2008 is the Olympic Games, which is China's top priority. Before that, Mr. Wen believed that peace and stability would be the key to everything. In the distraction of Mr. Wen and Mr. Xi, the two sides have completed a simple exchange.

In fact, this visit is not complicated. Pope Francis has decided to establish diplomatic relations with China, so this visit is just a passing. After establishing diplomatic relations, the two sides began to have dinner. After dinner and a short rest, Pope Francis will be ready to leave China for a direct flight to the Vatican, and then announce the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two sides and the break of diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

"Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Holy See, I would like to express my gratitude for the establishment of diplomatic relations with China. This is the first time that two countries with a long history have established diplomatic relations with the Holy See. This is the first time that the world's most populous country and the largest religion have established diplomatic relations in thousands of years. This will turn a new page for mankind. The establishment of diplomatic relations this time will be noted in history books! " Pope Francis sighed, "it will be a blessing for all mankind! In particular, next year is 2008, the Beijing Beijing Olympic Games will be held soon. Before the Centennial Olympic Games, the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between the two millennium old countries and the holy see is of historic significance! This will be a landmark event in the 21st century

Many gentlemen nodded. Indeed, two countries with a long history have established diplomatic relations for the first time in this millennium. This is indeed worthy of a special book in the history of mankind. Especially before the Centennial Olympic Games, this is a beautiful thing. This is of great benefit to both sides.

For the Holy See, if it formally establishes diplomatic relations with the most populous country, it can really get official support to carry out missionary work. Its believers will thrive in a country with the largest population and a lack of faith. The number of followers may exceed 2 billion for the first time.

For China, the establishment of diplomatic relations with the holy see is conducive to the promotion of China's positive image in the West. More than 20 years ago, the image of the Chinese people in the minds of foreign people has always been similar to that of the Qing Dynasty. Everyone has a braid in the back of his head and is extremely old-fashioned. His clothes are always very rustic color, giving people a feeling of gray. In the past two decades, with China's reform and opening up and rapid economic development, China's impression on the West has changed, but it is not a good one.

Chinese people have money, which is the first impression of all Westerners on Chinese people. In this western tourist destination, the first target of all thieves is the Chinese. Because the Chinese people will carry a lot of cash with them. They will steal (ROB) one by one. In the eyes of these thieves, the Chinese people are the hens who lay golden eggs.

The Chinese are uncivilized. This is the common sense of the western people towards the Chinese people. People who are noisy in public places, as long as they are in high-end places, must be Chinese. Although these black people also love to make a lot of noise, they generally don't have money to go to high-end places, and the black people who can go to high-end places are usually very educated people who will never make a lot of noise in public. Only China can do that.

They not only love to make noise in public places, throw paper scraps and spit, but also are a common sense sense of the Chinese people to the western people. In this regard, the national government is also a headache. Great efforts have also been made to guide them in this regard. However, some of the bad habits that the people have developed over the years can never be changed. In fact, it's hard to change. Because teaching by example is like crossing the road at a red light. In this class, the teacher has been educating the students to stop at the red light and go at the green light. They should take the crosswalk when crossing the road and not cross the road.

But in fact, children are willing to comply, but parents are not. Being dragged by parents for several times to run the red light like this, the teacher's words will be ignored. When they come to their parents' generation, they will be able to educate their children in this way. Generation after generation, bad habits have been taught by words and deeds.

After the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Vatican, the negative image in this respect will be somewhat restored. Moreover, with the official promotion of the church in China, many people will go to religion. This is helpful for social stability and harmony. Moreover, the most important thing is to break diplomatic relations with Taiwan and the Gulf, which will help China recover Taiwan. Before that, Lin Feng had forced the United States to recognize that Taiwan Bay belonged to China, although the United States was still protecting and helping Taiwan Bay. But in the broad sense, if the United States wants to send troops to protect Taiwan Bay, it's a bit of an unknown source. Under normal circumstances, if China really wants to recover Taiwan Bay by force, the United States may instigate the United Nations to send troops, that is, European countries to jointly send troops to defend Taiwan Bay.

But now Taiwan and the Vatican have broken off diplomatic relations. Without the support of the Vatican, European countries will be a little worried about sending troops. As long as the Vatican spreads some unfavorable comments on Taiwan and Taiwan, it will hardly take much effort to recover Taiwan and Taiwan by force. Of course, it won't take much effort to recover Taiwan Bay. But the aftermath will be a problem. However, it's a long time to consider this issue. After all, military recovery is the next policy.

