What is happiness? Are you happy?

This topic, interviewing a lot of people, will get countless answers. Everyone's happiness is different. But from the perspective of human biological instinct, macro happiness is the same. As the ancients said - eat well, drink well, wear warm, do not worry about tomorrow. This is a kind of happiness. Although this kind of happiness is relatively simple and materialistic, it is even superficial in the eyes of some scholars.

But from the perspective of Lin Feng, the more superficial, the more obvious, and the more sought after by the public. Are those unreachable, high-end, grand and high-grade happiness really what ordinary people want? For the vast majority of ordinary people, happiness is the wife and children hot Kang, that's all. Maybe it will ask for more, but it will never be a lofty concept of happiness like the happiness of all mankind and social harmony.

In order to achieve this basic happiness, Lin Feng thinks that it is enough for the common people to eat cheap, healthy and safe food, drink mellow and cheap wine, and have a stable job. This is a kind of happiness. In some people's eyes, it is very difficult to do this, but in Lin Feng's eyes, it is not so difficult. If we plant a large area, we can definitely reduce the price of vegetables. Especially with scientific planting technology, as long as the weather is not too bad, the price of vegetables is absolutely not high. Then reduce the intermediate logistics link, so that the price of vegetables can directly reach the supermarket from the farmers' hands and enter the consumers' hands, and the cost of this intermediate link will be greatly reduced.

As for the health situation, although it is more complicated, as long as we do not spray pesticides excessively and do not make money without conscience, then the health situation will be very good. It is not extravagant for the common people to eat cheap food. Now that I have taken over edible oil, I am forced to take over Shuanghui ham sausage, which has stepped into the catering industry step by step. In addition to its own Fengshen restaurant, what it cooks now is mainly Chinese food, and what it needs is all kinds of Chinese raw materials. Therefore, it is inevitable to buy a large amount of land in the future to invest in planting all kinds of vegetables and fruits. It can even be taken for granted.

Therefore, it is not difficult to lower prices, at least in the vegetable basket, so that people can enjoy the benefits. Of course, we need to cooperate with supermarkets. And with a set of mature logistics cooperation company. Of course, for logistics companies, Lin Feng owns Fengshen express, which makes use of Fengshen express to continue its operation and maintain its absolute dominance in China.

The cultivation, transportation, and sales of food raw materials can give back to the society, and at the same time, earn reasonable remuneration, as well as a good reputation in the hearts of the people. In Lin Feng's view, this is an industrial chain, a perfect industrial chain.

"By the way, boss, about real estate, Yang Huiyan from country garden has been waiting for you. See her? " Lin Zhiling asked.

Yang Huiyan! She must have come to inquire about the profit of the "housing for all" project. As for this, Lin Feng can only say that it is the wishful thinking of Yang Guoqiang, the founder of country garden. He never said that he would use the money to invest, which is purely his own imagination. Anyway, I have to meet Yang Huiyan.

With the command of Lin Feng, I soon met Yang Huiyan in the office.

"Miss Yang, I've kept you waiting. I'm sorry to have taken so much trouble with what happened some time ago. " Lin Feng said politely. Although some time ago, Yang Huiyan didn't help her with her disappearance, it was a matter of ability and had nothing to do with the attitude of the other party. At least in terms of attitude, Yang Huiyan is still very nervous about her disappearance. Although more because of their disappearance is related to country garden.

"Mr. Lin, we are grasshoppers on a rope now, and none of us can do without anyone. In the matter of" building houses for all ", at present, this profit can not meet the needs of our company. Especially this year, our company is seeking to go public. We need to look better on our financial statements. " Yang Huiyan glanced at Lin Feng and saw that Lin Feng was calm. She couldn't help sneering, "Mr. Lin, maybe you don't pay attention to this benefit. What you care more about is your reputation and your reputation. But for us, if we don't have benefits, we can't operate at all. Our family is so poor that we can't stand the storm outside

"Miss Yang, how can you talk?" Lin Zhiling was listening in and couldn't help it. That's too bad to say.

"How do I talk? Don't talk like this. Mr. Lin has a big family and a big business. Naturally, he doesn't care about this interest. However, country garden is a small real estate company. It has just started and is still waiting for listing. If there is no profit, how can we survive? How can we support so many workers? " Yang Huiyan's series of firecrackers aimed directly at Lin Feng.

Lin Zhiling still wants to argue, but she is stopped by Lin Feng.

"Miss Yang seems to be very angry with me, but one thing I have to clarify is that I never said that I would use the 350 billion yuan to make money. I never said that. You can call your father about that. " Lin Feng explained, "as for why he misunderstood, I think it may be related to your practice of real estate development. Usually it is to raise funds to get land, and then use the land to get loans, and then start building real estate. After that, we can borrow another piece of land from this real estate and use the bank's money to make money again and again. You've always run like this, but for me, it's not. I have always used my own money to invest in real estate, never through the bank for transfer. So your father may have misunderstood my business model because of the convention! "

Yang Huiyan is stunned when she hears the words. If it's really like what Lin Feng said, it's really no wonder that Lin Feng has done it. After all, it was a misunderstanding, a wonderful misunderstanding of my father. But if not, why would Lin Feng rather offend so many real estate companies and make the whole world hostile, but launch this "comprehensive housing" plan? It's not logical. Why do you do things that don't make money? Is it really for people's livelihood and public praise? Yang Huiyan can't believe it.

"I talked with your father about making profits. In fact, we can adopt a low profit policy or even a zero profit policy. We just need to support our workers and managers in the process of building houses, and cultivate our workers' professional and technical ability and the management's multi-party negotiation and cooperation ability through other people's funds. As for the profitability, it is completely put on the later service. For example, property management fees, such as the late maintenance of the whole property, and the biggest consumption item of the owner after the purchase of the house - decoration. These are the directions we can make profits. " Lin Feng went on to expound his point of view.

In the long run, Lin Feng doesn't think that he will make less money than selling a house at a high price. Maybe there is very little money right now, but selling a house is a one-off business, and the later service is long-term, long-term, even with the owner's life. And this decoration is not just a decoration. Generally speaking, a family will be decorated once every 15-20 years on average. After all, this is basically a generation. And only if you have reputation and technology, then the owners will come to you for decoration.

In this respect, most owners believe in acquaintances. So, if you have a good reputation, you can make a lot of money. And this is Lin Feng's so-called profit source! But obviously, Yang Huiyan can't accept it!