a conspiracy. To be exact, it should be another introduction. Everything before this is to pave the way for this introduction!