"I am very glad that China has established diplomatic relations with our church. And here, I must thank one person, that is our church friend - Lin Feng, Mr. Lin! " Pope Francis stood up formally, "I don't think I would have stood here without Mr. Lin's help, nor would I have welcomed this handshake between the two ancient countries. Here, on behalf of the Holy See, I hope to establish a permanent friendship with Lin Feng and become a permanent friend! "

All the gentlemen were surprised. Then there was an ugly look. What does Francis mean by that? This is clearly for the forest wind platform, support for the forest wind. In front of these nine gentlemen, give Lin Feng the platform. Is this a challenge? Is this Lin Feng showing off? Show off his overseas background, show off his potential strength?

Lin Feng was also a little surprised. But it's not too strange. I was surprised and passed by. Anyway, it's a good thing, isn't it! I'm in China. To be honest, the so-called backers are Mr. Wen and Mr. Xi. Although these two backers are good, it's hard to avoid that other students will want to embarrass themselves and find some trouble for themselves. With the support of a pope, although he is a foreign power, he will make himself feel better. After all, as far as I'm concerned, I'm not sure that I'll offend a certain gentleman one day and make friends. In case that at the end of the day, I'm really in a state of deadlock, and the talks between the two sides fall apart completely, it can also be regarded as a talisman.

Mr. Wen and Mr. Xi are helpless. Now, I'm afraid the relationship between Lin Feng and these other gentlemen is completely hard to heal. For these gentlemen, they have never been called in such a face-to-face manner. It would be strange if they did not respond to such a naked clamor. Fortunately, before 2008, there should be no big deal. Of course, it's hard to say after 2008.

Lin Feng, in particular, has a big wedding knot. Mr. Wen has a headache when he thinks about 2008.

Then Pope Francis got up and left. Lin Feng naturally accompanied him to the airport to see off Francis. As a result, when seeing Lin Feng off, Pope Francis and other gentlemen just shook hands and said goodbye, but gave Lin Feng a big gift. Such a differential treatment makes many teachers even more embarrassed. I hate Lin Feng very much.

"Lao Xi, do you think the Pope of Francis is supporting Lin Feng or blocking him. Is there such a differential treatment? " Mr. Wen sighed.

"Well, I really don't know. As far as the information we have is concerned, these two people had nothing to do with each other before Lin Feng went to the Vatican. After going to the Vatican, their relationship suddenly became closer. Among them, Pope Benedict XVI died of illness. Although the cause of death belongs to normal death, it is somewhat intriguing to think about it Mr. Xi sighed.

"Well, it seems that there will be a lot of trouble in the future. I just hope everything goes well. Before you take office, I hope everything goes smoothly. " Mr. Wen sighed.

This is escorted by Lin Feng. To be honest, I'm really tired. This guy can be a little overwhelming sometimes. Fortunately, his term of office is coming to an end. After that, it's up to Mr. Xi to deal with the headache. After that, I can't help myself to have a headache. Thinking of this, Mr. Wen relaxed again.

"Ah, ah, Mr. Wen, it's not kind of you. You can't give up like that. I can't stand this little guy alone. " Mr. Xi's eyes turned white.

But Mr. Wen burst out laughing.

"It's all right, Mr. Wen. I'll go." Lin Feng said hello and was ready to leave.

"Wait, don't hurry, boy, don't hurry! It's rare for you to come here. I don't know when to catch you next time. I have something for you. Let's go and have a drink together Mr. Wen holds Lin Feng.

"Well, what's the matter?" Lin Feng stretched, "can I have a rest for a while?"

"No! When you have a good rest, people slip away again. It's too much trouble trying to find you. Either you'll come with us now, or we'll let the guard carry you! " Mr. Wen snorted.

Lin Feng was speechless. In the face of unreasonable Mr. Wen, he had to surrender.

"Well, I'll go with you! Who made you the boss? " Lin Feng looks aggrieved.

"Don't be pathetic here!" Mr. Xi glared at Lin Feng, "OK, let's go. Today, we'll treat you to some old wine, which can't be bought outside. It's made in my hometown. "

"Hey, if it's good, I'll have more packing later. Nowadays, there are not many real aged wines! " Lin Feng laughs.

The two gentlemen shook their heads in silence.